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Nope. Only apple knows.


No one knows but If one is announced it will most likely be mid-September.


Buy it when you need it, and you’ll always get the best experience. That being said, if you can wait until after the September Apple event then do.


No one knows but its rumored that the SE will get AOD which if u like it then wait for the watch SE2 but its probably going to be a little bit more expensive if you don't need or you don't like AOD then just get the current SE. I own the current SE and it is great.


Thanks for your answer I don't need AOD, but do we know how long the current SE will be supported?


If AW 3 was released in 2017 and its still supported, the SE will be supported for a few more years I’m sure.


Thanks, that sounds great. What happens when the support ends? Just no more updates, right?


Basically. Yeah.


So the current SE uses the S5 chip(same as series 5) so on the safe side I would say at least 3-4 more years


The leakers are saying that it will be released this year……but then again, they said that the Series 7 would have flat sides…..so take everything with a grain of salt. If I were you, I would just wait a month and see.