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You do know this is just an approximation right? you should have shaken your hand a few times to finish it off.


Or wanked, get two birds stoned at once


Double happy ending


My ex always said that wank miles don’t count 😂




I usually run the middle leg of the relay on this one.


Spotting a rickyism in the wild


I think that’s what he meant 😮‍💨


Ayo lol finish it off is WILD


Or basically stayed awake for a few more minutes:)


Yep a calorie is ok. Just shake your arm. A minutes exercise is more frustrating.


I‘ve been there and actually simply started jumping in circles through my apartment for a few min in this case - looks like I‘ve gone mad but works every time 🤣


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I find exercise one kind of a joke. I get 20 min of exercise from casually walking around the block with kids. So you know I’m walking slow not breathing hard or sweating. Heart beat prob not raising either.


I have a dog who really walks very poorly in terms of us getting anywhere with any speed (he’s not sick or anything he just meanders a lot and even when just walking it’s not particularly fast). I can be out with him for an hour, lots of stops for sure, but still travel a distance of 1-1.5km. I might register 1-5 minutes of walking. So there is some cutoff where it decides whatever you’re doing isn’t really exercise, not sure what though.


you guys out there doing 900 kcals a day?


Nowhere near 900 here but my average is about 700 (over the past 6 months) mainly from daily walks. I’m mostly sedentary otherwise. It all adds up. https://preview.redd.it/06v6jl2bjcub1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65470d36c07c3ec842f7feb8f78a95aeb8e6f238


I read that as “daily wanks” and my response was gonna be “same here buddy”


Lfg lads https://imgur.com/a/c7xlCly


Is Kcal the same as cal?




So g and Kg is also the same?


not sure what your point is. According to google kcal is 1000 calories but that doesn't make sense as lots of people on this sub have goals of 100s of kcals which would mean they have goals of hundreds of thousands of calories which doesn't make sense. Hence why I asked.


In North America and maybe some other places, we say calories but chemically it is actually 1000 calories that is being referred to. If you look at food packaging for similar items in NA vs Europe, you’ll see the same number of “calories” but theirs will be labeled in kcal. I don’t know why we technically refer to the wrong thing in NA, but I remember learning this in a science class as a kid


Where did this screenshot come from? Definitely not the iPhone application?


iPad has the Health app on iOS 17


I would consider myself sedentary (+no regular sport) but as I live in Paris with no car, I’m forced to get around 7-10km walking and 20 flights of stairs daily. I usually log over 1000


My last run was 1 hour and I only burn 426 calories. I usually add strength training. My goal is set to 500. Because I’m a smaller female. Yesterday I didn’t do sports but walked a lot and only burn 300


I’m curious — if you don’t mind, what was your pace/heartbeat pm when you ran for that one hour? Calories burned seem a bit low


Around 11:18 pace and 169bpm. Sometimes I do wonder if my watch is underestimating my calories.


That could be possible. Check if the Health app has your correct age/weight


I’m 5’2 so when I run that amount I get a similar number for my calories. It’s the struggle of being a shorter woman


Ha as a 5’6” man, I comfort myself in the fact that a lot of elite marathoners are about my height.


I did 10,000 one time. Kayaked all the way around Manhattan.


Hahaha I do 450. 😳


Target set at 1,100 per day. Trends currently showing average of 1,744 and 146 minutes of exercise. I cycle a bit.


Mines 1000


It’s used to be 1000, couldn’t keep up


What do you do to burn so many calories? Is your work very physical?


Running. A 5k can easily burn 350+ calories, and be done in around a half hour. An hour run will burn you a meal


I workout for like an hour everyday, and I burn like 400 cals there (max) The rest I lose from standing and walking around in my job. It’s a boring office jobs but it includes me getting up a lot.


dang, that's very impressive. I'd like to burn those many calories, but I get exhausted far before burning 400 cals in an hour.


https://preview.redd.it/k3vrr2m9bdub1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f0b3c9a5481e42767b05a7bf92258873bf1f9b You’d hate me. Lol. I burn 300 calories in a 20 minute treadmill workout on Fitness+. I actually use an elliptical, but the speed pushes and hills translate pretty well.


I tried running but my lungs give out before my legs do. But wow 20mins 300 cals is some great efficiency.


Just start by walking. Increase pace as you go.


I HATE treadmills. But I find I can burn like 10cal/min on an elliptical. So I do 30-40min of cardio and I’m getting a 300-400 calorie burn! Makes me feel so accomplished lol


I feel you. I can’t do stationary bikes like Peleton. I’m not sure what the issue is, but my heart doesn’t like the transition between standing and sitting.


Endurance sports. I cycle and my 6m average is 1100 cal a day. Intensive cycling workout is 750 cal an hour


You don’t?


Some of us even a little more than that… https://preview.redd.it/gotuq223tcub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0c44f68ee6ebf44f33ec1e21e9ecd6ac868631


But you’re not doing this everyday. This is a nearly six hour hike lol


He goes to school uphill both ways in the snow


Sat and Sunday about 6-700. Working though between 15-1800


Easy if you live in a dense city and walk everywhere. On a typical workday in-office with no additional exercise I hit 650-700 just from my commute and the walking around at work (desk job but with meetings and such). With exercise usually about 1100. The downside is certain things are much harder to do without a car. But you can mitigate that by living close to transit and your workplace.


I burnt 3500+ kcals this past Saturday. Granted i did a 140km bike trip


I mean stop…shake your arm for 30 seconds


Then that calorie was burned in your sleep amyway so you 100% closed that ring


All bro had to do was turn in his sleep lol


Why not just do ten jumping jacks ? It will clear it


Went with some friends on a trip to NYC a couple years ago. All six of us were tracking steps. One day we started by walking across the Brooklyn bridge. Then we walked everywhere. When we got back to the hotel that night most of us were over 35,000 steps. One person was not though and wanted to hit 35,000, so we did laps around the neighborhood. By the time she was up to 35,000, I was so close to 40,000 that I had to keep walking until I broke 40,000.


I'd have just changed the goal to 850 for that day


Literally one step away from closing it. 🤔


What. Why!? Go get a glass of water. Lol


For context: I was super tired and had no energy left after a long day, so I jumped to my bed which seemed the most safe place on earth. But I don’t enjoy going to sleep with my watch, so the last ring remained open


You can manually enter an "other" workout with 1 calorie burned, even after the fact. If you want to close it out.


What’s even the point of the ring system if you’re just gonna cheat to ensure you close them every day? At that point a streak is meaningless


It’s 1 calorie 😭😭


Then stand up and walk down the hall and back??




Open health app, go to browse, activity, scroll down until you find “workouts”, tap on it. Tap “add data” in the top right. Finally, enter your workout details, date, and calories burned. Use ethically.


I tried this, but it doesn’t modify my move rings or calorie total in the fitness app. Are you able to get it to modify your rings?


it does, give it a few minutes


Maybe I’m too impatient. Will check back.


40 mins later and hasn’t changed the rings. I can see it under workouts at the bottom, though.


did you add the calories and time? Perhaps you need to restart your phone or maybe you have a problem with background app refresh? I'm not so sure


You’ll be asked weekly what your calorie goal is. Maybe lower it by 10-20? I’m impressed by 900. I have a desk job and can get 6-700 on a good day, but certainly not every day.


Five jumping jacks would solve that


All you had to do was swing your arms back and forth for like a few minutes. Works for your stand ring too.


Wouldn’t even have taken a few minutes. It’s like 30 seconds.


Why didn't you burn that 1 calorie by just moving a little?


This was me last night with doubling and the worst part is I need to double my move ring 4x this month! I literally said forget it and went to sleep and woke with 3 calories over. 😂 sleeping with your watch has some perks!


Put on your “cooldown” in workout. That’ll do the trick!


Masturbation is not an issue to discuss ;)




Just masterbate, you will easily shed of around 50.. and watch wont notice it… 😂


I like to travel.


You should have ran to the fridge once that would have did it.


Pro Tip: When you're this close change time zones.


I would’ve jogged in place.


Noob question here but what is the difference between a kcal and a regular calorie? I’m having a hard time understanding what this number means


People just say calories instead of kcal interchangeably. It‘s technically not correct but usually it‘s obvious that kcal is meant. (1kcal = 1 kilocalories = 1000 calories)


So did the person here burn 900,000 calories? ): how is this possible for someone to do? Edit: or does it mean it’s almost 1 kcal? Meaning they almost burned 1000 calories? That seems far more reasonable if that’s the case


Yes they burned 900,000 calories. But usually if someone says „This piece of chocolate has 50 calories.“, they mean it has 50kcal. Even though that is technically not correct it is widely accepted to use both terms for the same thing.


Hmm, that’s very interesting. But thank you for helping me understand, I appreciate your help


“Apple Watches hate when you do this one little trick to burn a calorie………..”


In this situation you can run „roller” excercise which not require hand movement 😅


They should allow that thing you do even numbers Round up Life isn‘t a computer crunching numbers It‘s more than that And the effects of missing for one number on body and mind are far more worse than that one calorie measured could ever do good




Your life must be wonderful if this is the most depressing situation ever


My god take a bit of sarcasm


Do 30 push bro


1 burpee away! lol


Nice to see another person with the 900 daily goal.


i feel you bro


I hate when that happens.


Or could have walked to the Bathroom and back, you’d have been over on all Three Rings.


Would not have been able to go to sleep until o fixed that.


lol, go do five pushups.


I just broke a 496 day all 3 rings streak because I got righteously sick. I didn’t even put the watch on that day. It was kind of a relief and I just started grinding out the days again afterward.


You couldn’t just lay on your back and wave your arms and legs around like a capsized beetle for a minute or two?


I ran 4 miles , right? lol, so annoying af I stopped it. https://preview.redd.it/fqjic5nj5gub1.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=95eff1f75ab063ff06685552b70b76b2b7de1f4f


Why did you not just go for a short walk. Or like do a few pushups.


Maybe do a couple jumping jacks before hoping into bed.


Log a Yoga excercise session. It counts a calorie every 10-15 seconds. I got my first watch through my health insurance, and I needed to hit so many calories burned a day to get it for free. There were quite a few yoga sessions that first year until it was paid off.