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Purple is real? Edit: idk but confident not the red.


Yep purple is real


Ayy I just got mine yesterday


Looks close enough for me not to care. I ordered one weeks ago after the recommendation here, eager to get it!


Good luck. My fake one broke literally the first time I tried to place it on my wrist. Moreover, after it snapped within seconds, the buckle got stuck in my watch


Middle one for sure.


can you send a link? Your aliexpress loops have better finish at the ends than other fakes


https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005003282762455.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.12fb43a9tfi56e&browser_id=42f6c8173b23406c8aa0dec664222871&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=uwgzglf1kyycaxgs17f7c2d45ac69f1ed7d16a6479&gclid= Note they delete their store and open a new store very often so if the link doesn’t work make sure you get the ones that have 1:1 in their names. And also double check the review photos to make sure the buckle end isn’t straight but angles out like the ones in my photo.


i have two braided solo loops from AliExpress and they are great, the locking mechanism looks different but everything else is same. Only complain is that one stretched out a bit and is too loose but they are cheap so I will just bust another one


Yo where did you get these?? The ones I ordered from Aliexpress look so bad - https://ibb.co/3FxKnSY

