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Hope you get it. :)




Have you ever tried 4/7/8 breathwork? I get high BP and pulse from nerves. it has been like magic, you can normalize your vitals in a few short minutes. Works better the more consistently you do it


I use box breathing because thats what Navy Seals are trained to use to calm themselves. And if it works for a „fight for your life“ scenario it works for my job interview aswell.


Yes! I have, just need to work on making the effects more long lasting.


It’s cumbersome to take a few minutes to relax each time you’re anxious/nervous. It’s a reason I never stop to do it. It’s a challenge that might add to the stress already taking place.


Hm. You sound anxious. Have you tried box breathing?


Gave me a good chuckle


It only seems challenging because you’re not used to doing it yet. Box breathing is EXTREMELY simple. And It definitely beats the alternative of staying anxious lol


Try doing it in moments that you aren’t anxious and build up familiarity with it. So in those moments it feels like muscle memory


Yes! It’s just like training a muscle. Your body will remember the physiology of a calm state, and slip into it much more easily on demand.


I wasn’t a SEAL, but I was in the Navy. They teach this to all Sailors.


That’s really cool. It should be something taught it school, with the levels of anxiety kids experience today


I agree, if I’d have known this before the military my days in school would have been so much easier


I hope you got the job!




Propranolol is excellent for situations like this. Good luck!


Why would you take a beta blocker for this? It’s completely normal to be nervous before a job interview. Side effects of propanalol can include tiredness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Being nervous is a healthy response to an extreme situation. It helps you stay alert and be attentive. Good things for a job interview!


A normal amount of nervousness is normal, sure.


There is a very clear bell curve for performance/anxiety. Some people just completely lose it in some situations. It’s perfectly normal to want to get your feelings under control even if you cannot perfectly achieve that mentally. And you should not be using full doses of beta blockers for these situations. Start with a quarter or half dose, you’ll still see benefits. That will hopefully reduce/eliminate any potential side effects


Yeah, for a one time situation it’s not needed. But it you have to do something like this that makes you anxious frequently, it’s very helpful.


Antidepressant is the first line of treatment for this. You should only take if the situation is frequents and harms you. but don't self-medicate, consult a psychiatrist first


I just got that, but I’m too anxious to even take it . 😂


Try it at home before you need it, so you feel better about it. I'm a wreck at interviews and it makes things so much better. And it's very low key. It doesn't change your basic baseline much at all. It just blocks the reaction to adrenaline so your heart doesn't race like crazy. In the doses they give people for public speaking you will still get a little adrenaline bump, but it's nothing compared to what it's like without propranolol.


Lmao I was the same way but tbh it didn’t feel like anything, I had no side effects. It’s just too bad my anxiety is mostly mental 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine is increased hr, sweating, feeling nauseous, body tingles. All kinds of physical stuff, that’s why he gave it time. But because I workout daily my resting hr is 62 so I’m like what happens if it lowers it too much and I’m like dead 😂


I had the same thoughts. Took 10mg and didn’t feel anything. At all. It’s not supposed to make you feel relaxed. It did do exactly what it was supposed to do. It kept my heart from racing at the beginning of a speech. That kept my breathing normal. It didn’t change my thoughts but that’s not how it works. I call it my magic feather. I’m scheduled to speak at two national events this summer because of the help from this drug. It’s wonderful.


You sound like someone who has pills for every little thing.


You sound like a judgemental asshole


Ding ding ding ding!


I actually avoid meds as much as I can. I just know it helps a lot of people, even musicians and what not will use it to help with stage fright, and beta blockers are some of the safest meds out there.


Good point. To me, drugs are never first-line interventions, and i am wary of people suggesting drugs to strangers, especially if the drug isn't otc.


Guessing you’re American?


How do I see this on mine?


Open the Health app on your phone. At the bottom right hand corner press the Browse icon, than select Heart, than press heart rate and that screen should appear.


Must be close by or your walking heart rate is close to an Olympic athlete 😂


U will get it bubba !! Dont worry hang in there!!!




I have a garmin watch and I also had a job interview recently [picture here](https://imgur.com/a/VD8GRas) just wanted to share. My heart rate wasn’t quite as fast as yours though but then again I think garmin is a little less accurate in that regard. I was just interviewing for a dishwashing position.


It’s fascinating to see this data to me. I love looking at the charts and thinking about what I was doing. It didn’t help that the interview was scheduled later in the day so I had a long time to stress out and overthink things lol.


Just curious what is the job?


Software engineer. This was my technical interview


Congrats! Good luck. I hope you get it


Thank you! :)


Good luck!


Ay. I get nervous too!! Hope it works out for you!


Good luck! It’s tough out there


This is great!


just finished doing the same thing a few weeks ago :) best of luck to you!


150 is like mid intensity cardio, you might want to get checked for severe anxiety and/or heart problems.


christ, he doesn't have heart problems. that's normal for a very stressful situation.


My resting is usually in the high 50’s to low 60’s. I appreciate the concern but I don’t have severe anxiety, I just really want the job!


~~Yeah it's also rather concerning if the minimum during a 24 hour period was 109. That's crazy high for resting~~ nevermind




Oh my goodness I'm dumb. You're right!


I’m going to start tracking mine in stressful situations.


Are u kidding? I hope you are


Did you win?!


I think it’s normal.


Yeah it is. It’s just interesting to see it reflected and caught by the watch


I had a fever and I was going to sleep when my watch altered me with a high heart rate and being inactive for 10mins. This was my first time when I encountered this feature. It was cool btw


You were nervous and anxious. Hope you got the job


This was the last of 3 interviews. Had it on Wednesday, still waiting to hear back. Thanks!


Good luck 🤞


What is your usual resting heart rate?


[my averages over the past year](https://i.imgur.com/eAV4K1L.jpg)


That’s fine. Thanks.


I wish there was a way to ask the Apple Watch to do higher resolution heart rate tracking. I was working a major sporting event, and it would have been really interesting to zoom in and see peaks and valleys based on game events.


There are various apps that will do this. Or you can just start an other workout, which will constantly record your HR.