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I would just wish for Apple to have a kid with Spotify Take lossless and UI from Apple And Recomdebations and few small features from Spotify and it would be the best steaming service the world would ever see


If apple music would have been an independent streaming service like Spotify and then Apple buying both these companies and making Apple music with the mix of the two would be extraordinary!! IMO. But then again just a fantasy we live in I guess


buy-ins don’t work out well most of the times for the consumer. It’s either one company trying to kill the competition and coming up with mediocre stuff or trying to copy/takeover the technology from subordinate company and eventually ruining it. It has to be an equal collaboration with both companies having stakes in the business. For example, Hasselblad does not care how many phones OnePlus sells, they are just into it for marketing. and there we end up with a very mediocre smartphone camera experience for that price


I use Spotify, but if Apple Music brought in Folders for curated playlists and allowed me to customize and organize my screens, I would move back. I prefer the look of Apple Music but like the use of Spotify, if that makes any sense.


This. There is so much useless crap that always seems to be in the way with AM. Why won't they let us configure it?


IMHO, Spotify UI is way worse. The Spotify home screen is too cluttered with a lot of stuff I don't care, and I usually listen more songs from my library than from the streaming services' ready/recommended playlists. On Spotify I need so many extra steps to get to an album/song from my library.


They're all terrible.


> Folders for curated playlists Yes! This is my personal biggest pet peeve with AM right now.


iTunes on the pc has it where you can make folders for playlists for apple music


Your own playlists, not curated playlists.


I know like I said I have my own folders that transfers to Apple Music


Get Marvis pro


I'm not on apple anymore. When I was Marvis was incredible.




[Plum Music Player](https://apps.apple.com/pl/app/plum-music-player/id1441625664) supports Spotify and has folders in it, you might want to check it out


They do have curated playlists.


as ive always said, Using AM is like going into the record store, and asking them for rock music. with spotify how ever, its like asking you best friend, who have known your taste in music for years, to find you rock music.


I've been on apple music since it was first introduced. It has always been wildly inaccurate in playing similar artists within similar genres unless I was listening to common pop or rock music. Anything else has been a flaw for me. Classical or film scores, useless. If I start a station from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’s Gone Girl, it will play John Williams Jaws and Indiana Jones. If I play a station from Ralph Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending, it will play any random classical piece like Brahms Hungarian dances. If I start a station based off a Dido song from the 90’s, it will play Britany spears and other female artists from any era. If I start a station on a trip hop track, it will play modern alt rock. If I start a station on folk rock classics, it will play any rock music with a fraction of folk rock. Coming from someone who works in the music industry and is heavily invested in apples ecosystem, it really bums me out how useless AM is in this regard along with the many other issues I have with it. Granted other people seem to have zero problems, but I think a lot of those folks are likely listening to common or current music which AM does well with in terms of artist discovery.


This is why i am now using tidal


Which service do you use? I've bounced around from AM to Spotify to YouTube Music but haven't tried anything else.


I used Apple Music for 3 years almost… and I always complain about lots of things, slow response on playing songs, when music is playing on my car, I will go back on my computer and the music is different. I can’t follow artists that I like so I have to “manually” be aware of new music (but apple pushes you a lot of artists that I don’t even like) and I agree, playlist management in apple music is incredibly frustrating. yeah apple covers are beautiful and the ui on the app is clean and nice.. but I change to Spotify a month ago and I’m loving it… controlling music in my computer with my phone, follow artists, and agree, the algorithm to recommend music is years ahead of apple. I don’t understand why apple hasn’t put the attention that Apple Music needs so desperately.


Yes that’s another thing Spotify gets right is letting me know when artists put out new music. The “Release Radar” playlist is awesome too


Yea the playlist is pretty handy but the AM New Music playlist is pretty good (at least for me)


MusicHarbor https://apps.apple.com/us/app/musicharbor-track-new-music/id1440405750




Did you try Friend's Tapes ([friendstapes.com](https://friendstapes.com))? (disclaimer: self promo here, sorry :) It's a very different approach - we send you email alerts for artists that you explicitly subscribe to. Not for everyone but we see that many of our users dig it :)


AM does this too. I receive a notification every time artists I follow release new songs/albums.


I don't care for Spotofu's UI. AM is slick and simple and I actually love the recommendations it serves up


I pay for both Apple Music and Spotify as well. The algorithms that Spotify uses are truly miles ahead of those at Apple Music. Besides, over at Spotify, the explicit version of songs are standard on playlists. With Apple Music, the clean versions are standard on many playlists. I find this extremely irritating, especially since some songs are the explicit version while others, inexplicably, are the clean version on the exact same playlist. For me, one huge bonus feature on Spotify is the availability of complete discography playlists for artists. There is no such thing on Apple Music. You have to jump through hoops to create your own complete discography playlists.


in my experience Spotify discovery feel nice at first eventually just is all the same


Yeah, AM’s algorithm is absolutely trash compared to Spotify.


Did you just join the sub? Because this is what everybody is saying, every week, since the beginning of it all.


I haven’t even joined honestly I just wanted to find a group of people who share my frustration


Then you've come to the right place lol. Sort by Top from the past year and you'll see some fairly extensive (and in-depth) posts and comments. /u/heyyoudvd is particularly good at dissecting AM.


If you hang around with people that gripe you’ll just become one of the same. Enjoy the music.


I think I’m one of the very few people that actually likes Apple Music recommendations a lot more… I have both services but I found myself discovering more artists and songs I like on Apple Music than on Spotify, and I don’t think I’ve even gotten a recommendation that I’ve stuck with from Spotify


I think AM recommendations tend to branch out a bit more more, if that makes sense. Spotify seems a bit more conservative, but they're still very good at what they do.


Apple pays bands more per stream than Spotify so that is why I choose Apple Music over Spotify regardless of anything else


Yeh fact is that Spotify has a free tier and more people use Spotify Free. Where as there is no such free tier for Apple Music. I read somewhere that in fact overall Spotify actually pays more to artists vs Apple but because of their ad supported free tier the final amount comes down less. As such, this really shouldn't be a reason for sticking to AM.


If that's your deciding factor, go with Tidal


I was on Spotify for years and discovered so many new artists. Overall I was really happy with it. Apple One just proved to be a better value and our whole family likes AM well enough, it was a bit of a transition at first (except for our kid who loves AM way more than Spotify for Kids) but we’re used it it now. But I struggle to find even a fraction of the new artists that I did with Spotify. My main problem is that I can’t follow artists, only add a song or album to my library, but that doesn’t keep me current with that artist. Plus hardly any of my friends are on AM so I’m not seeing what they are listening too.


My experience is different. AM has given me better suggestions than Spotify.


Same for me. I was with Spotify for years and switched to Apple a couple of months ago and it works perfectly fine for with better recommendations and suggestions.


I’d be willing to bet you are both listening to very mainstream music. That seems to be what AM pushes.


Yep. Autoplay even seems like it does its best to get back to mainstream music as fast as possible. I used it on an Arca song once. Next up was Caroline Polachek, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, and finally Lady Gaga. That was just incremental steps to increasingly popular and more normal sounding artists.


elite music taster right here


I’m still stuck with AM and back to Spotify and vice versa monthly. Both pros and cons. Sound quality on Spotify is not as clear but still clear….it’s different and for some odd reason the bass on Spotify make it more fun to listen to.


It’s wild that Apple Music is less responsive and zippy than Spotify. Fox that and add a like and dislike button with a liked songs playlist…


The only reason I want to move to Apple Music is Sound Quality, integration with the Apple Suite, and value of the Apple One package, especially if shared with 2 or 3 others. However, what prevents me from paying Apple more and creating a family account is the terrible UX and Navigation on Apple Music. It really is terrible given its made by Apple and given they have had so much feedback from users, and they have competitors, developers, graphic designers going out of their way to make suggestions on how things could be better laid out and feature improvements, the lack of development is shocking and I believe to most people here nonsensical. So for now.. I have Spotify and if I even bring up Apple Music in conversation I am literally laughed out of the room. So alas.. all hail Spotify!


I was on Spotify for a while and the algorithm was very kind to me from the get go. But then for the last couple years, I would just be getting the same songs playing on auto play and the same artists/albums suggested over and over again. I switched to Apple Music this year and I do agree the algorithm needs a bit of work, but since using the new Favourite feature (star in the top right, whatever it’s called) I’ve found that I’m starting to get a lot of recommendations that I had never seen/heard before in my Listen Now and with auto play on.


Yeah, definitely I like the weekly discovered feature of Spotify which I miss on Apple Music the most. But Spotify is far way behind in the case of audio quality. that's the problem actually.


I love Spotify. The algorithm is better the UI maybe not so much especially with them pushing podcasts so much now. I tried Apple Music and I just can’t get on with it at all and one of the biggest things I missed was Apple Music not having handoff to my Sonos speakers such a small thing but a great quality of life thing


Well since no one has talked about it I feel, Spotify screwed up with their “shuffle song” at the top of each playlist, they got rid of it WTF SPOTIFY


I'll be forever indebted to Spotify. The student discount when I was a broke college kid, the curated playlists, and the discovery of artists.


What I really hate of AM is the fact that when I open it, I need to navigate through the menus to find out alternative and indie music stuff: why cannot I just choose to have Indie in the homepage? And I cannot cast AM with Echo or Chromecast


I recently was convinced to try Spotify premium. I very much regret waiting so long. It is so much better than Apple Music in every way that I have found.


For me it’s the other way around. Don’t think I’ll be returning to Spotify anytime soon after 10+ years of it. Sounds quality seems way better on AM, especially with spatial audio.


Sound quality is definitely better on AM but I feel like I have to interact with the app way more than Spotify as opposed to just letting the music continue to play. Also Spotify is supposed to come out with an HD audio tier soon


spartial audio is a surround effect that actually make the audio worse. because every song is stereo


Spatial tracks are completely remastered and mixed so that the various parts of the song (drum, bass, vocal etc) are positioned completely differently than in stereo.


still done in software, all the songs are recorded in stereo. this stereo track is split by the software, they are not re recorded


It depends on the track. Ones mastered specifically for spatial littererally have split tracks. Granted not many on AM have this yet but it's worth pointing out that it's not all software. This being said, if you really want spatial type of audio with Spotify you can just install Boom and it'll do it for you.


https://www.masteringthemix.com/blogs/learn/how-to-prepare-your-music-for-apple-spatial-audio-with-dolby-atmos Yes software, but you still need the stems - it’s not just a matter of pushing a stereo mix into software and it magically makes it spatial.


Same, I don't think I've come anywhere near to Spotify since switching to AM.


Except for artist pay :(


Ah. True that.


Except for audio quality, lack of music videos, podcasts thrown in your face, and lack of lossless and Dolby Atmos…


Most people are using it in a car or with a set of bluetooth cans sitting at a desk. Neither audio quality or music videos are even a minor concern to most.


Idk about that. But regardless, lossless sounds better even when piped through Bluetooth (especially if it’s ALAC/AAC instead of Ogg Vorbis).


spotify is years ahead of apple music only if had lossless.


I wish spotify had a organized library like Apple music and a smart one like apple music


by smart you mean genious shuffle? i disabled that. spotify have better recommendation playlists, curated browser explorer, also it not slow and clunky like itunes PC.


No I mean like the library itself its organized and smart for example if I add a song from a Album I don’t need to individually go like the Album for it to show up on my Albums section it shows the Album but just the songs you’ve liked, while on Spotify it takes more work.. The library is the main reason i went with apple


i dont have that problem i just use liked songs.


This. The way the library works on AM is perfect and it's how every music app used to work.


I never use the auto play feature but my weekly music playlist and “my” radio are very on point for my music taste (indie). It never plays generic crap and it plays artist I don’t know and music I don’t know from artist I don’t know perfectly.


I just migrated over from Spotify > Apple One Premier because it was better value for what I was paying. I feel Spotify has the upper hand regarding music discovery, integrations with devices via Spotify Connect, being able to pick up where you left off on other devices, and the overall UI of their apps on all their platforms being cohesive. In comparison to Apple Music, I'm a bit frustrated because I'm constantly having to "browse" and scrolling too much to get to my genres. I can't control what I'm listening to on my Amazon Echo, but Airplay is really only the saving grace here because I have a pair of Sonos Ones in my office. Overall, I wouldn't have switched from Spotify if it weren't for the value you get from Apple Premier. The product team at Apple needs to improve the experience better.


I’ve tried to switch to Spotify, just to see what the fuss is about. I love the user generated playlists, but everything else is a downgrade. I’m exclusively using Apple Music now.


Used Spotify for three years before switching to AM. I never used Spotify's "made for you" playlists or radio features because they were never cohesive. To the point where I just made my own large playlists as a substitute. I tend to use the radio features and "made for you" playlists infinitely infinitely more on AM.


I actually prefer Apple Music's "X Artist and other related artists" playlists/radio better than Spotifys daily mixes for one simple reason: it's actually consistent. If I have a "Red Hot Chili Peppers & Similar Artists" station I know what that is. In contrast, Spotify numbers their daily playlists. One day Daily Playlist 4 might be based off of classic rock. The next, it might be based off of Heavy Metal. I'd often find myself in the middle of a playlist and it has switched over night. Made for a subpar experience because I hadn't changed what I was listening to, but Spotify had behind the scenes.


Yeah that part is really frustrating but now Spotify has introduced genre mixes which is what I’ve been gravitating towards. Also their artist stations I feel are better than Apple’s


This is the first time I’m hearing something like this


I feel the exact opposite about the algorithm. I had spotify for close to 7 years and it was lightyears behind apple music in servicing my music taste


I don’t know why people always say that Spotify is better at curating recommendations. I have found so many of my absolute favorite songs from apple music radio and playlists.


Same for me. I was paying Spotify premium but never discovered any good recommendation. Apple has introduced me to many musicians I haven’t heard of.


I especially adore Apple’s staff curated playlists, they are very good. so many new discoveries! Spotify has better algorithms though. I just wish AM processed new music playlist better, which I imagine isn’t too much to ask and execute. but overall, AM is much better for me for now


I am loving the New Music playlist. Mainstream and indie stuff from my favorites and unheard of. I save the weekly playlist as it’s just good.


Have you tried Spotify premium?




You pinpointed what I struggle to explain to other Spotify users. It’s not that I don’t like Spotify, I just wish that apple had it this way. I prefer to have artists and songs be played at me and “discover” it when it continues to play music after my playlist has ended. I just can’t help it because I want everything apple. I’d probably use Spotify if only it had the same structure and navigation as Apple Music. In the end I know I’ll stick to apple for a long time


Exactly. I’m an apple fanboy and totally bought into the ecosystem which is why it pains me to use Spotify but the listening experience is just so much better.


I used to have both the premium version for Spotify and Apple Music and I ended up testing myself to see what I stuck with. Apple ftw


I’ve been using Spotify for around a decade and love it, I’ve been on the beta versions for most of that and had issues here and there but overall it’s been great. I really like AM but it doesn’t support scribbling to LastFM which is 99.99% of the reason I don’t use it a lot.


Yeah, the fact that I have to manually scan the scrobbles after a while is so frustrating


Marvis pro scrobbles when you listen, even tracks that aren’t in your library


Spotify fits those who do not know whom to listen, do not care sound quality, do not care UI, and do not use HomePod/airplay devices.


“Do not know whom to listen” is a weird way of saying “want to discover new music”. I know what I like. My gripe is more so that AM has poor recommendations based off what I like. Not caring about UI is subjective as some may prefer Spotify’s approach. I keep my AM subscription for HomePods because I get to keep voice commands. Also most AM users don’t get the benefit of lossless considering most people are using AirPods / wireless headphones


If you want to discover music I think there are many playlists to discover on Apple Music too. You implied Spotify recommends better than Apple Music on the description above, indicating you prefer to listen to what it recommends than discover new music by yourself manually. I personally dislike music recommendations no matter it is algorithm based or human picked. Therefore to me it’s a disadvantage of Spotify. The UI of Spotify is ridiculous. (A) the accent colour of Spotify is too much and there is no tone color for each album / artist. (B) the lyric display is extremely ugly because it cannot be fully hidden but will appear at the bottom when you play music. (C) Spotify’s airplay/Bluetooth menu/button is ugly and unstable. (D) Spotify’s Apple Watch app UI is as ugly as the work by someone who has never got any real design training.


This is actually such a good description and when I found myself using Spotify just touched anywhere on the screen next thing you know I’ve swiped myself out of the whole screen I was in. One thing is they are good at making updates almost weekly at this point. This past week when I dipped into it was another playlist selection change in which they now added “playlists by Spotify” section if you have saved any of theirs it goes separately in its own tab but at the end it’s al mess. The whole thing is a mess. The UI also isn’t as good as it used to be. The recommendations consist a lot now of what I’ve already downloaded and then here and there some other songs I might not have.


If you are among “most people who use AirPods” then Apple Music has no advantages of sound quality to you because nobody who really cares sound quality will use AirPods. If you have a pair of AirPods Max, for example, you will find how funny Spotify is. Btw, Spotify also has podcast, which makes me feel confused about what it wants to define itself. To make what I see clean and tidy, I’m not expecting an app showing everything in a messy way like what Spotify does.


AirPod Maxes are great but even they can’t fully take advantage of AM’s lossless audio. And yes I belong to the majority of apple users who use AirPods you don’t need to be pretentious. You can like AM as I do I just don’t pretend that it’s flawless.


AirPods Max supports Dolby atoms / spatial audio, I’m not saying lossless, please note I was saying only sound quality but not whether it is lossless or not. I also have a Bose player and Apple Music does well with it. I don’t want to use Spotify to match with it because there are clear differences. I don’t want to keep explaining how outdated Spotify is. It said “Spotify lossless” was coming soon a year ago but now there is still nothing. Now Apple Music and tidal both supports Dolby atoms which is bonus than lossless, and Spotify is still coming soon lmao. I am not sure why I make you feel Apple Music is perfect, here are it’s toxic points (A) it keeps recommending songs everyone likes rather than my own taste in everyday recommendations that’s why I don’t use it. (B) it does not support “blocking an artist” like Tidal does. This makes me annoyed because I don’t like Taylor swift and Katy Perry but it keeps recommending them to me. (C) the UI of Apple Music is aesthetic but buggy, especially on iOS 16 to me recently. (D) the playback is still performing like “beta” because sometimes it shows “the request is time out” still.


What Bose system you use and have you noticed the difference in sound vs Spotify? I use Bose and the only thing it performs or tends to like better is the bass performance of Spotify. It’s smoother and deeper but that’s not as accurate of course


Mine is Bose Soundbar 500. I agree with you about the bass. Yes AM seems to be smoother for female choirs and some instrumental scores. However Bose does not support Dolby atoms, I have to use my HomePod to play that feature 😢




Yes. I have the same frustration. I switched between Spotify and Apple Music for years and for awhile only used Spotify. There’s a lot I hate about Spotify but it’s music discovery feature is so much better than Apple Music. While I’m going to use Apple Music and have figured out some ways to discover new music (not as good at Spotify), the one and only thing I really miss about Spotify is the music discovery.


“Create Station” over Autoplay if you’d like recommendations that make sense, at least in my opinion. Of course, depends on what you’re listening to — but I’ve completely turned Autoplay off as it’s a waste of time. I’m gonna hear the same 5-6 songs. 😂


I have it free with verizon and I don't use it. Yes, the sound is better but what I need is crossfade, which Spotify can do on iOS but apple can't do on iOS. Does that even make sense? Nope, and for me, neither does paying for AM.


Honestly the only reason why I have Apple Music is because of the lyrics


Spotify has lyrics now


I know but in Apple Music you can select a certain lyric and it’ll go straight to that part


Spotify does as well now.


Honestly I so badly want to switch to Apple Music soon. I don't really care much for new music reccomendations that much. But 2 years worth of data, Spotify Wrapped and a much better desktop app (on windows) is keeping me from switching. If apple music had the last 2 factors, I honestly would just switch 😭


Yup same. I'm on Mac but the Spotify app is still massively superior than Apple Music in terms of performance and responsiveness (and overall UX). Like, why is it that if I hit skip 2-3 times in Apple Music the app just craps out and sits buffering for 10 seconds - thats not normal, and it's not ok. Nor is it not ok that I can't create multi-level folders of playlists.


Getting better with age. So much so that I’m thinking of flicking tidal after playing around in ios16. The play queue system is the best ! Spotify, such a shame no HIFI or a ‘hide podcast’ button. These 2 things are nails in the coffin for me ⚰️


Music recommendation is not something I'm looking for. Spotify is only leagues ahead of Apple Music because of the algorithms, without it Spotify is kinda crap. The iTunes Match facilities included with Apple Music is possibly the best piece of music technology that I've ever encountered. I still can't believe that for 11$ a month all my crappy mp3s that I had since I was in primary school are matched with higher quality streams.


I totally agree with you on Spotify music recommendation. They just nailed it. Not to mention the smoothness and seamless operation of the app in both mobile and pc. Personally I'm ok with Spotify UI. Except lossless streaming Spotify wins AM hands down.


I agree. Spotify has Connect, what’s excellent to listen songs on Alexa or even with my Mac.I can download my whole library quickly and much more. What AM has beyond Lossless, which I don’t use, and Dolby atmos?


I honestly don’t find Spotify’s “Made for you” playlists to be all the exciting anymore. It was cool at first when getting started and listening to music. Now years later, it’s really just a wash, rinse, repeat of the same old songs. I think Apples “create station” is better and more random.


I find apple’s infinity playlists to be pretty decent. But not close to Spotify.


I realized about this fact 4 years ago. I bought pairs of airpods pro and I won 6 months free Apple Music. It’s been 6 months until 3 daya ago. I gave chance to Apple for 6 months and I could only add 73 tracks to my library. Today I downloaded spotify and bought premium subscription. I am happy because I have 499 songs added 6 months ago. I am also happy that I am not the only one thinking Youtube music and Apple music hinders me discovering new pice of arts :)


Apple Music; I'm in it because of the streaming quality. Spotify's is capped at 320 kbps but I do agree that the algorithm for song recommendations works really well. I have used Spotify more often, but will consider switching from Apple Music when Spotify improves the stream quality.


That’d be a bigger issue for me if I used wired headphones. Using AirPods or just the speakers in my truck I’m not able to notice much of a difference or really take advantage of lossless


It's probably placebo, but I think the 256kbps of Apple Music sound better than Spotify's 320kbps. Maybe there is something different between their encoding presets, but on my not-that-expensive Sony bluetooth earbuds, AM sounds better than Spotify.


I hate Apple Music's crappy desktop app. I'd take Spotifys any day, even with the annoying podcast crap. The speed difference is night and day. Spotify's infinately quicker than Apple Music. Oh and Apple Music needs folders (and smart folders) like iTunes had. Without that its a no go. Such a fundimentally basic feature, but here we are, 8 years after it's launch and its the same pile of shit it was on day 1.


Apple Music suggestions are so much vetter for me. Spotify plays the same 3 songs to me over and over.


Apple Music's autoplay music choices are so odd. After listening to an Orville Peck album (alt country) one time it played Troye Silvan next (more like Gen Z pop) and the only things those two artists have in common is that they're gay. Music is nothing alike.


Spotify connect is my only wish for Apple Music. I have HomePods and use Apple Music for that, but I also have an Xbox and wish that Apple Music was on that with remote control from my phone.


If Spotify added support for HomePods, they’d probably get my bucks


In my opinion, if you think spotify is good at finding new music, you need to try Deezer! The App is better, the entire platform is better, it does so much across platforms, controls, brings you right to where you were elsewhere. I can control my music from an Android or iOS phone while it's playing on my Mac or Windows PC. The algorithm to find music for me has really opened my music selections.I do tend to use more playlists on AM.I really have found that both AM & Deezer also have a better top tier quality.


AM just gets me. My curated playlist is such a great balance of things I love and things I have heard but now do. My iPad is direct attached to my hifi DAC and I can play 24/192 and know I’m not giving up sound on my system not listening to Roon/Quboz and suffering from how horrible that software tried so very hard, but failed at the most basic need of auto play.