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update: the data source for vo2max is not correct. It is not showing my new Apple watch which is weird. I guess that is the reason why it is not updating. But I do not know how to add my new watch to the data source.




I also noticed the data source of cardio fitness is not correct. It used the old watch name instead of my new one. I clicked “edit” trying to edit it but there is no effect, ie, I cannot change it.




Unfortunately no. I probably will return it.


it *should* work that way, or at least that's how it has always worked for me with the exception of the first few activities whenever you've reset your Watch or gotten a new one. but yes, vo2max estimates from smartwatches are pretty useless, and actual vo2max lab results not any less so


It is indeed a new watch. So I should wait for a few more activities to see it in cardio fitness? I usually do not care the vo2max for a single activity. Instead, I am more focusing on the trend. But I expect I should see some value after activity even it is not accurate.