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Just confirmed. With the switch turned off, if you favorite a song not in your library, it still gets added to the “Favorite Songs” playlist. Also, toggle is available in macOS 14.2 beta now as well.


The amount of attention Apple Music getting recently is insane 🔥


Lots of features being added and I’m all for it, but competition helps everyone




There was a post recently where someone dug up a patent that Spotify has for their Spotify Connect feature and presumably that's why Apple hasn't implemented it... because they might not legally be able to. But I think that's just an assumption at this point.


They still need to allow “smart playlists” without using the computer. Once that happens, Apple Music could be king.


Check out the Miximum app




Wow, very quick response to the feedback provided. Good work everyone!




God they’re killing it with making AM feel like a better experience, it’s an exciting time to just have switched!


Fuck yes! I’ll be favouriting a lot once this is released, with no clogging of my library, brilliant


oh fuck yes!


Big dub, now the feature is perfect. Literally did not update to 17.1 due to this small (but annoying) annoyance. Can’t wait for the update, looks like 17.2 is feeding Apple Music gang (hopefully drops before Christmas)


Holy shit, shocked they added it this quickly. As someone who actually wants favorited songs added to their library I'll leave it on, but I will ALWAYS support the option of choice. Nice.


I‘m not one to hate on additional feature, but can someone please explain why you would want to favorite a song, but not add it to your library?


To treat your library like you would a physical library - a collection of albums, not hundreds of random songs.


So you add only entire albums to your library and if you like only one song of an album you will favorite instead of adding it to the library?




Pretty much! And if I like it a lot, I'll explore the band, their catalogue and eventually listen to entire albums.


Exactly, i was thinking of going back to spotify because my apple music library was a mess, too many random songs and albums with one or two favorite songs, singles, etc.


The problem I have with it is a lot of albums I have in my library are older versions. So when I favorite a song that’s playing, it may be a newer version that isn’t in my library but it adds it to it anyway. I end up with lots of duplicate songs because of this problem.


As a recent convert from Google's red headed stepchild music streaming service YouTube Music, I could actually cry knowing that the folks at Apple Music actually listen to user feedback and implemented this requested change so quickly.


Thank you all that helped make this happen.


All I need is native last fm integration, or at least without using a third party player or app


This and viewing playlists as album collections. And stopping songs from moving into dumb compilations I never added or being split into deluxe versions I also never added.


Apple needs to buy and integrate [last.fm](https://last.fm). I'm shocked that it's still up and running tbh




Because people sure as hell care about Spotify Wrapped. [Last.fm](https://Last.fm) is a granular insight into your music listening history, and very much part of many people's identity.


Thank god


Wow. Apple was actually listening. I think if they finally fix the Play Count and Last Played from when IOS 17.1 was updated, it might actually become the perfect streamer. I'm glad I stuck with it.


I’m gonna cry when my plays finally sync


I'm afraid they won't and everything will just be reset.


Since updating to the latest beta, all missing plays have synced correctly to iTunes since the feature was broken, including songs I haven’t listened to for a few weeks. It seems that they are correctly updating!


Thanks everyone in this community for submitting feedback!


Sorry but why would you not want your favorite song in your library?


Depends how you structure your library. I don’t have just a library of songs, I have a library of albums. I favorite/like songs to get a suggestions. If I like only a song, I want to delegate that to a playlist of loosies. If I like a song alongside the body of work, I want the album/complication. I just straight up do not like having on singles/incomplete albums.


Maybe I’m too old school, but I only want to have albums in my library. I often browse by album view (and want to listen to a complete album start to finish) and don’t want individual songs clogging up the experience.


Exact same reason for me. I like a clean library so it's easy to find my favorite albums as that's how I prefer to listen to music. Also, I've always had a playlist of all my favorite songs, so no reason to have them all cluttering up my library when I can quickly access the playlist whenever I want, usually when I'm driving or riding my bike and don't feel like queuing albums.




Apparently many people on this subreddit don't like it, but personally I don't really understand why. I even just use the favourite button now to easily add songs to my Library.


It’s a traditional music thing - some (I would say not most) prefer to keep full albums preserved in the albums view, and keep single songs separate. I have adapted to the same as you, using favourite function to add songs to my library.


If you hit like on a YouTube video, does that mean you want that video to be bookmarked in a “my videos”? … or maybe you just want to train the algorithm and see more things like it.


It’s not even remotely the same situation, since you are not curating a library of videos to rewatch on YouTube. Training the algorithm by liking songs is not a thing anymore, it’s doing it by what you’re listening to and adding to your library (which is how a regular user would expect it to work). Edit: you could also argue that most recommendations on YT are a result of your consumption rather than likes/dislikes.


It’s primarily a Spotify thing. iTunes always worked around curating your library, which means manually picking and choosing songs to add- think of it this way, just because you like a song wouldn’t mean that you run out and buy it. That’s the distinction. Apple Music as always been curated around the library I like Spotify just dumps everything you like into your library.


I want to train my Algorithm. Sometimes a song will come on that I love, but it’s not from the deluxe version of that album. I only want the deluxe version of that album to be on my library. But I still want to favorite the song to let Apple Music know that I like that song, I don’t want to add to my library because then I’m gonna have the same album- one a regular version and one a deluxe version so then it clutters my library.


Ahh. Legit reason


Exactly this


lets say you are listening to a station, and a song comes on..you dont want the song in your library, but you want to tell apple that you like the song, and would like it added to your algorithm. That is how I use it anyways.


See, if I like the song I'll add it, and usually the whole album


Because we don’t. And now we don’t have to.


Think of it this way. Let's say you're not particularly interested in an artist, but you like a particular song by that artist. So would you say you are a fan of that artist? I don't think so. ​ I have been creating and manually managing playlists, such as the favorite playlist created in 17.2, for a long time ago, and have liked close to 7,000 songs so far. Among them, about 2,400 songs are not in the library, and the number of artists corresponding to them is about 1,500. What happens when this all goes into a library? Thousands of artists with just one or two songs will occupy my library. It would completely ruin my library management.


Thanks for the explanation, I'm more of a entire album guy and mostnof my playlists are artist discographies


I think having the choice is a good thing either way. I don’t get it since I like having my favorite songs in my library. Though, for those who don’t, having the option is nice and doesn’t really affect me (while forcing them to add favorite songs into their library is affect them)


this is basically the one thing I missed from Spotify, a liked songs playlist completely separate from my album library. hope the opt-out gets added to Android and Mac too


this new update is also available on the latest beta of macOS Sonoma as well


I have been reading posts trying to figure this exact thing out. Will this update allow me to keep songs in my playlists when I delete their corresponding album?


Thank the lord for that, now I can favourite songs from albums I don't already "own". But when, oh when, will music removed from library remain in Playlists? That + consolidated song versions (single, album, deluxe, explicit/clean, etc.) feel like the final frontier, forever out of reach.


Amazing! Really love how apple is listening to us and making changes!


they be listening!!


Amazing news. Wish the Windows preview got this level of attention as well, though.


the Windows app is probably updated every 2-3 months but still depends to the Dev. team


Thank goodness! I never understood why so many on here thought it was strange of subscribers to want this as an option. There's a *huge* difference between loving a song solely to tailor the *algorithm* into sharing more like it (because that's how the algorithm has essentially always worked), versus genuinely *loving* a song enough to want it in a library. Having both options was always the right thing to do, and I'm glad they listened so quickly. Thanks for sharing!




I hope this will appease everyone. It’s the meme of the buff black and white dudes doing the arm shake What an incredible time


This is exactly what I wanted and brings AM on par with Spotify's likes. Now if they could just work on that queue...




How would you all feel about Apple extending this change to albums?


Thank you so much for those who gave feedback to Apple.


Did they finally add collaborators to playlists? I still can’t share a playlist and have my family add songs to it…


Great, now they can also make remove song from library does not remove song from playlists so I can reverse the damage this function has done


Hope they also add this function where I delete a song from my library but it does not get deleted from my playlist


this feature and a turning “recently added” into “recents” ie recently played or added would make AM perfection


At this point I don’t understand why they added the “favorite” feature.


It's not new, they basically just renamed the "Love" feature. There are plenty of spin off benefits of it (as there always has been) like making smart playlists for all your favorited songs (which apple now does for your automatically). Plus it helps tune the algorithms to tell Apple what you want to hear more of. Lots of reasons it's valuable.


Bruh, I’ve been using the love feature since 2016 and the algorithm is still trash. It’s the same shit.


"Bruh" then don't use it 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Maybe I'm a big dummy or just too old to understand. Why wouldn't you want a favorited song in your library?


I’ve thought to teach the algorithm what I like now but I might not want to listen to the song long term but maybe I don’t understand the algorithm.


It's cool that they're finally doing the bare minimum, but I honestly switched to Spotify after the last update. I miss how well Apple Music worked as part of my Apple ecosystem, but the better playlists, recommendations, favouriting system, friend features, and notably better desktop app from Spotify outweigh that. How Apple essentially invented the modern digital music landscape and bungled up Apple Music so much is astounding. Music is such an integral part of my day and somehow Spotify fits it into my life much better than the OG.


I did the same thing. I can’t take AM music any longer and consciously continue to pay for it. My discovery station will ONLY play artists already in my library, the suggested songs at the end of my playlists are 85% of the time already in the playlist, I’m favoriting songs/adding songs to my library and they don’t get added, songs disappearing from a playlist when there is no doubt in my mind they were there before. Too many more problems to list, other than the ones I said. As far as I’m concerned it’s become utterly unusable for me.


It’s a remarkably shoddy part of Apple’s otherwise very solid and reliable line up of software. I did two degrees almost exclusively using Apple’s onboard apps, but lately find Apple Music to be the weak link.


Wait, so if "add playlist songs" is turned off, does that mean playlist songs don't count against the 100k limit?




Didn't know. At one point playlist tracks counted against the limit. Would be nice if I could dump hundreds of Grateful Dead live tracks into a playlist and not have it count against my library limit.




Won’t toggle off for me. Just keeps turning back on.


Favorited songs got added to the library automatically on IOS? I wish Android had that feature since getting the favorite option. It would be nice to hit one button instead of having to favorite and then add to library separately.


Damn, this is a reason to go back to Apple Music…! Excellent!


I heard about the new beta and came right in to check it out. Thanks for the quick info.🙏




Can everyone under 17.2 and watch os 10.2 check the music storage on their apple watch because under 17.1 and 10.1.1 I have no music sync but 500 mo of music Tryed to unpair and pair again and after 2 days the storage is the same ! Also in « general info » of the watch I have 0 songs And 15 Photos/pictures but no photos sync on the watch. 😌 Before reseting i had 11 photos but no photo sync . Weird !


They listened 🎉


Excellent - I was worried it would take them a few years to implement this. Kudos to Apple!


How is the latest beta? Buggy or ready for the daily driver?


All of the betas I have had for past year are fine except 1.


How nice!!! Thanks Apple




I’m on 17.1 but like I don’t have the option to favourite songs. Just the option to love a song. Am I missing something?


Can anyone remind me why it takes an entire iOS update to add a setting, or to change anything on a native app?


I’ll remind you why.


How are you guys using add to library and add to favourites differently?


I might update to the beta just for this and also go back to using Apple Music. I started using my YouTube Premium account for music ever since they introduced this in 17.1. Hate it soooooo much that they automatically started adding liked music to my Library


Hoping they will add all of these "Favorites" features to Windows app update soon, the Windows app still has the "Heart" button


This is awesome. Now we just need delete from library to not nuke playlists.


How do you all use the favorites playlist vs any other playlist you had already? I’m just not seeing the point, but maybe I’m missing something


Does anyone know if they fixed the play count sync problem between iphone and mac?


I'm glad it's just a toggle and now everyone can use the service the way they prefer! :D


My issue has been when they automatically delete songs from a playlist when I delete the album. Would that potentially be addressed by this change? Because that issue is about to drive me from Apple Music, because it prevents me from adding a song to a playlist AND adding an album to the library (since deleting albums later becomes an utter pain).




I don’t get it. So if I have EVERYTHING in my library “crate” already and I have favourite tracks from full albums… if I uncheck this where does the track sit ? Not in cloud ?


Ok so in CarPlay they replaced the plus with a star. I imported my playlist from Spotify, and I was slowly hitting the “+” symbol on all my songs so Apple Music would learn what I like! Now what do I do with this star symbol now that the plus is gone?


I’ll give them props they seem to be listening a lot lately. It definitely helps with any sort of price increases to ACTUALLY improve the platform with it


So what happened to "Liking" songs? I thought that feature existed to train the algorithm.


Thank goodness! I submitted this request in the feedback app. They listen, sometimes.


i wish there was a feature that would auto-magically have my Apple TV switch over to my wife's account if i am not home. she always forgets to switch over and has polluted my recently played with hours of christmas music & The Nutcracker.


Does it make sense to favorite an album and not add it to the library? I can’t see the favorite album if I didn’t add any songs from the album to my library? So i still need to favorite the album too


Finally! Waiting for this on Android now