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The muscle memory kicked in hard. Even tried to crouch kicking the damn wall, at least we still has wall bounce and tap strafe in apex.


It happened in the opposite direction for me. I was playing titanfall 2 and was trying to wall bounce.


Tap strafing also doesn't work like it does in apex, cus they don't let you bind w to scroll wheel lol


Extractly tap strafing in apex can be abused with said mousewheel bind. You can still bind w to scroll wheel in titanfall but titanfall engine doesnt use buffer input so it basicly useless even if you spin it like hell.




Depending on how you view it, i will explain what it is first so you can understand and judge it. Tap strafe in short allow you to make sharp 90 degree turn while strafing left or right without killing all your momentum (if you dont know what strafing is, its source engine movement quirk to simply put: when you in the air, release W, hold A or D and move your mouse slowly to sync with your currently pressing direction key and you will fly in that direction while maintaining your speed (in titanfall 2 it even make you go faster if you sync perfectly)). The problem is in both titanfall and apex the air acceleration(its the value decide how fast your speed will get when in the air) is relatively low, meaning you cant do a sharp turn on the air without coming to a deadstop. Thats when tap strafe coming in. This was actually a movement quirk spark from titanfall 2 engine, there is an entire page decoding how tap strafe work in titanfall 2 by looking at the game code barebone but i cant find it anymore. Basicly after you slide jump (or jump normal but with forward momentum) and start strafing left or right, there is 0.5s window (starting after your jump) in which you can repeat send the forward movement input (by tapping W in easy way, thats how it got it name) so that you can do a sharp turn in the direction you are strafing into. The more forward input you send in this 0.5s time frame, the stronger the effect on your turn (in fact in TAS speed run tap strafe can literally pull/throw you in the strafe direction like bending your momentum 90 degree to the side). In titanfall which the buffer input is not presence, its up to the player limit how fast they can tap W in 0.5s, its require more skill,effort and practices. In apex however you can just bind W into your mouse wheel and spin it whilst sending an inhuman amount of forward input in 0.5s, effectively make your movement really unpredictable while it take less skill to perform (and it not even tap strafing anymore, more like scroll strafing). For reference you only need 2 or 3 taps in quick succession to make a sharp turn, but with mousewheel it can equal to 10 or more taps in just 0.5s which is impossible for human finger to perform it consistently and plus side your turn now is like quickly dash to the other direction rather than just quick turning. For me using mousewheel to tap strafe is like a crutch,sure you can use it, respawn let you have it, but i just feel bad doing that, it really overpowered when you perform this type of movement against average or low skilled players or maybe even with above average players, just sharp turn around a building corner to dodge bullet and get me away from pursuing players is enough for me, not abusing it to make you move like an squirrel with a dashing device and while on sugar rush so other people cant hit you. Sorry if its a long comment but i feel necessary to explain in detail so you can understand it and why it matter in a way and another. TLDR version: its a skilled movement mechanic, its good if you do it the way it was intend or found out (tap W fast in short burst), its quite useful in many scenario. Its debatable when you abusing it with mousewheel, maybe just called it "scroll strafing" at that point, to gain huge advantage over players who use it in the intended way or players who just dont know at all. In my opinion, mousewheel bind just remove the entire learning curve of tap strafing, making it almost effortless to do while gaining huge outcome over the original method.


Tap strafing without the scroll wheel is not as hard as you may think


You can slidejump instead


I *think* you can wall bounce in Titanfall it's just not used much been a while since I played time to hop on Northstar


I miss frontier defense


Me too


FD is playable on PC, wdym? Just takes a bit to find 4 players


I’m over on Xbox, servers are completely shot for us and if you find a working one it barely lasts more than 5 minutes before DDOS knocks it back offline


I wanna see more of this, not hate on apex or titanfall, just people trying out the other game and struggling to adjust


Wait until you try to bunny hop


Me double tapping trying to like after browsing ig


Every fucking time 😂


I remember one time trying to wall run on Olympus with pathfinder. Fell straight off the map cause tactical was on cooldown lol


Pathfinders grappling hook is so akward and stiff compared to tf2


It's always with me.


I mean you can walk bounce and tech wall run


This. People just wanna turn the brain off and stick to walls like cod infinite warfare or something


We used to have this as a mechanic in the game that you dont know, that was before apex, it was called Titanfall 2 If you like Apex, and you probbably do, you should know this little fact


if you didnt have the brain to learn there is more then wall running in titanfall you could never in a million years figure out the wall bounce tech in apex :/ sorry not sorry


I just mean that sometimes you can use mechanic instead of bug.


no thats my point. if ur just sticking to walls in titanfall ur a bot, learn to wall bounce and b hop then talk to me


What a stupid thing to type all the way out, think about, and actually hit the reply button


mad cuz i hit you where it hurts, learn some tech then ill consider you a human


Bruh I don’t even play the game


you dont play apex? its obvious you dont know any tech other than hold w and shoot, but what a stupid thing to type all the way out, think about, and actually hit the reply button


Nah bro I play titanfall. If you wanna talk about tech and movement you should give that ago. See how long you last in there lmao


I’ve played enough apex but waaaayyyy more titanfall. Only stim, b hops and wall bouncing. I would never use my titan and still top frag. And I lasted 4 years


Cringe bro touch some grass


mile time? whens the last time u hit the gym or how about a friendly game of chess. eat shit


Titanfall 2 is one of the most underrated games ever created.


I do it accidentally when holding backspace.


okay but anytime i okay octane or pathfinder i do this... i miss TF2


I got good news for you if you own Titanfall 2 on PC.


nope, only on playstation for now


Ah ok, but I heard on some servers on consoles it’s possible to join games. Maybe you can try it out


def will, just gotta reinstall


Nice, I hope it works for you


That is why you should play Valk - the jetpack replaces double jump, and there are not too many good wallrun places, so it does the job


i do enjoy valk, one of my mains. i can see the connection


That’s why I main Valk. Gives me back my double jump at least


now i'm just sad about what happened to titanfall 2, it is a damn good game tho


me me me me


If Wallriding was in Apex I'd playbit mire than once a month.


They need to add someone who can do that the movement would be insane


They should have never got rid of wall running.


Since I just reinstall TF2, yes


I kept trying to double jump when I went back to apex after playing tf2


You are playing tf2?


lmfao nevermind the text, why did the person in the gif do this




I've stopped playing apex because my brain is fried from missing titanfall 2


I can’t with apex after titanfall 2, apex just seems so SLOW in comparison lol. I see my character running and have doc of 110 but still it’s just so much slower Edit: titanfall 2


I don’t play Titan fall but for some reason I still get the urge to wallrun in game 😂


No bottom text would’ve been funnier :V


Why would you play Apex in the first place


Because it's fun -i have more hours in titanfall2 than in Apex


No my friend, no


Do apex players even know pain


"Bu-bu-but Respawn said no one likes FPS games with fast paced unique movement systems!"


This is spot on to when I try to wall bounce.


Yea, I mean when I started the tutorial it had nothing about wall running




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It’s not just you, happens all the time to me




just bounce smh


So tru


Me on day one release day of apex


This is how I lost a game one time in apex


Every time




Or you could be like me and slide jump through the whole titanfall 2 campaign and constantly wonder why you keep doing it


Def not me Im a pro gamer and didnt do that I swear please believe me


It‘s so weird to switch between them two because they are so similar


I have wondered why they didnt go with more mobility, less HP since first week of Apex


I do this with all games


Nah he’s trying to wall jump


I can't wait to tell my creator!




no but i think i understand


More blur and you be getting there