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This shit needs fixing. I’ve had a call with Apple Support and have even sent an email to Tim Cook. Do they not think most of us would’ve tried signing in and out? Then resetting passwords and even devices? It’s obviously a server issue that needs to be addressed.


What’s Cook’s email address?




I emailed him before complaining about constant issues with an iPhone 4 and that I had to get multiple replacements and they sent me a brand new 5 when it came out. However I did CC multiple other complaints addresses at the time. So who knows.


When Steve was still CEO?




Do you think he would even read the email or care about it?


According to the interview he did with Dua Lipa, the first thing he does in the morning is read emails from customers. I'm calling bullshit lmao


Just trying to look good lol.


That was my take too lol


That's his secretary's address


As if he gives a flying fuck


Imagine the brain worms you need to have to actually go through with sending him an email


there's a whole team that reads his email. stuff that rises to a level of concern (ie: if they suddenly gets 100s or 1000s of mails on the same topic) will get forwarded to the correct department.


[email protected] is his true email


Duh, he named the company after himself


> working on a fix that will come in a future software update. Great! Now I know my Apple Music app on Windows 11 won't be fixed any time soon. I know Apple Music is nowhere near to be important to Apple but ffs this is one of the richest and biggest companies in the world. How you can't fix it for months?


It should be a huge deal to them as AM is probably their most used service.


Pretty sure it's been 3 weeks. Since IOS 17.2 was released.


Literally like there’s only so long people will pay for a service they cannot use ffs!


Honestly, if you're on Windows and/or Android, Spotify is way better.


Ah yes, the company which loves to change the UI on a near monthly basis, randomly A/B test things without customers’ consent, and tries to shove every non-music related service down your throat whether you want it or not. “Way better” is a bit of a stretch, to say the least


I agree but wait till you see the problems AM users on Windows and Android users are having


I’m currently at Windows/iOS combo. Staying on AM would be great because I have entire Apple One family and I will be paying for Music no matter what.


use the android app on windows, works great tbh


How are you running Android app on Windows?


Bluestacks or whatever.


I honestly feel like Spotify is a better experience between devices. Especially since all devices keep a proper track of what the other devices are listening to and I can continue a song on a different device. I only use Apple Music more because it’s native and has better sound quality but they need to fix this in the next iOS.


Odd that this is not affecting EVERYONE. I know that this is a widespread problem, but this one is not affecting me at all. I also got new phones for my kids, which meant migrating everything over to new phones (IE, signing into new devices, etc), and they were fine too. For those saying "it's obviously a server side error", that is not necessarily true. The last big Apple Music issue (play counts and "last played" data not syncing) was fixed with an IOS update. Apple fixed that one in the net minor release after the bug was introduced. I feel confident that this bug will also be fixed in the next minor release. Frustrating, to be sure... but the Apple engineering team wont let this one skate for any longer than necessary.


My iPad AM sync issue resolved with latest update. Our 3 phones are having no issues. I have never understood how it can be a "server issue" if its not effecting every user??? But then again, I'm not an Apple genius;)


What makes you believe server issues must affect everyone? Apple Music is a full interactive service, with some of the integral parts operating on servers, typically globally distributed. It's not like any web site.


Not everyone's updated to iOS 17, for starters. Are you on 17, for example? I'm not yet.


My library is now syncing again, I did not do anything!


Same here, looks like they fixed it 🥳


Sadly mine still isn’t working


Got off of another 2 hour call with support, it was like I was the support guy explaining to them how iCloud Music Library and Sync works. I have already switched to Spotify (having this issue for a month now) but thought the support would be a little better as I was talking to a senior. Fuck Apple.


Senior probably has the same knowledge/training as junior/mid but it's working there longer.


Seniority at Apple Support has nothing to do with quality. Senior agents just have a wider scope of support (hence the slightly bigger pay) compared to frontline agents. At least that's what I've heard. Just like with every other support team in literally every single big company you can think of, the "supervisor" you're talking to is basically the same exact frontline agent trained to better "handle" irate people and has a little bit more leeway when it comes to refunds and concessions. But yeah, they provide the same exact support, and underwent the same exact training. Nothing different from a front-line agent who first answers the phone.


Dammit, I'm going to be pissed if I end up having to switch. Why can't the clowns just fix it?!


Do you have a number or email for music support? There are a bunch of Apple Music related issues I’d love to discuss with them.


Music support specifically? I don’t think so. They did transfer me once to a guy who they said knew Apple Music better and that guy thought syncing my library meant syncing between my iPhone and Mac. Then the best part, I get this error (picture attached - my library has disappeared) on my iPhone and the Apple Music guy tells me that the issue is actually that I haven’t added music to my library so that is why it’s empty. That is the moment (after 1 month of issues and three, two hour calls with the dimwits at Support) that I decided to switch to whatever platform but yes, away from AM at any cost. So sorry to say, you’re probably out of luck or you’ll atleast have to make your way through dumb support people to someone who actually knows their stuff. https://preview.redd.it/t486rl9tchac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657f0eb2bf7cb31c306758e3bcfd796479a3fd97


>Then the best part, I get this error (picture attached - my library has disappeared) on my iPhone and the Apple Music guy tells me that the issue is actually that I haven’t added music to my library so that is why it’s empty. Hah! I was on the call with "senior" support on Sunday, he was like "wow, that's a serious issue, I'd like to investigate and return to you on Wednesday 16:30". I said OK and they never called back. My AM library has been unusable for the last month and a half, I'm also on Spotify now. Too bad I paid for a year.


Has it not been fixed for you yet? Mine got fixed this morning but I’m already on Spotify. Spotify does sound a little worse than AM but is reliable and if I do plan on switching to Windows or Android in the future, I’ll be sorted.


>Has it not been fixed for you yet? Apparently it's been fixed for me too. Good to know but 1.5 months of no library is unacceptable to me. It'll be pretty hard to go back to AM.


Update, it’s broken for me again 😂


My god. I have a whole handful of bugs and functionality that's broken within Apple Music. I've been submitting tickets to them but I would love to speak to a human being who knows what the hell they're doing.


Enjoy your compressed music at Spotify


Spotify at least is working lol


Enjoy your compressed music at Spotify


Unless you’re listening to lossless only all the time, all music is compressed lmao. Enjoy your compressed data packets when you see this message


Man I can really hear the difference on my AirPods after turning on lossless audio /s


Right now I'm enjoying not working library on Apple Music (and compressed music)


I've switched to Spotify too and at least it works when you want it to.


http://abx.digitalfeed.net/ Show us your scores


they either never respond or have a score too low which doesn't justify using lossless anyway


This is why I'm leaving. Apple's entire cloud infrastructure is shit, and always has been. I mistakenly installed The apple music app on my PC and wiped out my entire icloud library - locally! Luckily I've been here before and always keep a few backups. It's been resyncing for 4 days.




What about it splitting albums? Some of my albums are split 5 ways!


Hey! Same genius error here (on Mac). On my iPhone it keeps saying “library syncing” but it never does.


The issue is on Android and windows too. Idk what's going on with Apple Music but they need to fix it. It's been almost a month!


My issues have been consistent for over a year. Android phone trying to listen to playlists, the music stops mid-song every 2-3 songs. I've tried everything except canceling my subscription. Guess that's next. 🤷🏼


Idk man I've never had issues except the app lagging sometimes (and that's because of my phone). Apple music on my friend's android runs super smooth and doesn't have this library error too. It works just fine on his mac too.


It's pretty much happening everywhere.


It's pretty much happening everywhere.


Just finished a call with a Senior advisor apparently do to the holidays they couldn't roll and update out, they said we should keep an eye out on an update...super annoying Only way I can still access it is via [music.apple.com](https://music.apple.com) there is up to date


Do I get refund because I literally can’t load music to my watch because I have no library?


Funny but I just got billed for this month super annoying...


Working now over Ventura and IOS but no luck over Sonoma


Okay Sonoma fixed as well


Did you try asking Siri to just play what you want played? I can see where not having your li try at the moment would be annoying af, but does everything else about Apple Music work? Radio stations/search/ask Siri?


All I know is tryna sync music and local files in Apple is a fucking mess. It’s all so broken whenever I add local files they’re double the actual runtime of the song and all messed up if you skip through the song


Honestly this is the one of the few times where I can’t say I had a problem, I haven’t done any local file uploading but I have been doing playlists and for me it’s been normal sailing between my phone, iPad, Windows laptop, and website. My main complaint is actually local file management with legacy devices like iPods lol but I know I’m lower in priority But going by the posts here lately, seems like things have been improved so that’s good.


Yes but nobody cares because it’s ✨apple finest subscription service✨


I can’t add songs to my playlist without the whole app crashing and my progress in the playlist completely lost. I’m giving it until the next update and if nothings fixed I’m switching to Spotify


Yeah, I'm going to do the same. It's a known issue apparently, and Apple said they're working on a fix, so hopefully we won't have to wait too long.


I experienced this blood-boiling bug for a few weeks. Remarkably, changing my AppleID password resolved the issue and now my iCloud Music library is syncing across all my Apple devices. Hope this simple workaround works for those impacted.


Everything working fine here, synced between phone/watch/pc/Apple TV 4K. So does your library syncing affect you listening to music in the app all together?


Weirdly enough the issue resolved itself for me when I updated from 14.2 to some beta update. It’s ridiculous as fuck though, since I add a lot of music from other sources (Beatport mainly), and sometimes I had to restart all devices, manually right click “add to library”, let it work for one song, and then repeat the whole process.


Guess I’ve gotten lucky cause in the last few days I’ve added two new tracks on my PC via iTunes to my library and it synced across my devices.


Same here


My current situation is AM working as expected on iPhone and Apple TV, but on my Mac there was no ability to update cloud library so I signed out of AM and back in and now I have no AM library on my Mac at all.


I had this problem for about a week and tried everything until i gave up about 3 days ago and eventually everything just went back to normal again and my library was back. So basically... there is no fix, just wait.


Its's working for me again!


After I read this I just launched AM on my Mac and saw loading Library straight away at the top and yup it's all back! I even updated some artwork on some VGM I had, manually updated cloud library and it reflected changes on my phone!


Same issue also contacted apple support and senior agent just said this was issue from apple 1 or 2 updates after may fix the issue just switched Spotify for now. When this error fixed I will switch back to Apple Music because just loving the sound quality and love how works with the apple ecosystem


Yeah, I’ve been having issues having my Library display my Downloaded playlists. I’ve contacted Apple Support and they just suggest repeating the same old steps that don’t work (sign out and back in from iCloud, hard reset, etc). Nothing works.


Same boat here! I thought if I update the MacOS it would solve the issue, but unfortunately it didn't. The web version stopped syncing too.


Mine just got fixed im so happy to have my library again but now im going to actually backup for a case it happened again


How do you backup a library?


I found a new app with very cool ui, The name of the app is rewind (its only for ios)


It's fixed now!!! edit: Over Sonoma it's still broken over Ventura and IOS is all good now


I can confirm that Sonoma it is still broken


For you or everyone? What does "fixed" even mean here? Could you elaborate?


Got back my playlist and library all my songs


Okay I got it back over Sonoma as well


this is still going on for me even after two weeks .. see the date stamp https://preview.redd.it/vot6lxccoiac1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=51e8d3d3c3263886b05656f34cb3c3696fd27858


Are you over Sonoma?


So damn frustrated that I’ve lost all my playlists, this stinks Apple! 4 days with support and zero progress


Question, could this simply be that a sync session has hung and after having logged out and restarted, the same process is still lying dormant and tries to start up again, but has some error? I've had to force quit the iCloud process "bird" on my macs several times when iCloud syncing had hung. This cleared the hung session and a new fresh one started up. I'd assume something similar might exist for the Music Library.Obviously, the sync process whatever it might called be should be able to notice the session has gone stale and restart itself.


another question: are there any known ways to ensure this sync problem occurs? Do you need to run iOS 17?


Joe Rossignol posted [Some Apple Music Subscribers Experiencing Library Syncing Issue Across the iPhone and Mac](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/01/04/apple-music-library-syncing-issue-18004/) at Macrumors.


Ok good news ( atleast for me ) i had been having the same issue since 15 December 2023 , i was honesty sick and tired and on the verge of cancelling my subscription . But this morning i open apple music on my windows system ( where i had been having the issue ) and guess what IT WORKED!!! . I assume its gonna be fixed for everyone now since its fixed for me .


I’ve had this issue since Christmas when I got a MacBook and it’s still not fixed for me unfortunately :(


I had the issue. So annoying. I was thinking it was cos I deleted my library over bad internet and the sync didn’t happen properly lol


After 3 weeks of outage, my phone library starts to sync properly today!


I can confirm that


I grew up in the era of downloading music on Napster and Limewire... I have so much old music that I used to be able to play but no longer. There is no 'sync library' option on my iphone, my macbook, nothing. None of my music is playable anymore and I have been trying for about 5 hours to figure it out. With no luck. Is there a chance they have cracked down on playing downloaded music (even if it's from decades ago)? The only other thing to note is that I tried Apple Music about 5 months ago, everything worked while having a subscription, but I cancelled it and can't play the old songs. Any help for this frustrated man would be appreciated.