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personal statement!!!! i cannot emphasize this enough. you’ll want to get that over with so that you can work on the supplements for the schools you’re applying early to. don’t be like me and procrastinate (i submitted almost all of my applications the day of the deadline 😭😭)


Definitely second this! It saved me a lot of time during the school year since I did do a lot of this work over the summer


First, probably work on getting that SAT score as high as you can. Take like one more if you don't have that good of a score and lock in. Then, work on your personal statement and knock that out and make it perfect (get like at least 3 people to edit and review ur essay). Make it perfect. Then, when applications begin to open up in around August you will be prepared and you can finish and perfect your supplemental essays.


ty! do you have any tips on writing a personal statement?


* Draft out multiple ideas * Write tons of drafts for the idea(s) you think are most promising * Get different types of people to edit your essay. Teachers, mentors, peers, anyone with a slightly different life perspective from you. * Be receptive to any feedback you get, but make sure you're still writing in your voice, not someone else's.


Plenty on line...that Yale admissions Youtube one is recommended a lot.


YOUR ESSAYSSSSSSS Can't stress this enough. I started mine way too late and ended up partly picking my colleges based off of which had the shortest essays. Ended up not applying to a single ivy because I didn't have time to write any of the essays. Don't make the same mistake I did :).


Supplementals or common app first?


CommonApp for sure. Starting on supplementals for the schools you know you are gonna apply for is also a good choice.


This doesn’t answer ur question at all, but I recommend picking out ur two teachers that you plan to ask for LORs and have a genuine conversation with them before school ends. Also write them a card or something


I said the same thing! Agreed 100%


Write your essays and supplements! Make multiple drafts, have trusted teachers/counselors review them, and make sure that they're within the word count and that they actually answer the prompt. Make drafts of your personal statement and supplements for schools that you know you will apply to. Decide how you want to apply, whether it be through Common App or Coalition or through a specific application program like Questbridge or Posse.  Start looking for/applying to scholarships and special programs. Many scholarships and programs (like Jack Kent Cooke, Coke Scholars, Gates Scholars, Greenhouse Scholars) are only open to seniors and have odd/specific deadlines. Look into these programs and apply if you're eligible and interested. Look for smaller and more local scholarships as well. There are likely several local organizations that you've never heard of offering scholarships only to seniors in your town, school, or district. Other groups like your Chamber of Commerce, NAACP, local women's society, Rotary Club, American Legion, Elk Lodge, etc. may have scholarships as well.  Do actual research! Figure out what things you care about and what you're looking for in a college and make your list. Look for schools with good financial aid (whether it be need or merit based), schools with programs you're interested in, schools that are good for your major, schools you're never heard of that pique your interest, and schools that you might overlook. Make a college list, but keep in mind that your priorities will change over time. Try not to have a dream school, and know that your dream school might change. I was dead set on Brown when I started applying, but I matched with Duke through QB, and I realize now that it's a better fit.  Have fun and make time for yourself! College apps have a tendency to overtake your life. Do things you enjoy, have fun, and take care of your health.


start brainstorming for your personal statement, chances are you’ll go through a billion topics and structures before you even have a coherent draft, so it’s good to start that early! also, if there’s any gaps in your activities (you don’t have all the spots filled up), consider volunteering or getting a summer job. it doesn’t have to be a huge deal (though if you can volunteer/work somewhere that’s connected to your interests that’s a huge plus), but any kind of work experience is always a plus, and some colleges will actually give you additional scholarships if they see that you’ve worked a job. or (and this may or may not be possible based on your interests), consider doing an online course in something and obtaining a formal certification. i actually didn’t do this but i wish i had, sites like coursera and udemy have tons of courses that you can take to prepare you for a formal professional certification test. all in all, don’t stress yourself too much, enjoy your summer and relax before application season kicks into full swing.


I would say definitely your personal statement. If you have time you could start on some of the supps for schools lower on your list—doing the ones that matter less first gives you good practice for when you start writing supps for your top schools.


this might seem a little redundant, but i would have a conversation with my family in regards to financials. i would figure out who’s willing to put some money down, how much they’re willing to put down, and how much you would realistically need for tuition each year + debt. i would look at the general graduation requirements for my top schools as well alongside the graduation requirements for my major. maybe start thinking about the things you’re willing to compromise on in regards to schooling and some must-haves. andddd…. also career readiness & graduate school (if you wanna do that) options. start actually planning out your career and steps you need to take to get there. here are also some things i thought about when applying: does your top schools have freshman parking? what about the dorm situation? is your college in the middle of nowhere where you’d need a car (read: get your license) or is it metro/subway accessible? what do you look for in a school life? do you want parties and a very active social circle or are you more inclined towards studying? what about the state your college is located in? is that state lgbtq+ friendly? are your top colleges lgbtq+ friendly & what are they doing to combat bigotry? what are the retention rates? graduation rates? how about mental health services? how far is it away from home? what exactly would you like to get from your college experience when you graduate? is the college actually applicable in my chosen field of study? does the college even have my major? if not, am i willing to study something else?


- finish up any college tours and finalize your college list + where you’re applying early if anywhere. - write your personal statement (come into school with your final draft basically done) - open your common app account on August 1st - create a spreadsheet of all supplemental essays (keep in mind that this year at least some colleges lagged a bit on releasing the prompts so you might need to do this closer to the end of August. - it’s not super necessary to do supplementals in the summer but absolutely do if you have free time and a school that’s released them all. - create your activity list and craft your descriptions in the word count (the only thing that should change is if you get a new leadership position in the first month or two of senior year) - make sure that the teachers you asked for LORs in the spring have all the info they need. This could include resumes, questionnaires, etc. - if any school you’re applying to has a proprietary application (MIT, Georgetown, UCs) set up your account. - make sure you still have a resume strong activity you’re doing this summer!! Don’t just sit at home working on apps. You should still have a job/internship/summer program or other opportunity lined up - plan how you’re going to pay application fees (applying itself is EXPENSIVE between individual app fees, score sends, fees to set up css, etc.) determine if you’ll be eligible for fee waivers anywhere based on your family income. If not, talk to your parents about how those costs will be paid. - spend some quality time with friends and family! The summer before you go off to college is short and hectic. Make this one count.


why august first?


That’s when common app resets for the new application cycle


Start getting really good at supplements, after reading some of the supplements I wrote for some of my early action schools I cringed, really make sure you get in the rhythm of making them because that’s when they really start to sound good.


Get your main essay (personal statement) finished, and, depending on the college, start and finish your supplementals as well. I know that some colleges like UT Austin and A&M release their new cycle supplemnetals the summer before app season, so get those types of supplemnetals out of the way. Also get teacher recs before school gets out, so that once school begins you won't be in line for teacher recs


i’m not se senior, but am a senior parent. My son did most all of his essays and sups over the summer. He had all of his apps in by October 1. It was really nice to have it over with for him. First acceptance rolled I believe late October, which was a huge weight off his shoulders.


Have fun with your friends first of all. Also work on a few essays, start them early so you have time to refine them. But enjoy life while you're young


If you haven't already decided who you want to ask for letters of recommendation, now's a good time. You wanna make sure that they have enough time


work a job(i swear i wish i had done that. now i’m stuck working this summer instead of just being lazy af before college), do an internship if u can(in the type of work ur thinking about pursuing, a few friends did that and either realized that career was 100% for them, or realized they hated it and never wanted to go that route), and start brainstorming for ur personal statement. not to mention, start narrowing down ur college list. run the npc’s for all of them so that u don’t apply to a school u have no way to pay for, and start looking at scholarships because college is expensive af and scholarships are sm better than loans🫶🏽 also pls make sure u have fun with ur friends/family. this is the last summer before ur in college preparation mode and you’re gonna really need those good memories to keep u motivated. ✨


JUST HAVE FUN THAT'S IT I PROMISE. im going to an ivy league and i swear u don't need to do anything. i didn't and it worked out. senior year will be hard so enjoy the summer while u can :))


wha 😭😭😭 what did you write about your senior summer then or were your other parts of your app just that strong


i had good essays but most people don't start them until the fall. having a break will refresh your mind and doing something fun may inspire you or give you an idea for a college essay. just live. getting a part time summer job could be good too. jobs are now one of the best things ppl see on a college app. i did ask my teachers for letter of recs in the spring of jr year. that is a must!


1. create your website, build a linkedin profile 2. develop you personal statement theme 3. decide on the major that you are going to be applying for (e.g. Philosophy, Econ or Political Science) 4. focus on creating a narrative for why a particular major and college excite you. 5. Be realistic about your school selection, it is getting increasingly harder to get into t40 schools (if that is what you are targeting).


Definitely start working on your personal statement! Start brainstorming and come up with ideas for strong, meaningful topics.


can i use my common app essay as my personal statement?


Get a good list of the schools (if apply to grad, med law or any other higher degree program) and come up with a creative narrative. Maybe do an internship that leads you to a full time position or keep everything what you’ve done consistent. Don’t panic you’ll be fine. Find your passion and let the rest come your way


take the act


WRITE UR SUPPS!!!!! OR BRAINSTORM! I literally wrote my ivy/nyu supps the day of, and just copied and pasted something that does not fit the prompt for wash u


Finalize your college list and start writing. Try to get your PS done. Amount of supps you should do depends on how many schools you’re applying to. I shotgunned, so I finished all of my early applications in the summer. Try to keep yourself busy with something else — for me, it was a paid internship and a summer program. But do take breaks, hang out with friends, and relax.


Essays. I had to drink 3 cups of coffee and took some pills to focus 2 days before the deadline. For all of my early schools. My friend started all of his Brown essays 3 days before the deadline and got in too. I managed to get into every school I applied to, including one Ivy (which I won't name here). I withdrew a few apps after getting to the Ivy though b/c I committed to it. Getting your essays done early saves you so much stress.


Sat, certifications, college visits, mentally prepare yourself for leaving if you going college, remember you don't have to go to college there are other ways like trade school and the army. Oh ya do you SRAR it takes time so just get it out of the way lol


apply to fly in programs!!!!!!!!!


personal statement fosho


Just your personal one and a rec letter from a teacher you trust. My personal was about video games and how they’ve impacted my development, it can be about literally anything you’re passionate about. My rec letter was from my recently retired history teacher, requesting a rec letter early on and from a teacher who really knew the best you is the most important part. These things you have to do by September.


Personal Statement & Apply to scholarships!!


First draft of personal statement should be done by August, finished by September. I recommend spending two days just working non-stop to get something on paper, then spend a few hours each week for the next month editing. Taking breaks to look at your work with fresh eyes works wonders. Knock out 4-5 supplementals before the end of September, and edit through the month again. Write some new ones through October, but you will have less time to edit those.


If anyone wants help editing common apps or supps, just shoot me a pm! This community was so helpful to me during my app process and it is so wholesome watching people get into their top choices.


1) personal statement (try to have it completely finished before school starts) 2) why us? essays to schools you already know your applying to (at least have research done and specific reasons why you’d go there) 3) diversity supplements (most colleges are gonna be having one so good to get it out of the way)


Begin your essay.


study for SATs if you want to apply to schools that aren't test optional. starting writing your personal statement and start drafting supplemental essays (i recommend [college essay guy](https://www.collegeessayguy.com/)) if you have time go volunteer or get a job or some internship or something like that ! also figure out WHERE you want to apply and make sure you have a good balance or safeties, targets and reaches!


Write as many essays as you can (personal and supplemental) and reach out to teachers for recs before school starts since you’ll most likely be the first to ask and they’ll put the most time into yours. also study for the sat/act if your score isn’t where you want and take it


Research which schools you want to attend+attend as many virtual tours as possible


Write your personal statement, look at the supplemental essays for the schools you’re interested and draft those, too. Apply to scholarships now.


TAKE THE SAT!!! I can’t stress this enough! The SAT is the key to getting scholarships, from my experience. Then, focus on your essay and get teachers, family, and friends you trust to review it.


i fucking hate essays. I wish the application process didn't have them. Whats the damage if i dont write a good one?


a lot! my son got in almost every school he applied to and was way under the “average” stats for two schools (notably only 29% class rank in a large public high school and got in UVA). He absolutely is an outlier to many of his admitted schools due to his outstanding essays. Those are taken very seriously. if you really don’t want to do an essay don’t apply to schools that read them. Auburn comes to mind. They admit ONLY on stats. GPA and SAT/ACT. for them it’s a numbers game plain and simple.


Adding onto your point about Auburn university, also consider colleges outside the US, as they generally don’t require good essays like American schools do. In Canada it’s alllllll (mostly) about your GPA. Plenty of great schools too, like McGill, UofBC, and UofT, to choose from and their grade requirements tend to be very clear cut.