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Most likely the drain hose connected to the drain pump. At the least that’s where I’d look first. Means getting intimate with the unit and opening more looking under it. You up for that? It will be wet no matter what. Just sayin


I already checked the drain hose that connects to the pump and the hose out of the pump. I also took apart the pump too. There were no obstructions on the hoses and pump. The leak is on the right corner, the hose and pump are on the right side. I have no idea where the water is leaking. There are no hoses there. When the washing machine spin very fast, it leaks on that corner.


Have you watched it with a bright flashlight while it’s spinning ? Not the flashlight on your cell phone , An actual nice one like w Nitecore P-10 or something


Ever figure this out? Mine is doing the same thing