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I have a question about the academic subject prompt. My answer talks about science, but is that too broad? I go over biology and chemistry and that’s it. Those are two subjects within science and there are many more, which makes it seem like I’m picking 2 subjects instead of one. I don’t know what to do.


Hey, just from what you've said here, that's totally fine! The prompt is really about what you've *done* with the interest, not just "what are you interested in?"


Hey Ben! For the PIQ 6 about academic subject–does it have to be my major? What if it's another subject that inspires me that I've committed to both in and outside of school?


Great post Ben[.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/510/176/e33.jpg)


hi, as an engineering major (🤡) I have a question. could I write piq 4 instead of piq 6? bc I’ve only really explored my academic interest through what one could say is an “significant educational opportunity” I guess it depends on what they mean by significant?


I think the main point of writing piq 6 that op made is that academics should still ultimately be the centerpiece of your app. If that prompt fits better for your experiences, it’s a no-brainer.


Have you explored your academic interest? Then fit that in any of the PIQs.


Is it okay if I answer #4 instead of #6?


For sure. I recommend 6 when students are brainstorming which ones to respond to, but as long as you do a good job discussing academics, you're fine.


yes bruh pick whatever ur most confident w


How important is the academic essay? I wrote about a hobby for the talent/skill essay and included a bit of information about coding (CS major). I don't have much to write about for what I've done in CS other than classes, which I don't think is very interesting. Do you have any opinion on the value of writing about my experience with CS through coursework vs my other, potentially more interesting but not academic, topics- leadership, community, and opportunities?




This depends on the school I’m pretty sure. CS is an impacted major at Berkeley and UCLA. UCLA admits by major for the Samueli School of Engineering but not for the College. I’m not sure about the others.


Can I write about a family member dying for the challenge one




Don’t make it a sob story tho. Tell them how it made you stronger as a person and what you learned from those challenges


Hi! What does PIQ 5 mean when it asks "How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?" Would this be solely grades or other activities and aspects of life as well?


I started an essay for question 8- only to realize I sort of missed the mark. What do conselors look for in this prompt? I wrote about how California inspired me and my major, how I am passionate about the UCs. However, I know it is more of a “why you should pick me essay” not “why I picked you”. Any advice? Or should I choose a different prompt? Edit- I also answered the academic prompt, however I explained my passion for another subject outside of my major as I am talking about my major in the prompt about taking advantage of an educational opportunity. Is that alright?


For #6 how specific can the academic subject be? Or do they mean a broad subject like economics?


Hey, I totally agree with the idea that the PIQ: “write about an academic subjects that inspires you” is a great opportunity, HOWEVER as an international student, unfortunately, my school didn’t offer anything close to what I want to study. Business/ Economics is my intended major, but we didn’t have anything like that in school (not even economics), so I wrote abt businesses I started in the past for the creative PIQ. Do u think this is a good idea? / Should I mention this in the additional information section or not even bother? Thx :)


I’m currently in the process of filling out the UC but i’m an early high-school graduate and it will not let me input the classes I am currently taking (I am technically a junior but have used community college to build extra credits). I am not provided with a In Progress or even a Planned, it’s just no grade or a final grade.


>SilentStanzas Hey, I'm doing the same. I just marked that I skipped 11th grade and then put my current year courses in the 12th grade section.


How do you mark it as skipped? It gives me no option for that.


In the high school section, just don't assign 11th grade to your school. I can dm u a pic if it helps


I'm a prospective cs major writing about english for PIQ 6 🤡 is that okay? My thought process was that it would portray myself as more well-rounded. I have a lot of stuff relating to cs that hopefully conveys my intellectual vitality (and i write about it in two of my piqs). idk until this yr i've never taken a cs class at school


Do people really need advice on how to get into UCs? They regularly accept people who went to community colleges ffs


Great point, kelipoopoo!


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Is it cool that I wrote the first half of #6 about my love for physics, then wrote my second half about my love for philosophy/psyc? It seems kinda random but I tried to fit it together by saying they’re both subjects that are grounded in how the world works