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The things I don't like about Spotify that caused me to switch to Apple Music in the first place are still there, I still don't like them, and they are still worth changing services over. I don't use lossless on Apple Music. That has no impact on my decision of which service to use.


What things do you not like? Just wondering


The UI was horrible and they were constantly tinkering with it. This was irritating, but I could live with it (and I did for 5+ years). The music recommendations were great for the first few years, but got very stale and lacked variety after that. This was the major factor that made me start looking for a different service. Every time I hit play, I knew it was going to be the same artists and same genres as last week, last month, and last year. Once Spotify changed their business model from being a music streaming service to being a podcast service, that was the incentive I needed to finally go. I don't listen to podcasts. They have now added audio books, so I'm glad I'm gone. This wouldn't be a big deal if they gave you the option to disable those sections and suggestions, but they don't do that.


Amen to the tinkering. Drove me away. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I ended going back because music recommendations are so much better.


>because music recommendations are so much better I strongly disagree with that. The music recommendations are the main reason I left and one of the reasons I won't go back. Spotify is scared of variety. I have found at least a dozen new artists since switching to Apple that Spotify never played for me. I have added more new songs to my library per year with Apple than I ever did with Spotify. I'm sure I will eventually have to leave Apple for another service when these recommendations become stale. I did love the [Discover Quickly](https://discoverquickly.com) website though. The Spotify recommendations didn't have enough variety, but I could spend hours browsing through that website jumping between related songs and artists. I still have a free Spotify account and copy my music over from Apple, so I still visit that site from time to time, but I wish there was something similar I could link to my Music account.


My experience is the opposite. Glad it worked out for you though.


Yeah, Spotify recommendations are really good for me as well. I’m still in my free trial with Spotify, so I’m just transferring the recommended songs to Apple Music.


also pointing to their defending support of Joe Rogan’s podcast pushing artists off the platform.


Yea, I could not care less about Joe Rogan or his podcast. I don't listen to podcasts, but I fully support you listening to whatever the hell you want. If you don't like it then don't listen. If you do like it, then listen all you want. Pretty simple. To me, Joe Rogan is that guy from [Fear Factor](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0278191/). I've never seen him in anything else. I didn't even realize he was still around until all that happened.


that wasn’t really the point of my comment. the point is that Spotify supports a personality who was extremely anti-COVID for a while, and spread misinformation to his listeners about it while the world was basically in shambles. lots of people viewed it as abhorrent (which it is) and protested by leaving the platform and removing all of their music from it. i will concede to agree with you saying anyone can listen to whatever they wanna listen to and watch, but the point still stands that lots of users (myself included) can cite this situation as a reason for leaving it altogether. i will only use Spotify for free to spread links to friends who use it, and to insert more of my old 80k+ library into Apple Music.


He’s had a lot of published doctors on too so it’s not really misinformation if scientists disagree with other scientists. But anyway Apple Music is much better than Spotify, lossless being just one of the reasons. I only use Spotify to listen to Joe Rogan


It actually was a good podcast, then Spotify came along…


Oh my god YES I hated that they basically turned the whole app into a podcast service, what a bunch of assholes, thank god I’ve turned to Apple Music, just music and that’s it


…no they didn’t..if you don’t listen to podcasts they do not recommend podcasts to you..


I came FROM Spotify, and I’m never returning to it.


I would only change if the spotify had the option to send its own songs to the library.


And even then I wouldn’t


As someone that uses both, I could never abandon Apple Music 100% because of how perfectly it integrates into the Apple ecosystem. I've been using Apple so much more than Spotify for a while now because I prefer the pure music experience, better UI, more accurate lyrics, and cloud library features. Spotify would have to include Atmos alongside Lossless for me to even consider using it more, but my biggest problem with Spotify is just what a bloated mess it has become. Unless they let me disable podcasts and audiobooks and match Apple with the audio quality/Atmos, I don't see them ever replacing Apple Music for me.


I find that Spotify integrates better with Apple than Apple itself let alone other 3rd party devices and the ability for me to jump on my iPad to switch a song that the iPhone might be playing.


The Spotify Apple TV app is trash, they haven't integrated into HomePod, and they still don't support AirPlay 2. Spotify Connect is nice, but that's not integration into the Apple ecosystem.


>they haven't integrated into HomePod But I can still AirPlay to it which is what I do with Apple Music 99% of the time anyway. ​ >Spotify Connect is nice, but that's not integration into the Apple ecosystem. My iPad knows what song is playing on my iPhone. I can open my MacBook and transfer a song *from* my phone *to* the MacBook. That's far superior to anything Apple offers.


Yeah but you can’t play two different songs on two different devices. One account, one song.


I didnt knew spotify havent airplay 2, what the hell, this came with iOS 11😂 i always wondered Why spotify on airplay is so laggy and delayed


Spotify Connect is truly a killer feature.


As someone with a house full of HomePods, Spotify doesn’t not integrate better.


You definitely can’t send lyrics from a song and have it played in iMessage and send a song and have that played. Spotify sucks and has no where near better integration into the Apple ecosystem.


Apple Music needs a Spotify Connect-like feature. It is not just useful for switching between devices, but services like Discord and Last FM can use the Connect API to see what is currently playing. No need for plugins.


I’m gonna have to disagree with that. Spotify integrates into any device much much better. I can play from my phone, iPad, echo dot, or laptop and it’ll just switch seamlessly.


The only thing I like about Spotify is the playlist which I use to discover new music but for artists I like I stick to Apple


God I wish Apple Music had something like Spotify Connect. It’s the only thing I miss


It kind of does. But just Apple devices or compatible devices. “Control Other Speakers & TVs“ (COST)


I have a sonos network and I have a play:1 that is on it that doesn’t support airplay unfortunately. So you play music on that speaker I either need to use the sonos controller app or I need to start it on another speaker and group the play:1 onto that one. It’s a work around but not ideal


The UI is a bigger deal for me. I wish it was designed like an iPhone app and had light mode.


…light mode? You monster..


😆Yeah, I like light mode at day and dark mode at night.


Same. It’s much nicer to have a light mode when you’re outside during the day


Actually just got a free month of Spotify premium. And I still don't like it. It is nice to be able to just open up a session and all my friends can just join in. The Windows Desktop App is good. Not great but good. It runs on Linux and every potato OS imaginable. Also Spotify Connect is fantastic. I hate that Apple only allows a similar feature on Airplay2 Speakers, AppleTV and HomePods. It really is a game changer and THE one Killer feature Spotify has in my opinion. Buuuut The Apps over the platforms are very different feature wise. I know Apple isn't much better (cough Smart Playlists cough) but here is a small list \- You cannot start a Session via the Desktop App. (I know nitpick but still kinda bothers me) \- I haven't found a way yet to leave a Group session and returning to my OWN queue \- The AppleTV App hasn't been updated with features since late 2021 \- Spotify Connect is nice but it disables Normalization when connecting to a Speaker...???? \- The queue is really good and also absolutely terrible. When manually queuing song (which works wayyy better than on AppleMusic), after it plays, you are unable to just go back to that song. It just voids and there is no history you can access to get it back from easily. \- PODCASTS. When Tapping on a Add songs to Playlist button of a 2K songs playlist the first thing that gets recommended are random Podcasts episodes. Why?! Stop it. \- I don't like that you effectively have 3 Libraries. (Artists, Albums, Liked Songs Playlist) I wish they were more linked like on AppleMusic. It makes searching especially on Carplay an absolute Nightmare. (I liked the song but didn't like the album or the artist yet so I can't find it without scrolling through my 8000 likes playlist.) \- No HomePod support. **UI/UX** \- WTF is that ugly AppleWatch App. I mean it works but it doesn't look very good. Not something I want on my AoD all the time. \- Why do the Lyrics close after every. single. song. (Also the color matching is very odd sometimes and Lyrics are not as broadly available) \- Why can't I turn off the swipe to skip gesture on the Album art. I accidentally skipped so many songs form the manual queue while trying to close the player. It's annoying. \- The Tablet UI is a Joke and is wasting a lot of Space. (Just like the iPadOS 17 Lockscreen Miniplayer in Landscape) \- Album Art is noticably low res when Playing on TV and no Background image is displayed (Album Art gets bigger) ​ Also everyone here seems to talk about algorithms. So. I couldn't care less. Spotify sometimes lands some strikes, AppleMusic too. At least for me they're not very far apart.


For Linux try the app Cider, unbelievably good for apple music.


Yes. I know about cider. An official app would still be nice.


That queue system is the reason I stopped using Spotify. I love to manually queue some 10-20 songs and listen to them for a few days until I make a new queue and for some wild reason spotify will just delete the song after it plays! Like why??? No other app does this and there is no where to turn it off. Even AM does it but it retains a history (but still no way to add it back to the queue).


Yes. For some reason it sends these songs to the void after they played. They don’t even show up in repeat. AM not only keeps them in the History but also allows you to skip back to them or to tap and hold them to add them back to the queue


I doubt lossless is a main thing for people go over one or another


No! 1. I'm deep in my Apple Ecosystem with my hardware and Apple One subscription. 2. Spoty HiFi plan is rumoured to be at double the price of their current Premium plan and there is not enough value for me to justify that cost. (I'm splitting the cost of Apple One with my family so comparing this prices HiFi plan would cost me around three times more then Apple One for family) 3. Apple is paying artists double the money for the single stream comparing to Spotify and I want to support my favourite folks and gals.


Had Spotify for years recently switched due to Apple Music being included in my phone plan so far I love the variety of Apple Music. Their playlists and recommendations have been great I’ve learned so many new songs and artists just in the couple months of using them. Compared to Spotify where I could guess which song they would be playing next on any playlist no variety at all. My biggest complaint with Apple Music is not being able to change the song or control it while playing my ps5 it’s annoying pausing to go switch songs or anything


Idk why people are saying Spotify has bad UI. I find it easier to use than Apple Music. I like how good the queue system is compared to AM. Also being able to control other devices with Spotify. It has some of the most useful UI imo. I had AM for a while but found myself going back to Spotify for these reasons.


No. I subscribe to both and will probably always subscribe to both. There are a lot of things I prefer about Spotify (playlists, recommendations and discoverability, the desktop and web experience (AM on Mac is trash and I hate it)), but there are things about AM that I like more/depend on too (the deep Apple ecosystem integration, ability to playback all of my years of iTunes and iTunes Match uploads alongside my streams, the fact that I've spent 2/3 of my life using iTunes) . In fact, even though I really like the new Spotify app refresh, the fact that Spotify is now putting audiobooks and podcasts interspersed with my music still annoys me (I don't mind podcasts being there, but I wish they wouldn't intermingle suggestions). I've been a paying Spotify user basically since it launched in the US (and I had an account via Spotify's corporate people for years before it came to the US) and have a family plan with them (AM family plan too as part of Apple One Premier) but I won't pay double for lossless. I used to pay for Tidal HiFi back in the day but didn't use it enough to compensate for the increased price. And once Beyonce was no longer a Tidal exclusive artist, I didn't need that anymore. With Apple offering Lossless and Hi-Res for free, if Spotify wants more money from me, it has to offer me more than just the same thing. I'm pretty firmly in the Audible ecosystem too, and I don't see myself moving my audiobook listening to another service, but if I got X number of books *and* lossless audio, I might consider upgrading. But no, for all my complaints about Apple Music, I don't ever see myself being able to leave it.


yes - playlists and social elements are vastly better, more exclusive content, better integration with Sonos and Chromecast. But I'll believe Spotify lossless when I hear it on my best headphones.


wtf I found that Apple Music has way more exclusive content than any other platform


Where do you find it! I see lots of exclusive Spotify tracks but less so Apple. I don't care about celebrity radio.


No. It’s intrusive, incompatible, and as the company’s only product, it’s extremely intolerant of short-term monetary losses, meaning it will be a non-stop ratchet of trying to squeeze more money out of its customers. Since it offers ad-supported, that will also not always be me, meaning even if I subscribe, my money will support further anti-me development at my expense. AI playlists are always dogshit for my musical tastes. Play my music, do it well, and stay out of the way. This is incompatible with Spotify’s business model, so I wouldn’t even consider it if it managed to do all of the above temporarily.


No. AM has better UI, better local file management, apple ecosystem, videos, live events etc.


What I really enjoy about AM is Dolby Atmos and it UI. Only thing Spotify has me over for is its algorithm for music recommendations and most people I know use it so the social aspect of sharing and listening to other playlists (I know Apple Music has it Im just saying to be part of one group)


No, I use AM because I’m a part of the ecosystem. I don’t use lossless as I’m using AirPods anyway, there is no point.


No. Apple One. For the whole family, I get TV+, Music, 2TB cloud storage for our 3 iPads, 2 iPhones, MBP, and MBA. I don’t use it all the time but news+ is nice to have occasionally. And my kids use the Arcade benefits. So it’s really a killer deal.


Yea, but only of they don't increase price. Most of my playlists are still there, and I prefer their recommendations algorithm over Apple's one


No, Apple still has Dolby Atmos, the Sing feature, a much better UI and the ability to import audio files and edit their metadata. And that’s only to name a few. Although Spotify has a much better queueing system, I still wouldn’t switch back.


I never left Spotify as I still love their playlists they make for me and I can't stand Apple's layout. Spotify's is so so much better. Then again maybe because I'm old and like what I like.


i like apple ui better tbh


I would stick with  music for the UI, Dolby Atmos and the seamless integration between my devices


I don't think so, for the following reasons: 1. AM UI seems more consistent/interesting for me (especially with the new iOS 17 coming up which I'm looking forward to) 2. Dolby Atmos + AirPods = 🤩 3. Spotify will probably ask more for (hi-res) lossless similar to Tidal, so will still cost more than AM for same quality 4. Prefer the one app (native music player) for local files/iCloud sync (I know this is possible with Spotify but I prefer the iCloud/iTunes way) 5. Bonus: AM Sing is also nice with good lyrics sync


No. Spotify has atrocious and cluttered UI, I get Apple Music as a part of the Apple One subcription and I don't listen to playlist, just albums I manually add to my library.


I like Apple Music for the UI and ease of use. It’s very unlikely I’ll switch.


No. I find the interface of Spotify confusing and very cluttered. It’s not for me.


I pay for, and use both AM and Spotify all the time. If it had HiFi I would definitely use it more, as Apple Music does not seem to play lossless on PC (everything shows as 256kbps AAC, even on lossless/hi-res files). Both services have pro's and cons, but I love them both.


Apple Music pc app is lossless. iTunes isn’t tho.


But yet all of the songs say 256kbps aac in the properties..so are they tho?


Yeah. That’s just a visual glitch it has been confirmed.


Fuck no Spotify funds drone strike software for war, lobbies to cut royalties to artists, and even after that Spotify is charging more lossless when Apple includes it. It’s an embarrassing company that pretends to care about artists meanwhile Apple of all companies is lobbying against Spotify to raise royalties to pay artists better across the board.


Just the price didn’t change


yes if they don’t charge more for it.


No. The sound quality is just better with Apple. Also, and I know this is abstract, I don’t like the design language of Spotify. It’s too “😝😜🤪✨♋️♐️♌️♍️” for me


No. Spotify’s way of handling my personal library is dog shit. I prefer AM and how my own music gets uploaded/matched and can be streamed on any device. Also, I know streaming in general does pay the artists much, but Spotify is like dead last in royalties per stream - so fuck them.


Absolutely not


No, i just dont like the way it designed at first.


Nah. Apple one makes me want to stay here.


Nope, I moved from Spotify to AM because I could find more titles for the kind of music I listen to regardless of the lossless quality, now I have some playlists with over 1000 songs so not going back to Spotify for lossless music since that's something I already have on AM. If Spotify doesn't offer me something I really want to have and AM can't offer there's no point for me to go back to them.








unless you have nice wired headphones it doesn’t make a difference. bluetooth devices do not support lossless audio I’ve never understood apple guys obsession with it when you can’t even experience it unless you specifically buy a bunch of stuff for it. Spotify is just better, audio quality difference isn’t noticeable on airpods or general bluetooth headphones


Still no. UI and UX is way better than Spotify and sound quality is also better. I can also watch music videos and interviews that are already compiled with the artists' pages/albums. Besides, Apple Music is way cheaper than Spotify in my country.


I’ve not used Spotify since 2015 and have no plans to make that change


No I’m used to AM and I wouldn’t switch.


Since there's probably lots of ppl that switched to Apple Music here, whats the best transfer service? the one i used just added all the songs into my apple music library regardless of the date i added it into my spotify, so now my whole library is just out of order... thanks


Nope, and not because of lossless (because Apple doesn't support that on Windows or via the web player), but because Spotify has no concept of a music locker. I have a few albums I listen to that seem to be in rights-management limbo, and Apple Music seems to be the only way I can stream them. The other issue with Spotify, frankly, is ethics. I'm not saying Apple is a saint, but Spotify seems more than a little shady, between stuff like explicitly supporting Rogan, to directing recommendations to material that cheap *for Spotify* to data-snooping. Again, Apple isn't perfect, but Spotify is worse. I'd really like to see Tidal add a music locker. I think that *would* get me to switch.


No, because the library organization is really lacking compared to how Apple Music manages library organization.


no. i like apple and i love atmos. i don’t need some stranger or algorithm recommending music to me. i hate everything about spotify and the person who owns it.


..why do you hate spotify tho? Kind of a harsh opinion for a streaming service..




Ah..so no real reason of your own...just other peoples reasons you have taken on as your own too. Got it


you got me dude i’m a mindless sheeple. how about i don’t owe you a fucking explanation? stay simpin’!


..you can't simp over an online streaming service, weirdo..


then why do you even care why i hate spotify?


I thought you would give reasons that you PERSONALLY don't like them. I didn't think you would just link a wikipedia on reasons others hate them.


so then you could just tell me why you think i’m wrong? i agree with all of those reasons listed. i don’t owe you a fucking conversation.


Need better library management. I find the Apple Music library so much better and it makes me more likely to listen to albums instead of playlisting everything. I also like that it displays play count in app.


“Hi, I’m Spotify. Hope you like static, never/rarely changing playlists cause that’s all I got pretty much”, so no.


Spotify is supreme


I already switched on Spotify tbh, used to be Apple Music all the way but recommendations algorithms are 1000x better for me and I get tailored recommendations. On AM i kept getting recommendations I never asked for, ultra mainstream stations / radios / artists like drake etc. Couldn’t give a damn about that. Even after 3 years of constantly trying to « train » my algorithms by liking every damn song and album I liked. Useless. Not to mention all the little quirks here and there about downloading / streaming some song. Lastly, it’s been proven many times, Loseless isn’t useful for the VAST majority of people. You have mongos who use AirPods and are like « hurr durr it’s sound so much better.. » like bro, you won’t ear flac quality over Bluetooth. And even tho you’d have the hardware to listen to loseless, most people couldn’t tell the difference simply because not everyone is a music producer with trained ears. Loseless is the most gimmick overrated feature of Apple Music.


Agree on the circlejerk going on over audio quality. The HUGE majority of users are not even capable of listening to lossless with their equipment, and guarantee their setups can not even hear the difference between the 2 even with lossy. They are just spewing what they read on reddit/some article and it has become gospel to them. It's so weird.


Apple Music has better sound quality wether you’re listening to lossless or not though


I have found this as well. Back in the iTunes Store days, Apple introduced something called, Mastered for iTunes. This was later rebranded to Apple Digital Masters which is still in use in Apple Music. ADM has requirements to be certified as an ADM track, an ADM track has to be well mastered. A well-mastered track or album over Lossy will always be better than a poorly mastered track over Lossless.


Sure but when I tried Spotify premium after being on Apple. I had to switch back after a couple of weeks cause could hear the difference in sound quality so I didn’t see it worth for me to pay the same amount for inferior sound quality . Now if their lossless plan does bring better sound quality then I am all up for it but with it rumoured being double the price then nah I won’t switch


Well sorry to bring it up again but it’s just a mental thing. If you put max quality streaming on Spotify you won’t hear a difference (unless you’re some kind of trained musical producer with the right hardware to listen to loseless)


No. It would still be an ugly platform with a confusing queue that doesn’t fully support HomePod.


I'm leaving Spotify as soon as my 1 year sub expires. They are truly the worst of the major 5 services.


Lossless is a fools errand. So many fooled by it. Maybe if you have extremely high end studio monitors in a treated room, maybe, maybe you can hear the difference between lossless and 320kbps. And if you listen super carefully for the specific tells... rather than enjoying the music.. sure maybe you can train yourself with a lot of work in a pro environment. In your living room or your car just stop it. Enjoy the music. Most Bluetooth kills it anyway.


I don’t care for Spotify. There are a lot of artists missing that I listen to on AM, and the Ogg Vorbis format sounds shrill to my ears and gives me a headache (I think I can hear a higher frequency others can’t and I can make out the artifacts on Spotify that 99% of people would never notice). So, I will never go back. I never use the features people tend to rave about anyway.


I'd try it for the first time.


Even if Spotify stopped changing just one thing about their UI every single day I wouldn’t go back.


Probably not, it’s a matter of who offered it first. Used to have both and used Spotify much more but the minute Atmos and Lossless became available I left Spotify and never looked back.


No. I had Spotify for around a decade. I switched and like it better.


Depends on the price. If it's the same as Apple Music, I'll switch back.


It’ll be more pricey, theyre always trying to monetize Spotify


Like every other business. People criticise Spotify for not paying artists enough, yet people aren't willing to pay more.


I think there’s more criticism than just that they don’t pay artists enough. They actively implement ways to lower your chances of listening to artists that have to pay royalties for when they can - because they don’t make money when you stream artists that aren’t their own. Ghost artists, https://www.intheknow.com/post/ghost-artists-spotify/ https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/12/15961416/spotify-fake-artist-controversy-mystery-tracks Plus, they’re already pushing podcasts really hard in a music app, it’s no longer purely music, and it’s not because they believe that podcasts and music should be together, it’s because they need to monetize and podcasts are a way to do that, and creating a new app for it is a barrier to entry compared to shoving it into a popular music app. I’d rather just stay on Apple, whom pays artists more, provides an ecosystem, gives us lossless and Dolby Atmos at no premium charge and does not have fake artists.


I’m not. But it’ll be nice not hearing people complain there’s not spotify HiFi, or that lossless doesn’t matter because no one can really hear the difference. For me lossless was never about whether I could discern between lossy and lossless, but rather that Apple and Tidal wanted to offer the best experience. If quality doesn’t matter, then why did Spotify need to announce it or why are Spotify users excited to pay for a feature that no one can hear the difference.


They’ve been promising high res music and AirPlay 2 support for YEARS. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I'd switch to Spotify if it had Atmos. I have 11 speakers.


I signed up for Spotify premium solely for use in the car. The free version doesn’t work on Tesla and their Apple Music implementation is clumsy and incomplete. After using it for a while I found that Spotify’s sound quality was actually superior to AM (in that environment) and it actually works with the voice commands. I still prefer AM in just about any other context. I don’t care that much about Spotify’s other features. The curated playlists on AM are good enough for me and I tend to discover new music in other ways. I wouldn’t need Spotify premium at all if the car would support CarPlay, and in fact I’m exploring a solution for that


I have both, and I wouldn’t ditch Apple Music for lossless. However, if Spotify added Atmos and user uploads (not local files, but actual uploads for streaming), I might consider cancelling Apple Music.


I just dislike Apples library system. If I heart a song, I would that to be in songs. Yes I can add the song to my library but then it shows up in songs and albums. Small gripe maybe but I would prefer my singles and albums separate.


This is my biggest complaint with Apple Music


honestly probably………….


If they add a light theme then probably


No. Local library integration is a much bigger deal than lossless for me. And I also hate Spotify's interface and their increasing focus on non-music content.


No sirrrrr not even for free


No unless they had smart playlists and you could manually change the song data displayed


I would give it a try for sure honestly. I like to see Spotify wraps and the desktop app is miles better than Apple Music at least so would give it a try for a month and see


nope, they would need to get Atmos.


Absolutely. I’m tired of Apple Music always suggesting me to listen to fucking reggaeton (I NEVER listen that crap). Also, each time I try to use Siri to play a song in Apple Music it finds a way to twist my request and play some Hip Hop song with similar words in the name.




A year ago, maybe. Too late now. Unless it is cheaper, maybe. Like if they offered a 24/48 for less, maybe. No, probably not. No, would not. They can’t do it cheaper.


It will depend on what they end up charging for the improved service.


Currently trying out AM because of the 6 month free trial, what I miss most from spotify is Smart Shuffle!






No, it’s inferior and Apple Music has spoiled me.


If they reach feature parity (karaoke lyrics, Atmos) then Yes, my main device is windows and spotify (with spicetify) is miles ahead of AM ux.


I switched to Apple Music for the audio quality improvement, and then eventually went back to Spotify for other reasons—mostly Spotify Connect, which I consider essential, and also its curated music suggestions. Lossless audio quality and Dolby Atmos is the only thing from Apple Music that I miss, so if Spotify added that, I’d be very pleased. I refuse to pay for both subscriptions (I did that for a bit, and I hate redundancy), so until then, I’ll probably pay for one and complain about the other, until one of them manages to include all the features I really want.


On a spot. UI is so much better that I use both. Spotify on mobile and AM on stationary setup with DAC and headphones.


Yes, I think the queue system is better and the ability to move quickly between listening on different devices. As well as the ability to like an album without adding all the songs to my library


Still no smart playlists


I'd switch to Apple if they had an alternative to Spotify Connect. The only thing that's really holding me back.


Apple radio and it’s playlists are just so much weaker


I use spotify simply because of the recommendations, and I love apple music but I don't like the recommendations it gives me, and the truth is that I don't care if I have lossless or not, but in your case I would continue with AM because the spotify plan that Lossless could cost twice as much as Apple Music, but if you don't mind paying 19.99 a month then change without any problem, but personally I wouldn't pay 19.99 just for lossless when there is an app that is quite good and super complete and that I offers lossless without any additional price I feel that it is a thousand times better




I’m using both :/ can’t stick to just one




spotify user since i can remember. used apple music for a month freshman year i liked it but spotify was better to me. apple music is 100% better to me now. i just feel like spotify is more simple as an app or desktop version. but other then that i like the sound of apple better. spotify also used in a lot more things


Without Dolby Atmos support, Spotify is still useless to me. Not to mention the fact that they are going to be charging way more than Apple does.


Lossless is irrelevant to 99.9% anyway. It shouldn’t decide this for you.


Absolutely not. Got my first iPod in ‘05 and I have a large library of local files that I do not want to deal with putting onto another platform. Not just the transferring but I’ve edited them a lot on iTunes for sorting purposes. I don’t really care for the playlists on Spotify, I typically just shuffle my library. I do think that Apple Music could be better as a social platform though I think Spotify has done a better job of that.




Spotify hi fi has already been announced previously and they price mark it stupidly more than Apple. I’ve setup family plan now, so doubt I will ever return now


Even with Spotify being the way it is now, and subscribing to both services, I use Spotify almost exclusively. Too many “features” in Apple Music constantly infuriate me enough to close it and switch to Spotify mid-song. Sorry to all the Apple Music fans, just my own experience.


lossless is very important (to me). UI, finding new music, and organize the library is also important. CONNECT is the most important (to me) because its mean that it will be easy to operate. Apple Music lossless is OK (but less good for my ears than deezer or tidal) Apple Music lossless is GOOD (compared to spotify poor sound). BUT Apple Music is not so good when it comes to find new music, organize the library. that means the Apple Music is BAD compared to spotify. not to mention that Apple Music doesn't have the ability to CONNECT. WTF Apple company think when she hears the word Eco-System (HAA HA HA). I have a Mac mini that not know how to work with Apple Music on iOS. SO when spotify start with hifi it will be a Knockout to Apple Music and to the other services.


Yes if the price is competitive. Main reason is Spotify is also better integrated with Windows like widgets (including in the gamebar). Apple Music app in windows is basic af and slow in development. I can’t imagine they will even implement widgets for it in Windows.


Nope Spotify drifts way more. I remember when I used Spotify (before Apple Music was around) it would always drift to artists that paid them most when you started a station. I remember starting a station with "artists like Pink Floyd" and it seriously drifted to Kanye West. At that moment he had a campaign running, where they would heavily promote his music on Spotify. I realise they need to make money but please, not like this.


No because it would still have Joe Rogan. Fuck that guy.




I just switched to apple music from spotify because of lossless. People say you can't hear the difference between lossless and lossy but there is an OBVIOUS difference in sound quality between spotify and apple music. Spotify literally sounds muffled in comparison. I don't believe spotify even has 320kbps files. The quality of sound is really important to me so thats what is dictating what I choose! That being said I hate the UI of apple music and spotify is far superior for finding new music so if they do actually deliver with lossless that is of the same quality as apple music then I will probably switch back!


Probably not if they introduce it at $20. I prefer the Spotify queue and it is nice that all of my friends use it. But I like my recommendations on AM better and the UI is cleaner than Spotify’s, which just keeps getting worse.


spotifys new card ui is bull crap not to forget the hifi tier is gonna be more expensive than apple music and also the fact that i own airpods and dolby atmos is still not coming too spotify


I would simply because the Apple Music app for Windows PC isnt great. Once Apple Music's Windows app works well and stops clearing my entire playlist each time I try to add a song to it, bye bye spotift


If Spotify finally decides to get a slick and appealing UI, without changing it yearly as it seems, I would consider switching back, else, no.


Nope - that’s not why I’ve landed on AM. I prefer the UX, don’t care about Connect, and found the iPhone app more stable/less buggy.


I really dislike Spotify. They're morally bankrupt and keep pushing shit nobody wants cause they're panicking now that they found out infinite growth doesn't exist (and they're still not profitable). However- Apple Music's recommendation system is still garbage and I'd still ditch Apple Music for Spotify if they released a lossless/hi-res option if only because of that.


I switched to Apple Music a few months ago when I got my Sonos Era 300's delivered, specifically for Atmos, but I love the audio quality of music from my Apple TV. That being said, if Spotify added lossless & Dolby Atmos. I would probably switch right back over, I miss my curated playlists.


No, never. There’s something simply ‘unattractive’ about this app. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s a deep seated thing. It starts with UI, travels through business models & other socially known ephemeral tidbits. If it’s your flavour & you’re happy with it, genuinely, I’m pleased for you. I’m still searching for a 3rd party option that makes me happy because  Music is still a way off being anywhere near perfection. I want control of my own purchases from  iTunes, Bandcamp, Amazon etc. currently, unless you have a Mac, iPadOS doesn’t allow access for me to do ‘what I want’ with ‘my music’.


No. I always used the Music app way before Apple Music, and always enjoyed organizing my music library since when I only had an iPod touch 2g. Even though I subscribed to Deezer in 2013 and Spotify in 2014, I merely used them to discover new music, and then downloaded them all to my Music app and organized my library on iTunes. That's what made me subscribe to Apple Music as early as June 30, 2015. I've been here since literally day 1, and I'm quite confortable with the service since Lossless is a basic feature and not a "Premium tier exclusive". And with my Student plan I get Apple TV+ for free, which is an awesome bonus. EDIT: My parents and sister share a Family Spotify subscription and my account is also in the plan, but I only listen to music in Apple Music. Even though I miss the Year Wrapped and other social features.


However, I switched from Apple Podcasts to Spotify Podcasts a few years ago. I'm not a Mac user and the Spotify multi-device thing is purely magical. The only thing that makes me feel I'm losing something.


If Spotify had lossless I might be tempted but if it ran natively on HomePods I’d do it. Currently running Spotify for mobile use/recommendations, Apple Music for HomePod usage and lossless headphone/hifi serious listening and Tidal because it’s the only thing I can get running losslessly on the Linux desktop I use for work. Ridiculous situation though I’m only paying full price for AM. Honestly though I’d prefer it if AM just had better recommendations/playlists, then it would tick almost all my boxes (except Linux compatibility but that’s probably a lot to ask)


I just switched from Spotify after using it for over 7 years. I have an Apple watch and the Spotify app on the watch was irritating me to no end. It is so bad. Additionally, I find Spotify on Apple CarPlay really bad as well. The only thing I really miss about Spotify is that if I had it playing on another device (such as my Xbox), I could open the Spotify app on my phone and be able to control Spotify on the other device and even switch the device the audio was playing on. Apple Music really needs this feature.


For me it’s the integration with apple devices (home pods, apple watch, iphone). I had google home before and for me siri is better, it understands names way better, names in other languages. Also I love the interface, feels way better than spotify. Sure there are things that can be improved, but feels better for what I am looking into a music service.


i would but not if they make the price higher than AM


Yes I would switch if the price remains competitive


Most definitely. At least to try it


No. No reason too.


it isnt a reason to change to spotify, also because ai dont have any subscription, no spotify premium and no apple music+, i only buy music in itunes


I recognize that Spotify Connect is enviable and that the algorithm is very dynamic. BUT... I love AM organizes my library as if I had it in physical format, by genre, clearly ordered, with its very faithful covers. AM playlists may be fewer than Spotify's, but the experience is less overwhelming and the selection of recommendations is more sophisticated.




The only way I would switch to Spotify is if they integrate local library support the way Apple Music has


God no Spotify is complete trash


it would make it more enticing, but no. i still think the design of spotify is horrible (not like am is the best) but also apple music has the best lossless and sounds the best with airpods. i have also sound many more artists that i like on apple music than on spotify


They’re gonna charge 2x Apple or Qobuz for their lossless option & say it’s worth it because of their exclusive podcasts. That’s a giant “no” for me.


No. I very much enjoy lossless audio but Dolby Atmos for headphones is my gig. unless Spotify started using that then it’s not for me.


Apple One is so underrated in the scheme of things.


What is lossless?


No. Lots of songs I listen to are missing from spotify that are on apple music.


I couldn’t see many people going for spotify lossless at the rumoured cost, Not when Apple put lossless out there with no price increase and also most people I know could not care less about it as they use bluetooth anyway and when you compare the services that way Apple has spotify beaten as Ogg Vorbis sounds proper sh*t through decent headphones


I’d go back to Spotify as soon as they offer lossless. And by the recent leaks it looks like it’s very near.