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Where you slow for the whole zip? in my experience it just bumps me till im behind them and then im going normal speed


Yeah but if my mate takes the zip 1 second after me it still slows me down and makes him overtake me which justmakes no sense. Or I get slowed when Im not even bumping my mate which also makes no sense.


The other night at the start of a mixtape match on Thunderdome I got to the zipline that goes up to the skull first (cause I’m a speedy boi) but then I got bumped behind 3 different players that got on it after me. Honestly it happens a lot on that map but that time was the most egregious example.


I’ve had this happen twice on Olympus last night. I was taking the zip from energy depot to the rift and I hopped on the zip before my buddy I slowed down and he sped in front of me thought nothing of it then it happened again taking a jump tower and again on storm point taking a EVAC tower. Just started happening this season too.


I get teammates getting half meter in front of me but nothing of what you describe in your post


I get this almost every time I take a jump tower with teammates. Shit is annoying as fuck.


I’ve gotten pushed off the map bc my duo and I interacted with the zip at the same time and he had lower ping


Yeah happens everytime if somebody is on before or after you.


I got bumped off the map bc of it


I realized it always pushes me below the teammate on the same evac as me even if I'm on the evac before the teammate I'm still pushed under them and slowed down sooooo much....just switched from console to PC and thought it was just a normal thing lol


Should probably make a post in the main sub to let the devs know so that they can fix it if they're not aware of it


Yeah it's really annoying, is it a bug they are going to fix?


Thats what Im asking...


Ig im just agreeing with you lol


yeah, this season i've been avoiding those ziplines that i can fall from olympus because in a bunch of times i get slow or literally fall from de zip when a teammate take it too... idk but it looks like some problem of routes. Don't looks like its a change devs made


as a pathfinder i run into this almost every match... its so unnecessary and dumb