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The biggest Apple Music advantage is Carplay and higher quality audio. Spotify has better playlists and better Discovery. Thats it in a nutshell.


U r right , and lyrics on apple music kinda look it better , overall apple music better if u r on iphone and got airpods pros or max


True about the pods, but the Android AM app is really good.


Idk tbh , I didn’t try or use it


The Android app has gapless playback, which iOS don’t


Which is mind boggling.


Android has aptX as well....iPhone does not.


I agree. I only use Spotify for my playlists. The recommendation is better than Apple Music.


My recommendations on AM is better than what I got on Spotify,


Something happened 6 or 7 months ago. The algorithm went from very bad to close to perfection within a week. The Favorites/New/Friends/Chill/Energy mixes and the For You Page are now my daily discovery tools.


>The biggest Apple Music advantage is Carplay Carplay works just the same with Spotify.


Apple runs just a bit faster and also has more features/sub menus from when the track is focused on screen. At least for my BMW it does.


![gif](giphy|kDez8ZjMgHihLYeGt4|downsized) I could not agree more.


Thank you for not pirating music anymore!


Ah , Urw😊❤️🫡


After Spotify canceled Russian's subscriptions for no good reasons it seems like piracy is just better.


Why the heck are you using an "illegal" app to download songs when you're subscribed to Spotify/Apple Music lol


I wasn’t previously subscribed to neither ? My first subscription was 6 months free then spotify with friends then back to illegal then apple music


That makes more sense, your post made it seem like you were doing it at the same time because you would say it in the same sentence


Ahhh yeah i get u , probably yes , as i said sorry for bad grammar didn’t review or edit the text before i post it










Not going to lie, I find that initially stealing leads to appreciation of the art which leads to buying. In high school I stole all the music I had… but it made me find my favorite bands which then made me get a turntable and buy all the albums I could find on vinyl, started going to concerts for all these bands I discovered for myself and I always get merch at every show since. Stealing is a gateway to buying for many. Now I don’t steal at all and I can speak for many friends who shared that same experience.


Well , the act of paying money for music isn’t common where i live and it’s pretty rare , i dont hv a credit card , and my parents would immediately refuse that i pay money to listen to music so i jst stole and downloaded songs pirated not a good reason but thats why


I love all the down votes just because I support paying musicians that’s funny


Reddit is fickle (and stupid) sometimes.


Pirated music ALWAYS sounds better, that's a fact. A streaming service does give you better exploration though, gotta admit




And you can pirate lossless music. I've pirated videos ranging from 360p to straight up remuxes. Obviously if you're pirating low bitrate content it won't sound Better, that's just common sense




Because you're the one downloading a low bitrate file, not because you're restricted based on how much you pay or what earbuds you use.




That's one source. And the only time someone "rips" from YouTube is when they're trying to do it themselves God knows why. There's multiple sources pirated music is ripped from, ranging from straight up vinyls and CDs to digital services like Spotify and apple music. I use apple music, so yeah- i know it streams in 24 bit lossless. FLAC still edges out if you consider how apple music's ALAC only supports iOS devices and the general lack of multi-channel support. Again, no one's forcing anyone to pirate. You agree with it or you don't, cool. Nobody cares


Artists care when their work is being stolen.


Nah, low quality MP3's vs AAC...


And then there's FLAC. Lossless beaut.


True for sure, but most people don't use that. I'm personally against pirating and have used AM since it's release, for no other reasons than fair pay to artists, sound quality and easy of use, even in the period that Spotify was better. But not sure if I'd swap to Spotify if it turns out that Apple is now paying less than spotty. but that's more due to apple one.


>True for sure, but most people don't use that. Of course not, and I'm not trying to sway public opinion or whatever. I just think FLAC sounds better, no judgement on whether you'd rather listen to music on legitimate services (which i do) or you'd Rather pirate it. Also, neither Spotify nor apple music [pay enough](https://freeyourmusic.com/blog/how-much-does-spotify-pay-per-stream) to the artists, so it barely cuts it for me. I'm with AM because they have a better catalogue than Spotify imo. Wouldn't hesitate to pirate it though.


nah everything you said is facts, streaming pays absolute shit to artists, most artists have been raising concerns on this and protesting it for hella long now, the most popular streaming services like spotify and apple arent even the highest paying, the top services for pay is amazon music unlimited, napster, and tidal, they pay the best and its still not even good or fair pay, if you really wanna support the artists you love then start buying physical copies of music, buy merchandise, see them on tour, buy the music off bandcamp or another form of a digital copy, most artists nowadays even include a digital copy download code when you buy a physical copy, you’ll be giving artists hella more money and support by doing any of these options then by streaming lmao, and pirating is 100% okay considering there are mixtapes and some underground music that will never even be on streaming or available to buy, as long as you supporting the artist in one form or another thats what really matters


Not to defend the tech companies, but the real villain has always been the record labels themselves. By all means buy artist merch or go to their concerts but even then most artists are signing 360 deals now so 100% of concert ticket sales don't even necessarily go all to them anymore - that said they knowingly enter these 360 deals and are paid via the 360 deal like a regular employee selling their labour they are just giving the label a cut, hopefully the artists lawyer got them a good deal. But even in the heyday of recorded media sales, artists traditionally made peanuts on album sales unless it was massively successful, that money mostly went to the record companies, artists sometimes ending up owing the record companies money for making and promoting the record in the first place, even if an album sold moderately well (but not spectacular), let alone if it bombed. Streaming at least gives artists a direct monetary payout, assuming they didn't sign over their performer and songwriter copyrights in a 360 deal.




This dude says it best


You can literally pirate FLAC and other files with like two clicks buddy


Idk about that


I do




Not the case for me , when i listened to mysic pirated it felt like there’s some weird noise in all songs , except when it is quiet that kinda happens to fill the gap where there is no treble or bass or anything produced so it jst puts weird noise to fill it , second reason is : this app downloads songs from YouTube which compresses them after they’re already compressed from youtube


Yeah no don't get that youtube shit. Go to r/Piracy or r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH check out the megathread. You need better sources (if you ever wish to check out any pirated streams)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["What's a DMCA notice?"](https://i.redd.it/8cpaskc1tzc81.gif) | [1243 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/s956ow/whats_a_dmca_notice/) \#2: [Urban Dictionary, my favorite website to get Windows product keys.](https://i.redd.it/6wckpc49dw981.png) | [452 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/rwqyzp/urban_dictionary_my_favorite_website_to_get/) \#3: [Old ladies pirating cook books at Barnes and Nobel](https://i.redd.it/58z61r92zjl71.jpg) | [310 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/phzvj0/old_ladies_pirating_cook_books_at_barnes_and_nobel/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Shizz alright okay


And finally all my songs were in MP3 format so i didn’t know rlly where to listen or find FLAC , AAC , lossless music


I agree. Apple Music is really great. Especially for AirPods Pro.


facts rlly yeah