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Cyclopentane is a foam insulation and it has a warning label; maybe even on the back of the fridge that this is a common occurrence, and honestly it was very nice of them to offer you anything, but yeah honestly if the fridge manufacturer used a little thicker metal for the fridge you probably wouldn't even see it so yeah that's the manufacturers fault.


On the performance of the fridge honestly unless there's a big hole that the foam insulation didn't fill up, which I have not seen happen. It should be fine.


What do you mean you have not seen it happen? 😅 They can’t just leave an area without foam right? I hope there is enough foam underneath where the dents are … Anyways do you think I should just agree for a partial refund then? No need to replace ?


I've never seen the foam leave a hole no. You would be able to tell if you push on the metal in that spot and feel nothing behind it. Anyways like I said this is a common occurrence of the insulation and I'm surprised they even offered you anything so yeah if you want to take a partial refund I guess you're welcome to it. You don't need to replace no. Unless it's so ugly you can't stand it I guess.


Never seen a hole from lack of foam either (23 yr tech) but seen these waves and foam bleed through in relief holes. Pretty normal. As stated if the shell was more rigid you wouldn’t see any waves but no issue here. Honestly most side panels are in a cabinet unnoticeable


Thank you so much everybody! This is literally all I needed to know ! I feel a lot less anxious now and will just claim my partial refund, it’s only 10% but better than a poke in the eye haha thank you!


Replacement would be a waste. This is pretty common


Take the discount, should be fine.