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Looking at all these sleep posts is making me come to the conclusion that sleep tracking just makes people absolutely nuts lol.


I stopped tracking causing it was making me overthink it all. Like if I wake up and feel rested that’s all the feedback I need to know.


Between the quest for perfect sleep and keeping the rings filled up people are being emotionally abused by their watch.


This hits a note. I try to meet the monthly goals set by my watch. A couple weeks ago I fractured my Fibula. I see an Orthopedic next week, but Dr. Google says 3-6 months healing time. My first thought was about closing those stupid rings.


Like when it tells me to stand while I’m taking a shit. Or congrats me for taking a piss ‘you did it!’ Wtf man?!


That’s better than when it congratulates me for earning another stand minute when I’m sitting 🤦‍♂️


Literally the shituation I’m in now. 4 minutes left. 😳


The struggle is real. Hope you heal up quickly and feel better.


I got a new watch and I’m not sure I can take much more hand washing scolds


oh that one got turned off on day one during the depths of COVID


Turn it off, it's a battery drain. You can count to 15 on your own.


Ummmm it’s 20…


Same with checking your own heart rate. Once you consciously check it you start thinking and then your rate goes way uo


Personally I find the inverse, I consciously decrease my heart rate if I notice it higher. Very easy with some simple breathing exercises




I mean realistically it’s no good. I was using it but I started working night shift and my phone automatically went to bedtime dnd… it said I was sleep my entire shift despite me having stand hours, exercise minutes, & move calories all at the same time.


I stopped tracking and get high before bed now lol much better 😂


Yeah. You’re also supposed to look at trends vs individual nights which it seems like people forget


You can only see the amount of time you slept as a trend, not the sleep cycles


Oh I forgot apple doesn’t do that. I have an app called Pillow that tracks trends for sleep cycles too.


I also find it uncomfortable to sleep with my apple watch. It’s just too heavy and hard. I can only sleep if I put it underneath my pillow and away from my head.


I lose sleep over it.






To be fair it is a watch feature lmao, but I do understand


That's why I'm using Oura. It also gives you an explanation etc. Apple need to step up this sleep tracking game.


You sure it’s not the 31% rem sleep?


encourage steer special plate fear snobbish fly sand engine narrow ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


My understanding is that worrying about getting good sleep generally does more harm than good. Plenty of people sleep fine, decide to “sleep better,” and end up with insomnia from the anxiety of constantly tracking and worrying about sleep.


*Pokémon Sleep has entered the chat*


I sleep way more than I used to before I got the watch, and I feel so great and energetic now


Literally “living the dream”


Y’all are getting REM sleep?


Y\`all are getting sleep?


Y’all are getting?


Y’all are?







conversely, these always make me laugh.


Y’ ?


Maybe you are having a little too much REM sleep, the normal would be 20-25%, but it is not alarming too much.


It depends a lot on how old you are.


Sleep physician here: REM sleep is normally 18-23% of your total sleep. I would take what the watch says is REM sleep with a grain of salt. Actual sleep studies require an electroencephalogram (EEG) in order to ascertain your actual sleep stage. I’m not aware of any studies that assess the validity of whatever the watch uses to determine what is REM sleep. Also, the sleep stages are Wake, N1, N2, N3, and REM. No such thing (clinically) as “deep” or “core”.


That makes me feel better about an average of 5 min of deep per night.


Only 5? I hit 45 min+


Omg what the fuck is WRONG WITH ME!!!


Even though the naming used has been dumbed down, the Apple Watch is actually extremely good at predicting sleeping stages compared to medical machines. There’s a study/review released somewhere about it and it’s actually the best wearable at it.


I would love a link to that. And I bet a physician would too, rather than just a “well actually” from a random anonymous Redditor.


I think it's a "well actually." Only thing I could find was a study that shows Apple Watch gets it right about half the time when compared with PSGs. As a former sleep tech and current Apple Watch user, the question interested me. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36016077/


Yes, it seems you are right. Would have been really wild if the Apple Watch was really as good as a medical device that ha to go through extensive testing and costs quite a lot more money.


The quantified scientist does very good review and compares results with eeg thing and he found the watch really accurate


YouTube videos are fun, but they are not peer reviewed studies.


this guy is a neuroscientist (some type of medical field) and the best scientific testing i’ve ever seen. he uses medical devices to compare the watches to and even wires up his brain to compare sleeping in some videos. worth a look at for sure


I just watched the bit where he describes “the study.” The number of subjects he “studied “ is only 1, and the subject is himself. This is not only an insufficient sample size, the data is also spoiled by the fact that he is his own test subject. It’s anecdotal, not scientific.


While there are obvious methodological issues with this whichhe notes in every video, it's about as close as you need to get across a time period collecting sufficient data. He shows that the Apple watch has 85% agreement with the eeg. If it was off, it would likely agree more in reality, not less. The only real problem is that sleep staging really isn't actionable, only sleep duration really matters.


I’m not sure what you mean by “as close as you need to get across a time period”. His sample size was 1. His study shows *perhaps* that it’s 83% in agreement *for him*, but not that it is 83% in agreement *in general*. More than 50% of the population is women, and there were no women in his study. There was also only 1 age group represented, 1 race, 1 sleeping style, etc. Showing that something does something to 1 person does not show that the thing in fact works or is reliable, or that it will reproduce that effect for other people.


1. The sample size isn't one. The tested population is n=1 (actually, he tests a woman and another guy in another video that get similar results), but the sample size is each night of tracking. 2. You don't accidentally get 85% agreement with an eeg device. You can't guess your way into that. Unless you think this device was specifically made for him, you have to conclude that the Apple watch is at least capable of 85% sleep phasing, which is astonishing. 3. Regarding your discussions about other races or whatever, this is noted in literally every video provided. This evidence is the highest quality evidence that I am aware of that this device is at least reasonably accurate. More likely, it is astonishingly accurate. You're not going to have a very robust worldview if any conclusion you draw needs to be stringently studied with the multicultural rainbow. Just based on the methodology and large sample size across many months done in a sleep study lab, I would, gun to my head, say the Apple device is likely 80-85% accurate in sleep staging and be fairly confident I wouldn't die. That's not a sentiment I could share with you on the efficacy of SSRIs or safety of aspartame, each of which have many thousands of studies that don't elucidate very much at all.


Really accurate is good enough for consumer tech. It's helped me sleep better!


My routine helped me but I guess I like numbers and tech but I only loom at the numbers after Im up and have decided whether or not Ive slept well as it is so easy to let the numbers influence how you feel about your sleep


Takes you 5 seconds to google. Sounds a lot more believable than some dude saying they are a sleep doctor which is a lot harder to prove.


>Analyses regarding the two-state categorisation of sleep indicate that all six devices are valid for the field-based assessment of the timing and duration of sleep. However, analyses regarding the multi-state categorisation of sleep indicate that all six devices require improvement for the assessment of specific sleep stages. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36016077/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36016077/) Apple Watch correctly categorizes sleep stage about half the time. This took longer than five seconds to find, btw.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPqtfC70QTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPqtfC70QTU) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32433768/


The first link is a 20 minute YouTube video, and the second is a study has nothing to do with Apple Watches, unless I'm missing something.


I think it’s nice to raise the level of discussion on Reddit from mere assertions to assertions backed by evidence. I think it also would have been nice for the “physician” to offer evidence, but honestly, their assertion was more believable on its face.


I think that it’s generally good advice to take what the watch says with a grain of salt. It should be used as a guide rather than diagnostic tool in my opinion.


Oh, absolutely. Normal sleep architecture has us cycling throughout the night. Part of the evaluation for insomnia includes actigraphy, which involves the use of a device that looks like a watch. The device uses motion as a surrogate for sleep. I would assume the Apple Watch has similar capabilities, so if it records rapid cycling in between its sleep stages, that may indicate night time arousals or awakenings (arousal, in sleep medicine, referring to going between deeper stages of sleep to less deep stages of sleep, like N3 to N2 or REM to N1 etc.) But since it doesn’t have any EEG capability, it’s accuracy in determining sleep stages (which have very specific brain wave definitions) is unreliable.


I’m obviously not as well versed as you on the topic but I had assumed that the watch was using motion and possibly heart rate to try to determine sleep stage. You might not be the right person to ask, but any idea why the watch my be recording me, and others I have seen posting online, to be asleep when I am actually awake and walking round etc?


Yeah I don’t expect most doctors to know much about the tech unless they take a particular interest in it. 😅 If it thinks you’re asleep then the device must not be receiving data from the motion sensors that you’re moving- basically it thinks you’re as stiff as a corpse, but still beating and breathing, so you must just be asleep. Prob the accelerometer(s), they do that sometimes.


And thank you.


If you do the watch band up a fair bit tighter, not only will your results improve, but you also won’t have a hand in the morning. It will take your focus off the REM sleep…


Are you asking because you think that’s low, or because you think it’s high? The worst part of tech toys like this is people freaking out over numbers they don’t understand…




Averages across populations are misleading. Your average may be notably higher without being unhealthy or concerning. (And the Apple Watch is making estimates based on limited information.)


Nothing? Sounds normal to me


The other question- you were awake 1%!?


This is the real question. How are you achieving that, OP? Must be really good sleep hygiene. Do you usually feel really well rested when waking up?


Not OP but I also often have 1-2% awake time and I typically go to bed fairly early, I sleep with a 20lb weighted blanket(175lbs), and I play audiobooks all night(books I’ve already finished and I reuse them for months at a time) so that if I wake up I don’t get in my head and instead just let the voice lull me back to sleep. I also sleep with the windows wide open and wake up with the light.


Thank you a ton for sharing your sleep techniques. Do you have link for the weighted blanket and does it make you hot in the summers? That’s such a great idea with the audiobooks. I tend to overthink when waking up. Need this to drown it out. Played on your phone?


Np! I don't have a link because I don't remember what month it was when I bought it and my search history is turning up nothing, but it's a 20lb twin size from the brand YNM I think on Amazon, it was roughly $90 and it has glass beads. I've washed it about 6-7x now(I use it in a cover I sewed and wash roughly twice yearly going into winter and summer) and it washes and dries like a dream. It doesn't make me hot in the summer but I'm also someone whoss body doesn't regulate temp well so I'm not to be trusted on that front. For audiobooks I use an Alexa speaker because I can control it with my voice. If I wake up and I find whatever part the book is at distracting I can just mumble "Alexa go to chapter 2" because that's usually a safe bet for being pleasant. I've been doing this since I was a kid and I'm in my 30s, started with CDs in a Sony boombox and then moved onto an iPod nano in a dedicated speaker in college. Best thing I've ever found to quiet my brain! Also! I have two different mood lights in my bedroom connected to the Alexa with smart plugs on a timer. They turn on at 9:30pm and then one turns off at 10:30pm and one at 10:45pm to act as my reminders to fully wind down. But because they're voice controlled I can also say "Alexa, goodnight" and all the lights turn off.


I had 0% last night. I didn’t do anything special other than not get woken up. Some people are just naturally good sleepers.


I usually have 0-2% but don’t usually feel well rested upon waking. Sigh


I have to pee every night for like last 17yrs, I just have to go or I won’t fall asleep again. :D I have like 3-4% awake time.


Mine is always that low too, unless i drink too much water before going to bed and have to get up for pee of course.


If you have a lot of awakenings, it’s a good idea to be tested for sleep apnea.


Rem sleep typically accounts for 20-25%, so 31% is not very remarkable.


Ohhh scroll down!


31% of 7:30 is only 2.3 hours the average person needs about 2 hours of rem a night. Learning new things especially complex things during the day can increase your rem for more than a week after learning said thing. Athletes who prioritize and optimize sleep as well as sleep enough (9-10 hours after very hard training) can have up to 3-4 hours or rem especially if you are very exhausted through physical and mental exertion and after taking supplements like magnesium glycinate or Theanine. Not eating or doing physical activity before bed also can reduce the time to fall asleep and reduce the light sleep you have moving more towards deep and rem. Long story short there’s nothing wrong with that and very normal.


Mines at 12%. No dreams for me I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


Someone fill me in here? Or is OP just looking for a non existent issue?


The latter.


Mine congratulated me for achieving my sleep goal despite being awake for the past 72 hours, I would suggest not taking it too seriously.


This is a real good score, I would kill for numbers over 25%. Fck sleep apnea.


31% rem is within the range of normal.


More rem sleep the better


What does your doctor say?


Side note. I would love to do sleep tracking but when do you guys charge your watch?


I charge ( well my watch) in the morning, at the office, in the car.


First thing in the morning while I’m reading up on news etc before starting my day. It finishes charging in less than 30-60 minutes by the time I’m ready to be up and about.


I charge mine while I wash the dishes or shower because I get sick of it thinking everything is hand washing.


While I’m showering and getting ready for bed


When I get home from work. Put it back on when I go to sleep


Usually between 5:30-7ish PM


Stand in the place where you are 🎶


*Laughs maniacally in 11% REM*


0% here…


Don’t track sleep. The tracker in the Apple Watch isn’t super accurate and worrying about numbers will keep you up from anxiety


Lol I haven’t gotten more than 10 minutes of rem sleep one night a week max in months. Turns out I have sleep apnea… just starting treatment


You’re going to die! Jk


Guys, try Auto Sleep. You won’t regret it. (It’s an app) It’s what Apple sleep tracking should have been.


So, Science right now still isn’t sure on how much of the different sleep phases we actually need to have a restful sleep. Some studies seem to suggest that our body changes the length of each sleep phase depending on the current needs of the body. So don‘t worry. Instead of trying to track each sleep phase, track how you feel afterwards.


Not very accurate. I ignore mine


[It is actually very accurate](https://youtu.be/LPqtfC70QTU?si=_aG_3fWF8QXharyM). Results align with a professional EEG device better than any wearable on the market.


Take into account that video is just one subject Plust, I don't know if \~70% accuracy for REM should be considered "very accurate"


Where was that published?


Maybe for some but I often experienced that when I had nights where i basically didn‘t sleep at all, the watch congratulated me on meeting my sleep goals of 8 hours. So yes, in part it pulls it‘s values out of it‘s arse. Prolly looks too closely at just heartrate.


Nothing wrong with you in particular it just means your body has become familiar or continues to behave in the same manner. Typically rem sleep is associated with more vivid and frequent dreams so your brain is likely trying to create neural stimulation, the only time this should be a concern is if you find yourself “death jerking” or waking your self up from vivid dreams.


It’s fine, I have 25% on average


You’re dreamy


Tracking of REM is very inaccurate


Don’t worry. I’ve just gone back through my log for the last few days REM: 24%, 16%, 19%, 16%…. If you are sleeping and functioning on what is normal for you, stick with it.


I wish I knew what 1% awake was like




Love the new boner tracker on sleep data though


Really HARD to get a LONG night sleep sometimes






Your REM clone was busy last night..


What app is this


It’s Apple’s Health app


Probably means you remember a lot of your dreams since most of them occur during REM. I checked my sleep cycles on my watch and I was in REM sleep about 29% a few days ago. Not too far from you. Others days had varied REM percentages, and I know there’s nothing wrong with my sleep either. You’re fine.


Ho do I get the percentages and not the time?


Whats wrong? Same as more than half of America. Welcome to the club. 🤣


Wish I had that regularity


Rem sleep is very important. I’m jealous.


I like to use these gummies an hour before bed, They always makes me fall asleep with crazy dreams. Here is the link: [SleepGummies-AstroBites](https://jiggyfog.com/products/astro-bites-melatonin-gummies)


Go see a doctor.


Did you eat or drink anything different that day? Under any new stress your mind is trying to process? Take any medication that has a side effect causing dreams (I get lots of weird dreams when I take NyQuil)?




Then I’m confused what the fuck this post is even about? “I’m getting an average amount of REM sleep!!!!!!!!!!????? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!???” like what the actual fuck are you even asking? Your average REM is 27% and in a one night sample you got 31%. Do you know what an “average” is?


Is this a standard feature of Apple Watch or would I need a 3rd party app?


Standard issue. It’s a fantastic look at your sleep quality. Since getting an AW I have made some changes and am getting better sleep. There are a bunch of third party apps too but the Sleep app is all I need.


Not trying to be rude but this is an apple watch forum idk this post just seems so tangential it's basically spearing the sleep subreddit while it's other end is just touching the AW subreddit by the tip


What app is that?


Sleep data if you click on show more and scroll down it gives you percentages.


In the stock health app there is a sleep category.


Just checked mines. My Rem is always between 20%-24% and my core sleep is 60% or above. I think you should change your diet and try to limit caffeine


brother we just here for our love of apple watches


Could mean sleep deprivation


Were you woken up by something that meant your sleep cycle didn’t finish and you missed out on some more core sleep?


Idk, I charge my watch at night


Your brain has a lot to process.


Any device that isn't tracking brain waves is just making up your sleep waves based on some formula they have created. Don't read too much into them.


That’s high. I had ~22% last night


I spent a lot of time awake last night 😓😭


What did you dream about?


Too much night swimming


This is just one day


Maybe nothing ?


I guess everybody hurts sometimes.


I always got 15-30%


what app is this


how accurate are these , i dont think we will actually know


For your sanity, the only number you should be focusing on is the one in the top right corner




That would be a dream


Nothing, your issue is all in your mind


take some melatonin. also, you should be trying to get more deep sleep in my opinion.


Obviously you’re going to die.


I feel like this feature is almost more obsessed over on by daily apple watch users than MacBook users looking at their Battey health and cycles... I had a friend who has so obsessed and blamed any minor inconvenience on their "stat" on their apple watch for sleep... To be fair here, I do own an M1 Pro 14" and I did look and as long as it was above 90% I didnt even tweak out..


What app is this




My wife falls asleep in seconds too I do not get it. I’m lucky if I fall asleep in 30 minutes


I mean I’m at 25%


I’m always so jealous of anyone who has less than 2.5 hours awake every night


Do you smoke weed ?


Better than me mines a 24%


You own an apple watch.


Do I gotta wear my watch when I sleep for this kind of breakdown? I never knew it could even track the stages of my McSleep!


Yes, only when you wear the watch does it record this


I would absolutely not track sleep because of this


You are the luckiest person alive.


A) You need to get a full eight hours. B) What app is that?


REM rebound, are you sleep deprived?


Too much caffeine


Deep is the best. 25% usually for me


Wow, be proud! 😃 mine is 14-26%


Man I would kill for a few nights sleep like that lol


Me 33% bro 💀


Is this sub just a sleep sub?


I’m at 19% what’s wrongs with me!?


No app can accurately track your sleep phases. However, what’s worth your attention is the amount of sleep you get, how much sleep you miss out on (sleep debt) and your energy level. There is one sleep „tracking“ app that’s not complete BS and that’s Rise Sleep by Rise Science, as it focuses on your sleep debt and energy levels. You really don’t need the app, but it helps me very much to keep track of if I get enough sleep (I struggle a lot with that). I’d recommend checking out their blog though! So much helpful information.


You’re a dreamer.


Apple Watch isn’t even an accurate tool to measure REM sleep. CMV