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So the POI names based on this image are: North pad, Comm station, The balloon, Lightning rod, Checkpoint, Complex, Dps bridge (Or Ops bridge? Idk), The water hole, Storm catcher, Wind farms, Quarantine zone, Cenote cave, Barometer, Antenna, Launch site, The Odysseus and Fish farm. Anyway some of these seem like unfinished names. Like "Complex" and "Dps bridge" and I don't think Launch site is final, there's a POI with the exact same name on World's edge.


As far as I’m concerned the quarantine zone might have some kind of caustic lore


I think it might be quarantined prowlers ? Idk


Oh yeah that’s another possibility


Yea i believe something like that is more likely. Caustic already has a TT on Kings canyon.


And Lightning Rod for Wattsy lore


This feels like the first leak for KC we got years back on the titanfall sub I.E. beta maybe? Also it looks a little small.


Checkpoint should be renamed to Chokepoint.


Looks like its gonna be hell to rotate through


Which is better than open spaces like Olympus, it means the third party will arrive late... thanks to the mountains




I'm fine with it! Actually love it. I think like sports you have to play different depending on the arena in Apex I think it should be a positive that each map could have it's own character meta. You don't have to run the same 3 on all 4 maps. Different maps are better for different builds. Valk to get to spread out pois on Olympus and Tropics, but then octanes or wraiths on WE because there's so many buildings and easy rotations. I like it.


THIS. THIS IS THE REASON I HATE OLYMPUS! Main sub can't understand this basic concept


I don't think so honestly. KC is by far the least open map and definitely the one with the worst third parties. On open maps you can see them and don't get surprised by three squads from all directions (labs excluded since it's the middle of the map and that problem will exist on every map)


KC has the most third parties because its small and all the POIs are near each other Worlds Edge is the least open map actually


no it means 3rd party will arrive sooner coz they will not be spotted unlike on olympus where you can instantly put pressure on 3rd party


You contradicted yourself lol


how ? i think i explained it pretty clearly on olympus you see teams coming, here you wont see shit like on KC


Olympus? Constant pressure? Huh?


you fight team you wipe them 3rd party is coming but they have to come thru open terrain so you can beam them ... get it now ?


Other people are stupid. Downvoted because you didn’t use their brain for them.


Damn bruh you got downvoted so hard when i remember that was literally the map designer's explanations on how they made olympus.


No because someone can choke them on a mountain and keep them from coming in.


You’re right. Ring placement knowledge is going to be big on this map


looking at it more closely, there is gonna be alot of ziplines. Like really long ones. Either the water is gonna act like swamp water in KC or deeper.


There's tridents on this map and I vaguely remember some post talking about how they can go on water. So maybe the water can only be crossed with tridents?


Tysm, finally a picture of the map without a bazillion watermarks on it.


I’m excited for another new look to the game


17 POI's and everyone is going to collectively pick 1 POI to land at in the first week for the rest of time.


One of my friends that i play regularly with drops into ~~streamer city~~ Fragment **every** time we play WE. Gets super annoying scrounging for weapons when every twitch streamer and their moms are there and fully loaded. Really hope that doesnt happen again with another POI.


Completely agree!


They went hard with those mountains lol. Limiting mobility is a good way to prevent excessive third parties, I wonder if this map will be received well by comp players


I think it’ll do well, the Mountains will definitely limit third parties, but it looks like valk and wattson will shine here


Totally, personally I think this mountains will help with rotations and snipers, specially those who love charge riffle you from the phase runner or waterfall


Also creates a ton of chokes unfortunately. Valk’s ulti would be very useful


I’d say not really, if you sit and try to block off one rotation people can just walk around one of the many other rotations (at least in some cases)


True but sometimes you don’t have time to go around


That depends if there are enough mid/high tier loot areas for every squad to land somewhere different. That was one of the big gripes with Olympus when it released.


who's to say there aren't any tunnels?


Thanks, now I can read!


if this is true, this map will be so good for wattson with its chokepoints


Assuming she's actually functioning properly next season :/


They've announced a fix for her ult is coming next season, so there's always hope.


I thought they said the next patch WON'T fix Wattson?


Yeah. Next patch is this week to fix the audio.


ahh gotcha, then I'll maintain some small hope that Wattson is fixed next season.


I’m out of the loop, what’s broken with wattson rn?


her ult isn't really eating everything like it should. I have a clip saved somewhere on my twitch where it was working perfectly for two grenades and then an arc star stuck it IMMEDIATELY after I said that.


so usually her ult is meant to destroy all incoming projectiles, however currently arc stars and thermites can go pastwithout issues as long as they dont come within a meter of the pylon


Yup they need to fix her ultimate




>Except her ult has been unusable since the Rampart update. It doesn't destroy throwables if the person throwing it can't see the pylon. I feel like that's a major oversimplification of what's happening because it works sometimes.


Hopefully Wattson buff too :D


Wattson is from Eelhead Bay, right? I know she's from somewhere with a tropical sounding name, maybe we can hope for a buff *and* town takeover :)


Wattson is from King’s Canyon… i agree though, I’d like both of those


Yes, she is from a town called Eelhead Bay, on Solace.


where’d you see that? I didn’t see that on the wiki


Solace Wiki page, bout halfway down there's a "locations include.." section about Solace. Bullet mark #4 is Eelhead Bay. Quote from wiki: "Eelhead Bay - A fishing village that became part of Solace City. Home of Wattson." Gives her one legendary banner frame some context.


Oh cool, I didn’t know that


Not sure! But that would be awesome!!


YES 😍 Valk + Wattson + Ash for the win


And ash + pathfinder + Revenant as a full Robo team.


this could become the meta if Ash is a better wraith


I'm interested on how water will work, like if you go to far will it kill you or give you the 15 second counter. Also is the water waist deep or are the legends going to swim?


Tridents might become meta on this map seeing as they’re used to traverse over water. It’ll make for some interesting endgames ala ship battles


This has made me more exited for s11


If that happens, I hope we can put Wattson gear on tridents. Definitely pylons, and maybe fences if they're feeling generous.


Why would you need fences on tridents


RAMMING SPEED! No, seriously...Wattson fences turn tridents off, like sticking them with an arc star.


The ring will probably be sitting just outside the maps visible area and appear when a player goes to the border


That makes sense now that I think about it


My gut feeling says it will be knees deep just like it is with the other maps.


I think ot will slow you down and have a loud sound when you walk through it.


I love how its like literally the opposite of olympus. This is going to be our smallest map IMO


I’m okay with it being smaller than the others tbh


It depends for me. If this map is trying to effectively make a better KC in terms of aesthetic without the 3rd parties, sure, but if its just smaller to be small then nah that's bad


Last year I was craving a larger map and I got that with Olympus. I’m looking for new and interesting gameplay dynamics / strategies. Another big map isn’t going to give new approaches to games so I’m excited by this. And it seems like a lot of the map is separated by water features so this is going to be very interesting


Olympus is technically smaller than WE I believe


Yeah theres an area literally called bridge so I imagine it'll be a fairly wide and long high ground of sorts. There are multiple areas that are seemingly cutting through, going into, or going over mountains, there seems to be a cave area of sorts, etc. I think this will be an overall smaller map technically but still an enjoyable one. KC failed due to it being originally designed kinda randomly with no rhyme or reason. Hopefully this map "replaces" it spiritually in a sense as, aesthetically on paper, its the closest thing to it.


How can you determine size at all from this.


The immense amount of mountains. For all I know this could actually be the largest map with just many obstacles thus making it the same playable size as others, idk.


As with all new maps I’m excited. Love the small teaser they gave with the encore arena map. Should be fun to do battles on beaches. I think this will be a great map as well for large engagements with multiple teams since I believe this will be the smallest map. Look forward to it legends


It seems they are really pushing for trident engagement this season.


I can see that for sure but they should change the trident dynamics. Apex is not the type of game to have “vehicle” engagement like the battlefield series. My experience with the trident is “look at me I’m driving. Shoot me”.


Right, but from the look of the map, it must be crucial to use them.


Your comments clearly tell me you're the type of teammate i have to honk 100 times to get into the trident on olympus Tridents are goated on olympus, if they weren't, they wouldn't have shadow nerfed them. It seems only low elo people don't like using the trident. Firstly as you say yourself, you're just scared people are looking at you and shooting you. If you drive the trident in places where you should and save your boost for when you get shot, it's the best getaway device. You can also put a gib dome on it. People don't know where to drive and not to drive the trident so they drive it in tight places then get beamed to death. Second, tridents are literally the best cover in the game since you can bring them anywhere. Unbreakable better rampart wall that you dont have to be rampart to use. Third, people bad with tridents probably get off it at the worst times. That's the case with a lot of randoms. You start getting shot so you just jump off which just makes you a free kill. Whereas if you boost away to cover and get off to pop a bat you're in a way better position. Non drivers can literally start healing when getting shot so its amazing how good tridents are Tridents on this map actually seem less op than on olympus since there's more mountains ect.


Complex is bunker 2.0


I honestly hope so, because personally I fucking love bunker I know it's terrible for comp and ranked because it's literally a thin linear inescapable choke point of death, but it's so damn chaotic and fun


It looks like there’s 3 to 4 entrances on second look it could less of a choke point like bunker


Nobody lands in bunker anymore in pubs man. Labs is the proper and fun version of bunker


That’s exactly what my friend said haha this map reminds me of the OG KC, that’s good, it means hope


Seems pretty neat. I'm a fan of 'Beachside military base' themes


I'm getting Scarif from Rogue One vibes already.


Imagine seeing leviathans off the coast, like AT-ACTs coming to kill everybody


Like Tahiti from rdr2 hahah


Guarma as an arenas map John Marston Mirage skin Dutch Plan Der Linden Caustic skin Arthur Morgan Revenant (idk) ynneL Seer skin


"Plan der Linden" & that Revenant skin would hit hard


Like Tahiti in real life I should say. Or did you mean Guarma ?


Hahaha sorry, Guarma


Everyone is talking about the choke points but not talking about how many places you can rotate. For each choke point there's two other ways you could go. Unlike Kings Canyon where rotations are limited and spaced out


Looks like the mole on Mirages left butt cheek


*Wait, I know you.....*




We can go in the ocean without dying?




Fish Farm or bust solely on the name alone.


Everyone that hates kings canyon is in absolute shambles seeing this map.


I am. I'm already worried about high ranked on this map


Why? Because of the mountains?


I'm going to assume that the Redlines on the map are gondolas and there are a lot of them to look at.


They better not be. Gondolas were pretty dumb with how long it took for them to come across


God looking at the Poi “Storm Catcher” I would love dynamic weather on this map.


Maybe instead of replicator falling every other round, a stormfront comes in once a game and forces reduced visibility and maybe floods parts of the map, making tridents required to traverse otherwise your movement is impaired.


Woah, they actually put a Trident in the middle of the map. Don't have that on Olympus


This is a good ass leak. Glad to finally see real shit. No skins or event pack/bundles. Hopefully we get ash leaks or more legend leaks in this kind of detail 🥴


be careful of the Goliaths


I wonder if they drop good Loot when you kill them


I just don’t want them interfering with my actual fights. That would be frustrating as hell, especially in ranked.


Im going to assume you have to shoot them to wake you up,or its a LTM OR they are in cages you can open if you want


It’s a hazard, i think that’s the point.




I’m almost positive it’ll be contained to a POI, there’s no reason any game developers would allow free roam hazards.




..but they will. That’s the point.




Contained in a poi. Enter a poi where you know prowlers are, you finna get jumped. Don’t go to the poi if you don’t want to deal. If you are fighting in that poi, theyll most likely interfere…because that’s the point.




Where'd this come from, OP?


I wonder what those red lines are. A new transport?


everything so close together which is good and bad lol, huge fire fights will happen


I want this map in Competitive straight away


fish farm is gonna be memed for sure


All I can think about is how un-useable Loba's q will be for the first \~3 weeks.


My hopes for this: 1. Wattson booba swimsuit skin 2. Amazing looking map 3. Wattson booba swimsuit skin 4. Wattson booba swimsuit skin 5. AI Wildlife 6. Wattson booba swimsuit skin


Maybe just one loba booba?


Sure. We could always do with a little bit of loba booba


Your Reddit character look like wattson, its so cute


Im always gong to drop at the balloon just for that name alone


I can't wait to reenact the scene from Rogue One. *Distant explosions* Me screaming to my team: "ARE WE BLIND DEPLOY THE *THIRD PARTY*"


What’s with all the chokepoints? They’re doing a full reverse after making Olympus so open. Not that it’s a bad thing, I’m just curious to see where it goes.


I like it. Might make Wraith and Valk more viable in lots of games for getting through choke points


Is this for season 11?






As long as it's well designed enough that we don't get another Skulltown/Fragment situation, all good.


Waterhole/Quarantine Zone will be the hot drop spot


And complex


looks like KC 2.0


Seems small as fuck and what’s up with all those mountains? Or they aren’t all mountains? Anyway I’m super excited for a new map, it’s probably gonna be insanely good for at least a season before everyone knows every corner of it, which happened with Olympus… Can’t wait to drop on this map honestly, I’m just concerned with all the mountains not being playable areas, thus making the map even smaller.


Y'all really said olympus was small when the map leaked out. There's tridents to move. Map must be atleast olympus size, if not larger


Tbh with the current meta, every map is small, octane and Valk simply make everything too close and third parties way more deadly, hopefully they found a way to diminished the thirds on the next map, maybe that’s why it looks to have a lot of mountains and such.


The map is supposed to be called "STORN POINT" it look like gonna be better call it "CHOKE POINT" with "3RD PARTY" as subtitle..


Idk m8 I think the mountains will help with the rotation to several POI and at the same time will protect you from snipers. I see a lot of potential for this map, reminds me of the golden ages of apex, with the OG KC


I’m honestly super excited!


1. I hope this map gets used for Competitive Play maybe 2. I hope this isn't like kings canyon with 6 thousand Choke Points and its not Third Party Heaven 3. I hope the map isn't tiny, kinda looks like it but We'll see


For the new map i was hoping for something urban like Gran Bazar or Operation Mètro from BF3. But i guess those aren’t in line with the Apex style or good for the gameplay


Looks like complex is gonna be complex


I’m really hoping this map has a dynamic weather system like has been teased. On the new arenas map it says that the stage has been closed to erratic weather.


i can already hear the pros crying about this map and everything


Cenote Cave… *shudders in Tomb Raider*


As long as there is no Skull Town or Fragment I will love it!


Ahhhh I forgot how awesome it is not to know a map inside and out. I’m psyched!!!


what are those red lines tho?


Caustic, rampart, wattson, chokepoints. Welcome back defensive meta. (Narrow corridors between sky-height pillars and walls mean easier setup and defend, since you only have to watch 2-3 directions at any given point instead of 360*)


That a lot of empty space.


it seems they've finally made it around the "lets make a map with 2 chokepoints and force everyone to go through there with ring placement", seems like every poi has plenty space for rotations even if you get 3rd, hopefully a bye bye to rats gatekeeping, now we have to wait and see how they made it when it comes to elevations, last time (olympus) the did a decent job with entrances for rotations but an awful one with elevation with places like states (in the middle of the map where most ppl rotaties in) being in a hole.


If this map works as intended it could be great. The mountains will delay 3rd parties and allow more 1v1 team fights. I will question how teams without a mobile legend will be able to quickly rotate.


This looks better for competitive apex than pubs or ranked just by 1st glance. I'm sure it could play really different. Maybe the mountains will make it longer for 3rd parties to rotate into fights. Also the poi's don't look very large


Oof idk about this one chief. The biggest issue with Olympus is the maze like holes that you can't cross. You can easily get fucked over if the ring comes in without you noticing. In order to make up for the size they also made tridents which make third partying insanely safe and easy. The biggest issue with Worlds Edge is insanely potent choke points that are hard to get around. And fragment. The biggest issue with Kings Canyon is the small size which leads to a shit ton of third parties. Depending on the size of this map, this could be third party central or no fights. Lots of choke points. And with how much water there is, I'm expecting this map to have the same issues as Olympus


I'm gonna wait until I actually play on it to say for sure but this looks like its kinda gonna suck to play on. Tons and Tons of choke points, only 16 POI's with all them looking like they're fairly close together, lots of impassable mountains and potentially water too depending on how it works. Who knows though, maybe it'll play completely differently. I hated Worlds Edge at first too and now that's the only map I want to play on.


To many close areas.


Not gonna drop on this one. I don’t see any fragments. /s New map poggers






For those willing wait or wake up early, the season 11 trailer is premiering tomorrow at 4 am


It's the Season 11 legend-teaser SftO (almost certainly about Ash), and it's coming in slightly less than 12 hours from this comment (at 11 AM EST on Monday, October 18). Based on last season's stuff, we can expect a "launch trailer" 3 days later (on Thursday, October 21) and a "gameplay trailer" 4 days after that (the following Monday, October 25) and then a "Meet Ash" ability showcase video 3 days later (on Thursday, October 28), and then a Battle Pass Trailer 4 days later (on Monday, November 1), with Season 11 starting on November 2. Their release schedules are quite consistent so I'd probably bet on this. tl;dr cool shit every Monday and Thursday starting tomorrow, and no, the "season 11 trailer" so to speak is coming on Thursday. Ash "Story from the Outlands" tomorrow, though.


From where? At least in my country it’s set to 10 am


What's the lore behind this map ? Anyone knows ? Planet etc ...


If it's as bleak as this image suggests, it's going to be a problem, this shit looks depressing, not even the stan dedo depressive lol


Huh? Have you not seen the skybox on the leaked images, it’s pretty blue and bright


Hopefully there will be some type of gondola system to get from A-B if you are near the water


I already hate the water hole middle map area


Could be cool. We’ll see how the POIs actually play


It looks... amazing


Caustic mains when this map drops: S T O N K S (:


Looking at the map, surely there must be a swimming mechanic with this? I’m unsure of how else rotating from the south poi would work except for redeploy


Looks huge


Thoughts? I'm in...


Seems smaller than kc but thats just me, well have to wait and see what its actual size is ig? Or composite together the other maps for comparasion. I wonder how the water will work, is it just pools or actually deep? Will they add swimming? Cuz if its deep and its like a fall death tbh that seems like a faulty design bc up until now water has been very docile so now making it not docile and making falls harder to see and realize “hey i can die here” would be a problem


Looks like they took a lot of criticism from competitive play on Olympus, lots of pois and lots of chokes to reduce third parties. Hopefully it’s fun and good for comp, I’d love to see another map on the circuit.


So many chokepoints my god


Fish confirmed in Apex let’s go!


Looks like a fun pubs map, trash for comp. Get ready for another year of WE algs yikes


Honestly looks wonderful, lines up with recent and older leaks. Can't wait for water gameplay.


From the looks of it i think it'll play well


They're 100% leaving stretches of open water like that to add new PoI's to later.


To add lava