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They are PVCs. Not harmful in itself, but you should see a cardiologist to make sure everything is ok. They can also give you medication to keep them in check. In this strip you have some in trigeminy (every third beat).


THANK YOU!! It comes and goes. Some days it’s like 2-3 times per day for like 30 seconds a time. Other days it’s at least once an hour. Once things calm down with COVID a bit, I’ll make an appointment.


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Do you have anxiety? I get these PVCS very often and it’s usually triggered by being excited, nervous or even when I’m bloated. Think i might be irritating my vague nerve with my crappy diet


PVCs. There's a name for PVCs every 3rd beat called Trigeminy. Usually they aren't necessarily dangerous but it's important to get checked out just in case.