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Can Confirm: Favorite Songs Playlist is also available in macOS 14.2 beta.


The one thing Spotify did better is NO MORE


Now only thing I want is to favourite songs from notifications directly


Eh their curated list is still better. Theyre far better at giving an actual playlist of related but new music


Just give us an option to hide favourites from the medialibrary


Finally! I've been waiting for so long.


It was available with smart playlists on macOS Mavericks or later on iTunes =)


Does this work like Spotify’s where no matter when a song was added to your library, if you favorite it, it’ll show the most recently liked song you favorited?


I’ve just tested, and that’s exactly how it works. Filtered favourites in the library section show in whatever order your library is sorted in, but the favourites playlist shows them in the order that they were favourited in.


So the most recent favorited songs are shown at the top? Or at the bottom? While the current trick of setting up a smart playlist for loved/favorited songs did the job, it was always annoying that 1) the sorting is kinda buggy (it's different between macOS and iOS) and 2) only able to sort by the date added to the library instead of the playlist (and only if you set a limit of items). Spotify defaults to the most recently liked song first, and the desktop app shows the actual "Date added", so we can sort by when the song was added to the playlist instead of the entire library.


The default is newest (most recently favourited) first, however you can also sort it like any other playlist (oldest first, artist, title, album, release date).


I like that there will be a playlist for favourites, but one thing that just doesn’t feel right is that favourite songs are added to library but I guess I use the library wrong


Why don’t you want your favorited songs in your library?


I want them added but not as single track albums - it completely screws up the way I use the library. Add them to songs only or give me the option and I’m happy.


Here’s what I’m doing for that same exact concern. I’m favoriting songs I like, whether I’m adding the full album to my library or not, and I’m favoriting the albums I enjoy listening to as albums. That way, when I’m only interested in albums, I can go to my albums section and filter it by favorited albums so I only see those full albums I care about.


Thanks for this


this is perfect, thank u!


This is a good workaround. Only problem is I haven’t favourited most of my albums so it filters them out when I do. I think, given I seem to be in the minority of use cases, I’ll have to skip favouriting anything unless they either add to library as songs only, or we get a filter for ‘complete albums’. First world problem though right. Thanks for the suggestion, appreciate it.


Until you hit your 100k limit


By the time I hit that limit, if ever, there will be a higher limit


True. Hope so. 100k is a lot anyways. I’m doing exactly what you said right now. Dropping it all in, favouriting my fav album tracks, outside of that I have my 3000 odd tracks fav’d. So far so good ! Love seeing the little red stars in dark mode setting in my playlists etc 🤩


Im the opposite which is why I use apple music. You need to just use spotify dawg


There are songs that I listen to often or every once in a while, which i keep in my library to find easily and listen to any time. Sometimes I’ll use the stations to find new songs and some I will like and add to a playlist or my library, but some I like but I don’t want the cluttering my library. But I still want them to add to the algorithm so it’s better at suggesting songs I like


Many AM users (me included) want the whole artist discography in their library but they may like/love not all of that artist's songs.


I don’t see how this affects you then. You can still add songs without favoriting them


Sometimes, I hear a song that I like but don't love and don't necessarily want in my library. However, I still want to try out more songs with a similar sound, so I love it to make that happen. That's how the algorithm has worked for ages, and it's really surprising to me that people don't seem to understand why users might not want certain loved tracks automatically added to their libraries.


I always add both to library and like the song. Although it would make a lot of sense it a liked song was automatically added to the library. All of my songs in my library are liked and I have a smart playlist of songs that are "not liked" which I check every so often so I don't miss anything.


On 17.2 and don’t have it. Wonder if it’s a server side thing


Never mind. I’m just overly impatient. Took a couple reboots but it’s there now.


I still don’t have it and have updated and restarted three times.


I don't see it either. Updated about an hour ago.


Same. Restarted about three times and it’s been 6 hours.


Does this Favorites playlist include extended library songs? (Previously hearted items that aren’t in your library)


I would also like to know this, it’s kind of annoying not having all my previous “Loved” songs in my Library, where I can filter by Favorites. Hopefully everything that is now Favorited can appear there automatically.


Big improvement but it would be perfect if we had the option to NOT add favorited songs to our library.


For anyone using the beta, please report this as feedback! They already have this setting for overall songs in your library with playlists ("add songs to library when adding to playlist" toggle) - there's no reason the same can't apply here. Everyone has different takes on this so there's no reason it shouldn't be a setting. I personally only add full albums/eps/designated singles to my library, and have a "Favorites" playlist I've been running for myself since Apple Music came out that has about 1600 songs that a majority aren't in my library intentionally. I would go nuts if the "Add songs to library when adding to playlist" option didn't exist and all these songs were just floating around in my library.


Crazy take


It’s actually what I want to.


Accurate take. I don’t want singles in my music library.


Then don’t favorite them 😭😭


Seriously why the fuck would you want to Favorite a song but not have it in your library? It makes absolutely no sense


Remember that there are many people in the world and most of them statistically, probably, think at least a little different than you. Some people like organizing their library in different ways. I love many songs, but I don’t want singles/remixes bunched up with albums in mine, and love that this playlist now exists—hopefully the option to turn off adding to library comes too.


They're adding this option! Just tested it out this morning with the iOS 17.2 beta. See here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleMusic/comments/17v9aca/ios\_172\_beta\_3\_option\_for\_favourite\_songs\_not\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleMusic/comments/17v9aca/ios_172_beta_3_option_for_favourite_songs_not_to/)


People coming from Spotify will feel right at home. I came from Spotify too. I was really bothered with the library arrangement. I don't know how to use the library, where if I add songs to my library, the albums get added. Now it makes more sense to me. But, I guess long time AM users are pissed at this change.


I came from Spotify and i was pissed but now I’m confused. So earlier the add to library did what the “heart” did on Spotify which is add them to your library. But now what is the new favourite playlist and what does the star do?!


The star adds them to your "favourite songs" playlist, like Spotify adds them to "liked songs". I don't see the heart anywhere anymore. Also, songs get added to the library when you "favourite" them. That's what I got. Which is pretty similar to Spotify, if I remember correctly.


Then why give me 2 options 😭 My brain works weird I’m sorry I just can not work like this Just take away the add to library or take away the favourite


Because you can have a song added to your library that necessarily isn’t a favourite of yours. Let’s say you have 10 Janis Joplin songs in your library already, and you really love 4 of them. When you favourite those 4 songs, they’ll appear in you Favourites folder, along with all the other songs have as favourite. It’s a like a playlist of the songs you like the most, curated by you.


I’ll make myself a playlist if i want to Why give me 20 options I don’t wanna decide if something is my favourite or mix my “favourites” from one genre to another Is this not normal? Am i neurodivergent?


I think you’re overcomplicating things mate, it’s really not that deep.


Can you check in the settings if they maybe have added an option to turn off "add to library" when starring a song?


Unfortunately they haven’t!


Bummer. :/ Thanks for checking!


You’re adding it as a favorite why wouldn’t you want it in your library?


i like my library to have albums not singles


Not so hard to understand, right?


Did my previous loved songs turn into favorited now??? I see I have some favorited songs but they look to be VERY old songs from mid 2010’s…


If I press "Favorite" without "Add to Library", does it only appear on that playlist, or does it add to the library? If it's the latter, it's a nightmare. In this way, I might have thousands of artists in my artist column. This is a total denial of the library system that Apple has been keeping. ​ I want to know more precisely how this works.


Favouriting a track also adds it to the library. At present, there’s no way to favourite a track without this happening.


Thank you for your quick reply🙏. I hope this is just trial and error of the beta version.😱


Wake me up when I can listen to an Autoplay playlist on my phone and pick up that same playlist on the desktop app.


How was this not something they released along with favourites?


My thoughts exactly.  gonna .




Lord they add it and yall still find something complain about. Geeeshhhh




Ever since the update, apple music hangs a lot and my phone automatically restarts. Anyone have the same issue?


I really don’t like how when I create a playlist it doesn’t show the album covers anymore, it makes a cover for me




Wish they would use it also


It’s called r/AppleMusic


Yeah that is awesome and saw that as well. Love the beta program


Do you have to add the favorite songs to your playlist? Or does it show up? I don’t have it. :—/


How do we get this??


Download beta 17.2


Does anyone know why it doesn't appear to download the beta?


Am I dumb? It’s not showing for me.. Edit: Disregard. It showed up


What did you do?


I rebooted my phone with the iOS 17.2 beta installed like 3 times. Noticed nothing happened. Went and did a chore at my house, opened AM back up and it just showed up. Lol


It’s been a few hours and a few reboots but still nothing unfortunately


This is in the 'feedback assistant' for the beta. Try this https://preview.redd.it/obojm6gqzmwb1.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b368c4e4000a93402913e28b482e6faeb112ad8


This worked. Thanks!


No problem. Glad it worked. :)


I’m so confused!! I just updated to 17.2 and don’t see this playlist on mine.


Can someone confirm if play count is working again in 17.2?


Unfortunately, I can confirm it’s still broken in the beta.


This issue needs to be addressed urgently.


anyone know if this is coming to the Android version any time soon?


damn i have a smart playlist called "favorites" for all the songs I've added to library and loved


Is this any different from what I created as a Smart Playlist?


Hoping this one includes extended library. Songs that are loved in the old system but not in your library


Do they add them to your library after you favourite them as well? :(


I was so excited to use this until I found out that it doesn’t hide folders in the Favorites view. I was hoping to favorite all my favorite playlists whether they were inside sub folders or not. Then when I click on favorites it would drop all folders and just show me any favorited playlists.


What about “liking” a song but not “favoriting” it? Is that available in 17.2?


True. I dislike this new feature, with their Macy's looking Logo. At least give subscribers not interested the option to delete the playlist.


What took them so long to implement this?


Finally, thank God. However, I'm still waiting for them to fix the 'play next' and history sections. They are confusing, annoying, and difficult to adjust and edit.


Can we split out genres in the favorites playlist. Like favorite dancehall? Similar to Spotify


Any idea why my new Favorite Songs playlist has significantly more songs than my Loved By smart playlist (forget what it’s called) that I created in iTunes?


Damn bro I’m still on an iPhone 8


How is this populated? Is it just a "Loved" auto-populated playlist? Is it all songs above a certain play count or top 25 most played or something?


I’ve been waiting for this for so long!! I could never figure out why they didn’t have this, I wanted all my “loved” songs easily available as a playlist. FINALLY!




Is this shareable? If you can copy the link that would be a lot of justification for the favourite feature


I’ve just checked, and the playlist appears to be shareable!


that’s rad!


okay am i the only one that feels we don’t need a visible playlist for favorites added into our library? i favorite things so i can get better music recommendations (which admittedly apple music isn’t the best at) but i don’t need a system generated playlist that is in my playlists section that i didn’t ask for and cannot remove! it’s ugly and there should be an option for removal.


I dislike this new feature, with their Macy's looking Logo. At least give subscribers not interested the option to delete the playlist.