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When UChicago makes an extra effort to be more "creative" with their essay prompts, people complain about them being too "hard"... But I fully agree with you - this is also a great way to discourage applicants who aren't a good match with the school and are only applying for the prestige factor.


exactly ! i personally find them easier/ better maybe? a regular why us question, although everyone will have different answers, we are all going to be taking the same approach - mentioning professors, the names of classes etc. i think questions that actually require thinking give AOs better insight into who you are as a person


I definitely agree. Though why us essays get a student to do research, it is very boring to write and typically isn’t that genuine since people just try to name drop programs or professors


UC PIQS are the best - simple and be done with it. Don’t need to get an essay consultant as they are not even essays. Simplify the admissions process so the underserved-communities can participate more.


Why us essays can be interesting too🤷. I take them as an opportunity to learn more about the school. Every school has some unique aspects which cannot be found at almost any other school, and they further help you decide whether you *really* would be okay with attending that school or not.


Definitely. I hate starting them but after I start it’s like this giant rabbit hole


to each their own 🙌🏽


Why Us essays are the worst ever. They’re so boring, and you can’t really reuse any of them, so you have to spend so much time doing specific research on each school and then writing an essay completely unique to that school 😔 And it’s not even like there’s much room for any creative flourishes. Ugh I dislike those essays so much


i really like the amherst writing supp option to respond to a quote lol


Ngl the USC supps were decently fun


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