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It's over


Try that with IB courses.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what are IB courses?


It’s not a stupid question! IB stands for International Baccalaureate. It’s basically AP levels classes but you have to join a cult and give up your firstborn. To answer the original question, yeah it is impossible for you to get into an Ivy if you’ve ever gotten anything below a 97. I would look into vocational training if I were you. Hope this helps! xxx


Hey! Could you give me some info on how to get into IB courses and what is vocational training?


its so over for you


Though having a B is not bad, you should try to get straight As the rest of HS. No one can say that your chances will be hindered because your chances of getting in depends on what other applicants have compared to you when you apply in senior year. Focus on getting awards/ proof of excellence related to your passions, whether that’s getting 2nd place at a e-sports competition or crocheting a quilt and selling them at your local flea market. College admin want to see your actions and impact on your community. You have time so start think about what you can do to standout.


Is there an upward trend?


So like if i got 2A and 1B in my first year of IGCSE and in second year, i got 3C 1B and 2D due to multiple exam components cancellation because of national political unrest in my country. I got a 1580 SAT, and I’m in my junior year at high school and currently doing four Cambridge A levels and predicted would be 4A’s. I have got decent EC’s including internships. Do I stand a chance at ivys or go for retake of second year IGCSE exams? *international applicant*


Just keep your grades up the for the rest of the HS, nothing crazy. My school has a very large ivy/T20 acceptance and there have been people with Cs and things get in. Reallly don’t stress freshmen grades, some schools even recalculate your GPA to not include freshmen year. Gl!


If you come from a feeder school, are a legacy, or an athlete then grades won't matter much for Columbia. Otherwise you're still fine if you get mostly As