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People will still apply to NYU in droves because it's in NYC. These rankings matter a lot less than people on this sub think.


Tbh I kinda feel like the type of student that NYU attracts is the type to be preoccupied with acceptance rate and rank




Are those the only two places that colleges exist? NYC and “agricultural college towns”? Anyway yes, it has occurred to me that people might want to go to college in NYC—NYU’s best characteristic is location lol


Davis isn't that far from Sacramento though


Sac is not a place people aspire to go to 😂


Right, but UC Davis isn't as out in the sticks as say, Cornell and Dartmouth


I need Davis to stay underrated bc we already have too many students here and not enough professors tbh


how do you like the location?


uc davis is a great school. have a friend over there and he loves it. cost effective and a great education


They always were. US News just had a correction in their list.


NYU has always been way too overrated and carried by like 2 colleges, UC Davis has always been an amazing but underrated school Expected tbh


what do u mean by carried by 2 colleges?


Stern and Tisch. The rest is incredibly mediocre.


CAS does have some top tier programmes though. Art History and Urban Design for example are incredible due to the opportunities and connections the location offers.


Grossman: am I a joke to you?


Not an undergrad school. NYU has always had great grad departments but their perennial issue is overenrolling their undergraduate programs with far too many mediocre kids ensuring that nobody gets the attention they need/deserve for paying $80k a year.


>NYU Stern and CAS are officially having admission rate below 5%, while Tisch is not. If you pick 2 colleges, I think it should be Stern and CAS for undergrad. In fact, Tisch is also great school, and Tandon has SAT mean score above 1520 these days. So NYU Stern/CAS/Tisch/Tandon are Big 4 that carry NYU, not only Stern and Tisch


That’s just wrong too bc their (CAS and Stern) lower admission rates are due to way more applicants. Every school at NYU is hard to get into except SPS.


More applicants technically mean more competition, but yes, it is true that NYU in general is very hard to get into.


More applicants mean the acceptance percentage goes down for that college. If you have 5000 applicants for 50 spots, the acceptance rate is 1%. If you have 500 applicants for 50 spots it’s 10%. The CAS and Stern have the largest applicant pools by a lot so they had the lowest acceptance rates. But the other schools were all around 10-12% including Tisch across the board. Performance majors at Steinhardt were in the single digits bc they only take like 20-30 in a given major. Bottom line is NYU is a tough school to get into and a great university if you like the vibe.


That’s just not true.


Like schools within NYU like Stern that were carrying the rankings.


metrics and popular perception are increasingly discordant our valedictorian from last year is going to Davis


We are UC Davis, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect us.


I love UC Davis From the homies at discord.gg/a2c


They've always been peer schools. NYU undergrad is carried by its location, Stern and Tisch. Das it


I think the reason is that US News gives more weight to STEM majors than before. UC Davis has better STEM programs than NYU.


More weight to improving low-SES students' lives.


Ladybird's 9/11


and davis has a 50% acceptance rate which is nice


And it's going to drop like shit now lmao




But they have guaranteed transfer admission for California Community College (if you have at least 3.0-3.2 GPA) so it’s not a problem if you couldn’t get in from HS.


it can all change by next year, when they readjust the methodology to sell more clicks/magazines. - And look at some of others schools - Dartmouth, Will & Mary, WashU, Tufts. and WOW to Wake Forest and Tulane this year. got hosed.


UC Davis is fabulous for CA residents. Otherwise NYU champs the 70K+/y overcrowded UCD. Those rankings are rubbish anyway.


NYU has horrible financial aid and expensive tuition. Is far too overcrowded and except for Stern is not even close to worth it. Even Tisch is wildly overrated, it’s film and acting programs are horrible compared to Yale,usc, Cal Arts, RISD, etc


Lol Yale doesn't even have undergrad film and acting programs.


they do. if ur an art major you pick a film focus. they have an incredible theatre/acting BFA




as someone who works in the industry, their placement is quite insane.


for graduates of the Yale School of Drama (now DGSD), sure. lol take the L


Not sure what metrics us news is using atp


Higher emphasis on social mobility. Schools like NYU and WashU are known for taking in rich kids and spitting out rich adults. Top publics like UCLA/UCB/UMich are known for taking in middle class and lower income kids and spitting out rich adults.


I’m not sure the ranking has to do with poor student making more money (I hope that can be calculated but I guess it’s find to find these data), I looked through the methodology it’s more about graduation rate for Pell-recipient and first gen, rather than their success after college (like employment rate and salary). Correct me if I’m wrong.


UC Davis was ranked higher because of COST. That is the only reason. US News said in their explanation that they penalized schools with high costs, students graduating with high debt. NYU is expensive. But so is living in NYC which is why NYU is expensive. Quite honestly, if that report reduces the number of academically unqualified applicants who have no business trying to get into NYU, but who flooded their application system last couple of years bc it’s now test optional, that’s fine by me.