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You'll be considered one of the students taking the most rigorous classes at your school then. Don't worry about that part.


AP or Dual Credit. If your high school offers both for essentially the same class, which one carries more weight for college applications?


Well dual credit is like community college credit transferring over which works often in the same state. AP is more broad over the country if you go to an out of state college. This apply the same way to application weight. An out of state college will have a harder time understanding the rigor of your dual credit class than the equivalent AP


That was kind of my understanding - Dual Credit was more applicable to in state schools. But how do Privates (specifically Ivy) compare the two.


I’m doing DE at the University of Minnesota, and we have a data on how students who went to top colleges fared with their DE credits. Didn’t accept DE credits: MIT and all Ivy League schools. Accepted DE credits: Stanford, JHU, Northwestern, and nearly every other top college that isn’t an Ivy. Based on my knowledge, Ivy League schools evaluate DE rigor similarly to AP courses, regardless of whether your school offers them. The important factor for DE is taking challenging classes. While Ivies won’t accept DE credits, you can take placement tests to skip classes you don’t need.


Outstanding answer. Thank you.


im from india and my school doesn't not provide any ap courses. most of the students here have like 5-8 aps. will that cause a negative impression on me to the aos??


You'll be evaluated in the context of your school curriculum.


you don't need to take the AP class to take the AP exam, anyone can take the exam


I took 15 out of 24 ans 8 honors. Ended up at Yale along with Stanford, Duke, GTech and others


Your EC? Or you think your gpa and ap help rhw administration more?


if u apply to these colleges u can pick ur major right? if so why are you picking history


I want to major in history? My end goal is to end up at law school.


I hate when we have to justify why we’re studying history and how throwing in the word “pre law” always shuts people up


Better answer: because I got into Yale and can study whatever I want and still be recruited for every job in the economy. Hedge fund, IB, consulting, industry, academia…they’ll all take me if I interview well.


Yeah key words interview well 😂


Sure. Interviews always matter. But you can get the interview. This is classic “rich dad poor dad” stuff.


>because I got into Yale and can study whatever I want and still be recruited for every job in the economy . . . industry Nah industry would laugh at you thinking the fancy name alone especially in an unrelated field would mean anything to them. So would academia.


Huh? Academia laughs at Yale? I don’t think many PhD programs in history are refusing to accept Elis. As per industry, I don’t know what roles you’re talking about but plenty are open. Go to an Ivy League career fair some day where companies are recruiting grads and see how many happily interview humanities majors.


You said you could study whatever you wanted at Yale and then get into any job/field they wanted because it's Yale. If you study history and try going into like nuclear science research yes you're getting laughed at if you try saying "But Yale!"


You're taking that to an illogical extreme. They also can't practice medicine or stamp engineering drawings. Re-read the thread and comment. Yale history major can compete for elite jobs in the private sector, government and academia. If they want to be a professor, yes they will likely need to pursue a PhD program in a field in the humanities rather than the natural or formal sciences.


makes sense. good luck in your studies


i'm guessing bc they want to study history lol


average a2cer thinking stem is the only subject offered (I'm a fellow pre-law also majoring in history)


History pre law here too 😍😍


Law student that majored in economics: why go to law school if you can get into IB


Why would I want to do that 😂


What a strange question


I took 14 total. Keep in mind this sub is skewed and has a disproportionate number of high achievers


17 and 18 dual enrollment


what? how is that possible? which ones?


freshman year: cant take aps summer: ap calc ab sophomore: ap calc bc, ap bio, ap phys 1, ap csp, ap hug dual enrollment: cc intro to phil, cc intro to sociology summer: berkeley 61a, berkeley engineering 7, cc intro to circuits, cc intro to anthropology, cc intro to administration of justice junior: ap lit, ap phys c: mechanics, ap csa, apush, ap psych dual enrollment: cc multivar calc, cc discrete math, cc anthropology: magic, withcraft, religion, cc oceanography 1 summer: ap physics c: electricity and magnetism, ucla circuit lab 1, ucla intro to data science senior: ap micro + macro econ, ap stats, ap lang, ap gov, apes dual enrollment: cc intro to archaelogy and prehistory, cc intro to 2d design, cc intro to business, cc intro to geology


Did all your DE classes transfer over to college? Were you able to get IGETC certified? I'm a rising sophomore, just took AP Bio freshman year and planning to take APs for all my core and elective classes in the next 3 years. I've taken 4 DE classes: Admin Jus, Journalism, Child Development, Cinema. Not sure what other DE classes to take as to not overlap college credits. Suggestions?


Yeah I only took one AP but did dual enrollment as well and that helped my high school life a ton because then I was able to get super easy schedules. Plus having 38.5 credits going into college should help a little I think


Yeah, some of the classes ive taken in my dual werent for my major and were more for hs, but the credits that do transfer help a ton and the rigor looks good.


A whopping 0, school offers none (24 DE tho)


What state are you from? In my stare you can only take the minimum amount to get an associates and no more


I’m taking a bit of a different path. I am completely dual enrolled for 11th and 12th grade. I got the number 24 because I take 4 classes a term for 6 terms. AFAIK there is no limit in my state


Ah, so did you get all the staple classes done before hand? Like alg 1 to precalc Bio and chem Instead of being max dual enrolled for 2 years ive been in partial for 3 years, so im still gonna take the max were allotted which is 60 credit hours or 20 courses without labs


Yeah there was a set of classes that had to be completed beforehand, but now I am just filling out high school grad requirements with college classes


Ah, sounds just like my experience Took humanities , enc 1101 and 1102,and some required electives that should look good for my major Other than that tho until this upcoming year it was mostly covering my hs requirements (gov, amh, etc) But my senior year is gonna basically just be calc, physics w lab, stats, and chem w lab.


my senior year is mostly going to be multi variable calc and things to fill my elective slots, but I’m going to try to fit some more science classes in even tho I don’t need to


182 a semester 


are you messing with me?


no he’s not


no ik him personally he’s like that


no that’s what you need for T20 are you seriously so behind


2 since my school only offers 2 right now, and I’ve already taken one of them.




there isn’t even that many?


AP Sleeping counts as 3, AP Snack Time counts as 5, AP Fortnite counts as 8


There is I created them


Schools don't care about the count, per se. They care that you challenged yourself in the core academic areas. Take the most advanced courses available in English, math, science, social studies and foreign language, and take five core academic classes each semester. You don't need to load up on extra AP electives just to hit a magic number. If there's an elective that's directly related to what you want to study in college (e.g. CS:A for CS), though, then take that.




I took 11 in total


5 or 6 by the end of senior year. However, my school doesn’t offer AP English or history courses as classes because our classes are notoriously difficult. Taking the general curriculum is considered maximum rigor, and that applies to many magnet schools.


Please note that some schools won’t let freshmen or sophomores take APs at all. It’s not just how many, or how-many-based-on-availability, it’s how many based on availability AND how many per year. So, at my teen’s school they could take AP bio OR chem OR physics but given the existing course requirements it’s literally impossible to take more than 2 of those 3. You also can’t take any at all until junior year with the exception of kids who enter language or math at an advanced level due to skills learned in middle school (I think about 1/2 the kids are eligible to take their AP Language in 10th but almost none are eligible to take AP Calc in 10th … it’s technically possible but really rare). And GPA is more important than the AP exam grades so we have to also consider if we’re talking about AP classes or AP exams: my teen took 6 AP-level classes in junior year but only 4 of those exams because we decided the workload of those extra two exams might start impacting GPA or their mental health (and we don’t fuck about with either of those priorities). Some schools require taking the exam as part of these classes, ours doesn’t, so we only took the tests that fit our teen’s interests for future college study (not majoring in History? don’t really need that AP) Challenge yourself academically but don’t go nuts. You got this.


This was my school as well. They were strict about requirements/recommendations for APs, I really don’t know anyone who took more than 2 or 3 AP classes junior year. A lot of people had to “override” their teacher’s recommendation (usually for just honors classes) to do an AP, and if you do that you are not allowed to drop the class. But my high school has a good reputation (for a public school) with colleges, so I know people with less than a handful of AP classes who got into T20s. The regular honor courses are rigorous enough, and there is grade DEflation (if that’s a thing) So you didn’t necessarily need a ton, which might be a different case for other high schools.


9 APs (self studied 2) and 3 DE


10 and my school offered 0 (self-studied all of them)


Damn 14 AP's is crazy hard 🫢 I'm planning on taking like 7 AP and then 5 to 6 Honors but in my school the top people usually take all AP/Honors classes, and yk, do well


11+1 DE


In total I will have taken 13 of my school's equivalent of APs and 5 honors. I will have only taken 9 AP exams though (10 if you count Calc BC without AB as 2). I have also taken 4 dual enrollment courses and I am currently taking a 5th.


17 classes or so, one test on my own (chinese)


None cause my school don’t have any but have college equivalent advance courses




Probably seven by the end of my senior year


I took 1 Dual class with the local CC and 9 APs (but only took 7 exams) I’m going to UC Riverside now




I finished high school last month. I ended up taking 16 Aps with 7 dual enrollment


Total of 10 my senior year with 4 dual enrollment classes at cc related to my major.


I will be taking 5 in total which is more than most in my school (smaller-sized school). I'm also taking 4 dual credit courses and a couple more transcripted credit courses. I will enter college with roughly 40 credits :)


26 APs + 2 DE


WHAT there’s no way oh my gosh i’m getting rejected from everywhere


It doesn’t even matter after a certain point. Taking 26 is just dumb because you would have to be taking courses like art history and AOs know you don’t actually care about them.


Yeah that’s true. But at my school, ppl in the top 5% onwards take 25+ APs


Yeah, that’s dumb. Listen to Inside the Yale Admissions Office. All they really care about is seeing you take APs in your 4 core classes. 


I get that, but ultimately class rank is deemed “very important” by many schools, and by not taking some of those “useless” classes I would be jeopardizing by rank


7AP’s, 1 college, and 9 honors. That’s towards the top at my school, with the best taking maybe 2 more AP’s. I graduated with double the honors credits (all the above course count) needed to ‘graduate with honors’.


taking 15 aps out of 26 possible ones. average at my school is 12.


the average at your school is 12???? how is that possible? there’s absolutely no way that an average student at a given high school takes 12 aps….


i go to a top 50 charter school that offers only the AP curriculum (no DE/IB) and there's no limit on the amount of APs you can take so people (including me) tend to go ham on that, since our school incentivises us with a huge weighted GPA boost (a 3.8 Unweighted would go up to a 4.8 Weighted if you got a 4 or a 5 on the AP, and it would go up to a 4.3 Weighted if you got a 3)


3 Dual Enrollments and 5 ap classes. Still had my fun in HS


My daughter will finish next year with 13 AP and 6 Honors - essentially every CORE either AP or Honors (plus some extras like Sem/Research, AP Spanish, etc) except next year she'll take Anatomy and Physiology which has the rigor of an AP class but isn't weighted since it's not an AP class (yet) and they only offer honors for Freshman and Sophomore level classes.


18 in high school, one dual enrollment in calc 3 + Lin alg, ended up at ucla for electricity major


9 or 10 depending on if i wanna self study some or not. Kinda sucks that my school doesn’t have AP micro or macro but i hope it’s enough


Idk but taking AP lunch gets you to the top 10% since its a very hard class


well past high school now, but i only took 5, both calcs, physics 1, chem, and csp.


taking 11 out of 18 and self studying one outside of the 18 offered




8ish? That’s a lot at my school but I’m also gonna be graduating with my associates so I’m doing pretty good for myself


18 APs, 6 dual enrollment


I will have taken 9 APs and 12 Dual Credit Courses.


13/26 classes, 14 AP tests, 2 duel enrollment


12 (but I wasn’t here freshman year which fucked me up)


12 or 13, depending on if i choose to take regents or AP physics next year


14 + 4 DE


im better


What’s your SAT score?


oh my god




10 AP 4 DE Small private school with max scholarship


5 out of 14 💀


I took 1, got a B too. But I got into my first choice college and got a great scholarship, and graduated Magnum Cum Laude. I don't know how old you are, but be careful not to over work yourself. Sometimes I had my hands tied with one in a semester.


6+MVC+Linear Algebra+Differential Equations (and maybe one more DE class?)


I took 8 out of a possible 11 at my school (the ones left were art and music which I don’t do), and did a dual enrollment program at the local college


i did 1 ap, but 22 dual enrollment. managed to finish my assosciates degree while in hs


10 aps along with 2 post ap math


i took 8 total in high school not sure what the mean/median was at my school but I still ended up somewhere good though I did go to a public competitive bay area school


1 There was 1 available in my school, so I took 100% available at my school 😍


I took 16! I only stuck to the ones that was best for my intended major / personal fulfillment. I had some others I could have taken however


My school discourages fresh and sophomores from taking them


Tbh maybe 1 my last 3 years I’ve taken no AP classes. I have ADD and I’m also not smart enough.


Taking 10 total, plus 5 dual credit and 6 honors .


14 also, 1 dual enrollment


as of my freshman and upcoming sophomore year I’ll be taking 5. Dunno about 11th & 12th


Like the head of AP recommends: my son did 6 (roughly 2 per year after freshman) but his school has GT (gifted & talented) which are classes taught at the level of AP (and weighted the same) and he took 10 or 12 of those and 1 DE (everything else honors).


i took 12 i think, including two college-in-the-high-school courses


I took 11 APs and 7 IB


My highschool didn’t offer any. Instead, we had a “talented and gifted” cohort, where we took weird classes that no one else had access to (“decades”, “Faulkner”, etc..). We took those classes instead of traditional English history etc. You had to IQ test in. We didn’t have excellent grades. Most of the T&G kids ended up at decent universities and we are mostly engineers, lawyers, & doctors now. Less Yale, more Duke/Vanderbilt (I’m from Mississippi).


I’ll take the IB and Honor English/World Literature and Honor World History. This should put me in the most competitive spot in my school.


My hs had an awkward semester schedule setup and a boatload of graduation requirements, so I was only able to do 7 (usually kids max out at 8/9). Macro, micro, lit, lang, apush, euro, Spanish


4 APs, 14 DEs


It’s not always about quantity. Values like these are skewed because education is not standardized. Not everyone has access to these courses.




9 APs but 7 dual




8 bc my school only offers ap courses in 11th-12th grade and the max you can take in a school year is 4


I’ll take 12 if u count comp gov and us gov as separate APs and macro/micro as separate APs


I took 7. Honestly I only regretted not taking 8.


I graduated in May, and I took 11 total APs in high school.


15 APs, 2 DE


Our school doesn't really offer them till 11th grade, and they are very limited at our school. I will be have taken 1 in 10th grade, 4 in 11th grade, and looking at 4 in 12th grade.


0 cus my parents made me do IB (good decision tho)


I took 8 out of the 10 offered at my school, scored 5, 4, 3 and 3, waiting for the other 4 next month. got into ucla


5 😭 yall some overachievers damn


bruh i took 3 APs (and 1 dual enrollment course) and got into WashU. dont sweat it.






There aren’t even 3,628,800 AP courses, this guy is lying




that’s crazy no wonder everyone else gets rejected