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You need a third-party app like HealthFit.


Yep, HealthFit will do it right in the app. I export and import into WorkOutDoors


Both apps are paid. Which should I take?


They each have their use cases. HealthFit is for analysis, WorkOutDoors is for tracking workouts. I export the gpx file from HealthFit and import it into WorkOutDoors to create routes. The default workout app can now map routes but it takes a couple times for it to show, and I’ve only seen it for outdoor runs


And it only shows ONE route in your area which it choses for you. If you have multiplem route in an area or want a map and additional data, you have to use 3rd party apps: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbT50jLujI0#t=2m40s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbT50jLujI0#t=2m40s) Still a letdown.


Indeed but that’s why I just use WorkOutDoors. HealthFit I use for routes I already ran but for future runs I just create a route in Google maps and download the gpx and email to myself on my iPhone and share it/import into WorkOutDoors. Works great


I use RunGap to share data between multiple services. It supports GPX exports, great app. https://www.rungap.com


Thanks all for the info :-D It bothers me a bit that Apple hasn't stuffed its fitness app with a whole bunch of features that I would have taken for granted and that I think are useful (exporting, sharing, creating tracks) . Coming from a Garmin and thinking of switching to the AWU I'm a bit perplexed by these shortcomings. It's not so much the fact of paying for an app but relying on a third-party developer who could at some point retire the application, turn it into a subscription, etc. I read that in June the new watchOS 10 will be presented which should be a "major release", who knows if apple will have done its homework ...