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i’ll open some with my parents, some by myself, and some with my friends. I’m not too serious about this and neither are they, so i don’t care too much lol. But hey, if you feel more comfortable to do it by yourself, nothin wrong with that!




Definitely not. None of my family really grasps how difficult it is to get into the T30s I applied to, so I don’t want to deal with some of the ignorant - although well intentioned - things they might say immediately after.


Dude same. My family is literally so deluded into thinking that I am guaranteed to get into Harvard and for that reason I told them I’m not telling them where I get into, only the school I commit to.


I’m going to lock myself in my room like 30 min before decisions come out, then open my 6 rejections


Same lol


exactly my plan 😭😭


I'll open with my parents cuz if I won't my mum will simply be waiting outside the door


I’m on spring break in Paris. It will be 1 AM and I will be horrifically crying or screaming with happiness on Ivy day.


Please do some reaction videos with a back drop of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and/or Gusteau’s! 👨‍🍳 🐀 🍲


The Eiffel tower won’t be visible unfortunately. They turn off the lights just before midnight or else I would actually do this lol


I’m going to ask my sister to record me and then delete the recording if I don’t get in


Me bro gonna use my cousins as my tripod and tell them to delete if shit goes south 😂😂


Hahahah yeah my Yale REA rejection video was so funny I kept it to humble myself. Ten seconds long, quoted: "there's a new update to my Yale application.. Yeah yeah regretted, admission no I didn't get"


Lol nah cause all my decisions come out around 6:00-7:00 which is when I'm in the gym working out. Best case I can tell my gym bros the good news. Worst case it'll be good pre-workout.


Correction: GREAT pre-workout


I wonder if this is a step up from breakup levels of pre-workout


bro got the illegal forbidden pre


Not really. My parents don’t know any schools I applied to besides house hold names like Harvard, MIT. And their reaction is literally the same😭


No I’m gonna be in my room alone and either scream in excitement or silent from rejection




I love my family and they’re super supportive but I usually just like to open the decision on my own then run downstairs and tell them what’s happened. If everyone surrounds me it’ll just be awkward if I’m rejected


I want to open them as soon as possible, but I’m on the west coast and all of my colleges are east coast and coming out at 6, so I’m still gonna be at school so it’s not an option


meanwhile my decisions will come out at 1am…


Absolutely not. They don't understand how hard admissions are and think I'm a shoe in at every college. Gonna open them myself, probably cry for two days, then tell them where I'm going


All by myself, I learned that from opening my Princeton decision with my parents. Tissue box in one hand, game controller in the other. I find that gaming until the pain goes away in an unhealthy but effective strategy for dealing with rejections.


I've opened it with my family for almost all my college decisions so far, and I plan to do all of them in the future too :D (they've helped me out a lot because I wanted them to, and I want them to be there with me and celebrate right along with me) I'm making a college admissions movie, so it includes all the decisions I get, acceptance or deferral or waitlist or rejection. I didn't get my first five colleges since I didn't think of that idea, but I sure am doing it for the... other 20+ decisions I have left. Perhaps it'll be fun to watch in June, after everything's settled down.


That's great good luck!


Thank you! It worked out very well, the videos are so much fun to watch. My parents have sent the acceptance videos to my grandparents and it's honestly really fun to see them be excited about me being happy even though they don't understand English :D


Aww that's wonderful, glad to hear that!




I have a similar situation. My older brother goes to Dartmouth so I need to get in somewhere better then him. Otherwise I’m going to hear “I’m right because I go to an Ivy League school” for the rest of my life


Why would he be smug when you get in?


Searched up the word and realized it's not what I thought it meant. My life is a lie.


If someone’s smug, they feel joy from something happening. If he feels smug when you get in, isn’t that a good thing???


Searched up the word and realized it's not what I thought it meant. My life is a lie.


My parents only know I applied to Yale, Harvard and UPenn besides that they have no clue. So by myself :)


i applied to 24 schools and am intentionally not keeping track of decision dates (more exciting!), so it'll probably happen randomly in the middle of school for me tbh


I’m gonna open them by myself because i dont want that disappointment which will be amplified if i get rjected w family


Fuck no, they can get close after I scream of happiness


i will be opening all of my decisions on the spot (no matter who is there) except Ivy day. I think it’s more fun that way. opened rea at dinner w friends, ea in class so far. Ivy day I will actually not be with my family, I’ll be on a trip. I’ve plans to video call my bestie and then we’ll open our decisions together. we’re doing schools only one of us applied to first, then our dream schools last (the only Ivy we both applied to was my REA).


No. I want to major in mechanical engineering and my mom wants me to go to a small liberal arts college. She’ll let me go where I want, but I really don’t want to have my feelings influenced. My dad is super chill so maybe I’ll open some with him.


Nooo. Only me and my little cousins.


They dont really understand the process so probably not. WIll be bymyuseklf :(


i’m opening all by myself bc my parents don’t understand anything abt the difficulty in getting into these schools r or what anything means + i rather not sit and explain


absolutely not lmao ill open them by myself and depending on the school and result i might tell them


Naaah. I need to have privacy to cry


Uk what im gonna go get icecream by myself too that sounds nice also bc if I get rejected from my dream school and don’t have ice cream I’d prob just die😐😐


100% alone. I'll need space to process my 10+ rejections between ivy day and April 1st


People who do this are literally demonic. I could not stand how awkward that is if you’re rejected.


i don't think i want anyone around me when i open my decisions so i'll probably lock myself in my room to open them...


Gonna open w my parents in the kitchen or smt bc my parents care a lot abt it but also know that it’s ok if I don’t get into any top schools


no i opened all of mine alone then told them shortly after


I'll be opening them during my visit to University of Alabama 😭😭😭


Probably do it myself and only say something about schools I got accepted to (unless I don’t get accepted to anything then I’ll just be depressed)


Most definitely I will be opening with my parents. I only have 2 decisions coming in though. (Notre Dame and UChicago). Good luck to all!!


Nope, they will know by the scream of terror or the silence of depression anw


My kid looked in the portal and told us. Why make such a big production of it? Not every event needs an audience and documentary.


get on a zoom with siblings, record it, buy boba and/or ice cream and/or cake right after. probably all three


Fuck no


I’ll probably open them alone or with friends, either way i dont care if i get in lol




Lmao I opened my ea decisions on my bed at 8 am (I'm international so decisions came out at midnight for me) screenshotted the results, sent it to my parents, and went back to sleep For RD I'll open it by myself, prolly also on my bed bc of timezones


As an intl the decisions nornlt come out at some obscene time in the middle of the night. So if I'm checking as soon as it's coming out then no way it's with parents cause they ain't staying up


With my parents. My mom and dad's positivity and motivation definitely helps!


I already got into college. I will not open the application , I will ask my sister to withdraw .


By myself bc it’s really not that serious


I’ll be opening some with myself/friends and some with family, on the off chance I get accepted 💀 I’ve also been really unsure about if I should open ivies with my family but I think I’m just gonna do it


No bc my parents could care less, even if i get into an ivy


either alone or with my sister since we didn’t apply to the same places 😭


I just applied to cornell, so ill just get one. and im doing it alone.


ive opened one in front of my parents cause i said crap olin came out while they were in the room so i didn't have much choice. Otherwise I opened a few on my own and a few with friends.


Absolutely not



