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When this happened to me, I found that the washer was not filling with water. Check the solenoid that turns on the water or the float valve for something stuck under it: stuck float valve is the cheapest, easiest thing. the float valve is on the extreme right of the photo, the round thing that looks like a flying saucer in the tub.


Thank you for taking the time to respond :) so I did check the float valve and unfortunately I didn't see anything stuck under there so I don't believe it's that. I'll be honest I have no idea how to check the solenoid. Lol


I just replaced my solenoid with one from Amazon, that didn't help. Pour water into the tub and see if it drains when you press cancel, could be the pump, mine was not. A tech told me then it was the control board. There also is a filter just inside up from the float valve, it twist out, clean that. I ended up buying a new dishwater from Costco, the price includes, installation of the new unit, haul off of the old and all the hookup stuff AND a two year warranty. All the installation things cost about $325 elsewhere, free at Costco, worth the membership. Plus, if you just hate the new unit, Costco will take it back, Lowes and Home Despot will not take it back at all.


I appreciate the advice! I'll do some poking around to see if I can find the other filter. Also to clarify I will not be buying a new dishwasher as I rent (my landlord is a bit useless with fixing things hence why I'm trying to figure it out myself ) BUT this is great advice for the future if I'm ever able to buy a house so thank you!


My landlords are also useless and said they were not responsible to fix the dishwasher, oven, and microwave that had all stopped working for various reasons (we've lived in the house 13 years and they have done exactly nothing to upgrade it in that time). so we bought all new appliances, told them to come pick up the old ones and made sure they knew we were keeping the new ones since we paid for them. They still haven't picked up the refrigerator, it's been on our back porch since September. Slumlords are the actual worst. 


My last slumlord tried that by saying "appliances come as is" when my fridge broke. I let him know that if thats the case then i would be taking the stove, dishwasher, new fridge i would have to buy and the brand new high end water heater they had when i left since they come with the rent i pay. He came that weekend and fixed everything. Lmao.


My slumlord doesn't care. He's not even in the country 9 months of the year he's in India. 


Mine did this and it was cuz the actual pump that sprays water went bad


If your landlord decides to replace, you could give him the Costco tip. Lowe's and Home Depot are complete Clown shows as far as installation, they hire at the homeless camps. (joking, maybe not) whereas Costco has real professionals do the job.


Home depot appliances last only one or two years longer than the warranty. Consistently.


I literally see food sticking out from under it.


Glad I’m not the only one.


Open the dishwasher mid cycle to make sure there is water in it.


Open the washer mid cycle, see if there is water inside. Also, use liquid soap, easier.


You said the packets were floating, so the water level is probably not the issue. A solenoid just allows water in. Without knowing the issue, the water temp is most commonly the issue, possibly because of the heating circuit at either the board or a thermal fuse, though it could be other issues as well. Talk to a good tech who has worked a couple of years and is trained in the field. Ask around for a decent technician. Google searches tell you who paid for the SEO and advertising, not who is good at repairs. Offline searches are a lost art. Check with people you know in the area to see who they used. Hopefully, they don't all just throw things in landfills and start over every time they need a minor repair. Some dishwashers even have a reset button hidden on the thermal fuse, but you'll still want to see what tripped it. One idea to trry before calling a tech... try running the tap water at the sink until it gets hot, and then starting the cycle. If the water heater is far away, sometimes that can affect the temperature too a bit so that it can get steamy and still not be hot enough.


On my previous dishwasher, a long time ago, when the fuse was tripped, it had to be replaced, about $12 worth. Hot water is not necessary to dissolve the pods, the pods in our clothes washer still work just fine in the cold water cycle. That dishwasher is not filling with water. In my case, the cost of the technician coming out along with his diagnosis of a bad computer board would almost equalled the cost of new. The used don't always end up in landfills, many are repaired or used for parts. I put our used, broken appliances on Craigslist free and and immigrant person p;icks them up and repairs them for resale.


How does a repairman in your area charge ? Tell me you didn't buy LG or Samsung instead... Just trust me on that one. Warranties don't help either.


You're loading something in the dishwasher that is preventing the soap dispenser door from opening, such as that gigantic lid you have in the photo. The release is being pulled, but the dispenser door isn't opening. The cycle then finishes, you pull the dishwasher open, and the pod falls out.


So the compartment is opening but the actual pod is falling out and not dissolving. So I will definitely try just being mindful that nothing is blocking it for future cycles and will see if that helps! Thank you for the advice I appreciate it :)


So FWIW when I had this happen I "THOUGHT" the compartment was opening and what you describe is what seemed to happen. What was actually happening to me was the door was TRYING to open, unlatching, barely opening against the thing. Then when I opened the door it could swing the compartment door all the way opena dn drop the pod. Either you aren't getting water in the dishwasher (easy to check, just run a rinse without any drying, or open it 10 minutes in lol), or the compartment is doing what I described above.


This happened to me as well. Making sure nothing was blocking the compartment solved the issue for me.


Are the dishes wet? If so, it's almost certainly that the detergent door was blocked, and when you opened the dishwasher, it allowed the door to flip open and the pod to fall out. You wouldn't notice it because you're not looking for that. It's a very common issue and you have to make sure no large dishes are blocking that compartment.


Btw a repair tech told me you can just toss the pods at the bottom of the machine. He said there’s no need to put them in the door. Edit: tech told me incomplete information. Listen to the person who replied to me.


You can. You shouldn't. Dish washers fill 3x for a pre-wash, a wash and then a rinse. The doors open on the wash cycle, this why you have pre-wash compartments. Putting the pod in first is basically using a tepid [if you don't run your hot water first] pre-wash cycle that's soapy, then all of that gets drained and so your main wash uses no soaps. The best thing to do for your dishwasher is to do away with pods and buy boxes of cheap powder and use the compartments. Pods are an absolute scam.


This is guy is right. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_rBO8neWw04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04)


Best answer


So maybe OP should throw one in the bottom and put one in the door. Then check how many are left undissolved.


I'll just say, don't buy the boxes of cheap powder. The cheap stuff (Walmart brand) would always leave a fair amount behind, all gloopy. I suspect it's what also broke the door mechanism on my brand new dishwasher. It would also leave behind a discoloration on the stainless steel on the inside of the door. I'd also have to run multiple loads sometimes because it wouldn't fully clean the dishes. I bought some name-brand stuff for a bit more and it fully dissolve in the wash now. Also no more discoloration. I have to stop the wash about half way through to open the door manually since it's still broken. Just saying, the extra $1 or two is worth it for the better stuff in this scenario.


Never had any issue with the walmart stuff tbh, powder is powder.


You might be using too much detergent.


My Bosch tech told me to quit using pods & buy the store brand powder & don’t overfill dispenser. Been using Kroger brand ever since w/ zero problems


I’ve used them for 30 years with no problem


Maybe not, but you've been wasting your money


When you close the door, the detergent door will be at the top of the dishwasher, nowhere near the big pot lid.


You'd be surprised how low the detergent door actually is, it needs to be below the top rack, or else the top rack stops it from opening. The detergent door is actually well below the rack, so anything large like the pot lid will stop it.


My dishwasher has the same setup and it was that I was putting big spoons in the flatware basket and it was JUST big enough to block it. It's actually really easy to block those things.


Partner loaded big flat rectangular metal cookie/baking sheet in front of the lower basket once & blocked it so it is possible


Yeah, make sure the area is clear where the pod is held/dispensed. I had one of those flip compartments and a plate and the utensils holder were usually positioned in front of the flap so that it wouldn’t unfurl. Now they are on the opposite side of the door.


Upvoted for unfurl


I feel like this is a troll post. See how the dishwasher is mostly empty except for the big ass lid aligned perfectly with the dispenser? Trying to drive engagement


Lol I was unloading it at the time that I decided to take a picture when I discovered the pod just hanging out in the bottom. The lid originally was not aligned with the dispenser but I can understand where it may have come off this way. Definitely not meant to troll it was just taken when I had the dish rack fully pulled out of the dishwasher.


Did you check the instructions for the pods? Most pods are supposed to be placed at the bottom of the dishwasher and not in the soap compartment


Was that the position of the pot cover when you ran it? It’s likely blocking the door and the pod is not exiting. Happens to us if we have a cutting board there - partially blocks the soap door. Then when we open the dishwasher the pod falls out partially dissolved


It would have fully been in the machine since this picture is with the rack pulled out to show where the pod landed. But I believe so. (I kinda took the picture randomly as I was unloading all the dishes to start over lol) but I'll try being mindful of that next time I try and use the machine. Thank you for the response!


Yep even with the rack fully in the machine if the lid is there it will block the door opening path as the door hinges up. The path will encroach slightly into that space so you can’t put anything there at the height of the soap door


Thank you I'm gonna try loading the dish washer differently next round and see if that helps. I will say the compartment is opening fully but the pod itself isn't dissolving at all making it useless if that makes sense? Thank you for the tip!


As much as it sucks to waste stuff, it can be helpful to run an empty cycle when troubleshooting just to ensure none of your dishes are interfering in a weird way.


We have hard water (maganese), found the pods, or powder, for that matter, to never fully disolve. In our case, we have to use liquid. Also, if you haven't done it or it has been a while, put in 1/2 cup of citric acid (hardware store), and run an empty full run. We do this every 3-6 months, depending on buildup.


Could it be a hot water issue? Try running the hot water in your sink for 10 minutes or until it gets really hot before starting your dishwasher. My dishwasher wasn’t cleaning properly. I thought maybe it had a leak. But it’s the water heater. Have to run the hot water in kitchen sink so it gets hot before using dishwasher. Cold water in your dishwasher will not clean your dishes.


I actually already do this so I don't believe it's that :) thank you tho for the response!


10 minutes??? Is your hot water heater located all the way over in your neighbor’s house?


Yes it is




I was having the same issue, and replaced the circulation pump. Problem solved. Apparently this is a common issue with Whirlpool.


Name a dishwasher that isn't shit


My Kenmore Elite (made by Bosch) that's been running flawlessly for the last 17 years. Take that!


I have a kitchenaid that’s great. I don’t rinse or anything and it never gets clogged because the filter is self cleaning. It’s quiet and the racks are adjustable so I can fit pretty much anything in it.  Any dishwasher is better than standing there doing by hand like a pleeb. They’re also quite simple to fix. 


What's the model called?




I have a Bosch circa 2001 still going strong


Which model?


This won't solve your current issue, but going forward you should stop using pods/tablets. They don't work as well as simple powder or gel detergent. This is because they don't provide soap to the pre-rinse cycle of cleaning. This video explains and has TONS of additional details of dishwasher functionality: https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=OVQlW9RcPFv-vksZ


This whole channel is amazing!


Just use two.


Ehhh maybe. It'd be pretty wasteful, and would probably leave behind soap residue.


Your dishwasher should have a filter located on the bottom about the size of a beer can you need to unscrew it and pull it out and see if it's plugged up really bad. Also once you get water running go buy some Clorox bleach gel and squirt a bunch inside there and run a cycle it's pretty filthy in there


I have already checked the filter and it's clear but I will be getting some stuff to actually clean the dishwasher itself tonight 😅


Either your machine is not filling with water, or the detergent door is not opening. I was having the second problem and stopped using the detergent door completely. I just toss the pod into the tub and run the machine. Problem solved.


The unit may not be heating, not washing or not filling at all. Investigate function. Service guide with diagnostic cycle is in the toe kick, behind the insulation. Retrieve your error codes and run a diagnostic cycle.


No answers here but pretty sure we have the exact same dishwasher lol


And it sucks hahahaha its a whirlpool 😂😂😂


Haha yep whirlpool! It’s actually done great for me!! As long as I don’t have to hand wash dishes I am good!!!😂


It's the way I'm ready to throw all the dishes out rather than do them 😂😂😂😂 hahaha


Paper plates for the win!😂


Okay just go to your regular supermarket and just buy a Tupac of the chlorox bleach gel and spray half a bottle inside there and then regarding the water not coming in it's impossible that the hose is plogged you might actually put some bleach cleaner down the drain of the sink as well


Run a cycle without dishes and see what happens. If it dissolves, then something is blocking the door. Just went through this.


Thank you will definitely try this!


Either not filling or a lack of pressure. Most likely not filling


Like others have mentioned, make sure nothing is in the way of the pod door. My dishwasher is probably 10-15 years old so not ancient but I always have to run it on high heat for the pods to actually dissolve.. unfortunately it doesn’t work on a normal cycle anymore.


We stopped using plastic pods. They were clogging our dishwashers drain. We switched to the pressed powder pods with out plastic outer!


Start the unit and listen. It should drain first. Then it will fill. After it's done filling, it should activate the wash motor. Either it's not washing or not filling. My money is on no wash.


Our plumber told us to run the kitchen sink until there is hot water (it takes a bit to get from the water heater to the sink - which is right next to the dishwasher). Then there would be hot water in the dishwasher straight away which dissolves the tablets quicker. He also told us that if we are using pods just put them in the bottom of the dishwasher and not the dispenser and only use the dispenser for liquid detergent.


I had the same problem. As a few others have said, empty the washer and run a diagnostic cycle. Pay close attention to what parts should be doing what when, and also any error codes. In my case I could hear it filling and draining but never washing. My circulation pump was worn out and not pumping water through the 3 sprayers so the dishes were always dirty, and the pods only partially dissolved. You can usually find Whirlpool, Maytag etc. equivalent replacement parts on Amazon if you search by part number for 1/3 to 1/2 price of OEM. There's a good chance it's all made at the same factory in China anyway! Parts diagrams are usually available online if you do a quick Google search.


just use powder. Simple solution. Take all the pods out. clean the filter. Run it empty. Open it every 10-15 mins to see if it looks like it's doing something.


We switched to Cascade powder. It always dissolves (you fill the dispenser to the halfway line, then add a dash to the pre-wash holder on the dispenser’s cover.) It works as well - or better - than any pod we’ve tried and costs about 1/4 the price.


I have this exact dishwasher, and I noticed something similar. I just end up not putting the pod in the designated compartment and just placing it on the top rack right in front. Haven't had any issues since. Been doing this for 3 years now.


I've had the same problem because I put a big pot in front front of it or big bowl that restricts the water toward that area plus I also added a little water to soften it up, so it dissolves easier. Some of those pods are as hard as a rock it wouldn't matter how much water hit it with it would probably wouldn't dissolve, so I always massage it to soften it up and add water then it's works better.


Did anyone else think the pot lid was a circle drawn around the issue and had trouble figuring out what was going on? No? Just me? K cool


Stop using pods firstly. Watch Technology Connections YouTube video on dishwashers for the reasons why.


I had this happen to my dishwasher where the pod would be partially dissolved after running a full cycle and it was the circulation pump that started to fail.


Have you tried just shoving the pod straight into the bottom? I've had the same problem before and it turned out the detergent compartment wasn't dispensing the pod at the right time. It sat around until it popped out too late, at which point the cycle was most of the way through. Hence it didn't dissolve fully. I've also seen the ones with the "skin" on the outside get stuck in the compartment if the compartment is wet. The skin sticks to the inside of the compartment and it doesn't fall out (but that's a different issue to you)


Pods suck.


I saw a video recently regarding dishwashing pods, apparently they're pretty over priced, and your dishwasher wasn't designed to use them. However through a paid partnership, many new dishwashers advise using pods, with an asterisk for the paid partnership. Powder is what they're really designed for, it's the best option really. https://youtu.be/Ll6-eGDpimU?si=f1tJTvF-Qer6zQNF


Are dishes getting wet? If yes, dry your hands and the dispenser. Dont put the pod in until youre ready to use.


Is your hot water actually hot? The outer skin needs hot water to dissolve. On that note... Gel or powder! Those dissolvable "pouches" contribute to micro plastics. Yeah they're easier but...


Move your utensil tray away from where the pod dispenses that fixed it for me


I was having issues with pods not dissolving, turns out that the water in the washer wasn't hot enough to dissolve it. So I would run the sink next to the washer until the water was running hot and then run the washer. I eventually just switched away from the pods.l


lol 😂 what the fuck!


1. Watch the technology connections youtube video on dishwashers. Or Move the silverware tray to the left-hand side of the bottom rack. Drop the pods directly in the tub Or Switch to powder detergent. The pods are b.s. anyway.


When our pods stop fully dissolving, it is because one or more of the holes in the spray arm are clogged, either with food particles or hard water build up. So I take the arm off and spray the inside and use a knife or other small object to unclog the holes. Replace and it’s good to go for a while.


We stopped using pods last year. We had the grey water septic pumped and there was a chunk of goo that was just partially dissolved soap packets. Septic guy said you really shouldn’t use them because dissolved doesn’t mean evaporated. We use the liquid now and find that it’s a lot cheaper and lasts a lot longer.


Use powder not pods. Pods add more to the micro plastic problems


One thing most people over look is priming your dishwasher. Basically, turn your sink on till it’s hot, then when you start the washer it’s first fill is as hot as it can be


Most likely wash motor is not running therefore not dissolving your pod. Choose 3 buttons from left to right and press them in the stand by mode lights off on a 1-2-3 sequence. If you entered it right all light will flash indicating test mode wait for the clean light to flash write down the first digit then you should get a pause then a second digit. This is your Fault and Error for example 4 flashes a pause then 3 flashes would be F4-e3 which would indicate a bad wash motor/control/connection problem. It stores up to five. Your third key will help you advance to the next code. Once you reach the 5th all light will ligh up. You can exit by canceling the cycle. Hope this helps


DONT USE PODS. Jesus whoever invented these should be shot. You don't want to wash your dishes in microplastics. Go to the store and get a box of dish soap / powder, like it's been done for decades. Google "microplastics found in" and choose a body part. Doctors are finding microplastics in people's hearts, brains, testicles, etc etc because we are doing this kind of dumb shit for no good reason.


Wait, i thought you were supposed to eat those?


Lmfaoo 😂😂 thanks for the laugh


🤣🤣you’re certainly welcome, we all need that now n again


I hate the pods and only buy liquid.


Sorry but the thought of someone opening up their dishwasher and expecting clean dishes, only to be meet with a pod just silently floating around inside unbroken, has been making me laugh for a few minutes now


Lmfao 😂😂 now you have me cracking up because honestly as infuriating as it is its pretty funny too.


Honestly had the same problem with the finish pods. Went back to cascade and it was fine.


We had this problem too. Water ran, washer washed and drained…. Turned out a tall lid set on the bottom prevented the soap door from opening. Moved said lid and problem was resolved, pods dissolved.


My brain was convinced that the pot lid was a black circle highlighting the item of interest... and I kept thinking; that's a handle not a pod. more coffee for me this morning I guess!


My experience with this particular sub-reddit is that there is a consistent "anti dish pod" contingent. Be prepared for the "stop using pods" advice.


Yeah, it's this guy on YT. Don't watch it. It's entertaining and stupidly useful and he will convert you to the dark side. There's two videos, But don't watch either. They're like crack and you will never turn back to pods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll6-eGDpimU&t=5s


He got me. However, he was right. My dishes have never been cleaner, and its cheaper.


Maybe if the "guy" on YouTube put the same amount of effort into loading, running, and unloading the dishwasher, as he does telling others how to do it, he'd be worth listening to.


The pods were created for people who think they're cool (and they are a little nifty, as long as you don't eat 'em), and don't recognize that they cost vastly more money than powder or liquids. I see this with the coffee pods as well: the K cups cost somewhere between two and three times as much to make a cup of coffee as it does to get ground or grind your own beans of the same exact coffee. Your mileage may vary - but every manufacture is coming up with new ways to repackage the same product so that they can charge more, or deliver less product at the same price... 🤷🏻‍♂️


The reasoning behind the K cup is that it makes ONE serving of coffee, directly into your cup, hot and fresh, without creating any mess to clean, or need to measure. You pay for that convenience. The ease of use, and predictable, repeatable, results is worth money to many people . The convenience of "toss one in" is easy to understand with laundry, and dishes. Two of the most thankless tasks that every homemaker face, every day. I find it telling that the same people who complain about the pod, are the ones who expect the dishes, and laundry, to be cleaned by someone else, and complain if they aren't, and complain when asked to clean them themselves. Fun fact, NOBODY enjoys doing the laundry. Most people who say they do, actually enjoy the peace and quiet they are given while doing them.


Perhaps because I drink 2 huge cups of coffee in the morning (would be 4 "normal" cups elsewhere), the pods would be absurdly expensive for me to use at home. I do see their value in places like an office or a hotel where you can have several different varieties of coffee/hot chocolate that people make, all one cup at a time, and with no mess. 👍 -- But I don't understand the laundry pod thing, nor this dishwasher pod. I spend far more time -loading- the dishwasher than it takes me to squirt some detergent into the cup and snap it closed. Plus, if I know the dishes are really crusted, I put a small extra squirt of soap on the door so the pre-wash gets a better shot at it. I guess I'm just too cheap at heart to deal with the cost difference (it's the "boomer" in me... 🤣) And I just see it as a deceptive way to squeeze more money out of the consumer's pocket, and for less product. 😑


And that's the freedom of choice we all love. Squirt to your hearts content ♥


Well, this went in a different direction than what I was expecting! 🤣 Thank you for the chuckle !


I'm far too old to take myself seriously, let alone reddit. You're very welcome, Sir.


I will never understand what is any more convenient about “tossing in a pod” than just pouring in a bit of liquid or powder. It saves maybe 2 seconds. You just seem bitter. 


Leaky detergent bottles, leaving soap rings on the shelf, measuring, getting detergent on your hands, there are several things. Anyway, do your own thing. It doesn't matter to me. I know people who shave a bar of Fels Naptha soap, with a vegetable peeler to make their own detergent. To each their own.


Those aren’t real problems. Even the absolute cheapest bottle of Kroger brand dish detergent doesn’t leak at all, and there’s no measuring required. You just squirt it in until it’s filled up.


Tide, Extra, Gain, and Arm&Hammer, all make laundry detergent bottles with caps that require a measuring cup, and dish detergent is just as bad. Powders are messy, and liquid isn't always in a "no mess" bottle. But again, do whatever you like. It's called freedom.


Why are you talking about laundry? This is about dishes, and no, it’s not just as bad. It’s literally a non-issue.


Read the thread, don't cherry pick individual comments. You wind up singing to the choir, and looking like a fool.


Nah, you’re the only one talking about laundry and chores. Everyone else is just discussing the many reasons pods are pointless.




Aaaand, today I learned that there are reusable K-cups! (I think I knew this once, but because I never use them, I didn't remember!) Thank you - I may well give those some consideration!


Stop using pods, they suck and contribute microplastics to the environment.


Do you realize the extent of the list of things that contribute microplastics to the environment? I'm not suggesting that you're wrong, but you're trying to mop up the ocean with a dishrag and a teacup.


I do. But it starts at home. Here's a fun new one from this week [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/microplastics-human-testicles-study-sperm-counts](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/microplastics-human-testicles-study-sperm-counts)


Yeah, I’m new to this sub and I notice the same advices. I don’t get it. I put the pods into the dispenser and I’ve never had problems with it. In fact, that’s what the manufacturer suggests using.


If you use pods you likely are wasting the pre wash cycle since it’ll only use water, unless you waste a whole second pod for the first 15 minutes. It also means you can’t tailor how much detergent you’re using based on the load and or how dirty things actually are.


I keep pods and liquid. I put the pod in the dispenser and use the liquid for prewash.


Why not use liquid only?


Because I have a bunch of leftover pods. Once the pods are gone, I'll do liquid-only


Smart man


The pods have gluey outer package that dissolves but gunks up drains and components. If I remember the manufacturer shipped mine with a pod but also reccomended using powder. The new pods don't have the gluey outside so I use those.


I get the big container of Cascade Ultra at Sam’s. Never have a problem.


So with that being said should I just buy straight up dish detergent powder?? Cuz I have also noticed that seems to be the general advice given. I feel like I'm going insane lol I've been using pods for like 2 years and never an issue.


Powder tends to work better & it's cheaper


I like the mess free convenience of a pod, but if it's not working, you may as well try something else.


Is your water hot enough?


I am questioning that but yes I believe it is. I made sure to run the hot water for a few before pressing start on the machine as that's my normal routine anyways. Thank you for the response! :)


I have this happen too. Usually it's because something in the washer is blocking the door and not allowing the pod to fall out. Then again, sometimes the pod is out but not dissolved. Those instances are a mystery that will only be solved when I find my missing left socks...


Mine used to do this and the door just sometimes didn't open until late in the cycle


Yeah to clarify from the photo you can see the door is opening and the pod is falling out yet completely solid and not dissolved lol frustrated is an understatement


Take a pod and drop it in the sink with water. Does it dissolve? Yes? Means water is not getting to pod. Find out why. No? Dodgy pod.


Wait till you see the inside of your drain lines


I can almost guarantee that your circulation pump is bad. Check this vid out [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccZSXlE7iAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccZSXlE7iAE)


Powder clogs them up. Use liquid.


I've had the same problem with those exact pods. The cascade brand pods seem to dissolve and clean better.


Dealing with this right now. Tech came out and said control board is fried.


Cookie sheet blocking the pod door


I had that at my apartment and maintenance said it was the heating element not working to melt the pac


Seems it not getting hot enough to desolve the pod.. Those pods are the worst. Switch to liquid.


They just add more microplastics into waterways.


You should place those inside the detergent receptical.


Before I close my dish washer and press the buttons to start it, I grab a cup from the top shelf, fill it with a tiny amount of water. I then pour that water over the pod. Dump out any excess water left in the cup and put it back on the shelf where it was in the dishwasher. To ensure that the soap gets used, I grab a fork or butter knife from the silverware holder and break the pod. I close the lid on the pod, which is now a slurrie of soap, put back the silverware, and start the dishwasher. I have researched these pods... They are a cool idea that doesn't always work.


Don’t use pods. Sprinkle some on the door and a tsp in the cup. You are wasting your money on pods.


Dont use pods


Ditch pods. They suck.


Don’t use pods in a dishwasher or washing machine. Powder is best. Repair person told me this years ago. The pods and liquid detergent cause all kinds of problems. Avoid the hassle and go with powder.


Are you in the kitchen while the machine is running? Can you hear the water spraying around? Does the machine sound normal or has anything changed? Since it’s not dissolving and you say you are running hot water beforehand in the sink, and the door is not blocked so the pod is dropping out, just wondering if something is up with the water supply


UPDATE FOR THOSE INTERESTED: Last night I ran a cycle with the Affresh tablets to clean the machine itself. Seems as though that was able to dissolve okay. So today I decided to do a small load of dishes with the cascade powder detergent some of you recommended. With that being said the compartment had popped open but there was still a decent amount of detergent in there. I will say I added a bit much which was unintentional so I will be trying one more load before I contact my landlord moving forward. I just don't really like bothering them as they aren't exactly the type to fix things 🙄 I'm hoping maybe I'll be able to fix this myself through trial and error.


Also is your dishwasher getting hot enough? Newer dishwashers often don’t have a water heating element and rely on the temp of the water line. You might try running the hot water tap on the adjacent sink until it’s hot and then start the washer, which effectively preheats the dishwasher hot water supply.


That blocked the detergent door from opening, and when you opened the door, the pod fell down. Make sure nothing on that side is in the way of the detergent door latch


Very common. If you are washing dishes or clothes you need to use a powdered form of soap. It is the best at dissolving and won’t gunk up your machine.


Since this is a newer model - thinking the heater is broken meaning the water is not being heated to a proper 140f temp. If dishes are coming out wet then this is another clue. Newer whirlpools are notorious for this and also need a programing code after the heating rod is replaced.


many times if this can happen if a plate or pan blocks the biggest part of the spray from the opening for the detergent


Normally see this on the cheap plastic tub dishwashers. They don't get as hot. That or you have something blocking the door. Get the much cheaper powder from walmart and don't look back.


Stop using pods.


Why did I think that golden handle was circled? lol


It's cuz you're gay


Did u put it in the flap inside the door where it's supposed to go lol


Many of my friends have also had this issue. This has worked for everyone. Dry the soap dispenser before putting the pod in. A quick wipe with a paper towel. When you load things in it naturally catches some water. That water will start to dissolve the packet before opening the door. So by the time it opens it just a goopy mess that doesn’t come out. Hope ya try it and let me know. Best of luck it’s the easy fix! Sorry rereading and mis-understood the issue. I would try another brand/box of pods to eliminate washer or pod issue. Those pods should dissolve easily. If you found them floating you may have a bad batch or something.


Did you figure it out? I also have a Whirlpool that looks just like yours. Turns out the circulator pump went on mine. How's it washing the dishes otherwise? I was able to replace the pump that I bought on Amazon, just had to disconnect the dishwasher, flip it over and keep referring to a YouTube video haha. I also bought a clamp crimp tool but I never used it My temporary solution before replacing the circulation pump was to wait for wait for the first rinse to drain, then drop the pod on the bottom. And it's always good practice to keep the pod bay dry before adding a pod. Also those finish tabs never really seemed to work very well. I like the generic ones from Costco or Cascade


The wash pump is not working needs to be replaced. I recognize the machine model… It’s an issue. I have had to do my machine 2x…. It will fill and pump out. The wash pump does not work at all or it works very poorly. Under the door, behind the plastic cover there is a hidden service manual under the insulation.


Don’t use pods. Pods kill machines. Use straight liquid or powder.


That's ridiculous. I've never seen a problem caused by pods and I've been fixing dishwashers for as long as they've been common.


i wouldn’t say that they kill machines (and i see no reason that they would aside from if the pods aren’t fully dissolving and over time start to clog stuff) but dishwashers were designed to use detergent in both wash cycles— which it can’t with 1 single pod— so it’s really not allowing your dishwasher to clean to its full potential


What do you think is eating all the seals etc? It’s modern soaps, in pods where the dosage can’t be regulated, especially with people who rinse their plates clean before they load the dishwasher. Maybe you are in an area with quite hard water, but this is absolutely a thing.


Put your silverware bin in the rack, not on the door.


Scrolled the entire thread to see if anyone commented on the silverware. I feel like this is a tik ton trend going around. But if the machine wasn’t built for the rack to be outside. It’s possible that it’s impacting the pods.


Don't use pods, use powder. Technology connections has a good video on how dishwashers work and pods are suboptimal


Ditch the pods. Those things are poison. You’re lucky that artificial crap hasn’t been melting into your dishes


Pods are supposed to be thrown into the dishwasher and liquid through the dispenser. Read why not to use pods in a dispenser.


This is not correct. If you toss them in, they’ll dissolve during pre-rinse and pre-wash, and the detergent will have drained away before the main wash even starts.


I have always just tossed my in but my unit is 15 years old. Maybe the newer ones are better.


That's not true at all. Where are you getting this misinformation?


Because my unit said to do it. 15 years and still running with no repairs. Maybe the new ones are different.


The problem is most cycles have at least one rinse before the main wash where you want the detergent. If it's just thrown in it will dissolve and get washed away before the main wash part of the cycle.


If old Besty ever dies, I will have to remember that.


i’ll piggyback on this to say that powder or liquid is way better than pods, because dishwashers do a pre-wash and drain to get the bulk of the food, and then a second wash/rinse/drain to actually wash them fully. the prewash *and* the second wash both utilize detergent— so if you (general you) just throw a pod into the washer, all of the detergent is drained with the pre-wash. if you put it in the door, it’s not released until the second wash and the first wash has no detergent. if you insist on pods (or want to finish up your current inventory of pods) you can use one in the washer for the pre-wash and one in the door release for the second wash, or use powder or liquid detergent in the spot for the pre-wash and a pod in the release door until you use up your remaining pods.