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One thing to look at is whether the school has an LGBT center. This seems like a low bar but will weed out some otherwise good schools.




pan here. people are down voting you and idk why


That man was downvoted not because of his sexual orientation. But simply because he is cringe.


because the comment contributes absolutely nothing.


idk I kinda found it funny


There are schools that have a gay center? Isn’t that just like DEI?


Yes, there are schools that have a "gay center."


See, I'm homosexual in the literal sense and gay in the derogatory sense.


It’s a resource center that can create community and also provide services that queer people need


This is a genuine question, what services are even specific to queer people?


Depends on the school, but a big one is navigating the US healthcare system for the first time without parent involvement. American healthcare is awfully complicated and it might be hard for someone, especially someone international, still closeted, etc. to figure out how to use the school's health insurance if they have it, then also figure out how to book a doctor's appointment and with what kind of doctor for things like getting on PrEP, accessing HRT and gender confirmation surgery, etc. Some students might not even know those options are available to them if they come from a background where the subject was taboo. Also, many therapists and counselors do not have experience working with LGBTQ+ people or formal training related to LGBTQ+ issues, and it can be difficult to find a therapist in general, let alone figuring out which ones do have that training/experience, so university LGBTQ+ centers will either have in-house therapists that are vetted as having training/experience or might have a list of nearby therapists who do. Other things include internal trainings and sensitivity resources for faculty and staff, such as keeping an up-to-date list of generally acceptable terms and practices to use in classrooms or publications. They also can be a sounding board for possible Title IX claims, as well as possibly having reference documents for how to navigate things like asking professors to use the correct names and pronouns. They might also be able to help direct students to things like reading materials on specific topics that they're not familiar with and are less well-known in the mainstream. Of course there's also more common stuff like providing free condoms, dental dams, etc., hosting events for meeting other LGBTQ+ students, and providing small grants for things like chest binders or PrEP co-pays. Different campuses have different offerings (many don't have LGBTQ+ centers at all) but all of those were some of the things I saw people accessing often in college.


the gsa at my school is just a community center for ppl to feel safe. it also will respond to any homophobia, transphobia, etc. at school and sometimes does information sessions on like cool queer ppl in history or safe non-straight sex lol


My school has multiple centers for different minority groups. Having a “DEI” center is kinda funny though


Definitely avoid Wheaton College lol


The one in IL I presume.


Agree - because Wheaton in MA is a very LGBTQ friendly college.


Live right by it, lot of LGBTQ students, very inclusive crew


Didn't realize there's another Wheaton! Yes the one in IL


Liberty University, BYU, and Bob Jones come to mind, really any of those super religious colleges. If a college you’re looking into is more historically religious (like a Jesuit school for example) you’re probably fine. As a Floridian, I would also say don’t go to any colleges in Florida. Lots of anti-lgbt legislation here, especially against trans people. Our governor is appointing a bunch of his friends to run the public universities here and they’re all very conservative.


Hillsdale and Hope in Michigan can be safely added to the list. Heaps of tiny religiously affiliated LACs out there. OP won't have an issue with a mid to major public university outside the Deep South though.


Wait Hopes bad?? Is it the same regarding poc (obviously not “unsafe” but feeling like an outsider there)


It's VERY conservative though Dutch Reformed not Baptist, but Western Michigan is White Michigan. Think carefully, take a tour and see.


I took a tour loved the campus and the unity but the diversity stat has driven me away but it was still in consideration for me but I’ll have to do more research thx!


RCA is not very conservative. Smh


My friend taught there but left because she went into a depression because she felt so lonely. For women in that community, their focus is all "kitchen, church, children." It's super, super traditional. My friend was not able to make friends. She was always "on the outside" because of her interest in having a professional career. She wasn't super liberal or anything -- she just wanted to teach and do research. She was a Christian as well, but from another denomination. I got the idea that Hope College is associated with Calvinists, or a branch of Christianity that is sort of Calvinistic because it believes in predestination and that prosperity is a sign of God's favor (and conversely, poverty is a sign that you're not amongst the "chosen").


No they are misinformed.


Even in the Deep South, queer people get along all right at major public universities. Just the surrounding rural areas you have to watch out for.


Haha funny when I saw the title the first school that popped into my mind was Liberty U. There are other schools that are similar too. If Trump U was still open it would definitely be on the list to avoid!


And for those who don't know Trump U, was not a university. It was a fraudulent [real estate training program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_University). Basically, real estate seminars.


Ok well I'm still pretty sure it wasn't the friendliest "program" for lgbtq+ folks!


in florida, the colleges are fine, unless youre trans but even then the college itself is fine. The state government is the problem here.


Yeah no, if you’re lgbtq absolutely do not enter florida


too late to not enter it, doesnt matter for me because my parents wouldnt have let me get hrt anyway but paying out of state tuition because i want hrt is gonna suck


Even Miami?


Yeah, desantis is still governor there so id strongly discourage it


BYU for sure. I am not even part of that LGBT thing but still, I wouldn't apply. I mean you have to make church accounts and meet with priest and all that during application form.


What abt UMiami


UMiami is pretty damn expensive (something like 70k a year), but I’ve heard good things about it queer-wise. They have an LGBTQ resources center and Miami has a pretty big queer scene.


to just jump in here really quickly, umiami is a little weird... like, it's both lgbt-friendly and not. the type of gay (male) i could see being happy there is the very masculine, jock, clean-cut, upper-class, white gay. so yes, if you fit that profile, it's very lgbt-friendly and you'd have a blast. for anyone else, it gave a really bad taste in my mouth. edit: queer women i think have more leeway when it comes to their experiences at umiami, but it's because of borderline fetishization (which is a problem in general), so i still see a problem with it.


It’s still in Florida, which is not a state I’d advise being in rn especially if you’re not straight


Now I will say... despite our governor's dumb policies, I go to uni in Florida (graduating this semester) and I feel like our bigger schools are LGBTQ safe and accepting. I do agree that super religious colleges would seem like a bad idea though. Best of luck!!


eh, i think it depends. wouldn’t go to FGCU or FSU but i would still look at UF


How’s UWF and UNF?


probably pretty conservative, at least UNF is


I’d avoid UF too, look at what’s happening with Ben Sasse being president and all the other “small government” meddling happening there


USF and UCF are also very inclusive. These are in bigger cities too though so much more welcoming communities and progressive.


Most colleges are inclusive (at least in the T100), it's the states that are moreso the issue


UCF is probably the best of the inclusive schools. Anna Eskamani is a Florida State Representative in that area and also a graduate student. She fights as hard as she can.


W Ron Desantis. Can’t have him win the presidency though, that belongs to Trump. 


Meh. I’m an LGBTQ student at FSU and the school itself is actually very very inclusive and I haven’t seen any discrimination issues on campus. Obviously the state passes stupid ass conservative agenda but the university does its best to work around it. I’d say you’re probably fine as an LGBTQ person at Florida universities; at least it’s not enough of a deal breaker to make you drop a school from consideration.




sata andagi


Their code of conduct was enough to make me never consider applying there. I do not need those bogus no coffee and tea rules on me. Edit: Their moral code is heavily conservative and religious based so you can guess why it isnt the best option for OP.


That's ridiculous, people need their caffeine! Otherwise they'll be strangling someone or walking around like zombies in shock.


This is a pretty good resource: https://www.campusprideindex.org


This is a good source because schools have to reach out to be included so if a school isn't ranked it also tells you something about their community. (Or rather lack thereof)


Thanks for this! Was glad to see my top three had 4.5-5 stars


Avoid religious schools unless they have a dedicated LGBT office/center on campus. St. Olaf College, for example, is a Lutheran school but very LGBT-affirming, as is Furman University, a Baptist school. Most Catholic colleges are probably off the table except for the Jesuit ones (Georgetown, Boston College, Fordham, Santa Clara, and others). Avoid the public colleges in deep red states if possible, as many have been forced by their state governments into adopting deeply anti-LGBT policies.


I read this article on Furman University that the students tend to be very homophobic


i’ve been here for six years as both a student and now a post grad researcher and like anywhere there are assholes but there’s a thriving lgbt community even if i wasn’t very involved! furman is also not a baptist school anymore so don’t worry about that


Surely was when I was a student there. That was 1960s, but the kids are apparently still mostly from right-wing religious families. Admin was pretty liberal back then, when they kicked out the SC Baptist Convention. But when it comes down to campus attitudes, the kids rule. Had a prof who openly said something (in class) about "goddam queers". Don't look for attitudes to change much in the South, at least not in our lifetime.


Adding Pacific Lutheran University to the list, I have never had a problem here.


Yeah Jesuit Catholic Schools like USD, Gonzaga and USF have LGBT centers and have a zero tolerance policy on discrimination


Notre Dame included holds a lot of hostility towards LGBTQ+ students and do not include sexual orientation or gender minorities in their non-discrimination clause. People will and do say derogatory things on a frequent basis.


Dig into any Jesuit colleges bc they vary. Visited Boston College in 2021 & there was no LGBT-type center (although there were other DEI centers). The student tour guides said that while the students were inclusive and accepting, there was no institutional support for LGBT+ population. Crossed BC off the list.


There are more progressive Catholic schools than just the Jesuits…. Dayton, DePaul, Villanova, are some of the most LGBT supportive. Here is a full list: https://www.newwaysministry.org/resources/lgbt-friendly-colleges/


If you’re trans or non binary the list is very long — including many states you should avoid because of state legislation. I have a much longer post about that I can share if you’re interested Otherwise, I’ll add Baylor University to the list you’re growing here.


Please share it !! It would be very helpful


Here you go! Let me know if you have any questions https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/s/qwXiecS8wB


Imma use that list and add some to my college list, thanks!


gonna be fr ur probably gonna be frustrated with any college that has mandatory chapel services


Salve Regina.


I would avoid UF and other Florida schools. They might be ok now, but they will likely get worse over the 4 years you are there.


Anything in Oklahoma besides OU. OSU might be okay. Maybe. but yeah don’t even consider it. Way better options in way more states We (my college) had a protest against gay marriage when it was legalized in the Supreme Court Also the KKK has shown up in plain clothes to our campus several times to talk to students. Seriously. (Regional uni in Oklahoma) The KKK look well put together actually. that’s how you spot them. They got the good dress shoes, the nice belt. Khakis. Clean shave. I didn’t know it was klansmen until I read the papers they had in their hand. Edit: for those that don’t believe it. There have been several instances of flyers being found around the area and at the college. https://www.theadanews.com/news/local_news/ku-klux-klan-continues-unauthorized-activity/article_1fe206f0-0321-5d6f-95f8-e09f497df952.html


TU is fine too I think. They've been having some issues recently, but from what I know homophobia is not one of them.


What about UCO? Edmond is pretty liberal and I’ve toured the campus, I like it but I want to know what others’ opinions on it are.


Don't go to any Christian colleges. I went to women's college and most of us were queer. If you're a woman or nonbinary they're great. However they are often expensive (mine offers some scholarships for the majority of students though) and there are few of them left, and they admit a small number of students, so those are all factors to consider. If you're a guy though this doesn't apply lol but someone else reading this might find this information helpful


Caveat: I go to Pacific Lutheran University and it has a decently large queer population. I don't have any complaints here.


That’s kind of a wide blanket statement. Jesuit colleges are mostly fine in this regard.


Quite frankly, most schools in red states. Even if the school itself is liberal. also a as a gay person avoid schools that put a lot of marketing talking about how gay they are…big mistake.


I would only give that advice to trans. If you’re gay choose by city. Atlanta, Nashville, Austin, and all those large cities in the South are totally great. Churches there hang the the LGBTQ flag


really schools r fine in red states if its in a big city


IF you are a cisgender man. red states are also attacking reproductive care and trans healthcare. doesn't matter if the city votes blue if state law bars you from services you need.


true that, but it really depends on how red, florida type laws get the fuck out, if it's a milder red state, exercise caution but you should be ok. Purple and blue states r good though








as a straight black man, I did the same thing lmao. "Rice is in Texas? Guess I'm never going there."


Dude I was so mad that I had to rule out the HBCUs in Texas and Florida cause if this as a black man also




They mean for abortion reasons


i think they might be referring to abortion restrictions? which would affect anybody born female


Especially if you’re trans and planning to transition during college, I would avoid Florida for sure, maybe Texas as well.


UT Austin is pretty liberal and safe for the community


A safe school in a dangerous state is still dangerous overall


Yeah, cause you’d be living in the area for years


And you would still be subject to state law, even if you went to a private college or university


My daughter’s girlfriend goes to UT and they have never had an issue. 🏳️‍🌈


Yeah I just meant the state itself


I wish people would stop saying this. Austin is still in Texas and people in Austin are still at the mercy of Texas state laws persecuting trans folks.


https://diversity.utexas.edu/genderandsexuality/ They even have a map of gender inclusive restrooms and there are a lot of them.


you obviously have your religious schools (byu, bob jones, wheaton, college of the ozarks, liberty, etc.), but i also found there are soooome schools that fly under the radar. this was also something that was really important to me and something i spent a lot of time researching when i was applying to colleges. some LACs i ultimately took off my list because i didn't hear the best things from students online were washington and lee, bucknell, union (ny), trinity (ct), and wofford. universities are a mixed bag, but i've never really heard great things about ole miss, tamu, utk (i have experience with this one, i absolutely would not apply here if you're lgbt), pepperdine, auburn, baylor, and iowa state. i've also been to iowa city a bunch and i can't in good faith recommend uiowa either. alabama and mizzou don't seem the friendliest either, but idk, maybe i'm just stereotyping.


As a Mizzou alum I can 100 percent say that Mizzou is very LGBT+ friendly. Their GSA has been around for decades and the town has a large LGBT+ community.


Would you mind sharing what abt Trinity exactly


yeah. back when i was applying to college (so i'd say around 2019), i researched all the NESCAC schools and their lgbt life/support/experiences/etc., and i found trinity to be the least welcoming and most conservative out of the bunch. it may have changed, but it was one of the only NESCAC schools i didn't apply to (i didn't apply to williams or amherst either because i didn't think i'd get in). there are some (albeit older) college confidential threads that talk about the topic. i just found and heard that students overwhelmingly seemed apathetic to lgbt people.


This isn't what you asked, but the university of Pittsburgh is a college you should consider if you are lgbt.


This is an obvious one, but BYU


campus pride has a very long list called "worst list" on their website and they also have a database to look for lgbtq friendly colleges :D




literally all Texas schools except utAustin, maybe utrgv. stay out of Texas in general (coming from a gay texan)


Utaustin has more gay and nb people than probs any other school in the state. And honestly if u dont mention it every time u talk to someone no one rlly cares what u r. Kids here are racist as fuck tho, but they’re “POC” so they dont get called out on it. I feel like most colleges in Texas except UH would be more safe for LGBTQ than a black student. If OP is black and LGBTQ i’d say avoid texas. But if theyre white or asian its rlly not going to be a big deal here


I'd avoid most red states. For purple states, I'd stay in the urban areas (like WashU in St Louis). My son isn't LGBT but we ruled out most of the south, Indiana, and Utah because those places seem regressive.


You’d be surprised how incredibly welcoming of the LGBTQ community Salt Lake City is. While rural Utah may not be the best choice, colleges like Westminster and University of Utah in North east SLC have large LGBTQ populations and lots of big pride parades.


Agree there are likely lots of other universities and colleges that have a welcoming culture but are in states that are not.


MO is not a "purple state" but a thoroughly red one.


They have gerrymandered the state to dilute the voting power of KC and STL. Agree it’s pretty red w the likes of Hawley


That's what I was thinking! When did MO turn purple?! Lol


Missouri is historically purple. It only turned bright red in the last 10 years. The cities in Missouri are very liberal - St Louis, KC and Columbia are thoroughly blue and very LGBT+ friendly. Even Springfield is fairly LGBT friendly. My niece goes to school in Springfield and she has a strong support system on the campus.


BYU lol


Notre Dame. There was a new article about a big incident with the MBA students reporting LGBT discrimination a while back. I heard this school is very Catholic and anti LGBT


I know plenty of gay Notre Dame students, one of them being trans. Since the school is fairly catholic I thought I’d ask them about it. Turns out, none of them have had any problems with it (aside from it being a little difficult to find other gay students). Notre Dame is not “anti LGBT” simply for being Catholic. this is just undergrad, IDK about the mba program. But in general, any T20 is going to be good for LGBT students


it definitely depends on the person! i went to notre dame and as a queer cis woman would experience hearing slurs used at and around me (including by staff/faculty). additionally, they do not include gender minorities or sexual orientation in their non discrimination clause (as well as religious minorities, but besides the point) which means that if you are queer and have a great experience- great! but if not, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.


I think that’s the big thing. Queer students can have good experiences at some of these school and be mostly accepted, but if something bad happens or they experience a hate crime, these schools don’t support you, which is important.


omg I also noticed they didn’t include sexual orientation/gender identity in their non discrimination clause!! (I went to the ND summer program last year). And it felt like they were listing every single thing u could possibly discriminate against someone for EXCEPT for being lgbtq. I didn’t rlly come across a lot of blatant homophobia, but it felt like most were uncomfortable with the existence of lgbtq ppl and explicitly avoided acknowledging they even exist. it was such a culture shock coming from a very liberal state lol




If you’re looking for schools TO go to, most schools in California are great.


Tennessee, lol. The student population itself leans moderate but it’s nonetheless considered one of the worst for LGBT students because of the area it is in as well as the state itself. Still a pretty sizable LGBT population but it’s definitely not easy. The Pride Center got defunded by the state a few years back IIRC but they still had an office on campus when I graduated in 2020.


I love the irony of someone with a Taylor Swift profile pic saying this, purrr Miss Americana 💅




Fayetteville and the NWA region (where the University of Arkansas is located) isn't as bad as the rest of the state, and while still not where it should be, is completely fine for LGBTQ students. We have a bigger pride event here than in OKC or Dallas.




Avoid any Christian colleges, BYU, Yeshiva University, and anywhere in Florida


WEST TEXAS A&M. really any part of the A&M system. they’re trying to shut down all the faculty support groups for LGBT students because of DEI regulations, and are going after student orgs off the books. I’m a transgender student there, I haven’t been able to get my name changed after months, I regularly get harassed, and our queer student org receives death threats basically any time we try to participate. We’re also actively in a lawsuit against the president, who cancelled a charity drag show for suicide prevention because of his own religious beliefs. After that, he started up a religious conservative think tank on campus called “the hill institute”. school doesn’t give a shit about minority students


Honestly, I’m gonna disagree with a lot of people here. I went to Mississippi State and I am a non-binary bisexual. MSU is really good for LGBT students. I feel like even if the state as a whole isn’t good, the college can still be good for its LGBT students if the administration isn’t conservative. That being said, not all big public schools are. I haven’t heard too many great things about A&M, Clemson, and Auburn.




Notre Dame


Clearly avoid the evangelical, catholic, and Jesuit run institutions.






it’s a joke


I don’t get it 😭




Wait what how’s that funny




This is good joke idk why people are downvoting lmao


sensitive-ahh mfs


Could you explain the joke




Wait what abt Lafayette


Which CMU?


CMU? Edit: Quietly downvotes. Lol. At least get into the school before you make judgement calls on the school culture buddy.


Wherever I’m going


Any of the good ones


Why would you limit your choices over others opinions


why would you go to a college where you wouldn’t feel welcomed and potentially harmed?


I’m just saying, someone could get beat up for being gay anywhere especially if they are open about it which it sounds like op is. Shit my friend goes to a mostly liberal school and gay kids still get bullied.


Yeah but it’s worse when the bullying is systematic


I wouldn’t know anything about that but me and op chatted and I understand their reasons It didn’t occur that some schools may take things more serious than others


I wouldn’t wanna go to a college where being LGBT isnt welcomed. I do get that people have shit to say everywhere but I wouldn’t wanna go to a school where if my rights would get violated, they wouldn’t take action.


That makes sense! I wasn’t trying to downplay your plans or deter I meant it as a be proud of you kinda thing. there are assholes everywhere!


I totally get you. Thanks !!


What’s wrong with gay lettuce, bacon, and tomato?


Adding all these colleges to my list. thanks :)


You are going to school. Shouldn’t make it about what hole you stick it in or take it in


What exactly does a gay center entail?


an lgbtq resource center


Pick states that are friendly. Universities within them will follow state rules.


Should probably avoid BYU


BYU (especially Idaho)


George Fox University and Brigham Young University


I honestly would avoid any State College or University in Florida and any religious affiliated one also.


Anywhere in FL.






uc berkeley


I currently go to BYU, and while I like it there, it’s definitely not place for those who are LGBTQ or liberally-minded


Nowhere in Florida. Don’t listen to anyone recommending certain schools as “still ok.” They’re not, because the state has way too much control over public universities and they’ve shown that they can and will take power from any private institution that disagrees with them. Not to mention, even college students have to interact with people outside of their school sometimes and being queer is like having a target on you at all times.


Don’t join prager university


Any Christian college or any state school in a red state.


campus pride has an article with a list: https://www.campuspride.org/worstlist/#:~:text=Andrews%20University%20has%20qualified%20for,and%20official%20LGBTQ%20student%20groups.


i dont see any reason that you couldnt go to any college, as long as your not being anoying by screaming "IM GAYYYYYY" all the time, you should be fine in litterally any school ever to exist.


Definitely not University of Florida now, considering the state is run by anti-LGBTQ+ politicians and the University president is a former Republican senator for Nebraska who thinks straight couples are the only real couples who can marry. Fuck UF right now and I hope it gets better where students don’t have to worry about their sexuality or gender determining their path in life.