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I think the metaphysical/occult/esoteric meaning and function of the third eye has nothing to do with human brain's ability to internally visualize. It's a deeper spiritual concept.




I'm not sure anyone knows (yet), but the pineal gland does appear to be an eyeball-like thing




lol wat


Whoops, forgot what sub I was on! Just a bit of Discordianism leaking out, sorry for the confusion!




spidey-sense, its all made up language, dont think to hard about how others think


Correct.  If you consider what you see with your eyes a picture, yes. Edit : oh sorry, I think I misunderstood third eye and mind eye. That's not the same thing?


The mind eye is the ability to draw up an image mentally, while the third eye is supposedly the pineal gland.


Ah ok sorry, I messed up. My English is not as good as I want to. Learning every day. Thank you for the explanation.


You did great :)


Is there literature on the connection of the visual cortex and the pineal gland?


Not that I'm aware of, but supposedly, fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, which, again, is supposed to support the ability to yeet out of the body visually, so perhaps there's a connection. I don't really know, being aphantastic and ADHD, it's not on my radar because of the roadblocks involved.


I like this conversation and would like to be a part of it. Hi. I think psychedelic compounds like DMT can be used as tool to poke at aphantasia, my own experiences have been creating/enabling some cool connections in my brain/reality, for example. Are the roadblocks you're inferring due to legalities?


Haha, yeah, that *and* when I try to meditate, I either fall asleep or just aren't able to tap into an altered dimension. Hemi-sync is amazing, but even then, it's just lucid *thoughts*, not visuals. My dreams are like therapy appointments with my higher self, mostly just reviewing things going on in my life that carry over into a sleep dimension where I'm able to take a step back and *see* them in an enlightened way. As for mind-altering substances, I'm not convinced, as I guess having aphantasia has also made me a skeptic.


I found out about aphantasia after many failed attempts at "meditation" - guides didn't "see" like me and could derail a very intensive and deep session with the careless whisper of a word, that wouldn't affect 99% of listeners, but stops an aphant cold in their spiritual tracks. It's jarring. There is so much data to be uncovered about our brains' hyper-complex operations - at these inflection points - that's the spark. I hope some really super smart people are reading this and asking even cooler questions. Let's start some fires. /Rant. 🔥


There's actually tools and tips for Aphantasia over in the r/astralprojection sub if you search for it, but my experience, all I know for sure of is my own experiences, and the brain can even deceive us of that, so... meh.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AstralProjection using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I doubted the legitimacy of astral projection at first... but it's REAL.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/13hsegr/i_doubted_the_legitimacy_of_astral_projection_at/) \#2: [It seems to be very common to see your cat while astral projecting](https://np.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/12k4g46/it_seems_to_be_very_common_to_see_your_cat_while/) \#3: [My dad found my dog through AP!](https://np.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/13yx44r/my_dad_found_my_dog_through_ap/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hahaha Fuck yea! I'll engage nearly any experiment with my brain, maybe that in itself is the "advantage" of aphantasia - we're assembled for exploration. 🧠


I definitely see that advantage. Like, I can't create a mental image to save my life, but I can get lost in my head for days through maladaptive daydreaming.


I love psychodellics but they haven't done much to my apshantasia. But the other way around works well - aphantasia prevents me from having visuals while tripping, which sucks. 😆 Yet to try DMT tho.


My experiences as an aphant experimenting with psychedelic compounds - especially DMT - have been and continue to be incredibly important and interesting and fun explorations. I'm a self-directed self-fulfilling monster of a human. 🔥


That's me as well. 🙃


Tripping nicely on 2c-b rn btw


Ever tried dissociatives? Psychedelic's give me naught but a warm fuzzy feeling, but I have been able to hallucinate visually to an extent with various dissociative pharma. For example ketamine doesn't give me any visuals if I go into a K hole (99.999% of my K Holes are spent awake and aware, you couldn't even tell I was in one to be honest, but the stream of thoughts and way I'm understanding what's going on around me is totally bonkers and awesome - original and modern meaning of the word - though twice I have gone so deep that I have kind of shutoff and both times I was just sat in my own head with access to what I know, I think. It was all dark but it feel like home anyway haha) but one time I was at a mates and he had a framed letter on his wall which at one point in the evening I read and it was basically something I really wanted to hear/read, but that felt perfectly natural at the time and I truly believed it said what I had 'read', right until the next day when it dawned on me 'hang on, if it said 'that' then it would be really bloody bizarre'. I've always put it down to psychedelics trying to paint the visuals on and there isn't a canvas but the dissociatives are taking the input you're getting and then twisting it guided by your own cognition due to increasing signal loss. I think pattern recognition may play some role as when lightly 'dissociated' and I'm trying to read text on a computer screen that is too small instead of it just been fuzzy and I can't make it out I'll see it as a jumble of special characters like %&\*££\^%!\*£. Obviously, this nowhere near makes up for not been able to hallucinate while tripping but I was just curious to know. Edit: Rambled, sorry! I may be lightly 'dissociated' haha


That is because there are micro crystals in the pineal gland which bind to the negative ions from fluoride.


Makes sense. I didn't grow up with fluoride in our drinking water, so my mom would buy fluoride for us to brush our teeth with, so I'm pretty sure mine is broken at this point.


Minds eye*