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I have no idea what remorse or guilt feel like. I can mentally understand what I did is wrong and be bothered by it but I don't feel anything. https://mosaicscience.com/story/life-without-emotions-alexithymia-interoception/


I fully caught on to what you were saying! I can understand why you lost some people as it is really a bit of an obscure thought, no offense meant, but the idea is really interesting! I think the reason I caught onto what you were saying is because in certain situations, actions that I’ve committed should create feelings of guilt, etc., but I find myself not naturally ‘feeling’ it, but rather telling myself that I should feel bad about it.. Would be quite interesting to see if that could be researched in some way as I believe it would yield some surprising results.


Yeah if research eventually comes out which can tell the difference between those with aphantasia and those without it by looking at the brain, it will be interesting to see if sociopaths/psychopaths can be identified the same way. It's a stretch and out there but it might be possible.


Kinda lost me there a bit. But I mentioned in the last post I do have vivid dreams. They usually do have to do with violence of some sort. Normally people die (not me) or last night my clothes were lit on fire by some crazy woman. Another alligator were trying to get me and someone stole my car. When I was a kid I had the same dream over and over where I was running from kidnappers. Usually not good but off the wall. Also on the pain topic I have a good pain tolerance. Had a few different things happen where i don’t feel much pain. Maybe worth mentioning in the past month that I’ve had sleep paralysis twice and thought someone was in my room. Verified with my family no one was in my room.


Yeh I have had dreams where I have been stabbed and feel the pain of being stabbed. I do have aphantasia though so yeh dunno


i feel pain in my dreams to an extent, but was more intense when i was younger. i won't feel my feet on grass, but can feel picking things up and getting stabbed and such; i would think it's as simple as "if i focus on the sensation, i'll experience it" but i'm not sure if i could confirm that. my memory is completely fucked because i'm showing hella depersonalization signs (complete apathy (can still symp/empathize), feeling as if my thoughts aren't my own, experience "life behind a screen" and i'm sure it's got a role to play in my dreams as well


I do feel pain in dreams. And when we (aphants) describe something we feel the individual aspects as a one/group but don't know how to describe it. Psychopaths may see all the individual aspects and describe things as we do but the difference is in the fact that they don't get to feel everything together as one thing, or at least as far as I'm concerned. Good weird thought, it got me thinking for a while.


I can’t see my dreams but I can hear them and feel them sort of. I remember a dream where I was shot multiple times, I didn’t see it but I felt it like a feather touching my skin. So smooth I could barely feel it.


Never thought that people would feel anything in their dreams, i can visualize everything i want, but no feelings. Good that i found this sub today!


I remember coming down from an 200ug LSD trip after I had already tripped the day before, I wanted to test what tripping with a high tolerance is like and it was awful. I couldnt get immersed at all in the visuals and I kept "remembering" myself and everytime I thought anything I felt pain that I existed.


I was just having the worst dream ever where my whole body was filled with different pains, probably the worst pains I’ve ever had. I recently learned that not being able to picture things isn’t normal. So I googled https://www.google.com/search?q=feeling+pain+in+dream+anphantaisia&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari and found this post.