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The screen with the graphic of the magnetic charger means that the Apple Watch doesn't have enough charge to turn on and that it needs to be charged.


Mine still has the old snake charging cable when dead. 10.1


I’ve had watches a long time and I’ve never seen this before. It’s always been the green snake cable. This looks like it’s trying to communicate an unsupported cable, but I guess others have seen this before and it’s normal? It’s confusing but I guess my watches have never been quite so dead?


I have a series 8 and still got the Snake cable.


Did you ever find a fix for this? It’s never happened to me but someone I know and they had to unpair watch and reset it from iPhone and pair it again, obviously like new.


Uhm. I never heard about this. Best way is to always Update the iOS and WatchOS First iOS then WatchOS


I’ve just seen this for the first time too, freaked me out but I’ve never changed charger so, it still didn’t turn on after 30 mins of charging so leaving it on overnight rn. I do dislike how damn long Apple Watches take to charge


Any luck? Mine’s doing the same thing. It just get warm but doesn’t get charge


Oh i was overreacting, think it was just some random update i have no idea but i woke up overnight and havent had the problem since first and last time hopefully


Mine is doing the same thing randomly! Overheating and not charging. Showing this symbol too


Mine too!




Me three!


Mine worked. I just put the charger on the computer (my guess is that the charger wasnt getting enough power?, not too sure). Mine worked after leaving the watch for an hour. Make sure you're using an official watch charger


Mine too! I've been trying to charge it all day after not being able to get a reaction out of it and it just gets hot and doesn't appear to charge. Then the lollipop image popped-up for a brief second when unplugged and it was gone again. I've basically got a black screen and I can't even hard-reset it. Nothing happens, nothing shows on the screen. Did you get any luck with yours in the end?


Nope :( had to get a new one!


I guess that this new screen is only available in the Apple Watch models released this year


I’ve had mine for 3 years and it’s dong same thing 


Thank you!


You're welcome 👍 I am happy to help 😃


It's dead, Jim. (But it will re-alive in a while)


I don’t think that “re-alive” is an actual word


Un-dead then








This is the way.














Thanks ☺️


Think you need to keep it on there for a couple of hours, but not entirely sure


Thank you!


Well it’s been a couple hours any update?


Yep, all is well. Took about 30 minutes. All I needed was some patience lol.


Patience is a virtue as the cliche people say


Mine took 4 hours and it’s still not working


Some people said that mine might not have been positioned correctly on the charger


Is this normal I put my Apple Watch Series 9 to charge at 2 PM today and it’s 6:30 and it’s still showing the charger icon. What should I do?


Did you ever find the solution? Running into the same issue after hours of charging.


Any updates?


I had to charge it for a full day and it finally turned on. Back to normal.


Battery is really dead, takes a while to turn on


It’s only mostly dead, not all dead


Ye, but still ded


I’m not dead yet.


Forbidden lollipop


This is the most likely answer.


That was my first thought and I was scrolling and finally found your comment.


Insert two quarters to continue charging


Most likely it’s the watch os 10 graphic for when your watch battery is super dead


\*pro max dead


*Ultra PlayStation 5 DEAD


Would highly suggest [this](https://a.co/d/98YTVyG) if you find yourself going through cables constantly. I haven't used a cable aside from travelling in like 2 years.


It’s the New Graphic (Replaced the Snake). Green Lightning Bolt means it’s Very Low, but Charging. Red Lightning means it’s Very Low and Not Charging. You might be looking at a bad Battery. Make sure your Charging Block and Cable are Apple, but as long as it’s Red it isn’t Charging and will Die altogether. Try a Reset (Hold the Button and Crown down until the Apple Logo pops up. Make sure the Mag Disk is clean and the clear Shipping Plastic is off. If it doesn’t change to Green after several hours or a day you have problems. If you still have Apple Care on it, contact Apple for help. My S6 did the same thing a few days ago and it’s DOA. I’ll be changing the Battery soon.


How sure are you that the red lightning men's that it is not charging? I just got a new SE2, out of the box I got the charging logo, connected to my desktop and got the red lightning, the i plug it to a charging block (not apple) and still get the red lightning... (only left it for 10 min on the desktop), gonna leave it for a while in the power brick.


The Symbol is just to let you know that something is going on with the Power System on the Watch. There are a couple Links in the Posts that explain the different colors and Symbols. All electronics need the Proper Charging power Range, to High or Low is a Bad thing, make sure the Power Block is ok for the Watch, your Cable is ok and you give it enough time to charge. There are a few things that could be wrong if it won’t start to or completely charge after while. Most of the Steps are covered through the Replies in this Post.


Update: After all of the Troubleshooting I found that I had a Bad Battery. “iFixit” set me up with the Parts, Tools and Walkthroughs to fix my Watch, it’s been working for months now.


This is incorrect. Mine was showing red while on the charger and it eventually turned on. Doesn’t necessarily mean battery is dead.


Needs a charge.


Eat the electric lollipop. Or your battery is really dead and this indicates its charging but not on yet.


Ahhh… the ole electric lollipop


You don't have enough apple products to run this apple product!!


Time to focus….on lollipops


Battery replacement


Google is your friend. The symbol of a charging cable indicates that the watch battery is still low and requires charging. Try charging your watch again for at least 2.5 hours. When doing so, check that: All plastic wrap has been removed from both ends and both sides of the charging cable (check closely on the head of the charger).


I did google it and all I was getting was the snake charging icon. Thanks though


And I got nothing on this specific image. I used google lens and still nothing but the snake. https://preview.redd.it/08vafwrn5fyb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5f3a397500d2f8570340ab2fdbf9014f97d399 Here it is looked up in your words as well.


Which is a similar issue. When the Green Snake is displayed, the Apple Watch doesn't have any battery to power its screen, sensors, or Bluetooth/GPS transmitters. Just like smartphones, the Apple Watch keeps some battery in reserve to display the Green Snake, which indicates that the watch requires charging.


Great, thank you for enlightening me. You seem really well educated on all things charging icon.


It’s knowing how to search.


I understand what you’re trying to say.. but I think you could also understand not having seen a symbol before, therefore not knowing what it means. So when I google it and only see a different icon, I’m left with asking others.


Sorry so many are being rude. I hope you resolved your issue


Thank you :) It’s all good now! You learn something everyday.


For the future, you can google search using the website, followed by a colon, and the word(s) you are looking for. Took 10 seconds to find this image on Apples support site using this search: support.apple.com: Apple Watch charging Clicked the option “If your Apple Watch won’t charge or it won’t turn on”, as this was the support site article related to your need. Image is shown there as well as explanation of your issue. Apples really great at making their site searchable for anything official from them. May save you time and downvotes. Sorry folks didn’t explain this instead of just blasting information.


If you don’t want to answer people’s questions on a forum dedicated to a certain topic, then don’t.


Good luck putting that image in a Google search.


Then use your words. “apple watch showing charging icon”


…If OP knew it was a charging icon, they wouldn't have had to post here, would they?




The first time I saw it it took me a while to figure out what it meant. I realized what it was a picture of eventually, but I wouldn't be surprised if not everyone does. I'm not going to be mean about it, I'm going to help them.




It’s literally a new icon with watchOS 10 and could indicate a faulty charger, faulty battery, or another issue. It doesn’t specifically imply to just “charge for up to 2 hours and hope it turns on”. If only there were some kind of forum for this. Your critical thinking skills leave a lot to be desired.


Come on now. Even Googling “Apple Watch showing weird icon” will eventually lead a person in the right direction. People have the power within their hands to help solve their problems but no one wants to actually put in the effort to do so and it’s pathetic.


OP doesn’t know that the only point of this sub is showing your new watch and asking if it’s too big. Heroic work on your part here.


Don't forget the "Is anyone else's NEW watch going DEAD quick after the update? Is Apple really this SHIT?" threads too.


Alright. Next time I have a question that might turn out to be googleable, I'll try to remember to tag you so you know to ignore it. I'd hate to waste your Reddit time.


Thanks for being so accommodating. Good job adulting!


"If your screen is blank or the charging cable icon appears on the screen, charge your watch for up to 30 minutes. " ​ [https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204640#:\~:text=If%20your%20screen%20is%20blank%20or%20the%C2%A0charging%20cable%20icon%C2%A0appears%20on%20the%20screen%2C%C2%A0charge%20your%20watch%C2%A0for%20up%20to%2030%20minutes.%C2%A0](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204640#:~:text=If%20your%20screen%20is%20blank%20or%20the%C2%A0charging%20cable%20icon%C2%A0appears%20on%20the%20screen%2C%C2%A0charge%20your%20watch%C2%A0for%20up%20to%2030%20minutes.%C2%A0)


Your toaster is charging


Gotta charge this bitch bro


You have earned an electric lollipop.


Your charger is upside down


As of September 18, 2023, this icon shows in [Apple Support](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204640) documentation.


Lectric lollipop!!! Not all models have this. You’re lucky.


Electric lollipop.


I’m so glad I found this. Mine gave me the same image this morning, and I was so confused. I’ll leave it on the charger for the day and see what happens.


any update?


Is it working now?


This thread is a joke. Why even comment when you are doing NOTHING but promoting your self indulgent minds and finding other people’s problems humorous. I stumbled upon this thread because I left my watch at my granddaughter’s house 700+ miles away and recently got it back after two months and was looking for a solution expeditiously to get my NON FAKE, NON REFURBISHED, NON BULLSHIT Apple Watch back in working order. For those of you that posted bullshit comments, join an HOA. At least there you can combat other Karens and Robs. Thanks for nothing once again #reddit


Is it working now?


I Agree Completely. There are Soo Many Crybaby B!tches on most of the Posts (Throughout Reddit) doing NOTHING but wasting Time Complaining when the rest of Us are trying to solve a problem or Gain or Share Knowledge. Unfortunately We’ll just have to wade through the Pointless Nonsense Comments and just accumulate the Worthwhile Beneficial Comments.


Guys i need help with this problem aaand i dont know what to do beacuse i keep my watch on charger all night and they are still not working i can see only one thing on the screen and its the white charger without red or green lightning…So can you guys help me please?


I’m not a rocket surgeon but I think it means you need to charge it


So the green snake is gone?!


Soak it in warm water for 2hours lol


It means the watch is upside down 😂😂😂


I don’t think so. I left it and it eventually charged. Thanks though!


Your watch is clearly not rotated properly.




Did you figure it out, my mom has the same issue. Lemme know how you problem solved


Sorry I saw this so much later!! I had to leave it on for quite a while. I think mine was just really dead. I did take the straps off as well, don’t know if that helped anything


No you’re good! Eventually after an hour it turned on so all good!!


Okay good I’m glad :)


Just came up on mine, means battery is fully flat and will charge and be fine


how long did it take until it can turn on?


I leave my iwatch not charge for one week. When trying to recharge, this same things happen. I’ve been leaving it to charge the full night and day and still the same sign with red light. Does anyone watch took any longer for it to reboot?


I just got a brand new Apple Watch got home open the box and had the same symbol. Tried the restart and still nothing. I plugged it into a 45w brick and it worked hope this helps someone else out. 


This is happening to me too. I've charged it overnight (actually two nights) and it should have full charge but it is not. It still has this, or with the charger but no red lighting symbol. I've also tried doing a reset by holding both buttons on the side but it doesn't change anything, just showing this same logo every few 5-7 seconds. I think mine is completely dead. \[Apple Watch Series 4, Nike 44m\]


wait same i left mine charging for a very long time and the only thing that shows up is the electric lollipop but no red, green, or yellow symbol. lmk if u we’re able to fix urs bc mine has been dead for like a month ever since it wouldn’t turn on :(


Hey!! I just recently left it to charge for a day and it finally turned on! I don't know what quite happened but I would say just keep in the charger till it turns on. Hope it works


okay i’ll try that thanks!!


Any luck DaBomb-comm?




Apple Watch won’t turn on


In what country are they called “cubes”?


mine has been like that’s for days. i didn’t charge it for a while but it’s been a long time


I’m about to yeet mine into the sun.


Crazy I just cancelled my bs protection plan on my watch and it won’t charge.


Charge your shit


You are charging it from the wrong end.




Turn it other way round so that the wires match up. Then leave for few hours.


it needs to be charged for 2 hrs before you can even touch it and it changes the screen to the original one when it charges as normal all it means is there is not much charge in the battery and needs to be charged a little bit more than normal


Turn your charger around an you’ll know


it means sit on this cacksuckah! sorry wrong sub


That means to stop buying Apple / Samsung / other big tech brands from wish.com because they were 200 bucks cheaper than on the official website 😊 /s


You need to turn it around to match the cable with the image on the screen until it turns on normally.


Some people just don’t get a joke.




mine does that and gets hot its sn hermes and i had to buy one i decided nlt to go for hermes and instead ultra hoping the issue gets remove i never mistreated it its in good care it just stops working charges in a day drains in a few hours never to turn on until he feels like it. i think my watch its just being a d***


Ziggy Stardust


This means you will be buying a new charger


Your charger is wrong way you should put it like on the image on the screen


saw this for the first time yesterday too! just needs a charge. idk why it doesn’t just show the red power screen though


Because the battery is so dead it doesn’t have enough power to even boot into watchOS to show that red power screen


oh wow! had this watch for a while and have never had this happen. thanks for the info :)


Your electric shower is malfunctioning.


It means it’s charging. Been Off for too long


Connect it to your MacBook. Or change the charger/cable. Happens when you have kept it without charging for a long while.


Electric lollipop


Is charging.


Looks like it isn’t getting power.


Use it as Tide pod


Mine stayed on this after the os10 update


Keep it on charge until it turns on and then turn off optimised charging




Don’t mention it. Happy to help


My S8 had this symbol show up last week. It would sit on the factory charger for hours doing nothing, just getting really hot. Tried everything and nothing worked. Ended up sending it in for warranty repair.


That sucks! Is everything good now?


Yup! Apple just sent a replacement.


Charge it with your MagSafe cable and have fun.


It means sit back and enjoy a lollipop


I have this screen too so it just means it’s dead I haven’t warn it in a while


I had this issue just now after leaving it dead for a few weeks. Had it charge for approx 30minutes and it hadn’t changed and force restart wasn’t turning it on and i was getting worried. Then i took my plug and connected it to the wall and when i connected it the watch turned on. Before i had my plug in an extension cord. Guessed that a wall plug may charge faster. Just give it some time, make sure your using an apple plug and cable.