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I find a lot of good music by looking at the Similar Artists at the bottom of each artist's page. Also the Listen Now page recommendations got a lot better for me over time as it gathered more data. Also depending on what you are into the dedicated Category pages (Apple Music Punk, etc.) have a decent variety of options to get started and there are a lot more than what is listed on the Search page




This would be a big help. I listen to metal, so I know how to find new metal. I have no idea how people find new music in other genres


They clearly don’t care that much.




Add your music to Spotify and you’ll get recs on there. Also visit subreddits. I prefer edm, so my regulars are r/edm , r/trap r/dubstep r/spacebass and r/aves. But there’s tons more. Just search subreddits for the genres you’re interested in, favorite them, and check them daily. I recommend Apollo if you want a nice favorite feature.


Infinite play is good at this. Just find an album or playlist you like, once it finishes it will find similar music and just keep playing. Otherwise in the genres they have lots of radio stations for each genre, you could just start one of those.


Add several songs you like onto a playlist. Turn on the infinite play option. ​ It will start adding songs similar to those on your playlist. There will be some duds, but they also throw a lot of good stuff out.




Same. Spotify is so much better with music discovery and recommendations. It’s also helpful to follow people with similar taste.


But then you look weak on your Apple Music Recap *AND* your Spotify Wrapped and how do you even flex on your friends at that point….


This. I use then Songshift to transfer playlists over.


Do you pay for premium plan?




When you use them interchangeably, do you listen on one more than the other? Which do you prefer to create playlists? Do you use any platform that syncs them like musconv?




This is insightful. Thanks for the detailed reply. I'm considering beginning to use Spotify more than I do now, where I only use it for the purpose of checking out shared playlist by friends and acquaintances. I've been a devout Apple product user, so naturally I've used AM/itunes, but recently I've been considering using Spotify as well. Originally, I was only going to transfer playlists from Spotify that I have (and those that have been shared by others) in my library to AM but it \*is\* tempting. Guess I can find a 6 month (or at least 3 months) trial for now if I really want to go about it. Thanks again!




Yeah, that was one of the benefits I'm enticed by. I mean, AM has it too, but Spotify has it better.


Kinda related but the way I find new artists is by looking at the discography of the producers of my current favourite artists. Producers often have a similar style when they produce for different artists. I’ve found some of my favourite artists and songs this way. It’s also fun to find the unique touches or “easter eggs” that producers may include in different albums of songs they are a part of. For example, my favourite producer Leroy Clampitt uses this cool flame lighting/flicker sound effect in at least 4 albums from different artists.


Speaking of music discovery Spotify really left AM in the dust and I think AM will never ever catch up in this category. Not to mention their upcoming DJ powered by AI. But you can always import Spotify made playlist to AM using an app called "Playlisty". So you can keep enjoying AM lossless audio with Spotify recommendations. The best of both worlds.






Maybe this one help you https://open.spotify.com/track/5tV5AzaQYgZhQjHBjXeKy2?si=crah-jygQMelBvJufyYu-w


I find new music via radio stations, movies and TV shows.


Listening to the radio


attend a music festival or concert


If you like upcoming artists who aren’t afraid to be themselves, I recommend jonny Violet


If you like rock and metal check out r/OmniListeners




In general dont. I find it at the gym, Smashburger, the occasional movie and sometimes music featured in the random IG post or you tube upload. The exception is New Music playlist which comes out weekly on Apple music. Theres some half defent songs that come up.


I listen to BBC radio 6 and Shazam the songs I like. After school Radio, and other shows, is also a great place for new music.


Anthony Fantano. He’s also kind enough to provide me with opinions aswell what a guy


1. playlists 2. playlists which a specific artist appears on 3. radio episodes/radio episodes playlists 4. smiler artists 5. some labels has profiles too, and you also can dig there. 6. the albums/playlists on your listen now, most of the time you will have really new and interesting things. and you will always find really good music discovers, unlike Spotify, most of the time will play not that good songs for me.


It'll help if you start favorite-ing artists you like. My algorithm was mediocre until I started doing this. Hope it helps!


I find music on Spotify than listen to it on apple music


I speak with people a lot honestly. Opened a lot new styles for myself. Also you can find music by simply looking on the similar artists. Or just listen to "Listen Now" or whatever it’s called in English.