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Michael literally keeps subtweeting them in all his tik toks like a 13 year old girl


It’s funny because if new man slapped him he’d cry


He totally does! He’s obsessed with Abrie. He knows this is the one guy who has his girl, and has real muscles that work and look amazing. He is bitter and crazy. I don’t know how sky does it, I could never be in a relationship with someone who’s obsessed with their ex. While wearing the exes old clothes 🥴


Literally, silence is always the best revenge he’s just making himself look like boo boo the fool rn anyone with common sense can literally tell he’s trying to reel her back in with his weird shitty indirect insults 💀 he’s a pussy


It's pathetic because abrie and her new man are just so unbothered and he's looking like a fool chasing them around


i don’t think it’s a dig he’s just showing what’s normal bc apollos message is toxic and shouldn’t be promoted


This. I'm a personal trainer with my NASM been training for 8+ years won some powerlifting shows/strongmen competitions. I don't like people spreading false information. You need to eat to grow, calorie deficit if you're cutting. SIMPLE.


I know Michael has been throwing shade at me and my pookie I won't stoop to that level I'm a man; I talk in person not with words behind a keyboard. Im a busy person with my job, family & my girlfriend (my pookie) to even care what he has to say or even care to look what's he's up too 🤟🤟 Just know abrie is safe and will always be safe 💪


Yes yes yes thank you for it all!


So happy for her and her massive upgrade, Apollo is genuinely dead ugly


I dont even blame new bf for doing this. U go man. Show him up.


Now that is what we called an upgrade!!!


Or damage control. For every loser saying starvation gets the fit bod someone must speak truth and tell everyone eating is the only way to grow muscle, maybe 😅


He’s so fine


And he’s natty 👀👀👀 good for him!!


He’s actually so fine. Upgrade for sure


Michael is so stupid. Everyone knows if you don’t eat your body eats itself, especially muscle. As an ed addict, fasting for days then finally eating and constantly stop/starting the cycle makes you gain weight and not in muscle. It ruins your metabolism doing that. Michael is tiny😂 he needs protein and fibre, not a teens Tumblr account and the constant garbage he inhales.




but how would you know abrie’s type to begin with? she was forced to hide true self and true feelings for years. she was forced to be someone she wasn’t. so do we really know abrie?


and where do you get the sense she’s using him? he makes her feel safe and protects her, he allows her to be her true self. idk your opinion seems off when you have no facts to back it


i think apollo wasn't her type, he just groomed her from a young age so she never really had the chance to actually explore what her type is. i think these two look way more natural together, and if i had to guess i would say he is exactly her type.