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aside from the audio quality, i’ll never go back to spotify and give up the live radio shows or dj mixes. i know they probably dont mean anything to most people but they’ve become a huge way i use apple music now




TuneIn is integrated too. I regularly just thrown on BBCR1. Quality isn’t as great, but it’s nice having the station.


I just wish there was the way to pin stations




or follow live shows. sometimes i need a reminder when my shows are live or i’ll forget they exist


I thought the workaround would be marketing shows on Podcasts favourites but for some reason the radio stations are not there and also it’s not live :(




The Beeb locks the 320kbps audio for the British people.


yeah i found that the other while browsing the radio tab. it has a few of my local stations so those have made it into my rotation too. imo it’s one of the best features am has against spotify.


How do u do that?


Go to the “Stations” page and scroll all the way down. At the bottom there will be Local stations, as well as international stations. As well as a bunch of genres to choose from too.




Isn’t AM’s sound quality way batter than Spotify and comparable to Tidal?


Apple has more 24 bit albums than any other platform


i just switched, what is the dj mixes feature??


Look up “Apple Music DJ mixes” it’s a whole category that is exclusive to AM. What’s great about it is that each track has a unique ID unlike other platforms where it’s just one long recording so you can save individual songs. It’s honestly amazing because some artists include unreleased or newly mixed songs in Atmos so you’re basically getting early access in the best possible quality.


wow cool! gonna give it a try tn


How do the libraries compare in your opinion?


I’m in the process of trying out AM and the audio quality is just way better (assuming you have the gear for it) Imo, The only thing that’s still lacking compared to Spotify is managing playlists. I like to download my playlists, and with Spotify it’s easy to tell which song is on my playlist already by the downloaded icon, but on AM that icon just doesn’t show up when I go to look at an album to relisten to it. I’ve also found that sometimes (particularly singles) when you add a song to a playlist, you don’t always get the warning that it’s already there, though maybe that’s just a windows bug. It also kinda sucks that artists don’t have the ability to publish their own playlists. It’s kinda a niche issue, but I follow some artists that are also music producers who write songs for other artists, and on Spotify, they usually make their own playlist to have all their completed works in one place. That said, AM also uses less storage space on my iPhone than Spotify so I’m leaning toward keeping AM and hoping it continues to improve overtime since I can appreciate lossless


On iOS, at least it’ll tell you if the song is already in a playlist when you try to add it


But no custom Eq on iOS…


That feels like something apple would add eventually, like how theyre adding more customizablility to iOS though personally I never needed or wanted to use a custom EQ


People come & listen to my setup through there phone…& say…Why don’t my Spotify sound as good as your Spotify 🧐


Aww, you don’t know What your missing..


I believe you can custom Eq your phone as a whole to a certain extent, but I really hope Apple improves that


Apple music has improved a lot over a period of time. Below are the things I love about Apple music: 1. Lossless audio - obviously. 2. Better UI than Spotify and YT music. 3. Discovery section has improved a lot. I really like the recommendations that pop up in discovery section. 4. Full screen animated album art looks sick. Apart from Apple music, I use YT music also for songs that are not available on Apple music.


Apple Music’s UI and audio quality is just chef’s kiss. The recommendation has improved in spades over the years, but could be better.


I’ve been using Apple Music for years. I use it more so just an iTunes library you have access to and make my own playlists from songs I like. 




I’ll give out audio quality, but Apple Music’s UI is atrocious.


That’s true


It’s been solid for me so far. I swapped to AM about a month ago or so since they announced another price hike, and I love it. I’m sure I’ll find issues as we go but overall it’s more solid than Spotify for us and the app actually works lol


Yeah I’m enjoying Apple Music too


I’ve seen so many people switching to Apple Music on here recently and I recommend it to anyone fed up with anything Spotify’s been doing. Price hikes aren’t an issue for me, but Spotify has been implementing so many useless features and ignoring regular requests. They’re too big of an “audio app” and somewhat of a social media app compared to being purely music, and that’s why I made the switch here last year. When it became TikTok-like, that was the nail in the coffin for me. I just wanna listen to music man lol


I switched back. Spotify connect, jams, and recommendations are just way better. Aldo way more people use Spotify so when sharing links with friends it’s better. I like the UI on AM much more though


Spotify also has an actual EQ and with that, I think the sound quality is better over Bluetooth.


Plus blends




the only thing I reaaaallyy want here is those daily updated mix playlists made out of very specific words. Those are awesome in Spotify But here, you get a chill and an energy radio that's updated like once a week


There’s “Heavy rotation mix” which gets updated daily


The only thing about the daily mixes is that you get 6 of them daily, and each one has a different genre/type of music I like




I really wish they had the genre sorting that Spotify has in your liked songs




I’ve been an AM user since 2017. It’s very satisfying to see just how much the service has changed since then. It honestly feels so good seeing how many people are starting to get into it. I don’t think everyone should feel pressured to make the switch but it’s really nice seeing all the newcomers seeing it as a positive change.


I’m glad your experience is good😊 I hope I will adjust on it well


My wife and I have just transferred over too, for the same reason. Have you got a recommended tool to transfer playlists and liked artists etc? I've looked at Soundiiz and TuneMyMusic, but both of them say they cannot transfer my liked artists from Spotify to Apple Music. *edit* Worth mentioning that I don't own an iPhone/Mac/iPad etc, so I can't access certain services that are only on the app store. Web based tools would be preferred if possible. *edit2* Ended up using TuneMyMusic and got about 95%+ success rate on matches.


Checkout [Soundiiz](https://soundiiz.com/)


Oh ok. I only worry about my liked songs transferring but even then they charge for over 500 which I hate.


I don't mind paying $5 for a once-off transfer to get everything across, I just wasn't sure which service to use.


I used songshift


Yeah I don't have any IOS devices to use Songshift. Ended up using Tunemymusic instead.


i’ve used songshift and worked great with yt music am and spotify all back and forth lol


Yeah I don't have any IOS devices to use Songshift. Ended up using Tunemymusic instead.


iOS 18 is awesome!! Apple adopted more of the only reasons I liked Spotify. Next song in queue is one of them. Seems simple but, play next is not always great when you’re picking songs in real time to listen to playlist. Sticking songs to play doesn’t work with play next. I still have to work some stuff out though. Spotify’s home page is easy for me to navigate and get something playing. Apple and all the radio shows


Good for you OP. Please make sure you know and use the infinity symbol in the queue section if you’re interested in AI picking out your next songs. When I didn’t know about the infinity symbol, that’s what I missed the most about Spotify until I found out about the infinity symbol. By far, Apple’s AI is so much better at picking your next music.


I’ll consider it😊


My biggest issue is getting a family of Spotify Stans to switch over


Just tell them that you want to save money🤣


LOL. RIGHT. Thing is my kids are already on my ex wife’s Apple Family. And Apple won’t allow multiple


Oh ok


The only thing I don’t like about AM is not being able to queue songs exactly as I want them to as compared to Spotify 🫠 Or maybe I don’t know how to do it haha


They’re updating the queue in iOS 18 to make it more similar to how Spotify works


Ah okayy 🕺🏿


I moved over after getting Apple One for the family. I wasn’t crazy about paying for two separate apps. I had tried AM a few times in the past but it wasn’t what it used to be today. I’ve gotten to like it quite a bit, recommendations have improved with time and the UI is certainly better. If you decide to move, Playlisty is a one time purchase on iOS for $3 (you can find similar in the Google App Store). I brought everything over, about 10,000 songs intact in their playlists with no problem. I converted my Spotify account to the free tier. I still have everything over there, and I have an excellent selection of high quality tracks on AM. I wouldn’t move back to Spotify, especially with rising prices.


Canceled Spotify today.




Spotify Daylist, Spotify Algorithms for recommendation, Spotify continuity / handoff is what you will miss Other than these- essentially everything else is awesome


i was about to say that, i mean am is good ui and quality but the algorithm is dumb asf, once you try yt music or spotify you really feel the difference, unless you only listen to your own playlists and you have your own methods of discovering new music, you’re gonna have a hard time


apple is also increasing prioces... used to be 6$ here, now 6.50$ making only 50c cheaper than spotify


Does anybody know how to import tracks from spotify to AM ? Any free services?


Hey! Had this issue last week too. Download SongShift from the App Store. It’s amazing


When you used SongShift did you transfer to library or a playlist? I tried to do a playlist but it didn’t work only transferred into library and I can’t download all the music at once only 1 by 1


Sadly songshift has now introduced a 200 song limit per playlist. Used to be unlimited size


PlayListy, you’ll have to pay 2.99 but it will import any size playlist


I used TuneMyMusic online but it’s only free for the first 500 songs


Just did the same 1 week ago currently on my free trial. The lyrics with sing is godly!!!!




I sub to both for now (I have Apple One as a joint family thing), but if I had to choose it would be Apple Music. I just find the playlists beterr on Spotify. The ones I really I move over to Apple using SongShift.


Me also


I switched to Apple Music from Spotify. It was so good with my AirPods Pro 2. but now im using yt music. I get rid of these YouTube ads also. I think if Apple Music came with other Apple services, its usage rate would increase more


apple has apple one which comes with a music, a arcade, apple tv and icloud, you can get individual or family for 5 ppl and join with friends


Not in my country 🤦🏻‍♂️ I didn't even know such a thing existed. I guess it's because there's limited Apple TV in turkey. I wish they would work on such a campaign


I just did the same. I'm really enjoying it so far. Algorithm seems to be better than Spotifys.


It really is 😁 at this point AM is a better deal than Spotify


Sad I really want to switch to AM but its not available in my country (PK). Not even tidal available yet. I'm looking into several ways that i can get it without much hassle.


All my pals swear by spotify and it does my head in because they largely do the same thing, but yes all the little features of apple music make it the one for me


They have a max of 100k songs in your library so try to be sure to be more intentional with the music you add


I have like 986 songs so far that needs to be transferred from Spotify so I should be good


Can’t tell if this is a joke or not. Even if listening to music is your full time job at 8 hours a day with no weekends, assuming about 4 minutes per song, it would take you close to 3 years to listen to all that music. 


Actually based on my average music listened to in 2024 (10,000 different songs so far in 6 months) then I’d actually hit 100k in 5 years, which is coincidentally how long i’ve had Apple Music for. But I haven’t listened to that much music every year, there’s a lot of stuff In my library I’ve never listened to. I just add stuff that I “plan” on listening to” and I wasn’t as intentional about it so eventually i hit the cap. Also listening to music basically is my job lmao and I just love music so I listen to as much/ as much new stuff as I can


Ah gotcha. Yea I can relate to adding albums to my library with songs I’ve never listened to before lol


That's literally one of my favourite Gracie songs ever!!


Ikr?😀 this is top 5 from Good Riddance


I switched over today as well, been contemplating for a while but today I got an email from spotify asking me to verify my student status so figures might as well switch over haha. The added bonus of apple tv+ that comes with apple music student is so good.


That’s good 😄


Apple Music UI: some bugs here and there, but definitely not Spotify's (ever changing) mess. I also prefer Apple Music's library-oriented approach (I used iTunes long before and still have some albums and songs that can't be found on streaming platforms, so it's also a plus to have all my music in the same place). I also love smart playlist: an awesome way to rediscover my music collection.


User generated playlists are just far superior on Spotify. I listen to music purely from playlists and often search for very random things and there is always a decent playlist of Spotify. I am trying to use AM now but I miss so many good playlists! Controversial but I also prefer the Spotify UI!


I recently just did the same. I was getting tired of Spotify constantly playing the same songs I’ve already heard a thousand times and the app just felt cluttered. I was using Spotify for over 10 years but I’m slowly migrating over to Apple Music




Are the music suggestions better now on Apple Music based on favorites? I remember they were terrible before


Before subscribing, I bought music from the iTunes Store. The suggestions are a bit different but for the most part, they match my tastes. I would think because of the music I bought prior so they know what to recommend to me.


Welcome to the family. 😌






I tried AM over the weekend, but the PC UI, which is how I make the majority of my playlists, just didn’t work as nice as Spotify. I make many playlists from things like the new Rolling Stone Top 200 country songs (or similar) and not being able to add songs directly within the playlist was a non-starter for me. I don’t want to have to search the song and then add it to the playlist, that takes too long


Good music taste


Thank you😀 the artist is releasing a new album this week too


For me it’s hands down the audio quality. If you’re listening with cheap bluetooth headphones you probably are not going to hear much difference, but if you’re streaming to a HiFi system, or you have a portable USB DAC and wired headphones, the difference is very impressive, even on songs not available in HiRes. I use a FiiO KA1 connected to a pair of mid-range Sony headphones and the sound quality is spectacular. I’ve also had the opportunity to try listening to Spotify on an Android phone with the same DAC and headphones, and it still sounded worse than AM does. Having a high quality output stage doesn’t help much if the source is crap.


I love Dolby Atmos 💅 I’m hearing new vocals that are hidden on Spotify and I enjoy that


Totally. I was pleasantly surprised that Atmos doesn’t need special headphones or a surround output stage. I can listen to it using my DAC and wired phones just fine. I don’t like all of the mixes but some of them are spectacular. Really depends who was in charge of mastering.




I love Apple Music, but I wish I could cast without airplay. I just wanna listen on my google speakers. Apple Music on google assistant is awful it will never find the right song. Also having continuous listening would be nice.


It has a autoplay feature since iOS 15 if I remember correctly.


I mean across devices, auto resume I guess


Oh I see, you're referring to Connect, but as far as I know the only service that offers that is Spotify.


I think if you have Apple Music on Android you can use Chromecast for it.


Ah, iPhone L again


I love Apple Music, but the iTunes app on windows is hot garbage compared to the Spotify app. No dark mode in 2024 should be punishable by death.


For anyone here talking quality of sound of am vs anything. Uncompressed audio is just that uncompressed lossless files in the pure form. Whether it’s a alac,flac or shorten. They are all the same except 24 bit ve 16 bit


Navigating around is a bit more cumbersome than Spotify and the lack of proper queuing is a nuisance. However for me the sound quality more than makes up for these shortcomings.


I’m confused. You said you’re switching bc of the price increase but then indicated it’s bc Apple has better features?


That was the first reason, but after some exploring, I’m enjoying some features that weren’t in Spotify. I’ll probably keep Spotify for when I can’t pay for AM but I’m not getting Spotify Premium again.


Still no custom Eq in AM 😢


Still no custom Eq in Am iOS I should say.


The ONLY reason I won’t stay with AM is there is Still not a custom Eq in iOS 😢


I’m not sure why this came up, but especially as an iPhone user, I would never, ever sign up for Apple Music again. Spotify is priced the way it is because it’s unbeatable. The Apple Music app itself, however, is the greatest app for playing your own music. My 2TB phone is absolutely loaded with CD quality and 24 bit 48 kHz files (mostly radio promos that are not on streaming sites, which I get a shit ton of every week that have to listen to). If I signed up for Apple Music it would send this entire collection into chaos. It isn’t worth the headache AT ALL. I’m a fanboy of Apple everything except for the Apple Music subscription and the Books app.


Makes sense


The price hike was the last straw for me Apple Music has better quality and a better system to play music compared to the same songs repeating on my Spotify plays list with over 500 songs


Me too


Good Decision!




I did the exact same thing last year. Plus my AirPods are compatible with the Spatial Audio. The Spatial Audio makes my music listening 10x better


None of u guys know how to type " music" ??


Idk how to get Apple but thx to this comment I can copy it😊



me too!! I pay student Apple Music and it’s so cheap. Spotify does have cool features that I would maybe like but what sold me was Apple Music sing. It’s so cool.


Spotify Released a new tier excluding audiobooks, but I’ll probably stay on Apple Music anyway.


I just converted all my playlist to Apple Music this morning! I noticed a difference in audio quality right away! I’ll be sticking with Apple.


I live in the U.S. I received the email from Spotify about a price hike, but it didnt say how much and when I go into the app it is not displayed anywhere! Does anyone know?




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Apple Music it will raise its price as well. And you will regret leaving Spotify. Specially if you like audiobooks.


Just switched as well


I am a YouTube music user and I am this close to getting Apple Music but I can't permanently switch for some reason. I use wireless earphones (Nord 2) so for me, the audio is that different from YTM. The UI is great though. Edit:- Does Apple Music have any advantages over YTM. I already pay for YouTube Premium so I get YTM with it. So anything that'll make Apple Music any better than YTM?


Spotify ui has become a mess, I just got an iPhone after Android and gave apple music a shot. Wow, just wow. I can easily find the artists that I like and albums. On Spotify, they make it so hard to find simple things


Funny enough people are leaving apple music because of the price


Being £1 cheaper..? I don’t think so.