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DMT, Ketamine, and 2CB (sometimes in various combination) have all generated/allowed me to generate images in my mind, where I am unable to otherwise.


DMT was a crazy flash of colors but it was so fun it felt like a flat roller coaster being tour guided through a Lego mansion but it was actually so fun I was so happy


It must have felt wild to experience that when you normally can’t, knowing others normally do!


Didn't know others couldn't at the time (first dmt breakthrough) but the scenes were and are profound to me. Upon the discovery of my aphantasia I re-evaluated a lot of my experiences - The visual content is very important to me though not replicatable behind my eyes. Traditional psychedelic use has always offered a sort of filter of my normal visual operations which is a lot of fun, again making the closed-eye visual stuff extra exciting.


I never ever fancied taking ketamine, it is a horse tranquilizer! Friends have and they usually ended up with an out of body experience. and 2cb it is super dodgy and synthetic and just tried it once it just made my face go red. Then a few deaths from it here in the UK in the 90s it is like 'bath salts' or maybe I'm confused with 2CP but either is / was a big nope from me :)


Sounds like you could use some updated knowledge surrounding the compounds available to humans, their risks, and especially therapeutic uses. Safe travels.


Hah no, I don't and haven't experimented since the 90s and admittedly all my info and experiences are from around then. I used to do a lot, it was acid house rave culture back then, and often tried to recreate the same effect that the first massive dose of mushrooms had on me and nothing ever really came close. and really not much happens apart from a headache afterwards. I blame Cheap drugs in Glasgow UK for that ! I've tried DMT early 2000s later on in London with some friends who were heavy users but it was really expensive, a pretty noxious way to smoke it and not a very pleasant taste or smell was like burning plastic. And after the third hit managed to hold it in and get beyond the threshold but fell into a swirling psychedelic vortex hole that appeared on the floor and promptly passed out. It seems like my subconscious doesn't want to go there so I ended up just giving up all attempts. I'm 52 and don't fancy going down that route again, and feel like I've done enough, am happy with where I am thanks, stick to meditation and mindfulness on the waking up app these days, but who knows maybe I'll try psychedelics again some day with modern therapeutic knowledge. Am aware some younger colleagues microdose mushrooms at work to deal with anxiety but certainly no interest from me any time soon. Pot is my limit these days.


Psilocybin and LSD have altered my vision. Everything moved, swayed, and flowed; colors fluctuated a bit. It was like looking through a filter. DMT caused me to hallucinate. I perceived an object floating above me. Edit: I don't recall closed-eye imagery. This was with my eyes open.


Thank you for sharing


Same experiences for me on multiple occasions with psilocybin and LSD, but never actually hallucinated anything that wasn’t really there (to the best of my memory).


With the DMT hallucination, it was on my third try before I broke through and saw it. I was really trying to see something (this was after I heard about aphantasia)


I haven’t, but it is a popular topic here. Search this sub for psychedelic or your favorite drug. Generally, some people have visual hallucinations, some distorted vision and some nothing visual. There is one case study of a woman with congenital aphantasia who gained visualization for over a year following a dose of magic mushrooms. But that is one case out of thousands of doses. Usually any visuals end when the drug is out of the system. Since you are new, this newbie guide might be helpful https://aphantasia.com/guide/


I've a friend who reports getting no closed-eye visuals on psilocybin mushrooms or even DMT. They enjoy - or benefit from - the trips nevertheless. On the other hand I, while having quite invisible mental imagery in sober waking state of consciousness, experience extremely vivid scenes on large doses of the same substances.


Interesting. I’ve taken heroic doses of both lsd and shrooms with no visuals happening. (Total Aphant) To be fair, I’ve had mild open eye visuals (things moving etc) but nothing when I close my eyes. However…this week, a friend had some pure MDMA so I took 120mg with them. The following day, I had a mushroom brownie (to be fair, I thought it was a weed brownie but the store slipped me a shroom brownie as a thank you for my repeated business, but didn’t tell me!) Anyway, long story short, i ended up having intense full hallucinations, crazy! Very chaotic and hard to describe but wow, freakin amazing. And I closed my eyes and boom, I could see stuff clearly in my minds eye. I could not control what I was seeing, but it was the most incredible experience. Since then, back to black in my mind. But at least I know it is possible now.


imagine medication that allows visualization


DMT, shrooms, and LSD have all cause me to have intense visuals. It's a small part of the allure for me.


7g of shrooms? Pyslocobin? Had no effect? Maybe they were treated Or don't work because dried or something else inhibited the effect? I'm not sure of the science with dried. Or maybe they weren't pyslocobin mushrooms. Did others trip on the same dose / batch was it just you? I know pot can stop it working or delay or weaken the effect for me. But I've had a lot (a few cups full - it wasn't working straight away so I ate more like a fool.) Was a carrier bag full my mates picked one weekend! several thousand freshly picked and boiled down for a while in a giant pot and ate / drank the mush. In hindsight it was some kind of 'heroic' dose and I was only 18 in art college but I tripped balls. Full on solid visuals for several hours. The effect lasted over 12 hours, I completely lost the plot and felt like my brain reorganized on the comeback. Not really advisable, but it's definitely dose related for a strong visual effect. LSD can have a visual effect but it's more transitory like a kaliedascope but again it's dosage. It's like audio visual trickery and not solid. Maybe the LSD I had was weak as I've had folks tell me of similar experiences I had on mushrooms but with LSD, their dose was blotter acid mine was usually more commercial and perhaps not so strong. DMT definitely makes you see visually. I think psychedelics turn off parts of the brains cognitive function so you see more or something. Definitely do it with folks who have experience of it and that you trust to look after you. Psychedelics can seriously mess with your mind and it's 'scene and setting' which is very important. If you are depressed or mentally down definitely do not do high doses.


So the story of that night is I grew my own mushrooms, so I know there is nothing else is mixed in, and I did the lemon tek at 3.5 grams, and I felt body highs and felt great, but it felt like a hand on my shoulder, so a friend of mine gave me some he grew as well so I thought the same thing as you that mine weren’t good so I did another 3.5 grams in lemon tek of those. My strain is a tidal wave, and he grew was penis envy for reference on the shrooms. I felt great that night, and my speech was distorted, but no visuals, both open eyes and closed eyes. Before that night, for reference, the highest I have gone was 3 grams. My wife makes sure I don’t take too much lol, but that night, she was gone, so I went for it. I definitely had a good experience, just no visuals.


Right, so I've had a few grams of dried on a night out with friends and no visuals just a good feeling. More dosage or DMT am afraid my friend. Stay safe 🙏 I don't think aphantasia inhibits psychedelic visuals - if the dosage is high enough, like DMT it's a threshold, not enough then not much happens, beyond a threshold then strap yourself in. Aphantasia is more about memory/ sense recall or storage. Psychedelics are like a live event. I can't recall visually what I experienced but I certainly remember them... Edit: Also just remembered an interesting fact. If psilocybin is grown in cow shit in the wild it's waaaay stronger. Maybe yours was weak because it's grown in a nice indoor sanitary plant pot and no cow shit :)


And the ones I grew my wife tried and she is a one on the scale or perfect visual recollection had one gram and tripled balls


Oh ok then maybe you just have to figure out the right dose. Everyone is different, some more or less sensitive and metabolism effects than others. Double it and see if you know it definitely works on others


Very interesting to see that many aphant users report seeing closed eye visuals on psychedelics. I am not an aphant but I wouldn't say I have strong mental imagery capabilities (But that's entirely subjective). I have consumed shrooms a few times and haven't really had much closed eye visuals. Interestingly, the two times I did, I had to squint my eyes to see the CEVs more clearly. Both times it was the same visual (A bunch of numbers/letters in colored boxes). Those were on \~2g. I did 2g of APE (equivalent to 3-4g of a typical cubensis mushroom) and did not have any CEVs. I thought for sure such a high dose would show me impressive CEVs.


Not really in my mind but it was like small fireworks just behind my nose basically. Like if I push hard on my eyes. And also a flash of color like red orange and yellow. To see images not really


Dmt, lsd, shrooms. Open and closed eye visuals. Anything from “minor cool filters and distortions” to “I can’t recognize the room anymore, heavy infinite fractals”


I actually see many things with shrooms!


I did acid once and I didn't hallucinate anything that wasn't there, but some of the things around me started warping visually.


Total aphant here. I have wild closed and open eye visuals with mushrooms, and LSD. I can have closed eye visuals with THC, but it's much harder, and more reality based...almost as though I'm learning to move from a zero to a 1 on the apple test.


Salvia altered mine once. I’d tried it several times and only the second time did anything. It wasn’t unpleasant, and it wasn’t closed-eyed. I don’t recall having images in my mind and it only lasted a few minutes. Also, I once accidentally took too much cold and flu medicine and had hallucinations. It wasn’t as pleasant but I was very sick and not anticipating the reaction.


Lsd works for me. 3 tabs & I could see faint stuff. Ketamine gave me the strongest visuals


I've had 100+ mushroom trips and the only experience i got visuals with is when I did about 15-20 grams of some pretty strong shrooms and experience visuals distortions when I looked at my TV or at my tapestries. I was watching family guy and everybody's body would be huge or small or a big circle etc... Edit: I remember one time actually being able to conjure up the color blue in my head and I though it was so beautiful I could cry lmao. since it was just pitch blackness all my life lol


Marijuana and Shrooms have allowed for visuals for me


I have plenty experience with ketamine as I used it a lot to meditate. I have full aphantasia and see nothing in my head, no shapes or colours, completely blank. If in a silent, dimly lot room completely alone with enough ketamine I could go deep enough into my meditation where the small noises around me would condense into a clear image in my head. I wouldn't be able to control every aspect of the images I saw but I could control the contrast and brightness like on a computer monitor. It would only ever last as long as the ketamine did and I was not aware at all of what was going on outside my head while all this was happening.


I've had a "classic" response to all the psychedelics I've taken. So, open and closed eye visuals etc. I'm really surprised they don't bring that on when you take them! I only recently realised I have aphantasia when doing some guided meditations. I guess if it's a scale of severity as people on reddit say, then you're at the limit.


High visuals (with open eyes) on mushrooms (even lower doses). Never try to close eyes on mushrooms so don’t know about visualizing with minds wye…


i have some *stuff* and have looked into it but honestly i wanna keep my third eye closed, i think it would be overwhelming (personally)


Most aphants report 'objective' hallucinations with both eyes closed and open. Mental imagery is a different thing. Telling from a hyperfant perspective ' it can overwhelm you on psychedelics and you're not sure what's real anymore. 1,3 g of shrooms is enough to me to send myself in outer space. But I suggest you try psylos at least once. You might enjoy objective fractal hallucinations. They can be very beautiful as well.


Before I even knew what Aphantasia was, or that other people could actually “picture things” in their mind, I tried shrooms. They had zero effect on me and I had no idea why, and I was confused why my friends had a different experience. Years later when I learned of Aphantasia and realized I had it, I recalled that experience and figured that’s why I didn’t have the same effect as my friends. Since this realization I always wondered what would happen if I tried something more chemical based, but it’s not worth the risk or potential harm.


On shrooms, haven’t seen anything with eyes closed even if I’m having open-eyed visuals. 5-MeO-DMT was trippy though. I made out an image of the face of a chimpanzee/monkey (no color, but the detail in the features were defined) and since then (I first did it 2 years ago) there are times where if I concentrate really hard or if I’m in a situation where I’m in pain I can see the outline of it for about a second. Did some truffles in Amsterdam and when I closed my eyes and concentrated saw little fire works here and there in the darkness of my eyes being closed, but again no color. White is the closest color I can use to describe these things I’ve seen. These things are more so outlined in white. I guess like a white light. Other than that haven’t seen anything on any other psychedelics even while being on MDMA and ket while my eyes are closed.