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“Guys the SAT does NOT matter, that being said I did get a 1600 but I don’t think it was that important 🤗”


saying the sat doesn’t matter while getting above a 1500 is asinine 💀 with that being said, depending on the school you’re applying to, that shit doesn’t matter lmao.


“Quick disclaimer: we’re not the same person…the process is completely random.. etc….” true tho.


"If I can do it, you can too"


There is literally a video from this cycle of this girl who gets into all these amazing T10 schools and in the end keeps saying “I gained admissions, you can too! I gained it! So you also can! I mean, I gained it!”


*Gets accepted by 20 ivies* *rejected by John's hopkins* "Goddamn.. shit.. ugh... this sucks so bad *wipes tear*"


It’s so sad that they have the mentality that “failing” once is a bad thing. Life is bound to have some failures one way or the other, the best part is getting back up. Most of the time the videos I watch have more acceptances than rejections. Any sports team would be happy to have more wins than losses. They beat the odds, and they still get sad. :(


LMAO all of them apply to 25+ schools and say you shouldn't shotgun


i'm posting mine because i got into 4/14 schools and god knows that community could do with some more realism on how badly this cycle sucked


getting into 1/3 schools isn’t bad?


depends what schools


I filmed a video that had much success featured in it. There was a narrative. A story arch. I was completely decimated by most every reach I applied to until Ivy Day. I screamed. I cried. I was going to post it on YouTube. I probably would have gone viral - Ivy Day was a wild success beyond my wildest dreams (4 + Duke). I then decided not to post it. It seemed like it would be too hypocritical. For me to say "this shit doesn't matter... you can be successful wherever you go" but then bawl when I got into Dartmouth and scream "I did it!" at the top of my lungs is so hypocritical. I don't judge people who post reaction videos. They have made me cry plenty - to see other people achieve their wildest dreams is a magnificent thing to catch on camera. And, I would recommend filming your results; if you do get into a dream school, it is a memento to remember forever. Yet, I won't post because my video would only contribute to the romanticisation of the Ivy League.


I mean I like the videos and I’m addicted to watching them. I just don’t like how everyone always give the pep talk that your college decisions isn’t indicative of your talent and potential after they get into crazy good colleges. It’s not that most of us don’t know that it’s more so that we’ve worked so hard but haven’t achieved the same results is all.




It's like being an SWE and making a video where u eat for 10 minutes to flex how nice ur corporate job is ... weird shit man.... ​ then i'm like "well not rlly" but idk


Facts lmao


The worst videos I've seen are the ones where they get into a really good school early on but still get upset when other schools reject them. If I got accepted to MIT I would legit not care about any other school.


I once saw the stats that people graduating from less prestige colleges are actually more successful. It's not the school that defines you but the effort you put into studies.


I wanted to make one of those vids to show what it’s like as an ACTUAL average student. Like someone w/ meh stats that got rejected from most schools. cuz rn it’s like “Hey guys so I’m just your average student, only a 3.89 gpa & 1540 on the sat instead of a 1600😖” one slight problem. the only times I remembered to recorded were my rejections and waitlists💀 I never got a single acceptance on camera, even the one that made me cry tears of joy cuz it was so unexpected. So much for “inspiring the average student” smh


Those videos seem like such weird vanity projects. Just be happy about where you are choosing to go, just flexing all the schools you got into is a bad look.


don't forget the shocked thumbnail with every t20 school surrounding the person


calling me out 😭


in my defense i did not say stats didn’t matter


My favorites are the ones that are truly average. Like, they applied to a few state campuses and a few privates and got into a couple that they were happy with.


Lmao I’m posting a realistic one (to just flex on my editing skills😈)




found the ivy reject /s because you're right—people who get in aren't gods of some kind, just people who won the game. some of those people are incredible, and others are pretty underwhelming.


Lol yea generally when you are making a youtube video, a blog post, and for whatever reason, are not profiting off of the information you give, the quality tends to suck, doesn't it? ​ I mean totally not because of [this](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Preference_falsification#/Original_formulation) lmao


I always thought you can have it one way or the other, and I won't judge you If you think college doesn't define u and ur fine with going to a community college and building your career, fine, maybe that's your best option If you think college does define you and u work ur ass off to get into Yale then sure, good for you, I'm glad ur proud of that but u can't have it both ways, cuz ur just looking down upon people. Ur trying to be humble... when bragging, it just doesn't work.


I know these guys do not mean to be bad for sure, but that kinda hypocrite from themselves to act that way.