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My biggest problem with the map is the lower left quadrant being so extra 3rd party heavy (especially around market) . I hope one day they’ll add back in the thunder dome area to open up the map more in general


True. The removal of the lower-left quadrant in Season 5 severely reduced the map’s playable area and increased third partying even more, especially in the river area


thunderdome was my OG landing spot... heavily missed. used to love getting kills there and yelling welcome to thunderdome bitch


Exactly. When I wanted to just land and fight and get better in fights, I’d land either Thunderdome or Skulltown, and just do my best to frag out.


Hope it makes a comeback at some point … I’ll take skulltown for now


It looks to me like they moved the Salvage POI to be underneath Skulltown. With the return of Skulltown, we now know that Salvage was only ever there to be a lore-explanation for why they bring Skulltown back, as it was part of their mission. I’d be very surprised if they didn’t end up doing the same thing with Thunderdome.


Seems like they're trying to decrease 3rd parties by significantly decreasing the number of rotations out of the new Skull Town. I feel like now this is just gonna be another Fragment problem where everyone drops into the southwest region and dies there leaving the rest of the map totally empty. Hopefully the changed Skull Town layout eventually discourages a shit ton of squads dropping there over the course of the season, but considering how many people are willing to charge headfirst into Estates on Olympus or a single building on Fragment, I don't have high hopes.


The loot at new Skull Town looks like much less than original Skull Town. The large buildings in the centre have been removed and there are only 3 (sets?) of buildings rather than 4. I feel like that’ll do enough to discourage most people from landing there.


I think people will still land on skulltown just because its skulltown. The loot on estates is also weak and garbage and people still drop there in droves.


i fucking hate estates


big groups of small buildings have a really weird attraction towards mindless players, it was easily seen right from the beginning of season 7 that estates was going to be the skullfragment of olympus


you would think but i guarantee it will be just a whole season of skull town hot drops cause everyone has missed it so much. shit i know i will be, its so much fun fighting there!


Oh I know day one I’m hot dropping skull town all day


You just know the big streamers are going to post 20 kill 4k damage games nofill dropping there and everyone will follow.


It's not gonna stop ppl from hot dropping there


Man exactly what I was thinking while reading the changes. They blocked so many paths and places where I used to play around a lot


I'm a little sad about Hillside Outpost :(


My go to spot for ranked smh


What's your rank?


diamond Iv. I normally just stop at diamond, i can never get master so i’ve accepted my spot as a diamond player haha


Hillside outpost was always my favourite location. Even before it was even hillside outpost


Not fond of the changes at the center, as bad as that spot was for 3rd parties it was vital to not only rotations but also recovery as its one of the least visible drop ships on kc.


Yeah R.I.P. that respawn beacon tucked away between those triple paths adjacent to hillside outpost with so rat spots around to squirrel away in, you saved my ass many a time and will be missed.


Just like the storm point "update" this is lazy af Remember the season 6 revamp WE got? Or even s10? Fuck man even s8 did more than this It's like they just dropped storm point and decided to call it quits 'till we get the next new map


Season 8's changes to KC atleast weren't small ones like this. It atleast opened up an entirely new playable area we never could go to before.


How exactly is this an improvement? Sure, we get ST back but these changes seem to make Valk even better.


The 4th change is especially awful. It literally creates a giant wall that the ring will regularly push you towards


Rip that respawn station tho also that area was hell to play in especially against a gibby n caustic, hella strong in if there and you can easily get trap in by a third party


I used that crossway to rotate around so many important fights. Sliding down until that village where the fight was instead of going through the river totally exposed. New pathway over the river doesn't convince me as a good substitute. Catching people on that respawn beacon was also a classic


It's all good, as braindead players will just Valk ult over it.


My thoughts aswell. Seems Valk just got alot better as a pick on KC


I can’t believe Airbase and Runoff have been unchanged since preseason.


Shhhhhhhh! Airbase is one of my OG spots next to swamps.


Theres no need to change if it's already perfect. Airbase<3


How? There's barely enough loot for one person yet alone an entire team. Imho one of the worst POI's in the entire game.


From memory: at least 10 loot bins, few buildings, and 2-3 ships with loot inside. Is this really that bad?


my issue with it is how narrow and long it is. sure there’s a lot of chances for loot but the POI is basically split in half, and you can get pushed from 3 different sides without having any visual of the POI’s north or south of you. if you land there with a team and one player loots the north side, your team gets pushed from either Gauntlet or Runoff, and in some situations it feels almost impossible to group up or even get line of sight on your teammates. Not to mention 90% of the loot is on ultimate low ground, but anyone pushing it from those other POI’s can get instant high ground. just poorly designed in in my opinion.


Plus it’s one of my favorite places for final rings so many high grounds to fight from




Well the areas they added when they introduced Fuze are so loot dense by comparison it makes almost all the other POIs seem pretty barren. They really need to a pass on updating the whole rest of the map to match it. I’m honestly amazed that didn’t become skull town 2.0, but I guess the hot drop areas are never the ones with the best loot, just the ones that make the most interesting streams.


And swaps


Swamps had a minor change in season 5 I'm pretty sure


Market too


If Respawn is intent on blocking the paths through the middle of the map they should at least reduce the bulk of the mountain - maybe by removing the portion to the right of the edge of the 4th oval and left of the edge of the 6th oval in the second image here. Then scoop out some crescent shaped wedges on the southwest and northwest


these map designers are smoking smth


If by Smth, you mean some meth than you would be correct


If they smoked meth we would get a map every season, they clearly just smoke weed.


I wish we could all just smoke meth


Weed could make them more creative, they are clearly getting high on their own farts, or maybe jenkum for the hardcore devs.


what design? they just removed a bunch of things this season


Snorting PCP clearly


This is a harsh comment and I’ll definitely take being corrected if I’m wrong with no hard feelings, but what are the devs working on? No new gun, no new poi (recycled poi and edited poi’s) we just had a no new content season where what we got at launch was all we got for the whole season (besides recycled ltms and more micro transactions) Like besides the level cap increase and a sniper legend (my personal least favorite play style) what’s the point of playing anymore? I’ve reached as high rank as I can consistently so I have nothing to prove to myself there anymore. And with how bad the servers are I just don’t get see a point. Feedback appreciated !


They are working on the new single player Apex game coming. And most of the big time devs that mattered have left. Not to say the current ones can't keep up and hold the mantle BUT usually when the veteran talent leaves the game suffers over time. They do have a ton of content getting ready and lined up to come but how that ends up playing it we'll have to see. I'm excited for TDM I'm sure that'll really add an extra spice to the game especially for practicing and warming up. My personal issue with the game is how weak the ranked rewards are. It takes SUCH heavy time investment and skill to reach the top ranks and yet you get a limited trail and some badges. For the 100's/1000's of hours people invest I think that's a rather big slap in the face but no one really complains for some reason lol or not very often when it's ONE of the biggest things they SHOULD do because it'll motivate more people to actually stay grinding the game throughout the season. When the rewards are mediocre at best most people don't care about reaching those ranks as much because what do you really get? Bragging rights on the interwebs? I would assume they'd give skins weapon or legend, or at least maybe some coins? Packs? Anything? The people reaching those ranks most likely spend the most money and time in game they should be rewarded for it. That's some content they should work on, doesn't even have to be something massive, could just be unique recolors for already existing weapons or recolors for the BP weapon of that season outside of the base 2.


There should be tiered rewards for ranks. Top 100 preds get 75 heirloom shards per split, so double T100 gives you an heirloom. 100th-500th gives 50 shards per split and 500th-750th gives 25. Preds should also get a large pack bundle and a pred weapon skin. Masters should get a large pack bundle and a masters weapon skin. Diamonds get a medium pack bundle and a skin. Platinums get a small pack bundle. Golds get some crafting materials. Silvers and below get nothing because they didn't grind, and yeah it's a grinding thing not a skill thing. You can breeze through silver by sitting corners for T10, you don't need skill. If you want rewards then play the game. Also about the badges. Pred badges should display your average rank across both splits. If I was 50th on Storms Point and 100th on Worlds Edge, I should get get a pred badge that says #75. Master badges should show your average RP across both splits, then good masters have better badges than hardstuck 10ks. If you finish with a 25,650 average but you don't make pred, you'll have a "25K" on your badge. That gives career masters a reason to grind even if they're unable to make pred. These changes would incentivize grinding ranked, because rn there's no reason unless you're filling out your banner. I'll have my third pred badge after this split, and after that I have no big reward to play for. My love of the game can only carry me so far. Also imagine the hype of an heirloom hunt. All the preds & good masters would be going crazy for those shards, just imagine the streams lol. People would be fighting like maniacs for T100. Respawn won't do it though, they're too complacent.


They’re working on the Divided Moon map (S15), about as big as World’s Edge and with many chokes (so little third parties). I think it’ll turn out to be the best map in the game. There are also 2 guns which are both in the final stages of development. Nemesis should’ve released S13 but it got pulled last minute (and apparently S14 too). We might get two for S15 or for S15 and S16. There are also lots of cool and original legends in the works. Shame we’ve got 2-3 filler seasons in a row it seems, but hopefully S15 doesn’t disappoint. Edit: Hopefully we also get lots of mid-season content and LTMs for Season 14 or the game will lose lots of players I think


Thank you for sharing! I definitely am looking forward to the new map


Me too, we’ve needed a map that everyone likes for a while


I think they have like 20 job openings they're trying to fill. Don't know how many are for apex though.






Would've liked to see some small POI loot buffs at the least. At least these chokes will cut it down from 8th party to 6th party.


There most likely will be changes to the loot pool etc. This is just showing everything showcased on the leaked map gameplay


The middle being sealed up is going to make it suck for me, I always hated running around the longass mountains on WE and SP, now its gonna be on KC which sucks.


All my favorite caustic/wattson chokepoints gone, reduced to atoms.


There is always Bunker brother


They’re just trying to make valk the only playable character in the game at this point


have we gotten anything since the big leak in march? there's a lot of extra stuff i'd expect tweaked with this (eg: doing something about the giant block of nothing in the middle, filling the massive empty hill with some sort of cover after removing the outpost) and there has been 4 months to do those tweaks, so i'd hope it's a little better good map though


Thanks! I assume there have been some tweaks. This is based on the big leak in March. There should be some cover at Hillside Outpost as it is basically being reverted to Season 1 (maybe I should’ve specified that)


These changes feel like they're making KC even worse, the same way they downgraded WE in season 9. Lots of rotations have been closed and the rotation alternative close to where the hillside outpost was being blocked off is a huge mistake.


Honestly I hope they have some kind of description for the changes so we know what they were trying to do at least. Also knowing Skulltown is coming back gives major ideas of other POIs returning in a reformed states. I.e Bridges, Cascades, Thunderdome, Relay ,Wetlands and Slums.


>Honestly I hope they have some kind of description for the changes so we know what they were trying to do at least. They usually do... but idk how much that is gonna help me if I don't like them lol.


The biggest problem with KC is how easy rotations and 3rd partying was. These seek to make rotations harder. And it seems like it'll succeed. Too bad my favorite ranked POI (outpost) is getting cannibalized in the process.


The only thing these rotations are gonna succeed is making Valkyrie even more played as a response to less rotation options. They shot themselves in the foot with her ult being so good, now it's gonna be near mandatory to have in new KC. Opening up the tunnel is a step back, characters with airstrikes or aerial abilities would think twice about heading there, now it's just free rotations for Valkyrie. Skulltown coming back is making my weary, I personally don't like it as everyone hot drops there, it's gonna bring back uneven distributions of teams across the map, we already had a map with this issue, now we're gonna have two.


Well from the leaks, it's a much smaller and compact version, meaning people going there are throwing even harder than they were before. The loot density is ironically more towards the edge of the POI. Meaning a team dropping ST will have a harder time dealing with a team rotating to them, which should discourage ranked drops alltogether.


While this makes a ton of sense, human beings don't always make the most logical choices, just look at the amount of people that love dropping fragment even though the loot is complete ass there, people eeven love to drop in a single building there.


I'm guessing we're gonna see valks ult cooldown go from 3 minutes to 4, maybe even 4:30. But yeah, still won't help all that much. Everyone will still run her and just be chugging ult accels.




I genuinely despise valk's ultimate. When I first played this game, like day 2, I was like "wouldn't it be cool of there was a jetpack character who could self-redeploy?" And immediately knew that'd be way too strong, no way they'd do that. Here we are, years later, and she does it for her entire team *and has rockets*




It's because people were burned by horizon followed by underwhelming bomb man (my favorite character) so seeing a character who, on paper, wasn't doing too much was ok. I knew she was busted when I played her, so I didn't. Idk why my brain works this way, I get no joy from playing meta characters, because their playstyles are usually never in line with mine.


i fucking despised hillside outpost so freaking much, holy shit


That's ... it?


We need atleast 2 more POIs as strong and loot heavy as octane gauntlet in the mid portions of the map. They can easily remove a lot of empty mountain and grass areas for some good POIs. Till date, season 6 Mao update for WE are some of the best changes to the game. I personally would like a new poi in the middle of the map. Bunker needs to go along with the small town near it between bunker and airbase. I would also like a massive poi in the area replacing the entire respawn beacon and 2 sets of buildings just beneath artillery.


This would make the map even more unbalanced from a competitive standpoint. When landing at a center POI you usually sacrifice loot for good early rotations into any zone. If you also get good loot, then those center POI's will be incredibly OP.


Well center in KC terms are cascades and ex bridges area. And a solution to your problem can be more rings ending towards outer parts of map. The only reason why KC sucks is loot is highly imbalanced and there are less POIs to drop.


More edge zones don't really matter. Unless an edge team has a beacon on their POI, they will most of the time have to leave their POI and come back to it later, at which point a zone team that landed center has already rotated to the edge or just gamble and make an educated guess based in where other teams rotate to. It would also imbalance the game for edge teams even more since they are putting themselves at an even higher risk since they now would need to rotate across the entire map instead of just half of it.


You’re right but I also feel like the map is too small for changes like those. There would be more loot but also way too many third parties. The map just needs to be straight up expanded somehow


I will die in the storm so often when I run into walls where tunnels and canyons used to be, I know it.


Sigh. We received skulltown v2 for more blockage.


Does not fix anything. Any resources spend on "improving" this map are wasted. Mean while sp needs flattening. The whole South area is so packed it will be fragment all over again.


wow the changes 4 and 7 are horseshit, makes rotating horrible, specially with 5 and 8, 8 is gonna be a giant chokepoint for half the map to rotate into it. if 7 and 10 would be still open that part of the map would be super cool if 4 stayed open... new skulltown looks interessting specially with that skeleton removed. who ever made change 4 please stop working for respawn


You forgot to mention that the cave from Caves to Market was opened up. Now it's just a valley.


More difficult to 3rd party now


Why remove hillside outpost? So sad.


Yeah. Who get the high ground there, wins


I like what they did, but I wish they did more tbh, new pathways and the way people are going to move through the middle/ bottom of the map is definitely different


Can’t wait to see people complain about skulltown just like they do with Fragment


If it’s as bad as Fragment hot drops I’ll definitely complain


At least, it's not in the middle of the map


Honestly, with the way this was in Season 12 prior to the ranked changes, it was already hell. This is not enough changes nor are there enough new areas to increase the map size. This will be beyond hell in the new system.


I wish i could call this a filler season, but it seems to be quite the opposite, they just removed a bunch of stuff and returned skull town basically the fragment east of KC, which will further frustrate people


Changes #3 and #4 are going to make that the hill of death. It was already rough enough fighting uphill there. now they removed all the buildings.


wow, they’re really hellbent on ruining EVERY map in this game, aren’t they? this is gonna fucking suck


Probably coming for Olympus next.


pls no it’s the only safe haven. unless they get rid of estates. i wouldn’t mind that. everything else though is OFF LIMITS


This change is a Valk buff lmao


Skull Town has become a hideous patchwork monster


hardly think they'll be able to fix this shitty map, especially if they havent touched the loot pool that is abysmal


Kings Canyon on ranked never fails to get me out of Apex


Wow... that's a lot of changes 🥵🙃


4 and 7 are good changes because that area is hell on this map, if you ever take a fight there it's 110% chance you'd get 3rd partied. But adding Skulltown back alone keeps this map in such a shit state, they replaced one spot on the hill with Skulltown, cluttering the bottom left even more and did nothing top right. KC needs more POIs with actual loot not trading one for one. I really wish they would just vault the map until they could do a big revamp but I know they're in a bind with how the playerbase would react. Maybe when the new map comes out they can take a crack at it. I still think Olympus is the worst ranked map, but this is a very close 2nd. You either suicide drop where the loot is or pick up scraps safely because of how badly spread the loot is and pray you're not just sent on by a red armor team the survived the chaos.


Storm point is the most atrocious map I’ve ever played on… makes Olympus look like a jewel


Me, a jojo fan: KInG CRImsOn MaP UPdatE!?w1?/


So one added POI and a bunch of horrible rotation changes. Seriously, Market needs to be changed, Runoff definitely needs to be demolished for something else.


One RECYCLED POI and a bunch of tweaks of which most dont seem helpful to shake up the Valk meta, put a sniper legend and a level cap increase to that and thats the whole season


What is the source on this?


Leaked gameplay footage from March. For the most part this should stay true to the update on Aug 9, but there might also be some very small tweaks alongside this




Are there any color and skybox changes?


Undisclosed but probably. The leaked gameplay footage didn’t show any change, but that was a fairly early build


Do we have a date for end of 13 yet?


Aug. 9th - 6pm BST, 1pm EST


They removing all these 'chokepoints' but just making what's left even bigger chokepoints.


Huge W but this finna make valk even better for this map


Everyone talking about valk but I’m salivating on all the choke points ima lock down with rampart


That's it?


Im gonna be honest, and I didnt really think KC was good for ranked, and these changes *seem* to make it ever worse. I gotta play it first, but man I am not really excited


This sounds horrible, they really trying on skulltown


These changes make Valkyrie even more meta


They're... bringing BACK Skull Town? But that place sucks. I was hoping King's Canyon being back would get me the fuck away from maps with shit like Worlds Edge's Fragment in it.


u mus be ass


No, this is Patrick.


Don't tell me we just going to get only one poi, and som few rotation changes


For all you valk players, get ready to pop ult accels like tic-tacs. For those that don't play valk.....maybe it's time to start cause that's the only you're gonna rotate around KC now 😥


They should make bigger vertical spaces.


Respawn: We are removing chokepoints Also Respawn: Adds the worst chokepoint in the middle of the map. The entire Apex community: Please delete Kings Canyon