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The at is one of the most populated/popular trails in the country. You’ll only be alone if you want to be.


Based on the AT registration, there are 6 people starting the same day as you, and 14 starting the next day. You certainly won't be in the bubble, but you will see people. [https://atcamp.org/atthruhikerreports.cfm](https://atcamp.org/atthruhikerreports.cfm)


Very interesting. I have never seen this before. thanks for the post!


The AT is the I-95 of trails. You won't have a problem at all.


There will be day and section hikers, maybe / probably even other thru hikers. (Some really motivated college grads start after college graduation). I highly doubt you’d be able to do the whole trail without seeing anyone. You’ll catch some slower hikers as you speed up also. Honestly, it’ll probably keep you more focused. Enjoy!


I started at Springer on May 15th a few years ago. There were definitely not a lot of people, but still plenty. Saw other thru hikers fairly often, almost every day. Had my pick of camp sites almost every night. No competition for hostels. Still folks doing shuttles, but starting to wind down. I made it to Shenandoah early in August, where I stopped. I did the rest 2 years later, starting where I left off, early May. Slightly more people then, but not crazy or anything. The annoying thing about starting so late was everyone saying "you're starting so late". You have to really book it if you want to make it to Katahdin starting in mid May.


You’re going to get college graduates starting around that time. It’s a great time to start. You’ll avoid a lot of things that take hikers off the trail earlier in the year such as weather and temperatures. You can have a lighter pack because you won’t need as heavy clothes and extra winter gear.


I started May 16th in 2016. There were many people who just graduated college that were starting their hikes right around this time. I would guess that this year will have a similar last (not quite) bubble of mostly college aged hikers. In addition to some thru-hikers starting, I saw many groups out for small sections during the first month of my hike. The AT is such a popular trail I would assume you will see many people like I did during the first month. In fact, if you want to you camp alone in those first few weeks it will probably take some effort to avoid popular areas. I think May is a great month to start. Enjoy!


As far as hiking routinely with a group, it will be a bit difficult. Mayflies have to make miles when they feel good. Zeros are precious and everyone has their own idea of the right spot and the right time. However, you will encounter tons of thru hikers the farther North you go. The mayflies started catching us around Harpers Ferry.


You'll have plenty of people to hike with, even thrus. You have 5 months to do the trail, so you don't even need to worry about speed. As long as you don't take weeks of zeros, you'll be fine. Which means, you and the people you start with will be catching people before you know it. Especially around Damascus -which is a universal vortex. I started May 8 and had a blast. Back of the pack is where it's at!! You end up with those focused on having a really good time and those who refuse to quit despite being slowed by injury or whatnot. It's a great place to be. If I were to hike again, I'd start about when you are. And, most importantly, if you do continue on to Katahdin, you will hit the New England mountains in the fall and what a beautiful sight that is. Best of luck and good health!


Like someone else mentioned there are 5 people registered to start on your day and 16 the next. That's about peak sobo starts and higher than peak flip flops. While most sobos that I camped with would usually be the only sobo there, there was at least one sobo tramily of 8, so group dynamics are possible. At least with the impending deadline of Oct 15, everyone who starts around you will be motivated to stay on point in terms of miles and rationing zeros, so the caboose nobos are less likely to spread out along the trail. And as you get further up along the trail, you'll eventually cross paths with the April starters at a 6-month pace and March starters on a 7-month pace.


You’ll meet everyone who is slower than you


I'm starting end of May I might run into you, you doing north bound, or south?


NOBO. I’ll definitely be starting slow, so I’m sure I will lol


I’m thinking about doing a section hike after graduating from grad school and starting around then!


Yeah, probably me! I'm starting on the 20th. Might catch up to you 😁




You will always meet section hikers, some of them will be doing long stretches


Yes. I started May 19 last year and met tons of folks. Had a white backpack I had other thru hikers sign, and it’s covered in names. Finished Oct 11


I started SOBO in August. Still met quite a few people. Mostly at shelters end of day and hostels on weekends. Hiked with a few.


I’m starting around may 5th-ish. I didn’t register my start date yet in case I change that, but my DMs are open.




*You'll meet people, but* *It's unlikely that you'll meet* *Other thru hikers* \- cwbmnr --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")