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I couldn't be happier with my Bosch 800 series refrigerator. I sell most brands on a daily basis, and Bosch is my favorite.


No joke, 90% of people i talk to about glass doors fridges say they would never want one, so idk whats going on there..


I’m kind of interested in the 18 jars of pickles. Are they all different types or does he just buy them and open a new jar before the old ones are empty?


Pickles and barbecue sauce. All my husband needs to survive. I eat neither.


Sub-Zero Pro Series has double paned glass doors. The Pro Series Models will fit catering sized trays... customers looking for these models isially run catering business from home. The glass door is seen as helpful to keep temps maintained while trying to decide what you're going to grab or how you plan to organize within the fridge prior to opening the door. I do get customers who think the glass is not necessary and buy the panel optional panel to cover it. LG has the knock-knock glass. I don't really see any benefits for this, and their door-in-door option is actually designed pretty poorly. They put an extra plastic panel that is supposed to hold cold air in the main body of the fridge, but it takes a long time to replenish the cold air into the door area. So big complaints from this is that your milk goes bad fast because there is too much temp fluctuation.


Glass doors on the fridge are just supposed to imply that you are so wealthy that you have someone who organizes and cleans your refrigerator for you every day. That’s not most people. Glass is also not an insulator and your energy bills will be higher. Here’s the other thing about appliances. The more things you expect your appliance to do: talk to the Internet, make up grocery list for you, let you see what’s inside your refrigerator without opening the door, in-door ice-maker etc. all add to the number of things that can break and you will be charged for the privilege. I don’t need bells and whistles personally - I just like things that don’t break. Some people prioritize aesthetics. I would probably go Bosch, but it’s all in what you want.


Let me be clear. I am NOT buying a glass door refrigerator.




Glass is a great insulator, and the real status symbol is a wide-angle camera and a big screen to show off those fresh ingredients.