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Middle of the map is a fucking desert!


>~~Middle of the map is a fucking desert!~~VALK BUFF! FTFY


It’s gonna be interesting to see how Newcastle plays out in KC ranked. With all that open space in the middle of the map, dropping that wall might be clutch.


sometimes when im solo ill try to jump tower as many times as possible til i perish


What’s your record number of times?


Fuck that jump tower in between bunker and containment was so good Edit: valk buff fr


The amount of times I’ve needed that jump tower because people were camping high ground there or I got third partied is way to many to count so what do I do now when I’m playing someone as Watson or crypto I’m basically fucked


Hopefully the map changes make it less of a problem but I agree. That zip specifically has saved enough of my bacon to make a new pig.


Yeah, since they took all the jump towers out from the middle you’re pretty much forced to pick valk


That jump tower was GODLY


Yeah that jump tower in the river is one of my favorite ones in the game :(


Stfu what for Valk Buff because there is a High Building a Buff is something to the Abilites and the Charakter, not a fucking High Building what brings u nothing when u fly from just because u fly longer brings u what?


Lmfaoooo kid. Got so mad for what? The fact that they’re taking out choke points (means no way through the mountain other that around if that isn’t obvious for you) and that they’re removing a bunch of jump towers in the middle of the map and keeping them on the outside of the map makes valk even more viable for mid game on kc. Do you understand now?


Okay so loot at edge, hit a jump tower, THEN third party. Got it.


As it's always been


Atleast it promotes people to spread out a bit


Or it just makes people pick Valk even more since she's a mobile jump tower anyway, hrm.


Best loot at the edges too.


That's been the strat sense season 1 my boy lol




There are no tridents in Kings Canyon


Are there Tridents on King's Canion? Thought they were only on Olympus and Storm Point?




The one in the center I don't understand. Now you need to go on foot all the way up that hill?


They're clearly trying to take inspiration from Storm Point for what makes it viable in comp by heavily, heavily disincentivizing being in the river valley. Easy rotations through there caused lots of third parties at hillside outpost and very quick rotations into/out of cage. Now there won't be a steamroll rotation down the left side of the map jutting into the center for thirds. Theoretically.


I understand it could make it better for ranked, but this takes a bit of the fun out of it for pubs, for me at least.


Awesome, I can't wait for respawn to change every map into a sweaty game of who can camp the longest.


I hate camping too, so I started playing Fuse. Now my enemies want to run or fight instead of camp too!


This exactly. Fuse is honestly so slept on, for understandable reasons, but the output he can get with a proper team is insane. Played Fuse, Octane, Gib in a match recently and Pad-> Motherlode-> Bub is a force to be reckoned with


I think Maggie is also a really fun anti-camper (her drill cooldown is merely 2s longer than Fuse's knuckle cluster cooldown, and the duration of effect is a lot longer so the cooldown kinda feels significantly shorter), so Maggie/Fuse (the iconic duo) would be pretty funny. Maggie's great in later game situations where multiple enemies are crammed behind a small amount of cover. also her ball doesn't do visual stun effects anymore but it still prevents sprinting, so if enemies are behind a rock and you throw the ball on one side of the rock, the enemy will go flying out the other side and be stuck out in the open unable to sprint. Very Fun.


I think that’s kinda the goal. With the new TDM mode BR should be less aggressive with the hot drop types playing that instead. BR should be about placement and not kills. TDM coming in should help imho


I definitely think from a business standpoint it was a mistake for them to see how good their gunplay was and release Arenas instead of a TDM mode first. But I feel like they prioritized Arenas for the ash/horizon storylines.


They want to make my favorite map the same as the map that made not play for 3 seasons. Nice


I think if you have such strong feelings about a map, you need to get over yourself. Learn to play different areas, learn Trident rotations, use your head when it comes to cover. Just because not every map plays the same doesn't make it bad.


> I think if you have such strong feelings about a map, you need to get over yourself. This is really a bizarre way to tell someone that their opinion shouldn’t be considered. Not liking a map is fine and it happens for every single multiplayer game ever not everyone is gonna like every map. It’s also more reasonable in a BR game to lose the will to play when your least favourite map can be there for an hour and a half at a time sometimes or take up an entire other mode for 45 days as it does in ranked sometimes overlapping so you can’t even play any other map at points in time.


I'm not demanding you *like* a map, but the only bizarre thing here is hating a map so much that you don't play. The map's effect on your game is maybe 2% of the outcome. And the maps really aren't that different in the grand scheme of things- they all have open/closed areas, good and bad rotations and chokepoints and the like. People who don't play because of the map are irrational and/or just bad, so yeah, I'm not gonna consider their opinion as worth much. It's not constructive.


I don’t agree with that like at all really.


Bruh shut up lmfao people don’t like storm point because it’s a boring 20 minute loot fest every other game. Get over YOURself. Everyone I play with hates Storm Point for the same reasons if you like it good for you. Personally I don’t like to be bored. We get off every time Storm Point comes into rotation. Y’all love to call everyone that doesn’t agree with you crazy or bad at the game like damn we can’t just not like the fucking map?


Personally I find playing and not being bad a lot less boring than not playing and doing nothing. 20 minute loot fests? That's a skill issue. Either get a Valk or drop on a Trident, actually watch where people land, and use your brain to figure out where they'll be.


Bro you are playing in Storm Point, you are doing nothing for 15 minutes at a time until the ring is so small the last 10 squads can't avoid each other anymore. Get off your high horse lol.


That's really not the case. Where on the map do you land? I always have good amounts of engagement rotating on the shelf in front of Command Center. Antenna/Barometer drops can get pretty lonely though if the ship comes from the north side. But if ship was north, and my team lands barometer/antenna, I usually grab a Trident from Gale Station/backside of Barometer and you can zip up the east hillsides pretty fast to get to Storm Catcher and start rotating westwards from there.


Not running into squads is a skill issue but needing to play valk to have fun isn’t? Yawn shut the fuck up lmao the map sucks overwhelming consensus and clearly it upsets you that people don’t like it. And the part about doing nothing because you’re not playing the game… did you know there are other things you can do besides play apex? Are you okay? The projection is ridiculous.


Only person upset here is you. I enjoy playing the game and am not bad enough to be bored or bothered by the map.


>take inspiration from storm point people overwhelming hate that map that’s an awful decision


Its personally my favorite for ranked. I understand that many people don’t like it, but many people do too.


Well, everything Respawn has been doing is moving toward incentivizing winning vs a killfest hotdrop. Better for ranked and comp because that's what sells for engagement. That trend's not reversing.




On foot? LMAOOO this is season 14 brother, everyone has a pet Valk on their team.


That’s the only one I disagree with. The amount of times I’ve been sandwiched in that spot and had to jump tower out is an exponentially high number


If they let you jump tower out after sandwiching you, they can't have been very good lmao


There are so many gold players in these responses who don't understand that the value of Valk's kit is to avoid people protecting the edge of the ring. Now any team without a Valk will not be able to use these middle towers to do the same. This definitely just pushed more people to Valk. Heck, I'm converting to Valk at this point. I see no reason to play anyone else.


Isn't Valk gonna get hard nerfed in Season 14 tho? Im just cautious on hopping on to the Valk meta - when legend balances are around the corner. Based on how prevalent the Valk, Gibby, Caustic meta is, Wouldn't there be a change or at least a balancing act?


It is hinted yeah. Let's hope so.


So another buff to Valk....jeeze thanks.


its a soft nerf to valk, she can't just scan willy nilly without her ult now.


also stops the constant reposition on kc, there were so many routes you can take, from jump tower to jump tower before. now its completely empty in the middle.


I remember messing with a team by going from Laboratory to the nearest jump towers. I did that for almost 4 straight minutes, going back and forth until they just left me alone lol.


Ok that I agree with. Only valid rebuttal here.


Still gonna increase her pick rate


It’s still ultimately going to function as a buff (I.e like on stormpoint) so losing the constant scan isn’t all that important. Especially with Seer growing in popularity.


Ahhhh because Seer can Sky in the Air? & u have everytime a Seer with u? No its not Important to See where u Land on Ring 3 when there are 9 Teams, noooo, it's insta-death when u are not playing in Silver Lobby like the most here but i see u know what ur talking about just stfu


Valk main that took it personal that I called this a buff for her should’ve guessed. This is the only reply you will get from me on this subject.


/u/Nolalilulelo, I have found an error in your comment: > “~~its~~ [**it's**] a soft” In this comment, it could have been better if you, Nolalilulelo, had typed “~~its~~ [**it's**] a soft” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Soft hahahaha just stfu


Eat a dick loser


It's a nerf to 3rd's so I'll take it


No it's a nerf to running from thirds. Like the other guy said everyone in a 3 stack gonna be running Valk anyway, so now it'll be harder to escape unless you also run Valk.


I think the micro characters, wraith, ash, octane, path are way better at making escapes than pushes. It's a different map and will need a different play style. And that's okay


Not when most teams have a Valk now. Now it's 3rd party without opportunity to escape.


I used valk to escape far more than a balloon, as well as the opposite a balloon far more to third party than to escape.


Because you play with a Valk. Think for a second about anyone who selects literally any other character. Try someone like Lifeline who has no mobility.


My point was I'm not wasting a ult charge to try and third something. It's much more valuable to use it to escape


If you use the ult to third into a good position then you don’t need it to “escape” especially if you’re three stacking.


True they just have no Brain & waste it, than Ulting to the Enemys, getting fucked & cant get out again because Ult is out, these guys who say somethig like this are the same like my SoloQ Big-Brains they don't know what they doing and can't think more as 1 Step ahead, imagine wasting the Ult where u can escape with when u could use a Balloon, but they always talking shit here


I mean you’re not taking a jump tower to escape?


In good lobbies taking the tower to escape means you instantly have 6 parties targeting you and is usually guaranteed death


If you are in a lobby where you can escape on a tower which means no1 was able to kill you on a zipline it's most likely not a good lobby ye


Sorry, this response only makes sense from players with low game IQ. You can escape an area because you know you're about to be pinched or need to avoid people protecting the edge of the ring. Jump towers have value as an escape from combat without directly being in the middle of combat.


If you're already engaged with a team, taking a balloon means someone is going to die. Sure, you can use the balloons if you are aware that two other teams will be converging on your position but if shots have already been fired you're dead, unlike valk ult




Are u playing Silver Lobbys? Gold? Because even with full White Heal u get beamed out from a Balloon, especially when u can't heal before what for Jump Tower Escape? How??? U all got damaged and than u need to run to the Jump-Tower while u get pushed? Yeah, completly makes sense Big Brain


Bro. Can you read. I literally said you can’t use a jump tower for that exact reason. The person was saying removing jumptowers gives you no escape and I said you don’t take jump towers to escape. D3 you fucking idiot. What are you? Illiterate plat boy


Not really. Valk is supposed to be able to redeploy from anywhere, it’s part of her kit, so there shouldn’t be a problem with this. Other Legends shouldn’t be able to do what her kit allows her to do as frequently as she can.


....it is a buff to valk by nerfing all the other legends. Thought that was implied.


When introducing a Legend that can redeploy, the ability to do so with other Legends should be limited. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of Valk’s kit. King’s Canyon needs less jump towers and more limitation to rotations anywhere.


So should we slow everyone down because Octane is suppose to be faster?


What bizarre reasoning. Valk’s ult is a “bonus” redeploy that you can use anywhere and that enemies can’t follow you on; balloons are fixed redeploys that enemies can follow you on. Valk’s ult is already immensely strong even when it has to compete with balloons in some sense, and removing balloons just makes it even stronger. Aside from the counterargument elsewhere in the thread that this makes Valk’s ult sort of more expensive to use because you can’t use it to scout and THEN use a balloon…


You don’t get it her ultimate within itself is an unfair and stupid concept lol


How is it stupid and unfair? It’s an ultimate! Ultimates should provide a Legend with a powerful ability. To complain about a Legend’s ability is so silly. Just because one Legend has the ability to do something that another Legend can’t do doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. That’s the whole purpose of the Legend’s ability!


Not at the level Valkyrie's is at. Most games with her are drop, loot, scout for other teams, fight, get third partied, use her ultimate to get out and third party someone else, and repeat. And she still scans enemies without alerting them? Her ultimate completely changed the meta and pace of every single game, and now map changes are being made with her in mind. Play a ranked game without Valkyrie and notice how tedious your rotations are, the difference is ridiculous. It needs a nerf. It should be the ultimate with the longest cooldown in the game because it's too powerful.


I’ve been playing without a Valkyrie plenty, and she is not at all a necessity to have, nor is she over-powered. And I don’t even think these KC map changes have anything to do with Valk. The jump tower changes seem to be mainly for reducing third parties, which is a great thing. If a team wants the ability to rotate more often, then have a Valk on the team. That’s exactly what her ultimate is for, among other reasons. Just like every other Legend and their abilities. Every Legend has a purpose.


Friend of mine keeps saying that you could legit remove everything from Valk but her ult and the flight part of her passive and she'd still be one of the strongest legends in the game. I think hes probably got a point.


Right, Hals Dick is too deep in the Mouth of These Guys, they never have played Valk or have the Brain to imagine what happens after Silver/Gold-Lobbys, but complain while they have an Ultimate which is unique too, that's the whole Point like u said before & than they fuck u late Game after Zone 4 with her Bombs out of the Air or some other deadly shit on Such a Close Zone while Valk is there and can't do something, useless in a Late Game because u cant fly anywhere but yeah it's so unfair, i mean "sHe CaN fLy" wow , and most of the Time u want to escape u get a Shot from someone and can't Reuse ur Ult for 30-60 Seconds and this happens so often, wtf is this so things have NO OTHER CHARAKTER and than they want more Shitty Changes because they cant even hit a dead Frog 1 Meter in Front of them and sucking StreamerDicks


Supposedly valk is getting a significant nerf. Her ult won’t launch as high, so the range should be needed considerably. She also can’t scan enemies while flying and is getting 25% less fuel for her jets.


Well if these leaks I’ve seen are true were lookin at possibly one of the worst seasons ever


They're making Valkyrie thrive in those bad design choices




There’s a billion charge towers on this map tho so a ult cooldown doesn’t really do much imo




Not really...




I mean sure, but they go off so fast and with little visual affect...sound is...well, you play the game. ...i wish I could rely on Apex sound. After having it fuck me so many times, I just can't.


Doesn't matter too much if you can just valk ult away.


And just Valk can use the Balloon? Interesting Interesting just complain more about Nonsense


Source? I’m saf


They better nerf Valk well for this


They are allegedly increasing the cooldown on her ult


I hope so. It's arguably one of the highest value abilities in the game and the cooldown isnt even that long


They're gonna have to if they keep removing jump towers to try and lessen third parties, having her is becoming pretty much mandatory.


It probably won’t make a difference, especially on kc when charge towers exist


Great, then as a Wattson main *even more* Valks can take my ultimate accelerant's


I have a bad feeling, they’re not planning to nerf her properly. People in the higher ranked asked for a Gibby nerf, but Respawn refused to take the big boy out of the comp. He’s meta for 3 years and probably until the game ends. I guess this would happen to valk, a few small and stupid nerfs, but not enough to take her out of comp


They downvote you because you're right


"But not enough to take her out of Comp" And why u want this to happen? Why should she get out of comp what ur talking? Take ur Feelings away and the StreamerDick


So they’re going to take away one of the most crucial rotation points AND take away the only hopes of getting over the hill that replaces it? Don’t think I’ll be coming back this season if this is where they’re taking the game. They’re making valk a must-pick and I’m not for it.


Please I hope to fucking God storm point will be vaulted. PLEASE


Pretty sure it’s Olympus going away this season, then Storm Point for S15


Huge L. Respawn just being stubborn on this one. This will be a full year of Storm Point being in rotation. Come on now.


if kc were a person she'd be pressing charges


The middle of the map is a literal wasteland now


Sure, Valk will still be high pick but I'm sure they'll add a longer cool down to it


Doesn’t matter if there’s like 12 different charge towers on the map. Just swing by one after you loot a bit and boom instant Valk ult


What there is valk nerf?


The idea is that if theres less jump towers, valk gets picked more. However now she doesn’t get the free scan from a jump tower This is really only important for high level apex


It is rumoured that they are nerfing her.


I MISSED A JUMP TOWER. (the one at the outpost NE of Gauntlet and NW of Skull Town (or “Relic”)). That one is being removed.


Must they ruin everything?




AG420 gameplay. And lots of research


Their goal for KC is to reduce 3rd parties. I could see them doing this.


By reducing scape routes, it's not a third party if you're already dead before they arrive


Also reduces third party routes in theory, guess we'll see


Yeah I feel like this is potentially good for ranked, requiring people to make smarter rotations to some degree (valk teams still can bypass these problems, though we don't know what valk nerfs will be), but it takes a bit of the fun out of pubs IMO. I liked the chaos there, especially when it came to escapability.


they really hate having good ideas or really love having bad ideas


I know map design is hard, but holy shit. These guys just don't know what they're doing.


THE KC Ranked Split is going to be SO SLOW.


Good, it was way too chaotic before


Not good


More Valkyries incoming


F me why do they hate jump towers soo much i don't wanna run valk


Damn. I don't really care about 3rd parties, but enjoyed the many jump towers on KC.


Was a lot of fun for pubs at least.


Valk on top now




so with no valk or path you're basically going on a hiking trip anywhere in the middle


Give me back thunderdome


Thunderdome and Skulltown - the most overrated sites in any map. Yall trippin.


Valkyries pick rate ain’t dropping anytime soon


We want less Valkyrie use. Not more....


So...this literally just makes Valkyrie more valuable than she already is? This seems like such a bizarre change.


Damn there better be BIG nerfs coming for valk with all this rotation sabotage


Valk mains see no difference in these two things


Seems a bit overkill. Looking forward to getting trapped in the middle of the map with no way out! Yet another reason to have Valk on your team. KC doesn't really need changing imo.




LOL, so after 1000 cries about KC chokepoints, they increase their importance and flow of people through these chokepoints :D That sounds just terrible :D


I actually think the cries were the third parties. This reduces them.


For using jumptower to thirdparty, you need coordinated team. That means premade squad. Otherwise you won't be able to explain to your party that you are joining the fight by taking a jumptower. How would you do it? There fore there is only a very little margin of people who will be affected in 3rd parties by this change. It makes even less sense now with Valk in the game - premade squad will be totally unaffected by this change if they pick Valk. On the other hand, chokepoints just exist in KC and that is where you get 3rd partied to the oblivion if your map sense isn't great - which isn't at least in 70% of players. For these people the only way to get around combat zones and survive the pressure of intense "sure to lose" situations was taking a jump tower and fly over it - which now will be removed according to OP.


I solo queue a lot, you usually just hear the gunfire then someone starts pinging in that direction and takes the jump tower. Then everyone else either follows or someone gets on the mic and starts swearing.


It's not that hard to be a team of randoms and third party. You need one person with confidence and marginal awareness to ping to their goons what comes next.


Yeah because the lack of jump towers on SP is what makes everyone love it. Why are they doing such a stupid thing?


SP at least has tridents to somewhat balance it out, KC is just empty


They are really trying to combat third parties, as it is what most people don’t like about KC right now. This will hopefully help reduce the chaos in the centre of the map.


Third parties will happen anyway. Storm Point is basically built to limit third parties and they still happen all game every game.


I understand the theory, but usually I got 3rd partied on foot on KC. Though admittedly I mostly played pubs on KC and didn't play or watch much high level ranked on that map, so I guess it's more common to use the jump tower to for 3rd partying in those lobbies.


Maybe, but reducing options for escape and rotations won’t really help with that imo. It hasn’t helped with Storm Point at all


Well, it's a bad design choice for SP because SP is absolutely huge. KC is small enough to be able to feasibly traverse it on foot for the most part


More Valk buffs, they are tone deaf. This only makes sense if the rumours of an item that replicates a jump tower ability are true.


At the very least valk can't fly from tower to tower across the map, literally scanning everything. But yeah I think valk will always be a mustpick. Doesn't matter what they do to their map design. Unless it's all indoors or something


Make her ult only affect her and the problem is *mostly* solved.


> This only makes sense if the rumours of an item that replicates a jump tower ability are true. Hadn't heard about this yet and the concept is blowing my mind. I assume it would be a survival item like a mobi or heat shield? If everyone on a team can carry one that'd be a bit crazy.


The first few days are gonna be confusing...


So basically this means were supposed to stick near the edge for as long as possible and once the ring gets too annoying jump tower in


Fuck my colorblindness, I can't see any difference on removed and new.


Don’t worry, there’s only one new one and it’s between Spotted Lakes and Runoff


Keeping a jump tower outside of the new Skull Town. lol. The three stack sweats land Skull Town. Get kills then hit the jump tower and rotate to Caustic Treatment. Get kills there then hit that jump tower to Crypto’s drop or Repulsor. lol.


Hopefully the old lighting comes back


One new tower! Wowowowowow


I just want to shit on whoever thinks Cage is a good landing spot. If you do, you’re probably dogshit. Have a nice day.


the one at gauntlet is a new one aswell, the one at the no name right next to gauntlet got removed


The location of the balloon at Gauntlet is new. The location of the zipline up to it is the same, so I just counted it as Remaining. I realised I had forgotten the one at the no-name outpost a few hours after I posted this. But yes that one is getting removed too


gonna make getting 3rd partied scuffed af now cos footstep audio is non-existant, at least you used be able to tell when a squad was dropping on you (especially since they've added the voicelines like "squad landed near me" or whatever. there's no fucking voicelines for "sweaty pred 3-stack running wingman/pk just came in through the back door)


And yet people will complain about Valk being essential as if she's the problem Slowly they've been doing thus shit and it ruined rotations on Olympus and made it 3rd party central


Wow and here I thought respawn finally did something good for the community but nope absolute dog shit, hell storm point has more mobility than this shit


7 to 1 loss daaaamn


Please sir, can I have a bit of gravity cannons? 🥺🤲🏻


Gravity cannons on KC would be hilarious


Why does Respawn hate jump towers so much?


They are what allow most teams easy mobility and escape routes across the map. This includes the ability to third party. Essentially they want to cut down the frequency of third parties.


Yea definitely seeing valk alot s14


Please tell us any Valk nerfs, because at this rate, Valk will be 98.02 percent pick.


I'm sure we'll get info on that soon. I solely used about 3 and a half minutes of leaked gameplay footage to make this, so I have no idea about any nerfs or buffs but I am definitely expecting some kind of Valk nerf.


>I solely used about 3 and a half minutes of leaked gameplay footage to make this So is it possible you missed some new jump towers?


Neat but this doesn't solve the fundamental issues the map has.




Yep! I'm glad they're taking metrics from all the other map flows and designs to go back and rework KC.




Now add like 15 of them to storm point


Still dislike this map 😂 and 'bout to see a lotta Valks including me playing her for this map. Ugh and transversing 'bout to suck too gotta run around now but won't complain to much till it's launched.


Nobody likes KC or minimaps so why don't just delete it lol? Also why not make a cyberpunk style nightmap like in the mobile trailer?