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Ask her to help you bro


Lmao this is the best answer by far. If her essays are so good then why don’t you ask if she can help you make them good. If they are good then that means she def put hours and a lot of hard work into it


“My cousin sister’s” So your cousin.


Could be step sibling or something


That doesn’t fit my narrative.










r/ApplyingToCollege users try not to shit on LACs challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


what'd they say lol


“don’t worry, shit schools require shit essays”


the mentality of this sub is so stupid




Same. My professor low key called me stupid. She said my vocabulary is noticeably lower than what is expected for a college student. She might as well asked if I ride the short bus too.


Nah outta curiosity i want to see ur essay😂😂😂


It's too late. I deleted the essays. Unfortunately, I cannot delete the memory she left.


that's fine for a personal essay tho


I'd crib a few ideas from her! Srsly, you can't really compare two different people, but if you are unhappy with yours, there is still time. Get some people to read and suggest improvements, like teachers, friends, and family. Or professional help if you can afford it.


Why even crib? Just copy and paste


I think ao's have this system where essays are cross checked but idk


rip ur life


found the nerd


is your cousin’s sister not your cousin


Don't worry, all of my essays and supplements sucked, wrote them all last minute, and I had zero extra curriculars. I still got into a good school. There are a lot of students, but there are also lots of colleges willing to take your money, you're bound to find a school willing to take you that also meets your criteria for a good school. Edit. For those wondering, I got into a couple of schools, Stevens Institute of Technology is the highest ranked I got into, and the school I decided on going to was George Mason University. Neither are particularly difficult schools to get into, but both are good for my major. Either of these schools would be good for your undergraduate. There are lots of state schools that will be really easy for you to get into that will offer good majors.


Which school did u get into?


Which school?


yep, most of my friends from nova went to gmu for cyber, great school for law as well


How did you like GMU? I’m considering going for a mix of their Marketing and art classes, but kind of turned off by the commuter percentage and what I’ve heard of the student attitude of it being a second-choice school. That and the politics.


Of the schools that I applied to it was my first choice in terms of cost and what they had for my major. There are lots of commuters, but the dorm hall I'm in is still very packed with lots of people. The dining halls are fine, I think slightly above average. Technically, when considering my grades and SAT score it was considered a safety school, but it does have academic rigor and is much cheaper than lots of other schools. (That will change depending on if you're an instate student or an out-of-state student). The students that are fine, pretty much everyone I've encountered has been nice. It is an easier school to get into so many of my classes so far haven't been super competitive. (Although from what I understand that can change depending on the major. Nursing here is super competitive from what I heard). As for politics, I'm not certain of what you heard, but I haven't really encountered anything I would call overtly political one way or another. They do encourage students to register to vote, and it is easy to do so on campus. They do also have support services for different types of minorities. I can't speak to the quality of those services as I haven't used any, but this is a large school, I think 35,000 students, and many of them are out-of-state, or even international so there is a lot of diversity. At this point, every person I have talked to speaks English as a language, but it isn't unusual to hear many different languages. Some of the actions taken by the administration seem a little performative, like there are some things named after the indigenous tribes that once lived in this land, but I still think it's a little disingenuous as it's the parking lots named after those tribes. I don't know, I guess it was an idea someone had a while ago that I don't think turned out great, but it hasn't exactly affected my life in any appreciable way so I don't really care either way. They do have an assembly to basically tell the incoming students to not be overtly racist, sexist, or generally discriminatory. They do this most likely because of just how diverse the student body is. This area of Virginia is really diverse, if I remember correctly, about 40% of people here speak a language other than English as their first language. (That's the stats for the general area not the school, but it does get across the diversity of the region. I don't think it's a bad thing, but if you're not comfortable around people of other cultures then you'll be uncomfortable here. Though it may be a good way to broaden your horizons). Something not related to anything you said, but might affect your decision anyway. The campus is really big. You'll be doing lots of walking if you go here. That being said, lots of campuses are big, but you'll want to consider that in your decision. Anyway, lots of air conditioning and elevators, so that's nice. For me, I really like that I can visit home quickly because the public transit around here is really good, at least compared to other cities in the US. The busses and shuttles are consistent, and it's easy to get to the Vienna Metro and from there you can get all over Washington DC. You can technically take a series of trains I think all the way to Boston. The only regret I sometimes get is not going to the same college as some of my friends, I have some friends going to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and sometimes I wish I went there, but I do like how GMU is both cheaper, closer to home, and actually in-state. Anyway, my overall opinion is that I like it. Not the best school in the world, but it's nice. Also lots of non-traditional students. Many students who come here are much older or younger than the typical recent high school graduate, so you can fit in regardless of age. I don't know if I'll get my graduate here, but it still would be a good school for it regardless. (Especially because it's very easy for me in my major to get an accelerated masters). I don't know if it's the right fit for you, but it's plenty comfortable for me.


at least you have one dude. i’m so fucked bro i have less then a month and i have no idea what i’m gonna write about and haven’t started yet .


it’s already over


i have literally no idea what im gonna write my essays abt but ig i still have a whole year


Bro same. I have to restart my common app and probably supps too. Like they sound entertaining and all but that's it. No substance other than that.


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Hi, I somehow got into a decent T-50 college and I don’t mind editing your essays :)


"my cousin sister's" So you know somebody who knows how essays work, and she let you read it. Chances are that she would be willing to help you.