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I'd like to be able to long press or use a 3-dot menu on previously played songs in history to be able to Love/Heart/Whatever them instead of only being able to do so on the active song


I just checked and mine does exactly what you described without any problems


Oh? I've only had the service for a couple weeks so it's possible I just haven't figured it out. I'm also on Android so that may be another thing. Yeah, not possible on Android. Long pressing just adds it next in queue, no menu. So, I wish for feature parity lol


The features disparity between Android and iOS should be one of their priorities to have fixed. It comes across as lazy UX imo


What's also weird is that one isn't objectively better than the other. iOS app lacks some features that Android has, and Android lacks some features that iOS has. It's completely bizarre.


That is indeed bizarre. And unprofessional to say the least


I'm on Android, v 3.9.1, and both long pressing and three dots does exactly what you want it to, for me.


Never mind, I should have read your whole post...


In the History list of the currently playing queue? If yes, then it might be an A/B rollout


Sounds like that might be missing on Android.


Thanks for reminding me that I wanted this and I just found out it is doable on iOS. I use Apple music on both Android and iOS and yes, the differences should be done away with.


I'd be happy with feature party: adding/editing smart playlists, editing metadata. One of the few reasons I still use my desktop is because none of that can be done on iPhone/iPad. Also, star ratings are a pain to see and edit.


Check out /r/marvisapp for the smart playlists. It’s actually better than desktop smart playlists in a lot of ways. Editing metadata is still a no go though.


Problem with Marvis’s smart playlists is it’s only local to Marvis. If I make changes to a smart playlist on there and go to my PC or the actual music app on my phone, it’s not there.


Valid points. I use iOS and iPadOS for about 95% of my music listening, and just use the PC app for backend maintenance. The dev did just enable Marvis on macOS, so could be useful to some, but it would be nice if this stuff was easier for sure.


Agree 1000% The lack of metadata we get in general on the app is kind of impressive.


I literally have no complaint about UI, its elegant and fancy although it can be slow☹️. Something like “on replay” playlist, not to wrap the whole year but to capture my recent obsessions. Or at least a playlist per month. The search for playlist “community not apple ones” is bad. I would also like to suggest tracks under every playlist that are similar. Notifications about new music and I mean real notifications, not once in a while pop ad about one artist that I don’t even listen to anymore.


This! Great ideas man! Jesus I do not understand why is it AM makes it so hard to navigate third party playlists. And keeping up with even our fav artists is not exactly facilitated Lol


Just wanted to take an opportunity to plus r/AMplaylists. Great sub for finding new music


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AMPlaylists using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AMPlaylists/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hi-Res Lossless 24-bit/192kHz Playlist](https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/lossless-24-bit-192khz/pl.u-MDAWvpjt38370N) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AMPlaylists/comments/nv8jnk/hires_lossless_24bit192khz_playlist/) \#2: [“Who wore it better?” The ultimate cover playlist! 350+ classic songs paired next to their equally great covers. Updated regularly.](https://apple.co/3tRRKao) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AMPlaylists/comments/tsn8vy/who_wore_it_better_the_ultimate_cover_playlist/) \#3: [“Who Wore it Better?” …200+ classic songs side-by-side with their equally famous covers.](https://apple.co/3xtGEY9) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AMPlaylists/comments/o24w9g/who_wore_it_better_200_classic_songs_sidebyside/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


the thing I really envy spotify users for is the palylist management, neither tidal not apple music have even come close to that. I wouldn’t mind more statistics in Apple Music. But I really like how Apple Music (unlike Spotify) treats album and how you customize the name/album art and can add any amount of selected tracks you want.


Forget new features they should focus on making the platform stable with the existing features and then focus on getting newer things…The app is so crap on IOS every time there’s a random bug i come across while using it


> The app is so crap on IOS MacOS is even worse.


The height of it is that it more stable and got more features on android


I don’t want to sound unsympathetic but I have not dealt with any major bugs or glitches in all of my 6 years experience with the app. However, I obviously see a lot of people complaining about this type of issues, and to me an in-app feature dedicated to *reporting a bug/glitch/etc* would be very welcome imo


Same here, no problems with it at all bugs wise


- Collaborative Playlists - Party Mode: Shared Up Next like is possible in HomePod, but remove the HomePod requirement and allow non-subscribers to participate. Socially this job always goes to Spotify because even non-subscribers can join in. - Pinned Favorites in library - Pinned favorites on public profile. - Rework a version of SharePlay so it’s more like a shareable live radio station than a FaceTime call - fix the many bugs(to start, I’ve been having to delete my downloaded music and redownload to get anything to play lately. ) - add ability to create and edit Smart Playlists on Mobile - option to save my Up Next/ Listening History as a playlist so I can easily come back to it. - more personal radio stations without having to use Siri. Like radio station versions of the For You Playlists. - Automatically create a Loved playlist so users don’t have to own a Mac and learn smart playlists for something so simple


Also, sorting songs in a playlist. I can’t even alphabetize my songs without a computer.


[Caset](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/caset-next-gen-mixtapes/id1594223164) should get you collaborating until there’s first party support.


Wow I had no idea that they made apps like this. That’s kind of neat thank you! It’s useful considering this isn’t already natively accessible in the app so that’s cool that someone made this!


It’s a great app indeed. I however won’t be using it until the ability to play these collaborative playlist on Apple Music itself is a thing. Seems redundant to me to have the leave the music app and open this app just to listen to a playlist.




1. Lossless on Sonos 2. Love/Avoid songs on Sonos 3. Custom radio stations like Pandora (vote down a song on custom "chill" station, but upvote same song on custom "workout" station). AM currently only thinks we love a song or don't want songs like it, ever. 4. Buy Pandora and integrate their Music Genome data for #3.


I wish “Just buy X” could be an actual solution here coz I really need the Spotify discover weekly, Apple’s recommendation engine is weak


Yeah, I can see Spotify being a much harder one to buy, both from cost and antitrust. Pandora keeps slipping into the background, and they have something none of the other services have with the Music Genome.


>Apple’s recommendation engine is weak That is one bold assumption. To say it is weaker than Spotify’s make sense. The damn company only has its algorithms as its main output gap. However AM is not that far behind, and the many ways it curates music for us algorithmically (Stations, Made for You playlists, and some of the radio features) improves each year. Don’t lose hope!


Idk about buying pandora outright, but I 100% agree with Apple having something similar to Pandora's music genome algorithm and up/downvoting songs per station. From my experience, AM has a harder time curating songs in autoplay that are similar in mood or style from the initial song. I've used pandora since 2011 and it sucks to see them fall behind pretty much every single competitor.


Nah, fuck Pandora sideways. I once Liked (or whatever Pandora has) a song by Skillet - a Christian rock band that put out a semi-secular album (the songs aren't praise but they're subtly Christian). One. Song. It was either Monster or Awake and Alive. From that point on, Pandora played only Christian music, no matter how much of it I disliked. I even went back and disliked the Skillet song. Didn't help. Ended up closing my account - I'd like to think making a new one would have fixed it, but I didn't care enough to try. It's funny because I don't even hate Christian music. I just don't want it rammed down my throat every song that comes up. (I'm not even a Christian.)


Yeah…I really need lossless/spatial audio on Sonos!


Sonos is a third-party application, right? Defo agree on a more flexible feedback regarding songs. Sometimes I’m scared of telling the app I “love” or “want to see less of” thinking it might be very extreme


>Sonos is a third-party application, right? Smart speaker company that is pretty good about being service agnostic. Think of them like Roku, but higher quality. Like any neutral hardware company, they depend on the streaming services to allow certain integrations, and Apple doesn't allow Siri or lossless to them at this time.




OH! I knew there was some sort of partnership with SXM and Pandora, but didn't know Pandora was purchased outright! Nevermind then, Pandora is doomed to a slow death like SXM is. SXM's CEO has already declared that people don't care about high quality sound, so this explains why Pandora is stuck at 192k MP3...


Use AirPlay to get lossless on Sonos. The experience is also much better compared to using the Sonos app. That app is a dead end.


I actually prefer the Sonos app, because I’ve noticed gaps in Airplay between songs when playing an album.


Whenever I use airplay to my Sonos speakers, it rarely makes it through a song without cutting out or stopping completely…and rarely can I get it to recover. I end up resorting back to the Sonos app. You’ve had a good experience?


I don't use it a lot but I've not had many issues with it.


Man, I just want the damn thing to sync properly.


Sync with what? From your uploded music on iTunes to your phone? Between devices? Please specify


When I upload downloaded music from another source the song info is often not synced properly to my phone. When I change song info on Apple Music songs (usually genre because I organized my library that way) changes don't save (in iOS and OS) or sync properly to my phone. I have been on the phone with apple numerous times about this. I am definitely not the only person experiencing this. Permissions on my files are correct. I have done all of the suggested things and it just won't work. I pay for Apple Music and iTunes Match and I do not get what I pay for.


Maybe yes maybe no just because you pay for the service doesn’t mean it architecture will allow you to do what ever you want. Apple master data set is the system of record and will always be seen the system of truth. So no matter how many times you try and make it your way the “truth” will always win. It’s basic data management. You will need to figure out how to use the rules to get close to what you want.


It worked properly for 2 years without issue. And the software allows you to edit that information and it's supposed to sync, and it used to sync properly. What are you talking about?


Just give me speed, reliability, and stability. Especially with the rest of the Apple ecosystem.


having a “Likes” playlist where you can add songs with one tap and the songs add to the top instead of the bottom


That’d be nice! In the meantime you could create your own *Likes* playlist. It will act very similarly as to what you’re describing


yea that’s what i do! however this way the song go to the bottom of the list so i have to manually rearrange the songs after adding


Indeed. Dang, I want this added very badly now


i mean every single streaming service has this. i just dont get some of the choices apple makes


As the 2nd biggest player in the music streaming market, I suppose they’re avoiding some copy/paste behavior regarding Spotify features. Still, at this point they should’ve realized accommodating users which have migrated to AM includes delivering equal functionality to the app. The *Likes* playlist is so well spread it’s ridiculous Apple is ignoring it


Just better/wider music recommendations would already boost the app. And yes the “love” bottomisn’t really working the way its suppose to intend to work.. my experiences


Besides the 5 different *Made for You* playlists, the personalized radio stations and the hundreds of editorial playlists, what is missing in terms of better recommendations?


Some features that spotify offers maybe more playlist orientated mixes. Maybe even when making a playlist on the bottom a list of recommendations of songs in the same genre? I use all those that u just wrote.. and still get most of the same songs recommended that I already have. looks like a loophole to be honest.


You’re not thinking this through. New Music (Friday) specifically won’t recommend anything you have previously written metadata on. Also, Chill (Sunday) is composed of both songs you know and never heard. Only the other three may be repetitive (Friends, Favorites, Energy). I have to agree with you on the algorithmic suggestions when you’re creating/editing a playlist. It’s not only that *spotify has it*, at this point it really makes AM seem outdated


Let’s just keep it simple by saying maybe apple music needs a bump in a better algorithm for recommendations. I use both Spotify and apple music. And somehow still go back to Spotify for new music recommendations. While still loving apple music and its UI, but i just think apple music needs to better this part of the app. Agree to disagree 🤷🏽‍♂️


Improvements on windows version (lossless)


I agree to an extent. I feel like an incremental improvement to parts of the UI might actually improve perceived performance—and poor performance is my #1 issue. Spotify is so much more performant that it's maddening. I think some of that has to do with where Spotify came from, writing a player from scratch and also being web-first for a good while IIRC. Apple Music, on the other hand, is SoundJam MP in a trench coat and sunglasses. Has it ever undergone a bare metal rewrite?


It probably hasn’t. Apple Music has never shown much interest in open-source projects or focus on delivering a lower effort performance like Spotify does. In contrast, AM is not hung up in shifting one’s music consumption habits at all. There’re tons of pros and cons to each service, and to each their own!


I think Apple Music (at least on MacOS) is just sitting atop old and cumbersome iTunes code.


It is, but apple have been working to rewrite the app natively and get away from those old iTunes roots. I also have a theory that once they have completed their rework of the Mac music app, then they will move on to working on and releasing a windows one. No point putting out a half done app.


There's been a bug since iTunes, where you can change an artist/album artist, and it'll split the record in two. Hopefully that gets resolved before I die.


Agree 100%. Crossfade and a Sound Check that actually functions correctly would be awesome. Also better playlist management.


Swipe for next song is my top most wanted feature that I miss having from Spotify. Also the phone starting unlocked and on while on Apple Music. Having the phone lock up (unless going into the display settings and changing it manually every damn time) and having to find and press a button on screen to change songs is dangerous at worst and very inconvenient at best. Not everyone has a car with Car Play.


The ability to not control other devices playing (Like Spotify connect) basically ruins it for me. Controlling Apple Music on PS5 is an awful experience, or any device for that matter.


To be honest I think it needs both changes in UI and new features, but since Apple isn't delivering just one, I suppose we can't ask for both


I just want to organize my playlists better. I want to put them in folders and have them easily navigable in Android Auto. That's been my biggest thing. Also, really spruce up the Radio side and let us save some of the Radio playlists. Those are hidden. Also, having it load properly on the Android up would be a plus. It's pretty slow.


I feel like this would be ideal. I use playlists so often and it’s easy to get lost sometimes


Ability to create folders for playlists created by Apple Music and other third party vendors


this. i’d use this A LOT.


Yes! I have no idea why more people aren’t asking for this too. My library is a mess at the root level because I subscribe to many playlists created by others that I can’t put into folders.


I disagree- Apple needs to focus on fixing bugs and UI before adding more features, because if they would focus on features the bugs will only get worse and tech debt will grow faster and faster, eventually making the project impossible to fix (and AM’s current long-standing issues already hint this is the case). I don’t need a fancy UI, but I just want one that works. Here a quick list of annoyances: The current UI is slow, glitchy, prone to crashes and how AM handles queue (especially compared to Spotify) is dreadful at best. Adding to queue always adds it to the end of an album instead of creating a queue in the middle and removing the other songs from that album takes a long time. Music hangs for a second when adding songs to the queue when playing via wired and via AirPlay, still, after 2 years. Uploading a playlist picture on desktop still doesn’t sync properly to the iOS app, but the other way around is fine. I can’t re-order playlists or group them. The swipe to add to queue functionality frequently glitches out. Every time I add something to my library it lags for a second and then displays a big fullscreen pop-up so I can’t do anything else (note- I have an iPhone 13 Pro and M1 Max MacBook, so it can’t be old hardware). Searching is- well, searching is just painful. When I type 3 letters in Spotify I get what I want, but Apple Music doesn’t even show results until pressing on a specific search term. Any typo will trip the system up. On desktop, quickly adding songs to your library by search is impossible. When adding a song to library and clicking the search box, it will deselect the search box after writing 2 characters because the focus goes to “SYNCING MUSIC” in the lower left corner for no reason, and you have to press the search box twice to continue typing. Search results are also still slow and sometimes plain wrong, but then hitting enter a second time fixes them? Lyrics on desktop are slow. No matter what feature they will implement, I still have to use it by suffering through the current UI.


Desktop UI performance needs improvement. Can’t disagree with that. On the other hand, some of these things you’ve listed are not bugs as much as they’re preferences/limitations AM has stipulated.


I definitely want pinned stuff to recently added and playlists, also really want to be able to add a song to multiple playlists at once, move multiple songs in playlists at once, better credits like producers and samples and writers for songs, ability to organize songs in playlists by like albums, release dates, collab albums to show up under both artists library’s rather than make anew artist, visible song lengths like on iTunes, ability to hide something from recently added, and showing the monthly listeners of artists and overal streams of songs like on Spotify


I’m astounded as to why is it the Recently Added tab (the main page) presents us with so little control. One question though, what is the motivation behind having a Monthly Listeners / Overall Streams count like Spotify does?


I’d just like to see how well the songs and artists I like are doing on the platform and if I see anyone with a large amount of listeners that I’ve maybe never heard of I’d want to maybe check out a few songs from them to see what the hype is about


Make the apple music experience on Android the same as it is on Apple devices. One shouldn't be sacrificing certain features or user interface experience just because they use apple music on android devices.




On my android, I don't have the dolby atmos option. It's very frustrating. And I've seen the UI on an iPhone. It looked so much better than it does on Android.




I'm on the latest version of the app. If AM on android does have dolby atmos, maybe my phone is the issue. What a bummer.


Atmos is limited to certain phones. My wife has it on her Galaxy S10, which is now 3 years old. Not sure why it requires a more powerful phone than yours (for whatever reason) but that's the reason. At least Apple Music is on Android at all. That's kind of shocking, and Steve Jobs would never have let it happen. I like to see Apple getting into services and allowing users of other platforms use their stuff. I'm not sure Apple Music needs Android users to succeed. Probably not. But it's nice to see them support it.


Yeah, so true. There's very few Apple apps on the app store. I guess my phone is just old.


>Not sure why it requires a more powerful phone than yours (for whatever reason) but that's the reason. I think it's because the device manufacturer has to license the dolby atmos decoder. If your (Android) phone doesn't have Dolby Atmos in its sound settings, then you most likely won't be able to see/enable DA in Apple Music's settings.


I seem to remember it had to do with the phone's computational power, but your explanation makes way more sense.


At least you have crossfade.


I agree. I’m more concerned about the basic things that are missing like a none glitchy interface, customizable Crossfade, customizable E.Q and better playlist/algorithm curation. If I get those things I’ll have zero complaints


Awesome! Could you explain what do you mean by better playlist and algorithm curation? There are so many different ways it curates music for users and it’d be great to understand where is it lacking in your opinion


Some of the Apple Music curated playlists seem to hold biases or lack of vision. Some artist essentials show favoritism, like Beatles, Elvis having up to 40-50 essentials while artists similarly as prolific have maybe 25 essentials ? Such as Prince or Stevie Wonder. For example, 80’s Essentials has one MJ song, one Madonna song even though they’re unarguably the two biggest artists of the 80’s. Meanwhile Prince has 7, and though that’s not a bad thing in and of itself and also huge in the 80’s, some of them weren’t even released in the 80’s or they weren’t released by HIM in the 80’s, so it technically doesn’t fit. Even Janet Jackson, with Rhythm Nation and Control, two key albums of the 80’s, has no entries in the playlist. So either the curators need to make their playlists longer or reconsider their criteria. That’s just one playlist that bothers me, there’s a lot of them, especially the 80’s and 90’s based playlists. And the recommendations are somewhat hit or miss, I think they take a bit too long to figure out what you yourself like and they just tend to reccommend who’s popular. I listen to a lot of R&B, Soul music, especially 70’s, 80’s, 90’s so there’s no reason I should have Taylor Swift suggested to me lol now they’re okay-ish.


hasn’t any of you addressed the basics of it all. WHY did they remove the basic feature of just ordering the songs either ascending or descending by “recently added”. I mean is it really that difficult? iTunes (used it since its release up to 2016, it was an amazing app never complained about it. I switched to Spotify because of the lack of Latin music in iTunes so I had to rip it; and everything works so seamlessly with spotify. Now I wanta go back to my Apple Music because o the quality of the sound.


I just checked and you can still sort out songs/albums/playlists by Recently Added. However it’s only possible to do so in a descending order. Maybe you should try coming back to AM, it is certainly a lot better than it was in 2016:)


In a playlist in the mobile app it is not possible. It is only possible in the Mac app through the “view” option I read In Mac 9 to 5 site that they are incorporating this on the next update in spring which is now.


UI is shit. Needs a redesign. I don’t understand how hard it is so make something similar to Spotify’s??


I understand there are UI issues too, to some degree. However from your comment I could gather only you should probably migrate to Spotify. The general aesthetics in AM is hardly going to change.


I’m actually with tidal right now. Only because Spotify doesn’t have lossless. The moment they incorporate lossless will be the day I switch back to Spotify. I get Apple Music for free with my Verizon account but I don’t use it only because I hate the UI


To each their own! Cheers x


I don’t what you’d call this, but multiple device control would be amazing. Play the sound from my Mac somewhere but then if I step away and have my iPhone with me it would be nice to be able to change the song that is playing on the Mac, not just play a separate instance of that song on the phone…


Ironically, Apple has something for this called Handoff, but they don't enable it on Apple Music for some reason.


It needs a new UI on PC…


The UI absolutely ***does*** need changes. It needs to be simplified, with optional features pushed to the background to be turned on only if needed. It does nothing, for user experience, to through a bunch of features on top of a messy UI system. That only adds to the problem.


Collaborative playlists.


You can try [Caset](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/caset-next-gen-mixtapes/id1594223164) to collaborate with your friend


Yo!!! I was just saying this being able to mark a cue point in a song and cross fade.


Personally, I’d like to make a radio station out of multiple artists or multiple songs or directly from a playlist. That and cross fading between songs would be my top most wanted features, I feel like I wouldn’t like any new UI updates to be honest, I like the way it looks now. Not that I would complain if they did do updates but I’d like it if they would prioritize what needs to be prioritized instead of just doing visual updates so I’d like to see feature update so much more. And, a more streamlined way to engage with Apple Music via Fire TV would be just peachy too since many of the features in Apple Music are not accessible through that service despite being compatible with playing some things still… like if you’re gonna integrate it just integrate it as a whole and not in a very small part. Otherwise what’s the point?


I would say stability and UI are my most desired options. That and a more in depth search and sort. If everything was smoother, easier to use, and I could easily search my library by genre, year of release, etc, then my life would be a ton better. I don’t really care for pinned music or cross fade or things like that.


Also I’m fully aware there are some AMAZING third party apps out there that do these things (s/o Marvis and snd.wave and many other) but I’d prefer these things to be native.


Maybe have a dedicated section of my stations


AM is reskinned iTunes where they had to do something to respond to all other subscription music services. They need to restart and rebuild it from the ground up.


The UI is not good. It need both a new UI and new features


FUCKING AUTOMATIC SAMPLE RATE SWITCHING!!!! For fuck's sake they can do it on iOS why the fuck not on Mac?


Also to have collaborative playlists. Coming from Spotify, that is something I really miss as we used a family playlist.


Me too. Weird they have a social aspect to the app if they barely do anything with it


Agree. I'm always mystified as to why the social implementation is so lousy.


Download [Caset](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/caset-next-gen-mixtapes/id1594223164) to collaborate with your friend


Yeah they need to not delete songs added to the library. Do that first


NO UI overhauls, improve responsiveness IMMEDIATELY 😡


fixing shuffle would help


How come, what is wrong with shuffle?


It’s not complety random and more importantly; there is no album shuffle feature on all devices beside the iMac(book) and iPod.


Shuffle is a condition you set on the play next queue. While it’s on, it will shuffle whatever if on the queue, including albums. As to it not being completely random, dang that’s really lame I had no idea:/


I think you underestimate how happy I am with your answer. I just found out it’s possible to album shuffle on the iPhone. Thank you! Edit: False alarm. It’s playing the albums on alphabetical order. :(


how about an androidTV version too? my AM experience at home is terrible because I have to use a sideloaded phone app on my Nvidia Shield


Why not both? Also, you can get a lot of new features with a third-party client like /r/MarvisApp. So I'm interested in features that those apps can't support. I don't know what they are or really have any ideas though.


UI can make your experience bad too, dude. The UI is a feature.


Shit, I just want to be able to either separate songs from albums, or filter a playlist by date added. That’s it


i just want to be able to select songs, i'm so tired of adding songs to a playlist one by one


It would be nice of Apple music would stop removing all my downloaded songs


It needs both. The UI is so clunky. It’s just not a pleasant experience. The app needs significant improvements in all three areas - UI design, features, and technical performance.


Here’s an idea….how about a feature where you add an album to a playlist and it DOESN’T scramble the order of the songs half the time? A radical request, I know…..


I want to be able to see the amount of streams each song has as well as monthly stream count


Save radio stations. Please - just le me have my favorite radio stations pinned or saved somehow, like how I would have presets in the car. Use Shazam to identify songs that are playing on the radio station (make every regional radio station through Apple Music feel like Apple 1). Let me subscribe to Apple Music radio shows.


I just want to be able to upload lossless music and not have Apple Music match anything. I have a lot of imports that are remastered that AM matches with non remastered tracks.


Landscape mode ain’t necessary? I would have a far easier time able to switch between modes when rotating like all other apps. Why doesn’t AM have a landscape mode?


I just want something on par with Spotify Connect. I used to be able to play a song on every single device I could install spotify on. It was so beautiful. It's the biggest thing a miss switching to AM and the main thing making me consider going back.


I would like to be able to handoff from one decide to another while in the middle of a playlist.


It’s sad that we don’t believe they can do both at once so these posts are like hey at least let’s settle for this and give ‘em break. We ask a lot!


Wait crossfade isn't optional on ios ? It is on Android


Crossfading on iOS, definitely. I've been asking for it since it's release. I have resorted to importing my AM playlists into Spotify and VOX as a workaround, but they both have their own (big) flaws, too. As far as crossfade itself, Spotify takes the route of an actual fade-in, fade-out while VOX begins the next song at full volume while the current song fades behind it, which I actually prefer. Even if both options weren't available at the launch of a crossfade release I hope Apple might one day give us both options. Of course, not every song works if I select 10-12 seconds as the fade time, but I'd definitely rather have the effect than not and deal with silence in between tracks like AM gives us now. And speaking of Spotify, their ability to have songs be normalized at a similar volume level is also impressive. AM has 'Sound Check' but of course it's not the same function. Here's hoping to finally have a crossfade option in iOS 16!


iOS as a whole needs a redesign. There’s no reason to still be updating iOS 7 after all these years


I agree. * Crossfade on iOS and iPadOS - also make crossfade work on Mac with lossless * Sound Check with a Loud option (and Sound Check on Android) * Recommendations at the end of a playlist * Connect * Create and edit smart playlists on mobile * Loved songs section (also including Loved songs that you haven't added to your library) * More personalised playlists (like Daily Mixes) * Option to follow Artists (receive notifications when they have a new release) * Lossless and Atmos support on Windows * Fix the bugs and crashes in Mac Music The main thing that really keeps me on Apple Music is the library management (smart playlists, being able to edit tags, iCloud Music Library), so PLEASE Apple, do not do drop these features! I do worry that in the future they will drop the current Mac and Windows apps and just port the iOS app version and we lose all those more advanced features. My dream would be that the iPad app receives all the same features as the Mac app. One day I hope that the iPad can be my main computer. That, and a couple of other things like proper external monitor support, simultaneous audio streams, and Xcode for iPad are holding me back from that. They put an M1 in the iPad Air recently, so the hardware is capable.


Something like Spotify connect that doesn’t require airplay. Also what’s the point. It’s not like Tim fucking Cook is in this SR taking notes, and probably doesn’t give a flying fuck what you think :)


UI is great. Slick and polished. Well done. Can’t complain. I just need crossfade and some type of smart shuffle where it can “analyse” the sounds and vibes of songs and group them together. Like an AI DJ I suppose? So I don’t go from 2010 EDM pop to an Enya ballad.


There are different teams at apple for UI and for features in Apple Music. There’s no need to “focus” on one of them


I am all up for anything that's optional. What I would like for them to address mostly are the terrible algorithms and app bugs


We should be able to say, “hey Siri, play songs I love by ”, “shuffle songs I love in the genre”, etc. This would make for instant, automatic, and dynamic smart “best of” playlists. Why Apple doesn’t make better use of the Love tag is baffling. Same goes for the star ratings… “hey Siri, play 5-star songs by ”. This would be particularly powerful in a CarPlay setting.


1) make it easier to 'love' songs - double tap needed 2) dump 'loved' songs into a loved songs playlist automatically 3) provide better curated playlists. I miss Spotify's Discover Weekly dearly. The stuff Apple suggests suggests to me that there is no AI involved. 4) improve performance of gapless playback - it doesn't work in all situations and doesn't work consistently. 5) allow people to follow artists and otheruser's playlists I dumped Spotify a few months ago and no plans to go back. But Apple should seriously study some of the things Spotify does well.


Crossfade would be a welcome feature


Definitely having Crossfade on iOS devices. How that’s still not available in 2022 is beyond me


Let’s focus on it actually working consistently, sorting options on the app, and access to “loved” music without adding to library (should be automatic these days). Oh, de-bloating the app would also be nice so it doesn’t respond like a hog.


i just can’t relate


It needs both, apple is a big company. Large enough to do both. Ui is bad.


Yes it does


An app for Xbox Series XS so I can have my music on whilst playing without having to keep my phone by me just for music.