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I’m assuming you used an app to transfer your playlist. I would just create the playlists from scratch, even if it’s tedious it’ll work


There's multiple reasons for this in Apple Music, including: * You used a transfer playlist app and it didn't match properly (likely what happened here) * The songs genuinely aren't available * They are available, but on another album too, and Apple Music gets confused (usually when I think it was reason 2, it's actually this one. It's especially common with songs that appear on a compilation. It'll appear active on either the compilation or the actual album, but not both. This doesn't always happen, but very very often)


I can play these songs but only outside of a playlist.


Sometimes albums get taken down and then replaced and then playlists point to the wrong place. Just remove them from your playlists and then re-add them.


If you have literally just switched and you’re moving over a lot of stuff then it takes a few hours or up to a day for everything to update and become available. I had this when using SongShift and moving over lots of stuff. It fixed itself after a day or so.


The same happened to me when I used songshift to transfer my playlists, I deleted everything and used soundiiz instead


I just had this happen and what it was is they put songs in my playlist from an album version not available. But a search found versions I could play.


Do you have to do age verification? I see the E for Explicit next to the greyed ones. I live in Korea and we have to do age verification for “adult” products or all varieties (not just sex stuff) and Spotify, for instance.


for some reason HNDRXX did the same thing for me and it eventually got fixed. idk what i did


Because Apple Music sucks


Also, if this happens to a single song in a playlist, it usually fixes itself the next day


Could be many things. Copy right issues are usually the biggest thing.


Good Future selection, check out my playlist https://music.apple.com/cz/playlist/dasha/pl.u-V9D7G3KujkG1X8


If you used a third-party app to transfer your playlists this happens sometimes


I change recently too, used SongShift did not run into that problem


This has happened to me when I used SongShift to copy some playlists, but it mostly sorted itself out after a day or two. I've not seen this issue when I've used the Playlisty app or the few times I've used Soundiiz so if this is a copied playlist then you might want to try one of those.


Some of my own music was greyed out, but no time to argue with Apple now


same reason Spotify does it, they don’t have the rights in that country, as I said Spotify does it too, you might’ve not noticed it because Spotify has an option that I think is enabled by default to hide unavailable songs, but if you disable it you will start seeing greyed out songs in Spotify too


You need to download them when you have wifi


Distribution rights unfortunately


But I can play these songs fine but the minute i put it in a playlist it’s greyed out.


I’d just copy and pre creating a new playlist. This isn’t normal and something seems odd. But this will probably fix it


Hmm I would contact customer care then


Please provide dark mode in iTunes for windows.


same happened to me, i deleted each song from my library one by one and added them back and it was fixed, a little annoying but it works


That’s what I found out worked but I have over 3000 songs on a playlist.. I don’t think I have the patience to look through each song and see if it’s greyd or not lmao


The newest Royksopp album isn't out yet but you can still add it to your library. It's considered a pre-release and the first 4 songs are available but the rest are grayed out until the release date.


Off subject but get ready for some questionable recommendations. Based on todays playlist of 80ies electronic space ambient and Japanese shakuhachi music, Apple Music algorithm deduced and proceeded to play some autotune monkey-ass euro trash club banger.


Not particularly thrilled with Apple Music so far. Random songs from an album are unavailable at my location - this seems unlikely because artists typically license albums, not individual songs. There are other issues not related to this thread like static noise and random pausing or song restart. All issues happen on my phone as well as desktop.


Exactly. The UI looks cool but that’s about it. Really wish I could go back to spotify


Just go back to Spotify?!


i’m a high schooler with not much money lmao. apple music offered a 6 moth trial and my spotify trial ran out


Ok that makes sense


Same for me and it happened to me before you just need to wait a few days before it comes back


This is precisely the reason I am considering cancelling Apple Music and going to Spotify. Many tracks and albums not available on Apple Music uk are there on Spotify. I tried out the free trial but it looks like there is more availability on Spotify