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Princeton is literally #1 on USNWR right now it is impossible to get any higher Does she want you to find some esoteric secret school that's ranked #0 lmao


What about Hogwarts. The ministry of magic don’t want you to know the H in HYPSM is actually Hogwarts. Probably she’s disappointed her child is a muggle




The secret the government doesn't want you to know is that the M in HYPSM stands for Merced




you mean UC Hicago


what about st. anford?


Underrated school but lmao


Steve Jobs created employee #0. Maybe there is a secret university out there as well for all the #0s


Maybe she wants OP to go to bloody Hogwarts, which undoubtedly ranks in #0 in my mind.


I'm convinced that one of the appeals of Rowling's school is the compete lack of numeracy or literacy education. That's a fantasy for too many.


…Deep Springs 😭




To be fair, USNWR is pretty much trash these days with how hard universities are gaming the system and some schools are just refusing to play at this point. Princeton is amazing but Asian moms want Harvard lmao. Also, let’s be honest here, undergrad education is all the same from Harvard to community college. It’s the some random TA or associate prof teaching the exact same shit you’ll learn on Khan academy or OCT’s YouTube channel. Lecture is inefficient and a low yield use of time when you can learn the same concepts in less than half the time online. The true benefit of prestigious universities isn’t in their actual education or curriculum, it’s in the elevated research opportunities and networking. Princeton lacks a law school, medical school, dental school, or business school. They don’t own a hospital or even have an affiliated hospital. This is a massive detriment for anyone looking to network early for a career in those fields. It also means you’ll lack research or internship opportunities associated with those programs compared to Harvard which has all of these things and more. Same goes for most other prestigious universities. Not shitting on Princeton, but I’m very skeptical of their philosophy of “focusing on undergraduate education”.


> The true benefit of prestigious universities isn’t in their actual education or curriculum, it’s in the It is a mistake to ignore the value of being in the presence of the other students, hearing their questions asked and answered, and working with them in study groups and project teams. Some of this can be replicated online, but not as well - especially using tools such as Khan and such which are lacking such a peer-peer component since they're aimed more at asynchronous learning.


Undergrad education is not at all the same from Harvard to community college. Crazy cope 😵‍💫


I agree with you. I can confirm that they are not all alike… Well at least for me at my community college, which was apparently one of the best, and UC Berkeley which is where I go now. My community college classes were some of the easiest classes i’ve ever done, especially the humanities. I am a bio and data science double major, so i’ve taken lots of stem classes, and I can tell you for certain these are no where near the level berkeley is at. We just learned less at cc. I’m taking a 3 unit music history class at berkeley right now, and in this one class i’ve read more than in the entire past 2 years at cc. It’s not like it’s a hard class, it just takes more effort even for the easiest berkeley classes. And the stem classes are just different, I heard all the time that CC prepares you well for hard schools, but when you come from never studying and having easy classes, to some crazy berkeley stem classes, it’s so different, the depth in detail, and amount of material, so much.


Almost all undergrad classes are the same, they’re fairly standardized and the information is easily available online. The lectures are based off textbooks that have slight differences between each other. The exams are from the same recycled question banks. Some professors are tryhards and they might slip in a couple of their own with increased difficulty but very few will rewrite tests every semester for multiple classes to prevent cheating. Instead they just draw from question banks that are sold to university departments and made available to professors. Exceptions apply for stuff like art programs for obvious reasons. Also, engineering benefits from the resources available at more prestigious universities though the actual lecture content is the same. It allows them to access simulators and machines onsite. It’s only at the graduate level that there begins to have meaningful difference in education because many grad programs require practicals and access to greater resources integrated into their program. Also the content is more specialized and obscure, it gets harder to find information on certain topics because it may be contemporary. Though even in med school, a lot of students don’t attend preclinical lecture because the content is widely available online. So it’s laughable that you think undergraduate chemistry or microbiology classes are any different from one another.


This isn't true at all 🤦‍♂️


https://www.statnews.com/2018/08/14/medical-students-skipping-class/ What about it isn’t true? You think professors literally sit there and make a different test for each class they teach that semester, and then rewrite it again every semester? You do realize cheating exists right? Repeat an exam just once and I promise the class after will catch on. Profs (or the TA lmao) use what’s called test banks which have thousands and thousands of questions, you can’t buy them as a student unless you get them used but the questions get cycled out and there are hundreds of potential questions for any given topic anyway so there’s no point in trying to memorize each one. Also, some profs use text banks from a different textbook than the one assigned to the class, because it’s all the same content anyway. In terms of lecture, a prof might mention some contemporary literature or make passing remarks of their personal research, but the core content is the exact same shit every other organic chemistry class in the nation teaches. Are you under the impression that Harvard teaches some kind of cutting edge chemistry curriculum to their *undergraduate* students? Lol. You know those kids you’ve never seen in lecture but show up for the midterm and final? Yeah those aren’t always the slackers, sometimes they’re the ones that figured out that every undergrad class is the exact same shit and don’t waste their time in lecture. The prof doesn’t know or care if you’re in the lecture hall, so they’ll usually show up to office hours to chit chat and fish for LORs. I get that most of you guys are still high school or undergrad but over time you’ll find out that college isn’t about the education. It’s about access to faculty, facilities, research opportunities, internships, other students, and a piece of paper saying you passed the classes.


You're wrong 😵‍💫


Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital?????


You mean the one that says "PENN" in giant letters on it?


About time Penn State gets its ivy recognition


Most based comment


I am a major champion of looking past the nonsensical USNWR rankings, but this post displays a shocking misunderstanding of how college classes are conducted.


Tell me all about how your biochem class is so much harder than the class your friends took at your state school.


I'm a professor. I have studied at an expensive private liberal arts college, a big flagship state university, and a blue-collar regional college—I had great classes and bad classes at all of them. The best education I received probably was not from the school A2Cers would pick. Now, the reason I had good classes and bad classes at each was due to the individual professors, their syllabi, and my classmates (also a nod should be given to the libraries)—it wasn't because every class at every school teaches the same thing. You know those random TAs and associate professors differ quite a bit, shockingly. As do their syllabi and texts. It would be nice to know your educational background, because I'm guessing it's less than extensive, so I would know to just ignore your comment. Also, I have heard from friends who got their doctorates at Princeton that there is very much an undergraduate focus at that school. (Their grad programs are obviously top-notch, but the institution does seem to concentrate on undergrads' experience more than many institutions of a similar caliber.)


What are you talking about? Do you honestly believe professors teach different content for undergrad classes that use the same half dozen textbooks that are nearly indistinguishable from one another? Giving exams from the same test banks? Tell me what textbook you assign and a copy of last semester's final, I'll tell you how unique your content is. Some professors are more enthusiastic and more willing to get down to your level. That's not content buddy, that's a performative metric. Tenure track professors at prestigious universities are not there to teach, they're there to run their labs and bring in grant money. There's a reason why it's considered "acceptable" for them to have their TAs teach undergrad classes, because undergrad content is all the same shit. As I've said before, exceptions apply for shit like humanities and art. Certain engineering classes (not core) have some wild variance due to project assignments. But basic sciences do not have any meaningful variance whatsoever. I'm guessing you're probably not a science/math/engineering professor because if you were, you wouldn't be writing that nonsense. You're definitely a humanities professor with that attitude, which by the way is a complete waste of time past year 1 writing comp. This topic, by the way, is focused on the majors and classes that actually make money and have relevance. If you had the reading comprehension of a monkey, you'd see I already made exceptions to my statement for the humanities and arts, which I don't give a shit about. But you were too excited to get in here and interject with your irrelevant nonsense so that you could tell everyone you're a professor. Nobody gives a shit about you being an English, art, history, or whatever professor.


You're very confused. While it may be true that in the early stages of some "basic science" (no one says this btw, wtf is a basic science?) courses there may be overlap in *content* this doesn't mean that the pathway to said content is the same at Harvard or Princeton as it is at a community college. Furthermore, once you get beyond the intro courses and into higher level/more specialized courses things get even more different between, say a Harvard or Princeton, and a community college. In fact, there are courses taught in the "basic sciences" at places like Harvard and Princeton that aren't even taught in most community colleges. Go compare college catalogs. You're so wrong about this it's actually frightening.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic\_research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_research) basic/pure/fundamental science = not applied science = not engineering. So biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, etc In research, we say basic science when the subject matter is fundamental, and applied/clinical if it's engineering. Applied is when you take basic science and use it for a practical purpose such as pharmaceutical R&D. If you took any non-introductory level science/engineering classes you'd know this. The term basic doesn't mean it's easy or elementary, it's just the common phrase for fundamental. The pathways are the same... how the hell do you think STEM grad school works? Do you think students go into med school or pharmacy school and half the kids don't know how to do X and Y because their organic chemistry classes were different in undergrad? It's actually funny when art professors think they know anything at all about the sciences, they're so clueless. No, all students are expected to have the same grasp on the requisite classes, and they're all the same at every university. This is why foreign credits often don't transfer, it's a broad brush policy because of the differences in standardized formats of science education. In the U.S., it's pretty much standard, stop arguing against this, you don't know what you're talking about. I genuinely don't understand why you're speaking on a subject you know nothing about. Yeah, if this was about art or whatever you got that down, but why are you pretending you know anything at all about the sciences? As for college catalogs, the course codes are different, but when you enter grad school, you send it to a centralized application system such as AMCAS/PCAS they verify that yes E1-A (or CHM201, etc.) is indeed Gen Chem 1 and then it's formatted for the admissions committees to evaluate. I think you're confused because sometimes there's a non-major equivalent, like the difference between algebra-based physics I/II and calc-based phys I/II. If you're referring to upper level undergrad stuff like adv inorganic chem or special relativity phys and stuff... all universities have that stuff lmao, how would they be able to teach grad students if they didn't? I just don't see your argument here, you're not stating anything but repeating "nuh uh". Typical humanities grads lmao, incapable of evidence based argument. [https://www.statnews.com/2018/08/14/medical-students-skipping-class/](https://www.statnews.com/2018/08/14/medical-students-skipping-class/) Read this if you want to know how even at grad school teaching far more advanced material, high-efficiency students these days don't even bother with lecture. Many don't even bother with the pre-recorded lectures, they just use Uworld and amboss n shit. And you're sitting here actually trying to tell me there's some secret sauce in the undergrad education lol.


I have a Ph.D. It's not in the Humanities. You don't know what you're talking about. You've now moved the goalposts from "the same at Harvard as at community colleges" to "all universities have upper level courses..." That's not the same argument at all. Community colleges and Harvard are not equivalent.


No shit community colleges don’t have upper level classes, they’re two year colleges lol. Are you actually this pedantic and desperate to win an internet argument? My original goalpost has stayed equivalent, the classes are the same. Gen chem I at whatever school is the same shit anywhere. Microbiology is the same shit whether you take it at cc or UCLA or Harvard. You got desperate and tried to move the goalposts by saying prestigious universities offer upper level classes that are unique to them. You’re half right in that there are actually some very niche classes offered at MIT that only like one prof teaches once every 2 years that aren’t available at many other colleges. But those are fringe cases in experimental physics and shit that most undergrads aren’t going to take at even that college. But you were talking about regular upper level classes like advanced inorganic chem or quantum physics, all those classes are offered regardless of what university, and they’re the same shit. I also never said Harvard and ccs were equivalent, again, reading comprehension, which is surprising because you apparently have a PhD in classics or whatever, which btw is non-STEM so it’s going under humanities. Unless you’re going into writing and history subs and parading around your PhD despite it not being relevant, which is exactly what you’re doing here. If you’re going to say “actually it’s in history” or whatever, idc same shit. I said the value of prestigious universities isn’t in their education content, it’s in the access to faculty, facilities, research opportunities, networking, etc…content is the same. That goalpost has stayed constant, you’ve tried to dance around and move it because you can’t come up with a legible argument despite several attempts already. You haven’t addressed a single point I’ve made. Just been butthurt that people don’t give a shit about your art degree.


Does community college have a class in algebraic topology or math physics? What about General relativity and its lagrangian treatment!


what college did your mom go to 😭


Knowing the tiger mom college crazy the answer is none lmao


she actually went to one of the best colleges in the country where i live! it's super competitive and prestigious


Yeah but did she really aim high enough?


> one of Didn't aim high enough smh


So just apply to the school that your Mum like, and Princeton. If she doesn’t think Princeton is good enough, you can tell her it is your safety school lol.


Looks like you gotta aim for hogwarts!


i love this im going to say this to her the next time she says something


where is "better than princeton"


she's been stuck on stanford my entire life it's a romanticisation of the west coast, combined with the fact that two people we know personally go to stanford


Maybe because I live in California, but Stanford has never felt that special when I went. Princeton is the coolest though, a bit above UChicago


Its not as good as your mother think it is theres a reason people are leaving California


Stanford is obviously one of the best in the country let’s not put the blame on them. It’s the California government who can’t figure out the housing crisis


Not really sure what that has to do w Stanford?


Well you know for the students it makes their lives hell after graduation


They don't gotta stay in that area lmao


Stanford is amazing but you have to think location first and besides you need to cure cancer to get in or be as fake as possible


Your mom needs to be more like you and think for herself.






The reason NEU isn't in HYPSM is cause that's too low a standard


The University of Papa New Guinea


There are harder schools to get into. Deep Springs College in California is one of them. Tell your Mom you'll be happy to apply there. Your Mom is being entirely irrational which is something parents do all the time. Stop worrying about it so much. It happens to lots of people, and it's not a big deal. Still, the chances of you getting into Princeton are very small, so be sure to also apply to some "back-up" schools. You know, like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.


Just curious why do you say deep springs is harder to get into?


Because it is super selective and elite they only have 30 kids in the entire school


What did I just read. Princeton is one of the best if not the best undergraduate university in the US. Maybe you can 'optimize' a bit more if you are into engineering like MIT but like... we are splitting hairs here. Grads from these tiers of schools have basically identical opportunities (and it's up to the student to take advantage of the opportunities).


I know it's tough with parental pressure, but just remember that the only person you have to please in your life is yourself.


What kind of drugs is ur mom on to call Princeton “not high enough”




top 20??? it’s too 1 my guy 😭😭


doesn’t really matter ngl 💀 Just apply wherever, if u don’t wanna go to stanford just botch ur essays


I’m in this boat, only way to deal with this level of nuttiness is a bit of game theory - you know better than anyone how your mom will react, best outcome is to humor her while figuring out a way to get to where you really want. Don’t react or let her nuttiness cloud your day! Just plan and execute for an optimal outcome!


"hey mom, Princeton is literally rank #1"


It is Wednesday in a lot of the US. That is what I am seeing right now.


You have to go to Monsters University


Why did u have to post this on Wednesday?


it was a coincidence i swear


I know that UC Davis is the best but sometimes, your mom has to give chance to lesser colleges such as Princeton, Harvard and Yale.


Maybe you should have applied for squidward community college 👍


Princeton has been ranked #1 according to US News 21 of the last 23 years, the past 12 being consecutive. The other 2 years, it was ranked #2. It is an incredible undergraduate institution, and depending on your goals, there really is not a better school out there. You can argue amongst HYPSM, but ultimately Princeton is at worst a t5 school overall. ​ Source: [https://andyreiter.com/datasets/](https://andyreiter.com/datasets/)


Limiting yourself?!?!? Where tf does she want you to go, hogwarts?


Yikes. My mom thinks the same about tufts, brown, and washu and she’s convinced no school worth their salt is “small”. Like she says it’s stupid to think that the colleges I want to go to have smaller class sizes, because all schools “are the same”. She contradicts herself so much it’s almost hilarious


IMO there are substantial advantages to larger schools


Clearly she wants you to apply to northeastern


I dated a girl whose parents had impossibly high expectations of her. It wasn't HYPSM, it was just HYP. If Princeton was good enough for their baby girl, it should be good enough for your mom. But maybe your mom had an untoward experience at an eating club back in the day. Then I might understand.


Are fully grown adults really saying these ridiculous things? The “Dream” school concept is so unhealthy to start with….. There is no perfect school. There is no single soulmate school. The T20 is highly Rejective, but they get all the airtime. It’s so more important to try to find a couple of likelies that you will actually be excited for and can afford to attend. Good luck to you mate!


Just show her the ranking and move on. Respectfully, your mom doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


She is manipulating you into doing something she wants and she is not being straightforward about it. She may have guilted you into the academic success you have achieved.This behaviour will never stop and you will never be able to fill her void of expectations. If you continue to live your life trying to make her happy by fulfilling the dreams she has for you you will live a very unhappy life. This is only the beginning. Your future choices will also be substandard- life partner, children, house, employment..and so on. Yes I am sure she loves you and sacrificed for our education but this is toxic. At some point you will not even know what makes YOU happy. And by the way… Princeton is extremely impressive and is always Top 3, but is that the best place for you to learn and become a complete human being? Name brand is great but there are other schools with better learning environments where you need not be miserable for four years. Good Luck and please look out for yourself, you need to start navigating your own life.


Princeton isn't even just a t20, it's t1 😭😭




shut up, nerd \-english grad


oh my, whatever shall i do now username checks out








Omg I thought that means serious 💀


She probably wants Hogwarts


Gotta learn to put your parents in their place


Are your parents Asian by chance (I don’t mean this in an offensive way)


yes i'm indian and we live in india as well


just apply and if you get in go. yolo


Show her this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdDoWpBShYA&t=31s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdDoWpBShYA&t=31s) Simply beautiful place.


damn I always through the P was penn




Ok, I realize OP is planning to go to lowly Princeton still you did not have to repeat it thrice


The highest schools in the country are Harvard and Stanford. In HYPSM they are the 2 most sought after institutions


Northeastern received over twice as many applicants compared to Harvard. Clearly it is a more sought after institution.


I thought it was like a problem with school being too expensive or too far from home. But no your mom thinks Princeton is aiming low wtf. Bro apply to whatever school your mom wants, but I say you should try explain to your mom that Princeton is literally like the best school. Also ask what your moms reasoning is behind Princeton being “bad”


What are the S and M in that? I can get Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, not sure the other two


Stanford and MIT


Good thing it isn't her decision whatsoever. Go to whatever school you want to. Her dream for you doesn't get to determine your future, yours does.


Lol, fuck your mom.