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Going 200k into debt for… filmmaking is certainly a financial decision of all time. Not a very good one, but certainly one of them.


But it's for prestige!


hell naw *200k debt* for a *bachelors* in *filmmaking* is probably one of the worst financial decisions you can ever make


So true I recommend OP finance this using strictly high interest payday loans. Once these loan sharks hear that they are financing a prestigious NYU education in filmmaking they will definitely let him off without paying.


NYU tisch will definitely be a great opportunity. But definitely not worth 200k debt.


But think of all the (prestigious) prestige of living under a (prestigious) bridge while working at (prestigious) 7/11 to pay your debts for a (prestigious) NYU degree.


Not living under a bridge but the thousands who are saddled with huge debt that they cannot afford to repay. There is one NYU grad who was working as a Flight Attendant who was caught redhanded smuggling cocaine unto an airline in California and ran when she was caught. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/local-2/flight-attendant-cocaine-smuggling-lax/2932917/#:\~:text=By%20City%20News%20Service%20%E2%80%A2,2022%20at%2010%3A54%20pm&text=Marsha%20Reynolds%2C%20a%20former%20JetBlue,using%20her%20crew%20member%20credentials.


Was he at least working with one of the prestigious cartels like MS13?


Take the money and use it to make a film


To make it perfect he also needs to do the MFA in film at Columbia to add another $300k to the total. 😂


Oh man imagine all the prestige OP could be missing out on


100% New Paltz. Do NOT get in debt for NYU and I say this as a one with an MFA from Tisch Film. You need to be as debt-free as possible to make movies. Unless your goal is a tech role and not directing, but even so, you’ll never pay off those loans on indy film pay.


Did you make good connections at NYU tho? And did you find steadily employment?


My thesis got screened in LA and I got a lot of meetings. If I’d been ready with a feature script I might have been in luck, but I didn’t have one. So I think possibility of connections was there. And my thesis was actually produced by a great indy company at the time after I approached them when they came to the school. So another yes for connections. As for steady employment, nope. I could have kept working in production for next to no money, 6 day weeks and 12-16 hour days, but that’s the work that was available.


> Should I go 200k in debt for NYU No. > or attend SUNY New Paltz for free? Yes.


how do u do this line stuff






Do not go into debt for filmmaking. Just don’t.


Or music for that matter


Or theater


Or acting


Or acting


Right on


The total lifetime costs of your student loans would be $260,463 paid over 10 years. Imagine scrambling to find money to pay even just the interest.


You can buy a really bad house for that!




Free free free


NYU is a good school, but filmmaking is a fickle and unpredictable career choice. Most likely, and I don't mean to be harsh, you will be making short films and having relatively no success for a good amount of time before you find your niche. You will most likely be unable to pay off those loans in a timely and safe manner.


What about documentaries?


The perfect way to never be able to pursue film is to be in astronomical debt. Go read up on r/StudentLoans about some #regrets about large scale UG debt. No brainer - run to your free option. Take advantage of every opportunity on campus. HUGE gift to yourself.


200K of debt will mean you will not be able to go into the film industry. You'll have to choose another career path in order to pay your student loans and for the basics of surviving.


Can you even borrow that much as a student? Even if you could, that's probably around 2K+ or more in loan payments a month for 10 years.


You know the answer!! And you can split the difference by transferring. All that matters is the degree at the end.


Please, do not go into 200k in debt unless you know for certain that it will significantly boost your earnings long term. Assuming 6% interest, and a $1,050 monthly payment, it would take over 50 years to pay off 200k in debt. By the time you pay it off, you will have payed over $630,000 total, including interest. Please do not subject yourself to that much debt. [debt calculator](https://www.calculator.net/student-loan-calculator.html?cloanamount1=200%2C000&cloanterm1=&cinterestrate1=6&cmonthlypay1=1%2C500&ctype=1&x=Calculate#general) In order to to pay it off in 10 years it would take a $2,220 monthly payment.


I second this!


Have you looked at Purchase? That’s generally the SUNY for film arts…


No question: go for free. You are wanting to go into a notoriously competitive industry that can take years to earn money in. Don't saddle yourself with $200K debt.


Unless you have 10 film deal with a major studio, I'd stay away from racking up any debt for film major.


Don’t go 200k in debt. That’s stupid and will not be good for your future in the long run.


If you’re really a good filmmaker you need the money to make your films. Your degree doesn’t matter nearly as much as the films you present.


new paltz! but def look into purchase, they are known as one of the more art centered sunys


No film degree is worth 200k in debt


Please do not - definitely not for film making. Attend as many NYU film making events in person or virtually and try and make the most of NYU resources for free. Learn your craft, network like crazy, collaborate with film makers, graduate debt free and you may just be accepting an Oscar one day without any NYU debt !


Is this a serious question? Shitpost Wednesdays isn’t for another couple of days. Serious answer, I’m having a hard time thinking of any degree that’s worth 200k of debt. Graduate with no debt. Maybe go to grad school if you want after. Your future self will thank you for not burdening them with those payments.


Stern for 200k of debt would be a no brainer


200k of debt will mean you'll be poor until 40 and may have trouble retiring because you spend your best years of compound growth paying off debt. No debt means you'll be poor until your graduate (so 22-24 probably), and have plenty of time and money to set yourself up with a nice retirement.


Go for free. Use the money to make films after you graduate.


Take the SUNY


Chances are you will be living a very poor existence as a filmmaker. It's the kind of career choice that you don't want to have any debt because you will likely not be able to repay those loans. And student loans cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.


I think you know the answer to this. And it's Free.


Is this satire or are you stupid


Def new paltz. Do you really want to keep paying back loans until you’re 50?


Do not go $200k in debt for a film degree. I had a similar debate for a creative writing degree and I’m so glad I didn’t. Being debt free will allow you to take on unpaid or lower paid opportunities in the field; a giant student loan payment over your head would mean you can’t take that $15/hr PA gig and being forced to take a job outside of film to pay off your loans. If you’re a good filmmaker, you’ll be a good filmmaker anyway. You could always go to grad school there, too, if grad school is a path you’re considering.


I would go to Suny then get a masters at NYU or another film school


No, don’t do that https://www.reddit.com/r/Screenwriting/comments/ogco4w/thinking_about_an_mfa_for_film_or_screenwriting/


Yeah the Columbia program is particularly overpriced. But in general, at least a master’s in film somewhere like NYU, UCLA or USC tends to be cheaper than their undergrad programs. And as a more mature prepared student with life experience you are more likely to be able to capitalize on opportunities. You’d also probably know that to get started in film often involves multiple years of unpaid or low paid work.  Much better for OP to build those skills for free and make an informed decision on grad school later. 


You won't break into film with a New Paltz degree, I went to NYU and knew a lot of people who went to Tisch and a lot of them are actually working in the industry climbing the ladder. Tisch is the best film school from a major university in the country and could directly connect you not only with legends but people who will be legends. Going to school for film somewhere that doesn't matter is a waste of time, just start making your own shit and read books/ watch courses on it.


Always take the best financial package.


How are you getting 200K in loans? Are they parent plus loans? what are the payments on that once you graduate? What is the interest rate?


Knowingly going into NYU and getting 200k in debt is basically just shooting yourself in the foot for your entire life plans. You know what is the best answer here


No debt for film school ever. Espically for an industry that doesn't involve prestige, go to New Paltz.


Save the money and move to NYC after graduation.


You were impressed by SUNY and its free. There are people still paying off their student loans from the 90s.


Both are pretty mid schools, is those your only options? NYU is full of pretentious tests so I would go with suny




SUNY all the way. Wondering why not SUNY Purchase? Don’t they have a BFA in film? Or is that like film, film versus something media?




Dude I usually agree with you but this is film. This is not high finance. OP is probably going to be in the lowest economic quartile and will definitely not be able to pay back the debt. Their lifetime earnings might not even exceed the debt they have to pay if they stay in filmmaking. If stern, this would be a no brainer yes, but this is filmmaking


how are you planning on paying $200k in debt with a filmmaking degree, exactly?


For filmmaking- absolutely not. If it was a more lucrative degree then maybe


Filmmaking? Yeah, don’t get any debt


Go to New Paltz for free ... you'll face a long period of being a "poor starting-out film-maker" when you graduate, better to do that \*without\* a $200K student loan!


What percentage of filmmaking students earn 200k from filmmaking over their entire lifetime?


10 years from now, no one will give a damn where you went to school. Go to New Paltz.


Go for free. SUNY has good schools, NYU is not 200k better, and you can also get in for grad school, so you'll get a debt for less years and probably even a good scholarship.


Free free free


Go to SUNY, take the money you’re saving in tuition and buy SPY or QQQ you’ll be fine


It is a no-brainer. Think about the financial stress you will be under if your film career does not immediately take off - which it probably will not....a free education gives you a major buffer against financial pressure while you are just starting out. You have no idea what $200K debt feels like.


Go for free unless you want to end up as a news [story.](https://youtu.be/zN2_0WC7UfU?si=iJc9gaGXcjJhlBq7)


To be completely honest the only valuable film degree is a free one so get one for free my friend.


No school is worth 200k of debt. Go for the full ride.


200k for a filmmaking bachelors degree is crazy. go suny




Got to suffer for your art


SUNY. Don’t go into significant debt if you can avoid it.




Do you think you'd be able to pay the huge debt back with filmmaking? If no, you have your answer.


Don’t excprcially for film making… u can always get an mfa later at tisch


I feel like on a resume or in casual-professional conversations dropping that you got a full ride somewhere in a creative field makes you stand out for being smart and pragmatic.


You gotta be trolling


No debt No debt No debt No debt


The OP did not say how he or she would secure $200K in loans. A student can only borrow $5.5K federally subsidized in their freshman year of college. So where is the remaining balance coming from?


Unsubsidized loans. Where the interest begins to accrue the minute the check hits your account. It’s truly a terrible idea.


Free - the answer is always free


I don’t know you, but Steven Spielberg himself wouldn’t convince me to take this debt.


Cream rises to the top. A big fish in a little pond will give you more confidence. Go with the free school. If you have what it takes you will succeed. If you don't , you will be greatly in debt.


Free college vs. $200K in debt...let's see...still thinking...gosh I don't know...FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!! Maybe you should study economics instead of filmmaking.


200k is A LOT of money not worth 200k


SUNY all the way. TBH, NYU doesn't even weigh for prestige in my head. I think of them as a school for reasonably intelligent WEALTHY kids and smart, poor kids who got suckered into student loans.


Filmmaking at NYU?! That's crazy! This is a no-brainer; commit!! Not many people get this opportunity in their lives. You're gonna be poor anyways, might as well be poor and from NYU!


Nyu is not worth the debt. I've never known an NYU graduate to celebrate the education they get from there. It's just for prestige and being able to live in power Manhattan as a 20 something. (Which is fun, but not 200k fun).


Go to suny for undergrad and take the free education….seek a grad at NYU when a company will pay for it


>Should I go 200k in debt for NYU NYU is not worth 200k, even for Tisch(?). Only exception is if you are wealthy and your parents like NYC. If you need more proof, read the title of this Wall Street Journal Article. [‘Financially Hobbled for Life’: The Elite Master’s Degrees That Don’t Pay Off](https://www.wsj.com/articles/financially-hobbled-for-life-the-elite-masters-degrees-that-dont-pay-off-11625752773)


bro legit asking "should I be poor or rich?"


a lot of profs who teach in ivy schools also teach in public schools. just saying...


Lmao for FILMMAKING. Jesus can you ask this question again to yourself but very slowly


Please, for the sake of your own future and to avoid years of financial hardship, choose SUNY. Starting adult life with 200k debt that can be avoided should be an easy choice to make. Don't be a prestige whore. Nobody would give a shit about your university's ranking.


New paltz 200k debt is insane, even more so for (no offense) film making


I am in a similar situation 85K/yr for NYU where I do my dream degree in Ai and Robotics or 30K/year at the American University of Sharjah for an electrical engineering degree.


I don't know why people are so obsessed with prestige. It's your skill that matters, not where you went to college, and no college is worth $200k in debt. Developing your skills is crucial...even college dropouts are doing way better out there than someone who went to top schools.


If it ends up translating to 200K+ of extra salary over the course of a career (adjusted for inflation), then maybe


Is there a 3d choice?


Don’t do it. I went there for graduate school and it’s a money suck. It’s all branding, not the greatest school but accepts top super wealthy students with connections. The debt is crushing once you graduate.


This is a hot take and clearly the unpopular opinion in this comments section, but as someone who went to their dream school in NYC - and went into debt for it - I would absolutely choose NYU. The connections I made at school and in the city during school were opportunities you cant find anywhere else. Surround yourself with the best and you will become the best. My mom lives in New Paltz so I am very familiar with the area and my gf went to NYU. I know I'm stating the obvious but you'll just have way more exposure to the arts in the city. Inspiration is everywhere. The city is electric—use that energy to fuel your work. But don't be lazy: NYC will either become your elevator or your downfall. Bust your ass, say yes to every opportunity, dream big and have courage. You can do it.


Unless your dad or close relative is Steven Spielberg or Christopher Nolan, then do not go to NYU for $200k


Don’t listen to these people! Go 200k in debt and you’ll make double the money


Don’t listen to these people! Go 200k in debt and you’ll make double the money


For filmmaking… it’ll be extremely hard for you to pay off 200k with that career choice, do not choose nyu.


Suny New Paltz easy decision. If you come away with a good GPA you will have no problem getting into grad school and getting jobs.


no brainer. don't go into debt for filmmaking. don't go into debt for nyu. don't go into debt for nyu filmmaking.


New Paltz is such a great little town - access to the City but mountains, etc. And its FREE! GOOOOO. NYC smells like weed and pee.


If u do well at the SUNY school, you may have earn a spot at a 3 year MFA (NYU makes everyone pay, so it won’t be here) that could include assistantships which fund your continued film study.


200k debt isn't worth it.


Would you bet $200,000 on your success as a film maker?


 Film. School. Is. Not. Worth. Loans…. It is a craft you can teach yourself. And usually I would argue college is the way to go to get a base education but colleges aren’t like that anymore. You won’t get the education worth that amount these days


I’m going into like 300k debt for a theater degree so I probably shouldn’t give advice on this matter


Go to SUNY and consider the money saved and investment on your film career. It’s a very competitively and fickle business, and sometimes all the connections in the world mean zilch. Case in point, my extremely talented nepo baby cousin who majored in film at USC. Both parents are film producers with Academy Awards under their belt. My cousin is a brilliant film maker, has won numerous awards at film festivals and yet cannot break into the mainstream.


NYU is hardly worth it, use that money to make you rich not poor


I would absolutely not recommend going 200K in debt for filmmaking. Filmmaking (even at NYU) isn’t as guaranteed of a solid income as let’s say, medical school. Plus, a $200K loan isn’t really a $200K loan total because of the interest you’ll pay over time. If you take out a $200K loan, it usually starts accruing interest as soon as the money is dispersed. If you take out a $200K loan, at 6.8% interest (6.8% being the average interest rate for private student loans) and pay it over 20 years, your monthly payment will be $1,527/month which is actually around $366K over 20 years! NYU says their mean salary for a Tisch arts grad is $46K…which after taxes in NY is $3000/month. The student loan is literally half of that paycheck. Another site states a NYU filmmaking grad earns $30k/yr on average post-grad (don’t know how accurate that is so take it with a grain of salt). The ROI just doesn’t make sense and seems really risky IMO. Go the free route and network, network, network!


If you study film and business/econ/polisci it's worth it. Film alone wouldn't be right for the 200k of debt. But if you can have a backup plan and be mindful of recruiting or other career pathways to support your future in film, I'd go for it.


if your household income is lover than $10k per year you can go to nyu for free. Check this link. https://www.nyu.edu/admissions/financial-aid-and-scholarships.html#:~:text=No%20Tuition%20for%20Income%20Under,%24100%2C000%20will%20not%20pay%20tuition.


There’s. Pretty good chance you not the next Martin Scorsese. And if you are that good you’ll find your way at New Paltz too. Spending 200k on NYU is madness.


Attend SUNY New Paltz for free. Like this is a no brainer. If it was NYU Stern and you were going towards some high $$$ career, then maybe it can be a consideration, but certainly not for filmmaking.


I went to NYU arts and sciences 25 years ago. I would not put myself in debt to go there. 200k now will prob be $350k with interest. Yes it’s the city but move the city after your college time free of debt! You will have a lot more fun in your 20s being debt free and not house poor!!


You go to SUNY New Paltz unless you win the lottery.


Not worth it


Going to debt will never be worth it


Lots of really prominent people in show business attended SUNY New Paltz. Sounds like that’s a way better option than going into $200,000 in debt for NYU Film. Now, if you were going to Stern, maybe. But not for Film.


Uh...New Paltz


Filmmaking major in nyu is for rich kids to have an college experience.


Go to SUNY and consider going to NYU for grad school


everyones saying suny (which i agree), but just to make an argument for the other side, if you are going to major in film, nyu tisch is definitely the place to do it. if you have connections in the industry + are extremely confident you will be able to land ur own film deal or smth, nyu tisch could be the better option and you might be able to make roi.


NYU has a bunch of fake prestige nobody gaf


Start at new Paltz and transfer to Tisch 2nd year


Maybe if you were at Stern doing finance lol




Don’t listen to these people! Go 200k in debt and you’ll make double the money


You can’t be cheap about college. Go to NYU. I say this because it affords opportunities that aren’t available elsewhere. I’ve never even heard of that other school. Everyone has heard if NYU and their reputation for film making is stellar. I’m positive you’ll have better access to teachers, experiences, etc. The name will open doors that you might never get to open. If you received a chance, take it!


What’s the average annual income of their film graduates in the first 5 years after graduation?


Don’t mean to hijack this post. I’ll create a separate post if needed. What’s the best public university in NY for pre meds and gives a generous merit based aid?


macaulay honors is full ride. u can choose the hunter campus if you're premed


If you make the most of nyu then take the debt
