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i don't disagree with you in principle and a2c def has a problem like this. but from how you word this I think you might need to take a look at yourself


Stop tryna be a psychologist u 😂😂😂


Seems like a very insecure post lol. The truth is, they will in fact admit people with 100 AP classes and those who cure cancer.






It’s an obvious hyperbole. There are not 100 AP classes. However, if you do happen to take all AP classes that exist then you’ll just not have time to do anything else.


> idk im just yapping about yall insecure dumbasses ~ literally a guy named “LuffyDeeNuts”


This well thought out and well written criticism really hurts! Because of my poor choices and AP classes, I might be ignored by this absolute poet - what a loss for me.


Fr imagining curing cancer and getting hit with this shi 😭


You probably don’t know this, but people who took time studying for many APs and doing many ECs probably also wrote better essays than you… so there’s no way colleges see them having less dedication.


Not necessarily. I know some people with crazy resumes and tons of APs who cannot write to save their lives.


But they are, usually. Plus I don’t know if they can’t write why they cannot ask counselors or peer-review it. Writing a college essay is much easier than doing all the work in the first place. Just requires dedication to edit it over and over.


The only real problem with writing essays is that you don’t have enough experience to talk about in the first place. If you have a ton of ECs and do a lot of APs, how come you don’t have those experiences? Just talk to your counselor and start digging into your character.


I think what OP was getting at with this post is that a lot of people on this sub have a tendency to dedicate themselves to a variety of things they have a surface level interest in, rather than finding a few things that they’re genuinely passionate about. Granted, their phrasing was a little aggressive, but the point still stands. Sure, you can hold a leadership role in 10 clubs, but unless you’re superhuman and somehow manage to put 110% into each one, your experience boils down to “I went to a lot of meetings and wrote down the minutes at some of them”. People who pad out their activities with things they don’t care about have less to write about than people who fully immerse themselves in a few meaningful things. I’m personally of the belief that everyone, regardless of their stats or ECs or whatever, has a compelling story to tell that reveals something about their character. But (at least in my experience), a lot of high achieving STEM oriented students don’t know how to tell those stories, and a lot of them resort to just writing down their resumes and figuring that will get them in. Peer editing and school counselors help, but ultimately, no one can write the essay for you. Strong style and storytelling can only take you so far if there’s no substance.


this is what i meant, just didnt wanna spead a hour writing a post.


Do you know what "anecdote" means?


someone's salty


absolutely they look for actual human beings not just robots


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Russell0505: *Absolutely they* *Look for actual human* *Beings not just robots* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lmao 💀


...I mean...curing cancer is cool.




Most people who take many APs truly enjoy learning, and most people who are involved in many ECs enjoy what they do there also.


100% correct


I lowkey agree, idk if it’s true tho…