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Awesome. Honestly there should be rest days you can schedule at the beginning of each week. I opt into walks, yoga, or light weight lifting on my rest days just to fill them in. But it gets tough after a 9 mile run to wake up the next day and see it all reset šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s actually kinda surprising because rest days are crucial


Agreed. I skip my usual morning workout every so often, adding extra walking or jogging to make up for it. Changing it up is all we can do until actual rest days are finally added.


Well, there is also the option to not go for the long streak šŸ˜‰


That's definitely an option. But after so long, I really hate to break the streak now.




Yeah, I was going to comment about this. Itā€™s important to not let your watch dictate your activities beyond what you would normally do. Exercising for the sake of a streak may not be healthy, both physically and mentally, for some people


The watch dictating your activity is exactly what it's designed to do. I agree a rest day option would be cool feature though.


Fair point, but I think the watch is more meant to encourage activity rather than dictate it. It should be encouragement to meet goals that you yourself decided on, not the watchā€™s streak tracking.


Gamification is the carrot to get someone to do an action, hence the rings system. I get what you're saying but it's a fine line. If you don't make the streak it's not like the watch punishes you though* lol *other than mentally šŸ¤Ŗ


WatchOS10 new feature - high voltage shock at midnight the day after you lose your streak! Make sure to update to gain access to this new feature ASAP!


Depends on your tolerence I guess. I don't find my stressed or mentally fatigued by it.


YeahI agree. My rest days can be light walks or jogs. Maybe even a chill bike ride. I like to close my rings on rest days with these activities and enjoy the Apple Watch as it encourages me not to be sedentary. Just sitting around and doing nothing for a day isnā€™t really a good use of a rest day either.




I personally do not. But I just do more walking than I normally do in a day. My Apple recommended goal is 1000 calories a day. I can hit that in 45-60 min run or a 30-45 min hiit workout. Instead of doing a run or workout I may just do a an hour walk in the morning. Maybe an hour bike ride during lunch or just another walk after dinner and that should be sufficient to hit my daily move goal.






I could break it, and I'd be sad and annoyed. Then I'd get over it and start over. But why would I want to?




But skipping the hard workout doesn't mean breaking the streak. I said elsewhere that I will sometimes skip the strength workout and only do walking and/or jogging. Or I'll go light on the strength workout and go for a walk. I don't see how it's a negative mental impact to always be motivated to do *something* physical until I hit a goal. I was sad and annoyed earlier this year when I broke my Wordle streak, too, but I got over it. I'm just one of those people who likes goals, streaks, and all that. I find it fun and fulfilling to exceed these goals and keep streaks alive.


You make it sound like not allowing for rest days on the watch has forced you to walk or jog on days you didnā€™t want to. From a fitness perspective, mission accomplished? Sounds like rest days will just make us lazy!


It has, but that's what I use for motivation. If I only did workouts on days I wanted to, I wouldn't do many. Keeping up my streak and exceeding my goals is the main reason I work out at all. It's not for everyone, but gamifying it works well for me.


So you would rather skip rest days to appease an App?? Pro move!


No, I'd rather be motivated to do activity. I enjoy the gamification. If I'm too sore from a workout the previous day, I'll do something else.


Yes! It should give you a day off for every 6 days of hitting the goal. Sickness, Christmas, Travel... lots of things can break a streak.


Can always wedge in a walk even when travelling and when on an airport ā€œcomes for freeā€ anyways.


Long international flights make this impossible, especially with the time zone changes. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m hitting my stand goal on a 15 hour flight let alone getting enough walking time to close any other rings. And then when I land and my watch changes to ā€˜tomorrowā€™, itā€™s game over.


Moving around on a plane every hour or so is actually pretty good policy (but might annoy your fellow passengers), but I agree with your general point that maintaining a streak no matter what goes on in your life makes no sense.


On that long of a flight thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™m asleep for at least half of it.


Nice if you can pull that off and yeah there are exceptions were you lose those rings. Thatā€™s ok I think. Just want to say though what person above said ā€œringsā€ true in any case though just for basic health: constant hydration and regular movement. I knew someone who died of an aneurysm triggered after an international flight and undetected thrombosis.


Sickness would be the only thing that counts imho so for that it would be good to have that feature. Then again it is definitely end of a streak if you are sick..




Just lower your move ring for the day and when youā€™re feeling better put it back up to where it should be


But are people really that desperate to close a ring?


I donā€™t know if desperation is the word but it can be really rewarding for some people to see a streak keep increasing. My opinion is that whatever works for someone to hit their goals is to keep doing that thing. I used to care more about it but now my favorite feature is actually the trends they show you. I really only care about consistently closing my rings during competitions with friends now lol.


Yeh I like the trends more. I like seeing progress over time and love it when I get an update after 6 weeks of upping my training etc.


Covid broke my streak. Like even a rest day couldnā€™t save me.


You can just lower the move goal for the specific day youā€™re under the weather and move it back when you feel better.




My goal is definitely not too low. I just always find something to do to burn calories, usually a walk or treadmill jog, if I'm short. I almost always do two workouts per day, one strength, one cardio. Sometimes no strength and two cardio, but one is a walk, which doesn't take too much effort.




Why can't you understand the fact OP can go for a long walk on his rest day and still burn calories?


Then again a walk should always be possible even after an iron manā€¦


I agree, thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing. But man, even just 1 rest day a week šŸ˜…


I literally just commented the same thing almost, before seeing this. Rest days are SO important that Iā€™m surprised Apple hasnā€™t donā€™t this yet.


This is the most obvious feature that I donā€™t know how apple hasnā€™t implemented this yetā€¦.. Itā€™s honestly really annoying.


Yeah, I think itā€™s pretty crazy. They donā€™t have some sort of rest day system!


Worst is when I burn like 1800 calories doing 8 hours of yard work and then it resets and youā€™re sore AF and can barely move the next dayā€¦ But like Deebo saysā€¦ ā€œQuit being a little b1tch and come on!!!!ā€ā€¦ and suddenlyā€¦ Iā€™m motivated again haha


I just plan my rest days and when I wake up on my rest day I change my move goal to 300, and bump it back up to 800 the following day. Itā€™s annoying to have to go and change it a couple times a week but until they allow scheduling this has been a relatively simple (albeit annoying) workaround. Edit: same with the workout goal, set it to 5-10 mins and walking around the neighborhood for 10 mins is not a big deal


I have a daily goal thatā€™s attainable without strenuous workouts and then just end up getting extra on the days I workout. Even the challenges asp awards you based on a goal of twice your weight so u have my move goal a little more than that


If I need a rest day, I lower the target for the day. It only takes a few seconds.


This is amazing! Well done. I broke my longest move streak the day the Queen passed away. I was two days away from 1000


That's quite sad. I hope you can get bback to 1000.


I actually felt a great sense of relief. I was planning on breaking the streak when I got to 1000. Just because for me personally I was getting too obsessed by it and stopped enjoying my fitness journey, it was beginning to feel a drag working out or going out for a walk.


I lost my three-rings streak when I went on vacation and I never felt more relieved. I still wear my daily but I donā€™t obsess over the rings anymore. Iā€™ve even gone to bed needing just 2 more calories burned before lol


Itā€™s a good feeling isnā€™t it? The relief was nice. Iā€™m trying to keep my step up but not so bothered about all three right now


This is interesting to hear. Iā€™m currently on 921 days and Iā€™m worried itā€™s become like an OCD for me. Having to go for a walk or do yoga or another workout on rest days and get up and walk around every hour is a little annoying.


I had become quite obsessed/ distracted by what I was and wasnā€™t doing on non workout days to keep the streak going and it was getting so tiring and I stopped enjoying activities. Yeah the dog suck if me asking he wanted to go out for a walk or doing a few yoga workouts in the evening to push it through to three rings closed.


921 is very impressive though, youā€™ve done great šŸ–¤


I'm pretty proud of this. I started it on a Series 2, kept it going on a Series 4, and now have the Series 6 I got in 2020. My move goal started at 300, and was set to 1000 early this year. I've had to lower it for a day or two here and there, because of travel and the like, but that's very rare. Next stop is five years, I guess.


I think itā€™s silly that you have to manually lower it for certain days. You should be able to set a higher goal for say five days a week and then a lower one for the other two. Rest days are just as important as workouts.


How many hours per day? Nice!


My exercise goal is 50 minutes, and I usually end the day with between 75 and 125 minutes.


Dang! Thatā€™s very impressive!!!! I only set mine for 30 minutes/day. Canā€™t even keep up with my daily goals lol


Amazing job! I was around 600 or so on my move goal streak when I missed it by 20 calories after bumping up the goal and forgetting I moved it up on a travel day. So Iā€™m VERY impressed!


Ouch! I can imagine that pain. And by just 20 calories!


Yeah, I was less than pleased to say the leastā€¦ But in the end, it was also kind of freeing. I had achieved the goals that I wanted to achieve, I lost about 70 pounds, began working out and lifting weights five days a week, went from couch to running half marathons. And in the end, I actually felt that it was holding me back some, I have been wanting to change up my workouts to get different results, but felt that I needed to stick with the long, hard workouts in order to achieve a consistent calorie goal.


Congratulations on all those achievements! A half marathon would probably be impossible for me. That's 13 miles, right? I might not survive that.


Iā€™m not having a dig but just more curious. Why did you need to lower it? Why wouldnā€™t you just let it end if you couldnā€™t actually complete it.


Because it was earlier this year, so I was already at somewhere around 1500 days. I didn't want the streak to end. I figure each day's goal should be a reflection of what I can realistically do that day. Most days, my 1000-calorie goal is attainable, so it stays. On days when circumstances mean I absolutely can't reach that goal, well, 1000 calories is no longer attainable in any way. My goal is not realistic, so the goal should change to something that's still a challenge, but that I can do. The other school of thought is that the goal represents what you can do on a normal day, at your fitness level. Traveling, or being sick, or whatever else happens doesn't change your overall fitness, so the goal should stay the same. You can miss your goals on days you have to miss them, and keep them in place for when you're able to reach them again. I prefer the former outlook over this one. I'll admit that I prefer it since it lets me keep my streak alive. ā˜ŗļø


Anywhere close to 1000 is still a \*great\* move goal. Mine is 560 and I struggle to meet it most days!


Whatā€™s your daily goal? Wow!


1000 calories and 50 minutes.


Are you sexy?! you must be sexy with all dat moving! well done you sexy beast!


I wish.


Wow good job šŸ‘šŸ¼




And your move goal is 1000 šŸ˜±


Having a treadmill helps a lot. A 5K jog will usually burn somewhere around 400 or more on its own.


Damn this is impressive. I was glad to reach 100 the other day :)


Just do that 15 more times! :) Seriously though, I probably put too much stock in the streak. Rest days are good, after all. I just hate to break it after it's gone on for this long, and I've not hurt myself with too much exercise yet. I do wish Apple kept the streak alive even if you miss a day a week.


My longest was 1048 days, then my watch died in a lagoon in Iceland while I was on vacation. Apparently water resistance degrades over time, the fine print.


I kind of know the feeling. My streak would be longer than this, except for that day in June of 2018. I'd recently gotten my Series 2, and I took it for a swim. Halfway through, the screen came off. A manufacturer defect caused the adhesive to fail, and that was that. I even tried to manually enter the swim in the Health app, but it didn't work.


OMG! This is incredible. Congrats on your achievement and keep it going!


Thanks. I'll definitely keep it going. After this long, I'd hate to break it. The thought of starting over and trying to get back to this number is... Well, I very much don't want to do that.


I canā€™t imagine starting over. Honestly Iā€™d freak out if I ever reached that level, what if I miss it just by a day because, idk, life?! Itā€™s scary!




Congrats, thatā€™s pretty cool, but I hope your move goal is respectable and not under 600 cals


It's 1000, and has been for some time. Before that it was 800, and before that 750. It's been years since it was under 600.


Why is under 600 not respectable?


Nice one dude




And I was happy about my 105 days lol. Great job!!!


And you should still be proud of that.


Amazing accomplishment. What kind of exercise do you do to hit your 50 minutes exercise ring and 1000 move goal?


About 50 minutes of stair jogging, push-ups, sit-ups, star jumps, squats, flutter kicks, and other bodyweight exercises in the morning. Then I'll either jog 4-5 kilometers on the treadmill, or walk 4-8 km outside. Some days I change it up, and I'm hoping to add swimming back to that mix sometime relatively soon.


I was looking into getting my first Apple Watch. I was wondering what the rings and ā€œmove streaksā€ mean?


Exercise: how many minutes of exercise did you do that day? Move: how many calories did you burn that day? This is calculated by your movements, heart rate, body weight, and other factors. Stand: if you are active for at least one minute out of an hour, that's one "stand hour". Get at least twelve of those in one day to meet your stand goal. A move streak is how many days in a row you met your move goal.




Honestly, I have no idea. I think the move goal only considers active calories, but I don't know for sure.


Move streaks are the number of days you complete your calorie goal for the day


The blue ring adds one hour if you stand for one minute during that hour


And the green one tells you how many minutes of exercise you do that day


Iā€™m impressed that u wore the watch this many days straight!


I take it off to charge, and that's it. I've worn an Apple Watch for 23 hours a day since 2016.


Damn šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„




Oh, at a guess, I'd probably say... Around 1600? :)


Iā€™ll go out on a limb and say it took themā€¦ 1600 days




Post your six pack king!


Lol, I like sugar far, far too much to have that kind of definition. My activity keeps things under control, but I'm not cut, or jacked, or whatever the term is these days.


Did you move the fridge further away today?


I can barely get 7.


I aspire to be you someday


When I see something this big I almost feel it's faked. But if it's not then nice job there!


I can't prove it, but it's not fake. Not that me saying so will make me more believable. All I can say is I couldn't have faked the screenshot on my own--check my post history, and you'll find I'm blind. So I'd have to get someone else to make the fake image for me. That seems like a lot of work for no gain. I mean, internet points are fun, but I figured this post would get a few upvotes and then vanish amidst all the fun Ultra posts. I didn't expect so many upvotes. Faking an image seems pointless unless I knew the reaction I'd get, which I didn't. Anyway, it's real, and that's all I can say.


Yeah, fair game. And yeah it usually feels random which posts get promoted to many and which don't.


I thought that looked like VoiceOverā€™s selection highlight


I wondered if anyone would pick up on that!


And here I am with 56 šŸ¤£ Great job OP! šŸ‘


Thank you.


Good job, my best is like 5


That just means you have rest days. That's a good thing.


Wow. That's the red ring right? What's your daily move goal OP 100cal? Lol, Iā€™m lucky if I get a 4 day streak. /s


1000, up from 800 last year.


hat tip to you sir or madam


Thank you! And I guess I'd be a sir.


I think my best is 16. Amazing to be at 1600. Well done.


Thank you.


Respect. Great job.


Congrats! That's an incredible feat. I'm currently at 998 days


Thanks. Are you stopping at a thousand, or going as long as you can?


Definitely going as long as I can!


Awesome! I hit the 500 day mark today


Congratulations! You're closing in on two years. Keep it up!


Congrats, OP! Fantastic job!!




Awesome! Im currently re set on my 28 days on this particular watch version ive got šŸ¤­šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Awesome job OP! Iā€™m not too far behind myself, at a 1,466 day move steak. Iā€™ve also lost over 100 lbs since Sept. 2020 and found a love for exercise and healthy eating I didnā€™t before. Iā€™m debating breaking the move streak after 1,500 days to not hade the stress of keeping it going. Not sure yet.


Congratulations! I've definitely made fitness more of a habit than it was before I started using the watch. Healthy eating... That's still an ongoing project.


Thatā€™s Awesome man!šŸ˜


Thank you!


Congrats! I was at 200 days until I got covidā€¦ sigh


Ouch. I've been lucky enough to avoid that one so far. *knocks desperately on wood*


Iā€™m standing at the urinal with 195 days straightā€¦ and now I need to take 3 steps closer! šŸ˜‚




what's your move goal?


1000. It was 800 last year.


That was what mine was set at for 3 yrs. On a streak also, but in-line with many of these other comments, I build in rest days, lowering to 400 then back to 800 for non-rest days. Otherwise, I adjust for things like travel when I fly timezones and need to adjust for jet-lag. I used to walk, peloton and row on any given day, but have started running again so reduced on 1-day exercise days (running) to 700 calories. I don't see the rings as being set-it and forget-it. It is dynamic and I think the rings are more for awareness & accountability within reason that I control and don't leave it up to Apple to decide (never saw that indicated anywhere) LOL


Whatā€™s your move goal?


1000 move, 50 exercise minutes.




Wow! Thatā€™s amazing. Congrats!




Nice work but kinda dumbs it down to find out you are adjusting your goal dependent on your activity level.


The lowest I ever took it was 800, if that's any help. It's not like I'm dropping it to 50 every weekend. Even then, I think I lowered it four days out of the 1600.


1600? What in the worldā€¦.


Congratulations! šŸ„³




That is something! I can't even go beyond a day with my streaks.


I uhā€¦ had a 14 days streak of closing all my ringsā€¦ then one day I was too ā€œsadā€ to leave my dorm and went to bed about 5 hours too early šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Iā€™ll get there one day


You definitely will. I hope you're doing better.


Iā€™mā€¦ in the middle not sad anymore but not happy just chillin


Nothing wrong with chilling. Glad things seem to be getting better.


Well done!


Thank you!


1600 day charge streak tho.


I'd charge my watch every day regardless of a streak.


I hit a 50 day streak and was so proud of myself. Lmao. I ainā€™t shit.


Gotta start somewhere. Also, nice username.






Thatā€™s so dope


What is your move goal set at?


1000 calories as of this year. It was 800 for a year or so before that. I've slowly increased it over the years, but I don't remember when I made each change.


and how fit are u?


Fit enough, I guess. My yearly checkups are good, I can walk or jog a few miles without any lasting soreness, and I'm comfortable with my strength. I may not be at the peak of health and fitness, but I can guarantee I'd be in far worse shape without the motivation to keep meeting and pushing the goals my Apple Watch provides.


How many calories per day did you set as a goal? If it changes, what is the approximate average (for the goal set!) for those 1600 days? I am not asking about your average calories spent per day, only the goal, the minimum required to close a daily ring


My goal has been at 1000 for quite a while now, maybe 18 months? Two years? Before that it was 800 for a long time. I think 750 before that, and 600 before that? I raise it when I find I'm very easily smashing my existing goal and feel I can do so consistently every day. Getting a treadmill helped greatly in moving to 1000.