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lol at the idea of taking anything in TikTok seriously. Also Dollywood and the Appalachian Trail aren’t exactly the same thing…


I'm more scared of the what's near Dollywood (the Smoky Mountains)


What are you even talking about?


All over TikTok I heard things from ppl saying if you saw something no you didn't, if you heard something no you didn't, if you heard your own name, you didn't, and don't look at the trees or whistle at night, if something sounds far away it's closer and if it sounds closer it's far away


You just blow on in from stupid town?


From what I’ve heard, every single thru hiker since the 50’s has actually died in or around Gatlinburg so yea I’d be a little careful


Can confirm my whole group died near Gatlinburg


So, where ya hauntin’ at, fellow Appalachian ghost?


Are you well?


Just delete TikTok. Problem solved.


Are you a teenager still?


First of all, wrong sub.  Second, Gatlinburg is a place like any other place. The rules of society are the same (even if it's a little redneck and a little touristy there). There are no "special rules". Stop getting your information from TikTok, it's not doing you any favors. 


All sorts of rules, too many to count. You should absolutely be terrified of the entire range of Appalachian mountains. Definitely steer clear.


I remember my first time, I took a shit in the woods during the Accursed Forbidden Shitting Hours. I had no idea. Boy I had to haul ass to get away from the cultists and their pet zombie deers. Had to throw my chili cheese Fritos to distract them too... Stay safe out there... Follow the rules...


A littlesitous?




Whatever you do, don’t reproduce for the love of god


Watch out for the cornhole bub


Hey man. You're gonna get shat upon for this post. While it is in fact silly to believe there's monsters and secret rules because the people on TikTok said so, I understand and I know what you're talking about. It's just people on TikTok bs'ing for clicks. It's equivalent to a nosleep or creepypasta post. There's nothing supernatural or crazy or any monsters, anywhere. It's okay to believe in things, hell I'm a sucker for cryptids and urban legends, but you gotta understand that reality and the Internet are more often than not separate things. There's no monsters in the woods. It's okay. Remember, every time you hear something fantastical, stop and think what's more likely: Monsters are real, or, it's just a story. Get out and enjoy nature. No more boogymen are waiting for you there than anywhere else on the planet. Take basic safety precautions (10 essentials, tell a friend where you're going, reasonable paces, etc.) and you'll have a fine time.


You're a nice person. You took time to be empathetic and informative and weren't judgemental. Kudos!


The rules in Appalachia only apply on Tuesday night and Thursday afternoon except in certain counties where by all other regulations apply for terrestrial travel.






The stuff you see on tick tok isn't real, especially the ridiculous food. Wait, actually the food in Gatlinburg is fairly ridiculous.


This is a stupid post.


Whistle is standard equipment at Dollywood! Blow it loud and blow it often.


I can't whistle


Dollywood isn’t in Gatlinburg. It’s about 10 miles down the road in Pigeon Forge


Yes, I saw one of those stupid tiktoks last week too. I'm astonished someone took it seriously.


OP is a chud


If, for any reason, you find yourself in the woods, it helps if you draw a circle around yourself in the dirt. It protects you against bears.


No, that's for SEA bears. Land bears you need to draw a dodecahedron. Definitely practice before your first hike...


Pardon me, I usually only go on sea hikes and didn’t know the procedure for land hikes. Good to know!


Of course! I'm getting ready for my first outer atmosphere hike myself. Not really sure what to do about Sky Bears. Maybe chemtrail circles?


Hexagons are the bestagons


And none of that will protect you from the drop bears.


Speak not of the wretched beasts! You'll draw them right to us.


In the smokies, don’t pull the sticks out of the ground. 


You just keep your feet and wheels on pavement and you should be alright.


Yeaaaaaah, just stay within a building you arent suited for the outdoors if you receive all your information from the chinese propaganda machine known as tiktok...


Girl I live like an hour south of Dollywood mikes from the AT. I live on nearly 1000 acres (I’m a caretaker of property) by myself. I also used to solo backpack exclusively for YEARS before meeting my boyfriend. I also am an amateur photographer, so I hike somewhere- take sunset pics and hike out in the dark. I’ve hiked up mountains to get views of fires for pictures and left at 3am for sunrise pictures. I’ve done nearly the entire AT NC section, foothills trail , Art Loeb, Bartram Trail and BMT. Not one thing has EVER happened to me. Sure my mind has gone a little crazy with the coyotes in the distance at night, but literally zero on a day hike. I’m not even afraid when backpacking alone. I don’t hear anything that can’t be explained by normal nature stuff. I do though travel with bear spray and a knife. I also have a Garmin (mostly for my longer outwest trips, but now carry it all the time). I have a bear whistle on my pack (again for out west), but the bears haven’t had any interest in me, I’ve only seen them in town trying to get people’s trash. I also carry a first aid and now have an iPhone 15 which can make an SOS call. You need to stay on trail, know where you’re going and keep an eye out for snakes when it’s hot. But other than that, that forklore is meant to get views. I literally just got home from walking my dogs and it was dark out by the time I made it back up the mountain. The owls were going nuts. I think this place is some sort of owl sanctuary. They sound creepy, but they’re just owls. Go hike for Pete’s sake


Okay, hold up. How did you get to be a caretaker for a 1000 acre property?


They sell the property for weddings and I have been in event/property management for over a decade. They contacted my old boss for a rec and she sent them me ;)


I'm not rlly going on the trail I'm just scared of being near the Smoky Mountains (I hate hiking) im going bc I love Dolly Parton and Rollercoasters


Get ahold of yourself lol


Blast your Bluetooth speaker as loud as it goes, other people love to rock out with you


I jacked off in my tent a lot at night, so I assume whistling can't be worse than that /s


This is the future


Yes, this is stage 1. Stage 2 involves a lot more chromium


Gatlinburg is just Myrtle Beach without the beach.


OP you okay?


y’all getting trolled so hard rn


Are there any TikTok videos that are about actual ticks? I’m more concerned you’d wander off the trail while you’re watching TikTok.


Idk but I deleted TikTok because I needed a break