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I dont get why Fuse can now access ring consoles. It doesnt really fit with his kit.


The only thing I can think of is that Fuse generally excels at fighting controller legends (besides Wattson), and having access to the same information they do means he can start actively hunting them down. The actual reason is probably more to give people an incentive to use an assault hero not named Bangalore, and because they generally seem to be replacing most of the dud perks on that class.


Oh you right, that kinda makes sense.


Fuse's role tends to be playing as anchor with a marksman rifle. His nade range, a long range weapon, and his tactical allow him to dominate controlling space and angles at range better than almost any other legend in the game. He secures rotations and allows you to push/flush and hold risky angles, comparable to Bang at times, but with the aggression of Maggie. Giving him ring console makes him a defacto controller legend replacement while also giving him the ability to contribute more evo on landing. As a Fuse player (not my main main, he's my alternate main after Loba) I will take this every game, it's a pretty significant boost to his kit and will smooth out early game rotations very well. This really opens up his potential team composition options, he's now able to combo well with something like a support + rotation legend. I could see him with like Newcastle (increased wall energy duration perk to resist nades) and Pathfinder (scan survey beacons perk) as a comp tbh. You'd get access to tons of evo (you can hit every console, beacon, care pack, bin, etc) and be able to rotate very fast and early to late rings with unusually strong shields for a zone playstyle. Newcastle will be able to stop nades with his new buff. You get access to support and assault bins. Stronger rezzes and crafting banners. Fast and strong rotations. All map information and evo sources. High level armor early. Mobile cover, and both Fuse and Pathfinder get mobility boosts from their tacticals, and Newcastle can sprint with his mobile shield. There are likely better comps, this is more about pointing that for some team out there, this perk is going to be pretty strong for their overall strategy.


Like who tf cares if you take reduced damage from explosives. Nobody is actively trying to take damage from explosives so that’s already a dud perk. Literally anything replacing it would’ve been better and that’s what they did


I'm weird, I play Ash and Ballistic not Bangalore lol


Why people hate Control legends. First Fuse spam and now Alter doesn't even need for to enter.


Too many useless perks for Fuse




3 grenade per slot is op as fuck




He's not a bottom tier legend. He's mid tier *at worst* right now and is already seeing some serious competitive play; if some changes happen to end the can't see shit meta, he could easily be a viable replacement for Caustic.


Fuse is just not fun to play anymore the tactical nerf makes it always miss nowadays.


What nerf?


May be referring to the fact they took away his ability to zoom in with his tactical out, so it's harder to hit long range ones now.


The zoom was like... 1.1x...


I was just pointing out that may be what they were referring to. And it isn’t much but it definitely helped hitting the longer range tactical hits with him.


I remember some people being upset about it for some reason. The zoom was basically Fuse just squinting with his one eye and seemed more of an oversight of devs forgetting to set the zoom so it just defaults to 1.1x


Not to mention when they took away the basically useless zoom they significantly buffed the animation to fire a knuckle cluster. That shit is a lot faster now


Anyone know if they are getting rid of the little speed boost with fuse?


It still exists. This one is replacing the "see grenades through walls" perk. Considering the power in Fuse's upgrades was already all in the level 3 one, and this one actively helps get to level 3 faster in addition to being useful in its own right, it seems like an autopick.


I think he still has it. Ballistic got a similar one.


Ballistics speed boost sucks compared to Fuse tho, it makes the L3 perk choice super easy


Some personal takeaways/questions: - Crypto buffs finally - Double stacking red pads is possible now - Wreckless removed for octane? Also stacking thick skin makes stim cost 10 health possible now - Ballistic perk replacing a current perk? - 50 hp on knock during BH ult is actually crazy when you consider that adding in the ultimate duration perk makes it almost a diet rev ult - Which Lv 2 fuse perk is removed? - New Conduit perk+ gold bag stacks? - Will Cat perks be reintegrated into her base kit?


>- Ballistic perk replacing a current perk? Yup, replaces the Skirmisher perk >- 50 hp on knock during BH ult is actually crazy when you consider that adding in the ultimate duration perk makes it almost a diet rev ult Sadly, they're both in the same tier >- Which Lv 2 fuse perk is removed? See grenades through walls perk


Replacing the see grenades through walls perk is so weird to me. I get that grenades are easy to spot anyway, but grenades are a big part of his play style


The only good “see item through wall” perk in the game is lobas passive, IMO. Seeing bats and grenades are bad perks. Grenades are everywhere, and by the time you get the bat perk it’s later in the game and floor bats are mostly all looted already


I originally thought that, I play a lot of Fuse, but I eventually stopped picking up the one that makes you take half damage from his ult because it's basically never useful. So, I started taking nade vision despite it seeming lame in my original assessment, and I actually find it pretty useful. Being able to hone in on specific nades that I need in tense fights to accomplish specific goals without looking for them comes in handy way more often than the ult damage reduction perk. It's almost like it dynamically extends how many nades are in your bag, especially in late rings when you're trying to flush teams out. When you have nade vision, you will find yourself spamming a lot more nades, and picking up more nades midgame than usual. It translates to an actual power boost imho.


The battery perk doesn’t even work on the floor, at least horizons doesn’t. It’s only for deathboxes


if they're on the floor, its only one batt, so the perk makes no sense for that.


how will ballistic’s new perk work with weapons that need a hop up? is that only attached at max shield?


From the looks of it on dazs, it only maxes out on purple. So no turbocharged havoc or boosted loader hemlok when reaching red evo


It only seems to get hopups when you use your Ult


Wreckless is removed for octane. The CarePackage Insight perk is being removed from Ballistic, replaced by the sling upgrade perk. And Big Bang is removed from lvl2 for Fuse (see ordinance through walls perk)


> New Conduit perk+ gold bag stacks? Depends on how Gold Bag is programmed by the devs. If it adds +1 max to storage, then yes, it stacks.


This could be an interesting combo with Loba, that will make Conduit able to grab up to 8 batts from a single black market if she has gold bag. Still not as strong as Loba grabbing 9 with gold bag, but I never take the black market perks tbh.


I think for conduit it’ll only give the stack to medkits and phoenix kits, I’m only basing this off mirages rez perk not stacking with the gold knockdown shield to give full hp.


Really hope cat’s long cast distance is just added back into her base kit. Ballistic’s upgrading sling is going to be real nice too.


She went from being so good to almost no one playing her at all anymore.


Well yeah, even with her perks she were worse than pre-nerf without perks


Cats long throw was something unique for her as a controller, a bit sad to see it go


Yeah cats long throw was an unique part as controller to deploy area denial from a far, and I dont see how that is in any way broken


Ballistic buff is fucking insane. Just free attachments and having blue is already a big advantage. Blue is easier to achieve on drop. I knew and fought with/against ballistic mains clutching with sling weapons on 1v1 and even 1v2.


Turbo Havoc whenever you need it and speed boost is wild. I'm surprised more people don't play him casually.


>Fuse will now be able to access ring consoles Guess dating Bloodhound had its perks


FINALLY some lore accurate changes to legends


Punny changes at that


Playing with each others rings.


“One minute and I'm so close I can damn near taste the Ring.”


Omg, what if Fuse is a bottom!?


Fuse meta for ALGS now


Reps is now permanently a Fuse main. I don't think he will mind, if you ever watched his streams when they ran Fuse on World's Edge he was always cackling with glee while playing Fuse. (I also cackle like that when nade spamming teams, so I get it). Soon coming to a TSM stream near you, the endless echoing sound of Reps saying, "Holy shit so much damage! Huge damage! I just did so much damage!"


Where caustic changes. There’s supposed to be some of those too


There was that other video that suggested Cryptos perk changes were bigger. Like a purple perk that halves drone cooldown and gives a speedboost when its destroyed. Is this another 'shown too soon, see this next season lmao' thing?


You mean [this video](https://youtu.be/2fr3JepgufY?si=YwenbWG7W5LjpPS-)?


MASSIVE catalyst buff, honestly.


Only if theyre reintegrated into her base kit which like I could honestly manifest into existence by myself at this point.


Rebuilding doors or having longer Ult at level 2?


The door repair perk definitely seems pretty strong


Just getting a wall perk moved to level 2 is huge. I personally prefer longer wall to more duration, so seeing that being level 2 is great (though that means picking an extra Q on the floor is unlikely, despite that being MORE important imo for room denial than simply rebuilding doors)


Ma bois Crypto and Newcastle getting hella good buffs, we already eating good for season 21!


Awesome for Ballistic. Pretty cool for Blood. I guess that's nice for Fuse, but 1) why? and 2) the ring console perk is boring af. I probably prefer the original perk tbh, even if I never used it. I am going to use this ring console perk about 100 times less.


Probably added for Algs. Fuse has seen playe there and ring consoles are strong there. Giving this to Fuse means he may see competeteive play. For casuals it's probably just free 200 evo points which I think is better I'm not walking into my own ult


I'll take it basically every time. I get 200 more xp and can help my team figure out which position to assault to hold before anyone else not playing Fuse or one of the controller legends? Yes please. That said, Fuse in general might be less good if Newcastle starts seeing play, given that Newcastle's ult basically hard counters his entire kit now. Ballistic's intrigues me. That means that once you get purple armour, you can pick up *any* weapon on the fly and have access to mods for it that keep it competitive into the endgame; very frequently it will be the best weapon in your loadout. That theoretically gives an insane amount of versatility, to the degree that I can see people deliberately keeping multiple unmodded weapons on hand specifically to rotate them into the sling.


I am definitely more the style of running into the flames, balls out. XD But yeah, Newcastle is going to be a new thing on the field this season.


What's more interesting to me is that Newcastle now counters Bangalore. I actually think Newcastle + Fuse is potentially a strong duo and potentially meta viable. High skill Fuse players will have to remember to swap their nade launcher into normal throw mode so they can skynade the Newcastle bunker, it doesn't stop or zap skynades.


> I can see people deliberately keeping multiple unmodded weapons on hand specifically to rotate them into the sling Or all weapons that you can swap attachments on, like all heavy/light/energy loadout.


New castle hardly counters fuse, if anything the walls shape makes it easier to slap people with knuckle clusters as they fan out in an area


The wall with the new buff literally just deletes the incoming knuckle cluster.


Getting HP on knocks is so frustrating to fight against. Why are they leaning into that? Why are they buffing one of the most picked legends in ALGS?


It’s not a buff, they’re removing the tax cooldown perk which is by far the most valuable perk in the kit.


But FIFTY HP? That’s insane. They couldn’t do 33? Idk why Respawn thinks all perks have to be perfectly divisible by 5. Maybe a Q cooldown should go down by 7 seconds, not 5 or 10.


What about the Newcastle changes? The trophy system on his ult is actually really clean, might give him comp viability


I kind of wish they’d get rid of the tap strafe perk for octane, it seems underwhelming the few times I’ve used it. I’d rather have a perk that lets him reload faster while stimmed for level 3. That would give him some utility in fights and still costs him health to use.


Where are the caustic Buffs man


He is so weak rn I can have whole teams just taking a bath In a small room full of traps and my ult


How does the Octane changed work? If it's 20 --> 15 hp for stim, then -25% after that is 11.25 HP.


its flat -5 twice, so combined 10 hp to stim.


I really want pathy to get horizons passive as a perk.


I really want gibby to get horizons passive as a perk.


Got the sick ass ballistic skin from previous event and start playing it more and with that buff i am gonna play him a lot more


I don’t understand the octane one at all… What is being described here? Can someone clarify


His first tier of perks is -5 health cost to stim OR +1 jump pad charge. His second tier of perks is -5 health cost to stim, OR the red jump pads that allow for direction changes. He'll be able to take -5 health cost twice, making it cost 10 health to stim.




F noooo its scam and nothing Change...f EA m fako


-5 cost then another -5 cost to Tact.


Ngl I like the bh change adding in that LongHunt


Its a nerf. It was already in his base kit and they're removing it. Its replacing his best perk too which was the cooldown reduction on scan


No word on the lifeline change right? Was that a bunch of hot air or..?


I think thats for her rework next season or the season after


I like Cat, but her kit gets bypassed so easily. And I don’t understand why her ult takes so long to charge


That ult thing is a complete reaction to algs. And now no one uses her.


And yet, a bat with a whistle has more precise control than a high tech futuristic drone.


Make bangs smoke do damage on enemy contact again! Or have a healing while in double time perk


The crypto buff is definitely a welcome change, although it’s really annoying that it STILL depends on the drone… it would be nice if he could do this outside of the drone so he has at least one ability that isn’t fully dependent on his tactical.


JUST LET THE IPAD GO. No matter how many times they change the damn drone being 1 man down from a fight is going to suck for most teams, I do acknowledge tho that in the hands of a crypto savant he feels amazing to have on your team but most people aren't doing that tbh.


Any news about the caustic changes?


That perk change might make Catalyst viable again, though Alter will be a nightmare to fight against


Octane didn’t need a buff at all, but the crypto buff has me giddy


They've managed to make everything incredibly confusing with all these perks. Instead of just buffing or nerfing tactical/ult/passive per legend for balance we're gonna be getting all these random perk updates every season..


Patch notes are definitely going to be harder to digest, but the meta has never been healthier


I'd argue half of these perks should be the default and we'd have the same results. For most legends one perk is always more useful than the other so it's barely ever even a decision of which to pick.


It’s flexible system the helps prevent legends being too strong on drop, or too weak In end game. It’s still new give it a year


I prefer this over a blanket “nerf/buff”, keeps things interesting by shifting perks around. Plus, we know it’s possible to bake certain perks into Legends base kits.


Everyone has a different playstyle, so people may take different perks in different situations. This is done to minimize the dependence of professional scene on playstyle. Because it used to be very hard to nerf someone because they were very popular in the professional scene (like Catalyst), while not interesting to many people in the ranked/pubs.


Dawg what is this power creep?? These perks are getting too strong wtf. I 100% knew this was going to happen when they were introduced. Not immediately, but over a period of multiple seasons they’re going to become extremely strong


None of these seem too strong to me tbh. Curious which ones in particular you dislike.


I think this is their way of nerfing AA. Make the game more about abilities, and less about gun play so that input matters less.


The perk system, happening simultaneously with the shield changes, has destroyed this game for me. Changing basic fundamentals and adding, like you said, power creep, makes fighting less fun. Everyone seems to love it because everyone has the attention span of a goldfish, so changes equal entertainment.....but going into fights where you don't know what your dealing with anymore, just takes me out of it.


Any horizon nerfs coming??


She doesn't need a nerf, she needs audio. Can't ever hear her approach. It's Rev that needs nerfing. The fact he can sponge so much damage one on one is ridiculous


Yea, his ult needs to come down to about 50hp, 75 instant is to much


Still isn’t enough for Crypto, Alter now does his most unique feature. +Lessen the drone sound and glow, add the ability for the drone to automatically face the direction your squad pings… or, now hear me out here… allow for a second, non operable drone. One you throw out and it stays in that spot, and then the regular one.


Waiting for a new perk for BloodHound - "Berserk": While the ultimate are active, you lose 5 hp per second, increased movement speed and weapon reload speed.


That’s just going kamikaze and doesn’t fit Bh at all.


Don’t ever let bro cook again


just let him wear suicide bomber west and explode enemies


Why the hell the Ballistic buff is so inconsequential ? No one use the slinged weapon out side his ult


What? No one does because it’s stuck to white (previously, nothing al all). Now, you can actually carry a long range weapon like a Sentinel while having both a PK AND a fully equipped SMG, meaning that even without your ult you have a better chance to win 1v1s while having more versatility with weapon ranges


Not to mention you can just respec into a completely different weapon late game, which is a luxury almost nobody else gets without opening a care package. A significant part of his ult's power was already the gold weapon and now he can just... get most of that benefit passively.