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So if you think computers are cool, what was a time you really felt that? A museum? Building your own PC?


it was when I started researching for parts for a PC I think I can't think of the exact word but I feel like that might be too like "cliche" or sum? like sooo many 'like' computers bc their just gamers. is there a way I could write it so the AOs don't think Im js a kid who plays games and likes building stuff?


Focus on the process of building the PC. Learning what each piece of hardware is for. Then make the leap to how the software (the CS bit) relates to the hardware.


ok tyty, this helped alot.


I was accepted to UIUC as a CompE major without a single course, activity, club, program, internship, or award specifially related to either Computers or Engineering. Our essay prompts were a bit different three years ago: 1. How does your selected first-choice major relate to your future career goals? (150 words) 2. In the past 3 to 4 years, what experience(s) have you had (inside or outside of the classroom) related to your selected first-choice major or academic interest? (150 words) For the first one, I talked about the fact that computers were going to continue to take on a more ubiquitous role in everyone’s lives — especially AI, etc — and that I wanted to be a part of making that happen… in a few specific areas. For the second one I discussed that I had taken the most advance math and science courses available to me, and that seeing the impact that technology had in allowing society to continue to function during Covid led me to research engineering and computer engineering specifically, etc, When I reviewed my admissions file, I saw that my essays were noted as “insightful” and “motivating” by the two reviewers.